Ensuring the privacy of our Users' personal data is of the utmost significance for WIPO. Unless service-specific rules on personal data and privacy apply, the processing of personal data by WIPO through its website (and other online services) is subject to the following terms to which the user agrees by browsing the WIPO website and using its online services:

Categories of personal data processed by WIPO

When accessing WIPO's webpage and other online services, WIPO may process personal data in the course of the creation of a WIPO Account or the use of certain other WIPO websites and services (e.g., IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO Contact Form, WIPO Conference Registration, etc.). The personal data processed may, inter alia, include the User's first and last name, address, phone number and email address.

Purpose of the processing

WIPO processes the users' personal data to fulfill its objective and functions as stipulated in the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. These objectives and functions consist, inter alia, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning the protection of intellectual property.

WIPO also processes the users' personal data to reply to requests, to maintain daily operations and systems administration and to improve its services.

WIPO may contact users regarding account status, to confirm registration and to advise Users of major changes to the system.

Using the users' e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send users information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, events, webinars or publications offered by WIPO.

Upon request, users may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications regarding major changes to the service).


Cookies are small texts sent from a web server and stored on a user's device, for instance, a computer or mobile phone. WIPO's website and its online services use cookies to offer the User an improved browsing experience, including features such as a single sign-on across different WIPO services or remembering the user's language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's website and online services based on monitoring their usage and corresponding trends. For the latter purpose, WIPO's website and other online services may also use various web analytics tools to collect, inter alia, the WIPO Account username (for logged-in users), information on the Internet Protocol address of the Users, the time spent on the WIPO website or online services, which webpages are visited, or the time and date of the visit.

The information collected via cookies and analytical tools is used in aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual Users.

Users may, depending on their respective web browser, delete cookies at any time and/or make general settings with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services unavailable.

Aviso da OMPI sobre a proteção de dados pessoais

Para a Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (OMPI), garantir a proteção de seus dados pessoais é de suma importância. 

O tratamento de seus dados pessoais pela OMPI no site da organização e quando você acessa os serviços e produtos online deve respeitar o seguinte Aviso da OMPI sobre a proteção de dados pessoais (doravante denominado “Aviso”), com o qual você concorda ao acessar o site da OMPI e ao utilizar seus serviços e produtos online:

1.1 A OMPI é uma organização intergovernamental e uma agência especializada das Nações Unidas, com sede em Genebra, na Suíça, cuja missão é conduzir o desenvolvimento de um ecossistema de propriedade intelectual global equilibrado e eficaz, com vistas à promoção da inovação e da criatividade em prol de um futuro melhor e mais sustentável.

1.2 Os “dados pessoais” são informações em formato eletrônico, ou em qualquer outro formato, que podem ser usadas direta ou indiretamente para identificar, contatar ou localizar um indivíduo (pessoa natural) especificamente.
1.3 O “titular” é a pessoa cujos dados pessoais são submetidos a tratamento pela OMPI ou em nome da OMPI. 
1.4 O “tratamento dos dados” refere-se a coleta, registro, uso, compartilhamento, retenção, arquivamento e destruição dos dados pessoais.

2.1 No âmbito de seu trabalho e de suas atividades, a OMPI pode tratar alguns de seus dados pessoais. Conformemente aos princípios de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e Privacidade das Nações Unidas, bem como às boas práticas internacionais, a OMPI adota uma política geral de abertura em relação aos titulares no que diz respeito ao tratamento de seus dados pessoais, além de garantir que esses dados serão protegidos de maneira adequada.
2.2 Assim, o objetivo deste aviso é ajudá-lo(a) a entender quais dados pessoais coletamos, por que os coletamos, como os usamos e protegemos, os direitos dos titulares sobre os respectivos dados pessoais e como esses direitos podem ser exercidos.

