Report launch: The United Kingdom’s Journey on Unlocking IP-backed Finance

March 22, 2024

On March 19, 2024, the UK’s Minister for AI and Intellectual Property, Viscount Camrose, and WIPO Director General Daren Tang, at a launch event at the Houses or Parliament in Westminster presented the Country Perspectives Report ‘The United Kingdom’s Journey’. The report finds UK banks are beginning to engage with Intellectual Property (IP) backed lending and provides an insight how greater access to IP-backed finance could help innovators and creators leverage their IP to scale and grow.

The joint collaboration between WIPO and the IPO, marks another step in WIPO’s work program to help improve policy and industry insight into the viability and practices of IP finance globally. The UK report contributes to a growing body of evidence on the opportunities and challenges in moving IP finance into the mainstream.

Download the report