Hague System: Guidance on Including Multiple Designs in International Applications

November 18, 2021

As part of our continuous efforts to make the Hague System's international design application process as easy to navigate as possible, we have produced new guidance that walks you through different scenarios and associated issues that may arise when including multiple designs in one application.

This will help you not only to understand the different substantive requirements of Hague System contracting parties, but also importantly to avoid potential processing delays or even refusals based on non-conformity of your designs.

Download Guidance on multiple designs

(Image: Getty/Jack_Aloya)


Reminder: You can include up to 100 designs in a single international application, so long as they all fall within the same class of the Locarno Classification – the international classification used for the purposes of registering designs.
Tip! Under the Hague System, the domestic legal framework of each contracting party governs the design protection provided by an international registration. If your designs do not meet with pre-defined domestic requirements, individual contracting parties can refuse the effects of your international registration within their own territory, pending compliance. Refusal by one contracting party does not affect your international registration in other designated jurisdictions.

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WIPO Hague System – The International Design System

WIPO's Hague System provides a unique international mechanism for securing and managing design rights simultaneously in more than 90 countries through one application, in one language with one set of fees.