O presente aviso compreende o tratamento de dados pessoais pela OMPI em seu site e no âmbito de seus serviços e produtos online. Porém, não inclui o tratamento de dados pessoais regido pelas disposições dos tratados internacionais administrados pela OMPI[1]. Quando pertinentes, as disposições dos tratados em questão aplicam-se sistematicamente e prevalecem sobre o presente aviso.

Dados pessoais que você nos fornece

4.1 Quando você acessa o site da OMPI e seus serviços e produtos online, a OMPI pode tratar seus dados pessoais durante a utilização e o fornecimento desses serviços e produtos (Conta OMPI, Portal IP, ePCT, boletim informativo da OMPI, formulário de contato da OMPI, registro de conferências da OMPI etc.). Os dados pessoais tratados podem incluir, entre outros, nome e sobrenome, endereço postal, número de telefone e email.
4.2 Além disso, a OMPI pode tratar certos dados pessoais para facilitar e auxiliar o fornecimento de serviços, produtos e operações da OMPI. Dentre eles, podemos citar os documentos de identidade para acesso presencial e remoto a diversos serviços e produtos, além de assistência para viagens e conferências, dados bancários para facilitar pagamentos, CVs de candidatos a vagas na organização etc.

Dados pessoais que coletamos automaticamente

4.3 Quando o usuário acessa o site e outros serviços e produtos online da OMPI, certas informações, como o endereço IP, o comportamento de navegação (páginas web visitadas, navegador utilizado, hora e duração da conexão etc.) podem ser tratadas pela OMPI.
4.4 Além disso, o site da OMPI e seus respectivos serviços e produtos online podem usar cookies para otimizar as funcionalidades e melhorar a experiência do usuário. Para mais informações sobre cookies, consulte a Seção 5.

5.1 O site da OMPI e seus serviços e produtos online usam cookies[2] para melhorar a experiência de navegação, usando funcionalidades como autenticação, configuração de idioma, além do constante aprimoramento dos serviços e produtos da OMPI. Para o aprimoramento dos serviços e produtos, a OMPI também pode usar diversas ferramentas analíticas da rede para coletar, entre outros, o nome de usuário da conta OMPI (usuários conectados), o endereço IP, sites da OMPI visitados, hora, duração e data do acesso.

5.2 As informações coletadas via cookies e ferramentas analíticas são utilizadas de forma agregada e anônima, para fins estatísticos, e não para identificar os usuários.
5.3 A qualquer momento, você pode desativar os cookies que não forem considerados necessários e/ou fazer modificações quanto à aceitação, rejeição e exclusão de cookies. No entanto, isto pode fazer com que certas funcionalidades do site e dos serviços e produtos online da OMPI fiquem indisponíveis.

6.1 A OMPI trata os dados pessoais para cumprir objetivos e funções, conforme estipulado na convenção que criou a organização. Os objetivos e funções consistem, entre outros, em promover a proteção da propriedade intelectual no mundo inteiro, manter os serviços que facilitam sua proteção e reunir, bem como disseminar, informações sobre sua proteção.
6.2 A OMPI trata os dados pessoais para manter as operações do dia a dia (suporte e cadastramento do cliente, pagamentos, gestão de conferências e viagens, administração de sistemas etc.), atender a solicitações e melhorar seus serviços e produtos. Por exemplo, a OMPI pode entrar em contato com você para obter informações sobre o status da sua conta, confirmar sua inscrição num evento ou orientá-lo(a) sobre alterações em determinado serviço.
6.3 A OMPI usa os emails dos titulares para enviar periodicamente informações, solicitações de participação em pesquisas ou emails promocionais sobre serviços, produtos, eventos, webinários ou publicações oferecidas pela OMPI. Mediante solicitação, os titulares podem “optar por não receber” mais emails de contato (com exceção das notificações necessárias para uso e fornecimento de serviços ou produtos).

A OMPI trata os dados pessoais de maneira justa e legítima, unicamente para fornecer e melhorar seus serviços e produtos, bem como para cumprir suas obrigações. Em nenhuma circunstância, os dados pessoais são usados pela OMPI para outros fins incompatíveis.

