Launch of Hague System Customer Satisfaction Survey

December 1, 2023

As part of our results-based management framework, we conduct biennial online surveys aiming at monitoring the level of satisfaction of our customers in the intellectual property area. Data collected through these surveys guide us to improve our services.

These surveys are sent to customers of WIPO services or users who have contacted WIPO about its services. BERENT – a leading provider of customer experience assessments – is conducting these surveys on our behalf.

In 2023 and 2024, WIPO will launch Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Madrid, Hague, and PCT services areas. We will contact only a selection of customers based on their profile and their use of the Systems.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for taking the time to respond to our surveys.

We look forward to receiving your feedback!


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WIPO Hague System – The International Design System

WIPO's Hague System provides a unique international mechanism for securing and managing design rights simultaneously in more than 90 countries through one application, in one language with one set of fees.