WIPO invites national and regional IP offices to participate in our annual worldwide collection of data on industrial property statistics. We are now compiling 2024 data.

Please complete and return the questionnaires that apply to your office by May 16, 2025, to ipstats.mail@wipo.int. For offices with limited internet access, paper versions of the questionnaires can be sent upon request.

WIPO employs certain standards for collecting and reporting IP statistics. We ask you to adhere to the following:

  • base your data on calendar year (January 1-December 31);
  • please use only the two-letter codes defined by the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 standard (search by selecting "Country codes") or according to WIPO Standard ST.3 PDF, WIPO Standard ST.3
  • define the country of origin based on the residency of the first named applicant.

Download all questionnaires for 2024

Additional resources