Os dados pessoais são conservados somente pelo prazo necessário para cumprir a função para a qual foram coletados. Quando não precisamos mais dos dados pessoais, nós os removemos dos sistemas e os destruímos de maneira segura e/ou tomamos as providências necessárias para anonimizá-los.

9.1 Em alguns casos, a OMPI pode compartilhar dados pessoais com prestadores de serviços externos para fornecer serviços e produtos da OMPI e favorecer os interesses legítimos da OMPI. Os prestadores de serviços têm acesso unicamente aos dados pessoais considerados razoavelmente necessários para executar a tarefa para a qual foram contratados.
9.2 A OMPI não vende nem divulga, seja qual for a maneira, dados pessoais coletados, exceto nos casos descritos neste Aviso.

10.1 A OMPI implementa os controles físicos, técnicos e administrativos apropriados para proteger seus dados pessoais contra ameaças, como acesso acidental ou não autorizado, danos ou perda.
10.2 Se os dados pessoais forem transferidos para terceiros, a OMPI tomará as providências necessárias para que o terceiro forneça garantias suficientes e adequadas de implementação de medidas técnicas e organizacionais a fim de proteger os dados pessoais.

11.1 A OMPI aplica uma política geral de transparência em relação ao tratamento dos dados pessoais.
11.2 Na qualidade de titular, você pode solicitar acesso a seus dados pessoais, opor-se a seu tratamento ou solicitar correções ou exclusão de dados. A solicitação deve ser enviada à OMPI por escrito, em um dos idiomas de trabalho da OMPI, e conter informações suficientes para sustentar o pedido. A OMPI pode tomar medidas razoáveis para validar a identidade ou o direito do indivíduo para fazer a solicitação enquanto titular.
11. 3 Ao receber a solicitação do titular, a OMPI analisará seu conteúdo e fará esforços razoáveis para responder à solicitação o mais rapidamente possível. Saiba que a solicitação pode ser indeferida, total ou parcialmente, por uma das seguintes razões:
  • a solicitação é claramente abusiva e fraudulenta ou não permite alcançar o objetivo do tratamento;
  • atender à solicitação revela-se impossível, inadequado ou implica um esforço desproporcionado;
  • a solicitação é incompatível com as prioridades e necessidades superiores da OMPI no exercício de suas funções;
  • o tratamento dos dados pessoais é necessário para fins estatísticos ou de arquivamento, ou para proteger os interesses do titular dos dados;
  • o tratamento dos dados pessoais é necessário para executar uma tarefa realizada no exercício do poder oficial atribuído à OMPI;
  • o tratamento dos dados pessoais é necessário para atender a uma obrigação legal ou para o exercício ou a defesa de reivindicações legais.
11.4 Se você pretende fazer uma solicitação relativa ao tratamento de seus dados pessoais, entre em contato conosco (consulte as informações de contato na Seção 15).

Nenhuma disposição do presente Aviso, ou relacionada a ele, será considerada renúncia a privilégios e imunidades conferidos à OMPI, enquanto organização internacional e agência especializada das Nações Unidas.

Qualquer controvérsia entre a OMPI e o titular dos dados decorrente do presente Aviso, ou relativa a ele, que não possa ser dirimida de maneira amigável, deverá ser submetida à arbitragem, conforme às Regras de Arbitragem da UNCITRAL em vigor. A OMPI e o titular serão vinculados pela sentença arbitral proferida ao final dessa arbitragem, que será a decisão final da controvérsia. Não obstante o acima mencionado, qualquer controvérsia entre a OMPI e um titular com status de membro do pessoal da OMPI deve ser resolvido em conformidade com o Regulamento e as Regras do Pessoal, bem como os textos administrativos conexos.

A OMPI se reserva o direito de modificar o presente aviso a qualquer momento e sem aviso prévio. Todas as modificações serão publicadas no site da OMPI. Salvo disposições em contrário, as modificações entrarão em vigor imediatamente após a publicação.

