Hague Information Notices 

Our information notices provide you with detailed information on important Hague System developments, including new Members, declarations, changes in fees, and amendments to the legal framework.
Notices published since April 1, 2010 only are available in Spanish.

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Publication date
335 Results for
January 12, 2004 Non-Working Days in 2004 (HAGUE/2004/1)
December 8, 2003 Establishment of Administrative Instructions Relating to the Common Regulations Under the 1999 Act, the 1960 Act and the 1934 Act of the Hague Agreement (HAGUE/2003/13)
October 1, 2003 Entry into force of the 1999 Act and of the Common Regulations under the 1999 Act, the 1960 Act and the 1934 Act of the Hague Agreement (HAGUE/2003/12)
October 1, 2003 Ratification of the 1999 Act: Spain (HAGUE/2003/11)
August 12, 2003 Accession to the 1999 Act: Liechtenstein (HAGUE/2003/10)
July 29, 2003 Accession to the 1960 Act: Gabon (HAGUE/2003/09)
July 4, 2003 Accession to the 1960 Act: Georgia (HAGUE/2003/08)
June 17, 2003 Accession to the 1960 Act: Belize (HAGUE/2003/07)
June 10, 2003 State Novelty Examination Fee: Kyrgyzstan (HAGUE/2003/06)
May 9, 2003 Accession by Georgia (HAGUE/2003/05)
March 13, 2003 Change of name of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Serbia and Montenegro (HAGUE/2003/04)
March 13, 2003 The Hague Act (1960): Accession by the Kyrgyz Republic (HAGUE/2003/03)
March 3, 2003 Accession by the Kyrgyz Republic (HAGUE/2003/02)
January 10, 2003 Non-Working Days in 2003 (HAGUE/2003/01)
September 17, 2002 Ratification by Switzerland (HAGUE/2002/07)
June 6, 2002 Accession by Ukraine (HAGUE/2002/06)
June 6, 2002 The Hague Act (1960): Accession by Ukraine (HAGUE/2002/05)
May 23, 2002 Ratification by the Republic of Slovenia - Geneva Act (1999) (HAGUE/2002/04)
April 17, 2002 Ratification by the Republic of Estonia - Geneva Act (1999) (HAGUE/2002/03)
February 8, 2002 Hague Express (HAGUE/2002/02)