National Training Seminar on IP Valuation

September 24, 2024

The inaugural National Training Seminar on IP Valuation took place in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 10-12, 2024, and was co-organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia (DGIP) and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), with support from Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT/Japan).

Image: Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia (DGIP)

The opening address was delivered by Mrs. Sri Lastami, Director of Patents, Trade Secrets, and LDICs, DGIP, Mrs. Srining Widati, Deputy Director of IP Management, BRIN and Mr. Michael Kos, IP for Innovators Department, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Speakers at the training seminar were Mr. Muhammad Fauzy, Head of Division in the Directorate of IP Development of Creative Industry, Deputy of Digital Economy and Creative Product, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Edi Hilmawan, Director of Technology Transfer and Audit System, BRIN, Mr. Krisnayanto, Head of Sub-Directorate of Innovation Development, University of Indonesia, Mr. Rudi M. Safrudin, MAPPI (Indonesia Society of Appraisers), Mr. Budi Prasetio Martokoesoemo, Partner, RSM Indonesia, and Mr. André Gorius, Chair of the LESI IP & Finance Task Force, Licensing Executives Society International.

The objective of this training seminar is to support the deliverable of the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2016-2025, as defined in point 17.2[1], and to provide complementary specialized resources regionally on agreed leading principles and IP valuation practices that will enable the creation of more transparent IP market relations and an environment of trust in IP transactions. It is designed to be delivered over three days, where the first day introduces an overview of IP valuation to technology transfer professionals working in universities and research institutions, TISC staff, entrepreneurs and inventors, while the second and third days provide training for valuation professionals who already have a basic understanding of IP valuation.

The training seminar covered twenty substantive topics such as valuation methodologies and approaches, the valuation process, and the latest trends and developments in the valuation industry. Furthermore, the hands-on case studies and group discussions offered the participants an interactive and engaging learning experience. The training seminar attracted seventy-four participants, including heads of technology transfer offices and intellectual property centers in universities and polytechnics, researchers, analysts and valuation practitioners who participated actively and gave positive feedback.

The contents of the training seminar are based on the IP Valuation Toolkit which is available on the ASEAN IP Portal.


[1] Deliverables 17.2 “Conduct a study on the best practices for IP valuation, including on the IP and non-IP legal and policy frameworks that help increase the recognition of the value of IP as a financial asset in the business community “