Para mais informações sobre o tratamento dos dados pessoais pela OMPI, entre em contato com o Escritório de Proteção de Dados da OMPI.

Última atualização: outubro de 2023

1.1 WIPO is an intergovernmental organization and specialized agency of the United Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.

1.2 “Personal Data” refers to information in electronic or any other form that can be used, directly or indirectly, to uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual (natural person).

1.3 “Data Subject” refers to an individual whose Personal Data is subject to processing by, on or behalf of, WIPO.

1.4 “Data Processing” refers to collection, recording, storage, use, sharing, retention, archiving and destruction of Personal Data.

2.1 In the course of its work and activities, WIPO may process some of your Personal Data. In alignment with United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles as well as international best practices, WIPO ensures a general policy of openness towards Data Subjects with respect to the processing of their Personal Data and will ensure that such data is appropriately protected.

2.2 In this regard, this Notice is intended to help you understand what Personal Data we collect, why we collect it, how we use and secure it, your rights on your Personal Data and how these rights can be exercised.

This Notice covers the processing of Personal Data by WIPO through its website and other online services and products. However, it does not cover processing of Personal Data that is governed by the provisions of International Treaties administered by WIPO1. Where applicable, the provisions of the Treaties concerned systematically apply and prevail over this Notice.

Personal Data You Provide to Us

4.1 When accessing WIPO's website and other online services and products, WIPO may process Personal Data in the course of the use and delivery of these services and products (e.g. WIPO Account, IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO contact form, WIPO conference registration, etc.). The Personal Data processed may, among others, include your first and last name, postal address, phone number and email address.

4.2 Furthermore, specific types of Personal Data may be processed by WIPO in order to facilitate and support the delivery of WIPO services, products and operations. Examples include Identity Documents for physical and online access to various services and products as well as travel and conference support, banking information to facilitate payments, applicant CVs for recruitment, etc.

Personal Data We Collect by Automated Means

4.3 By accessing WIPO’s website and other online services and products, certain information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browsing behavior (e.g. web pages visited, browser used, connection time and duration, etc.) may be processed by WIPO.

4.4 Furthermore, WIPO’s website and other online services and products may use cookies to optimize functionality and improve user experience. For more details, refer to Section 5 on cookies.

5.1 WIPO's website and its online services and products use cookies2 to offer an improved browsing experience, including features such as authentication, language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's services and products. For the latter purpose, WIPO may also use various web analytics tools to collect, among others, the WIPO account username (for logged-in users), IP address, WIPO websites visited, the time, duration and date of the visit.

5.2 The information collected via cookies and analytics tools is used in an aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual users.

5.3 You may disable cookies that are not deemed as strictly necessary at any time and/or make changes with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services and products unavailable.

6.1 WIPO processes Personal Data to fulfill its objectives and functions as stipulated in the Convention establishing WIPO. These objectives and functions consist, among others, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning its protection.

6.2 WIPO processes Personal Data to maintain daily operations (such as customer registration and support, payments, conferences and travel management, systems administration, etc.), to reply to requests and to improve its services and products. For instance, WIPO may contact you regarding your account status, to confirm your registration to an event or to advise you of changes to a service.

6.3 Using the Data Subjects e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, products, events, webinars or publications provided by WIPO. Upon request, Data Subjects may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications required for the use and delivery of the service or product).

Personal Data is processed by WIPO in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and improving its services and products as well as meeting its obligations. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data used for any other incompatible purpose.

Personal Data is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. When we no longer need Personal Data, we will remove and securely destroy it from our systems and/or take steps to anonymize it.

9.1 In some cases, WIPO may share Personal Data with third party service providers for the purpose of providing WIPO services and products and to facilitate WIPO’s legitimate interests. These service providers will only be granted access to the Personal Data deemed as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which they have been engaged.

9.2 WIPO does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Data collected except as described in this Notice.

10.1 Appropriate physical, technical and administrative controls are implemented by WIPO to secure your Personal Data from threats such as unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss.

