Vista de los detalles de la actividad

Título: WIPO Training of Trainers Program on Intellectual Property for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Descripción: In his letter of May 28, 2012 (copy attached), Mr. Safet Sula, General Director, General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks (ALPTO), requested WIPO to organize, in cooperation with ALPTO and the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, a Training of Trainers on Intellectual Property for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), in Tirana, on September 17 and 18, 2012. Creating necessary human resources in Albania for promoting the use of intellectual property (IP) among SMEs. Further promote and disseminate the WIPO Tools for Countries in Transition
Tipo: Misión
Ámbito temático de la P.I.: Industrial Property
Sector de la OMPI: Department for Transition and Developed Countries
Fecha desde: 17/09/2012 - 18/09/2012
Ciudad en que se celebró la actividad: Tirana
Lugar/País anfitrión: Albania
Actividad celebrada en el idioma: inglés

Países beneficiarios/participantes

Nombre del país Nº de miembros/participantes
Número total de participantes:  0


Nombre del responsable/solicitante Tipo de responsable/solicitante
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Nombre del organizador Tipo de organizador
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO
Directorate of Patents and Trademarks Institution
Union on Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania Institution