Hague System: Exclusive Use of Electronic Communications – Priority Documents and Extracts from the International Register

March 28, 2022

Officially announcing that we will no longer issue paper copies of priority documents (copies of international applications filed under the Hague System) or extracts from the International Register! We now only provide these as digitally signed and certified PDF files.

How to request a priority document

If your Hague System application is the first for your design and you want to extend protection to non-Hague System territories, you may need to provide their offices with a copy of your application as a priority document.

  1. WIPO's Digital Access Service enables the secure exchange of priority documents (a copy of the original application) between participating offices. As an applicant, or holder of an international registration, you can ask for a DAS code (free-of-charge). Any participating offices can then retrieve the priority document using that code.

To request a DAS code, Contact Hague (select 'Request a DAS code' from the 'My request concerns' drop-down menu).

  1. If an office that does not participate in DAS requires a copy of a priority document – or if you yourself would like to receive one – we can send you a digitally signed and certified PDF file. Cost: 46 CHF (first five pages); 2 CHF (each additional page).

To request a priority document (certified PDF file), Contact Hague (select 'My request concerns' (request priority documents) and 'More specifically' (request certified copies)).

How to request an extract from the International Register

An extract is a copy of an international registration, including its full history (amendments, renewals, etc.). Cost: 144 CHF.

To request an extract (certified PFD file), Contact Hague (select 'My request concerns' (request priority documents) and 'More specifically' (request an extract from the International Register)).

Download Information Notice No. 5/2022

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WIPO Hague System – The International Design System

WIPO's Hague System provides a unique international mechanism for securing and managing design rights simultaneously in more than 90 countries through one application, in one language with one set of fees.