10.2 In cases where the Personal Data is transferred to a third party, WIPO will ensure that the third party provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure sufficient protection for the Personal Data.

11.1 WIPO ensures a general policy of transparency in regard to the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate.

11.2 As a Data Subject, you may request to access to your Personal Data, object to its processing or request its correction or deletion. Such a request must be submitted to WIPO in written form, in one of WIPO’s working languages, and include sufficient information to support the claim. WIPO may take reasonable measures to validate the identity or authority of the individual making a Data Subject request.

11.3 Upon receipt of a Data Subject request, WIPO will review it and will make reasonable efforts to respond to the request in a timely manner. Please be aware that the request may be rejected, in whole or in part, on one of the following grounds:

  • the request is manifestly abusive or fraudulent or obstructive to the purpose of processing;
  • complying with the request proves to be impossible, inappropriate, or would involve a disproportionate effort;
  • the request is in conflict with the overriding operational needs and priorities of WIPO in pursuing its mandate;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for archiving or statistical purposes, or to protect the interests of the Data Subject;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the exercise of official authority vested in WIPO;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation or the exercise or defense of legal claims.

11.4 Should you wish to submit a request regarding the processing of your Personal Data, you may contact us (refer to Section 15 on contact information).

Nothing in or relating to this Notice shall be deemed a waiver of any privileges and immunities of WIPO as an international organization and specialized agency of United Nations.

Any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject arising out of or relating to this Notice that cannot be resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. WIPO and the Data Subject shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such a dispute. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject having the status of WIPO staff member shall be resolved in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules and related administrative issuances.

WIPO may modify this Notice at any time at its sole discretion. Any modifications will be published on WIPO’s website. Unless stated otherwise, modifications shall take effect immediately following publication.

For further information on the processing of Personal Data by WIPO, you may contact WIPO’s Data Protection Office.

Last Updated: October 16, 2023

The processing of your Personal Data by WIPO through its website and online services and products is subject to the following Data Privacy Notice to which you agree by browsing the WIPO website and using its online services and products:

1. Definitions

1.1 WIPO is an intergovernmental organization and specialized agency of the United Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.

1.2 “Personal Data” refers to information in electronic or any other form that can be used, directly or indirectly, to uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual (natural person).

1.3 “Data Subject” refers to an individual whose Personal Data is subject to processing by, on or behalf of, WIPO.

1.4 “Data Processing” refers to collection, recording, storage, use, sharing, retention, archiving and destruction of Personal Data.

2. Introductions

2.1 In the course of its work and activities, WIPO may process some of your Personal Data. In alignment with United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles and well as international best practices, WIPO ensures a general policy of openness towards Data Subjects with respect to the processing of their Personal Data and will ensure that such data is appropriately protected.

2.2 In this regard, this Data Privacy Notice is intended to help you understand what Personal Data we collect, why we collect, how we use and secure it, your rights on your Personal Data and how these rights can be exercised.

3. Scope

This Notice covers the processing of Personal Data by WIPO through its website and other online services and products. However, it does not cover processing of Personal Data that is governed by the provisions of International Treaties administered by WIPO . Where applicable, the provisions of the Treaties concerned systematically apply and prevail over this Notice.

4. What Personal Data do we process

Personal Data You Provide to Us

4.1 When accessing WIPO's website and other online services and products, WIPO may process Personal Data in the course of the use and delivery of these services and products (e.g. WIPO Account, IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO Contact Form, WIPO Conference Registration, etc.). The Personal Data processed may, inter alia, include your first and last name, postal address, phone number and email address.

4.2 Furthermore, specific types of Personal Data may be processed by WIPO in order to facilitate and support the delivery of WIPO services, products and operations. Examples include Identification Documents for physical and online access to various services and products as well as travel and conference support, banking information to facilitate payments, applicant CVs for recruitment, etc.

