Participation in the IGC is open to WIPO member states and accredited inter-governmental (IGO) and non-governmental (NGO) organizations.
Quick links
- Guide for observers
- Consultation & draft study on observer participation
- Indigenous panels
Decisions on accreditation are made by the WIPO member states at the beginning of each session of the IGC. Organizations requesting to be accredited as an observer at the IGC should complete the accreditation form
and submit it to WIPO at least 60 days prior to each session of the IGC.
WIPO Voluntary Fund
The WIPO Voluntary Fund facilitates the participation of indigenous and local communities in the work of the IGC. Accredited observers which are representatives of local or indigenous communities may apply for financial support for participation in IGC sessions and meetings of the Intersessional Working Groups (IWGs). The rules of the Voluntary Fund are adopted by the WIPO General Assembly.
The extent of support that the Voluntary Fund can provide depends on donations. Potential donors are encouraged to contact WIPO for further information. Even modest contributions will contribute to the success of the Fund.
Applicants for funding of their participation in the 51th Session of the IGC (May 30 – June 5, 2025) must complete the following application form and send them to WIPO before January 3, 2025
Voluntary Fund questions and answers
Testimonials from beneficiaries of the WIPO Voluntary Fund
Indigenous representative from Australia
Indigenous representative from the United States of America
Indigenous representative from Brazil
Observer submissions
Accredited observers may submit to WIPO (via e-mail to comments, technical papers, national experiences and other documents relevant to the issues being discussed under the IGC. These documents are published on the observer submissions web page.