In Focus: Hague System Member Profiles

September 21, 2021

The more you know about the different procedures and requirements in your target markets before you file an international design application, the more efficiently you will be able to secure protection of your designs through WIPO's Hague System.

Our Hague System Member Profiles make information gathering easy for you, providing instant and free-of-charge access to everything you may need to know, from specific requirements through to domestic laws, practices and procedures.

(Photo: Getty/Anyaberkut)

Key questions to ask yourself before you file

Did you know? The Hague System covers more than 90 countries. The domestic legal framework of each jurisdiction that you designate in an international design application governs the protection provided by your international registration. Find out more about where you can obtain protection…

Certain factors may determine in which jurisdictions you choose to seek international protection:

  • When will your international registration take effect?
  • Is there substantive examination and how deep does it go?
  • Will you need a legal representative in the event of a refusal?
  • And more…

Our Hague System Member Profiles give you an at-a-glance overview – and in-depth details – of all the answers to those questions.

  • The interface – available in English, French and Spanish (the official languages of the Hague System) – enables you to search in multiple fields and in multiple countries.
  • Pre-defined groupings provide at-a-click access to key collated information.
  • Results, displayed as a listing by jurisdiction, are available for download in PDF or XLS format.

Access Hague System Member Profiles

A new, modern look and feel

Always aiming to improve customer experience, we have just launched an upgraded version of the Hague System Member Profiles with a fresher look and feel, and enhanced layout and content.

What has changed?

    • The interface guides you visually through the simple three-step process involved in retrieving information.
Screenshot showing the three-step process involved in retrieving information through Hague System Member Profiles
  • We have extended the range of searchable fields enabling you to easily identify, for example, which offices…
    • are so called "examining offices" because they investigate the novelty of your designs;
    • have specific requirements regarding unity of design;
    • do not allow deferment of publication of your designs.
  • We have added new regional groupings so that you can quickly search for information in all Hague System members that are also part of the European Union or the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).
  • All this, and more…


We always welcome customer feedback so that we can keep improving our services. Please send us any comments or suggestions.

Up-to-date information

We keep the Hague System Member Profiles up-to-date with the latest information received directly from the IP offices of Hague System members. We share that information through official Information Notices and web news articles.

You can sign up to receive alerts on all major changes – as well as other general Hague System information (stories, events, etc.) – via the Hague System homepage.


Hague System Member Profiles – Providing you with all the country-specific general and legal information you need when filing an international design application or managing an international design registration.

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WIPO Hague System – The International Design System

WIPO's Hague System provides a unique international mechanism for securing and managing design rights simultaneously in more than 90 countries through one application, in one language with one set of fees.