Personal Data We Collect by Automated Means

4.3 By accessing WIPO’s website and other online services and products, certain information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browsing behavior (e.g. web pages visited, browser used, connection time and duration, etc.) may be processed by WIPO.

4.4 Furthermore, WIPO’s website and other online services and products may use cookies to optimize functionality and improve user experience. For more details, refer to Section 5 on cookies.

5. How we use Cookies

5.1 WIPO's website and its online services and products use cookies to offer an improved browsing experience, including features such as authentication, language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's services and products. For the latter purpose, WIPO may also use various web analytics tools to collect, inter alia, the WIPO Account username (for logged-in users), IP address, WIPO websites visited, the time, duration and date of the visit.

5.2 The information collected via cookies and analytical tools is used in an aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual users.

5.3 You may disable cookies that are not deemed as strictly necessary at any time and/or make changes with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services and products unavailable.

6. Why we collect this Personal Data

6.1 WIPO processes Personal Data to fulfill its objectives and functions as stipulated in the Convention establishing WIPO. These objectives and functions consist, inter alia, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning its protection.

6.2 WIPO processes Personal Data to maintain daily operations (such as customer registration and support, payments, conferences and travel management, systems administration, etc.), to reply to requests and to improve its services and products. For instance, WIPO may contact you regarding your account status, to confirm your registration to an event or to advise you of changes to a service.

6.3 Using the Data Subjects e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, products, events, webinars or publications provided by WIPO. Upon request, Data Subjects may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications required for the use and delivery of the service or product).

7. How we use your Personal Data

Personal Data is processed by WIPO in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and improving its services and products as well as meeting its obligations. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data used for any other incompatible purpose.

8. How long we store Personal Data

Personal Data is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. When we no longer need Personal Data, we will remove and securely destroy it from our systems and/or take steps to anonymize it.

9. Who we might share Personal Data with

9.1 In some cases, WIPO may share Personal Data with third party service providers for the purpose of providing WIPO services and products and to facilitate WIPO’s legitimate interests. These service providers will only be provided access to the Personal Data deemed as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which they have been engaged.

9.2 WIPO does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Data collected except as described in this Privacy Notice.

10. How we keep Personal Data secure

10.1 Appropriate physical, technical and administrative controls are implemented by WIPO to secure your Personal Data from threats such as unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss.

10.2 In cases where the Personal Data is transferred to a third party, WIPO will ensure that the third party provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure appropriate protection for the Personal Data.

11. Your rights on your Personal Data

11.1 WIPO ensures a general policy of transparency in regard to the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate. As a Data Subject, you may request information regarding the processing of your Personal Data.

11.2 Subject to reasonable limitations and conditions, Data Subjects may be granted the opportunity to rectify, object to the processing, or request deletion of their Personal Data. In such cases, WIPO shall review the Data Subject request and stop processing the Personal Data if the objection is considered justified, proportionate, and practical to implement and not in conflict with the purpose of processing that Personal Data.

11.3 Such Data Subject requests should be submitted to WIPO in written form, in English or French and they must include sufficient information to support the claim. WIPO may take reasonable measures to validate the request, including the identity or authority of the individual making a Data Subject request.

11.4 Data Subjects wishing to exercise their rights in this regard may contact us (refer to Section 15 on contact information) and we will make reasonable efforts to respond to your request in a timely manner.

12. Privileges and Immunities

Nothing in or relating to this Privacy Notice shall be deemed a waiver of any privileges and immunities of WIPO as an international organization and specialized agency of United Nations.

13. Settlement of Disputes

13.1 Any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject arising out of or relating to this Privacy Notice that cannot be resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. WIPO and the Data Subject shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such a dispute.

14. Modifications to this Privacy Notice

WIPO may modify this Notice at any time at its sole discretion. Any modifications will be published on WIPO’s website. Unless stated otherwise, modifications shall take effect immediately following publication.

15. Contact Information

For further information on the processing of Personal Data by WIPO, you may contact WIPO’s Data Protection Officer.