Argentina – Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires (Facultad de Derecho)

La Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires ha previsto organizar un programa de actividades para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual.

Azerbaijan – The State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents

A national seminar devoted to World IP Day will be organized in Azerbaijan with wide participation, including business stakeholders, employers and inventors.

Belarus – National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus

Activities Plan:

  • A meeting of the Authors’ Council at the NCIP Intellectual Property Training Center (March 29, 2010)
  • World IP Day Flyers for outreach to be placed on poster boards at NCIP, the Republican Library for Science and Technologies and the National Library of Belarus (April 16, 2010)
  • “Roundtable” discussions on the economic aspects of intellectual property rights hosted by the NCIP Intellectual Property Training Center (April 20, 2010)
  • Intellectual Property as an Intangible Resource of Socio-Economic Development – press conference hosted by the Press Center of the Public Press House (April 22, 2010)
  • Launching of an intellectual property award contest 2010 for students (April 22, 2010)
  • A “roundtable” discussion on Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights in the Sphere of Information Access and Cultural and Spiritual Legacy (April 23, 2010)
  • A subject-oriented exhibition dedicated to book publishing and related copyright issues hosted by the National Library of Belarus (April 23, 2010)
  • Video Conference on Copyright Issues hosted by the Information Center of the US Embassy, partnering with NCIP and the Republican Library for Science and Technologies (April 23, 2010)
  • 13th Republican Intellectual Property [Current Topics] [] Seminar to be organized for patent specialists from companies and organizations in Belarus, by the Republican Library for Science and Technologies (April 27, 2010)
  • A literary exhibition on “Innovation – Linking the World” hosted by the Republican Library for Science and Technologies (April 27, 2010)
  • World IP Day coverage in press media, on NCIP and partner websites (April 2010)

Bermuda – The Registry General Office

  • The Registry General Office organized an essay competition for middle and senior school students, as well as one open to the public. The theme of this year’s essay was “How does innovation link the world?”. The office also hosted an open day with displays.
  • This year, the library of Bermuda College joined in the celebration with a book display at both the library and at the Intellectual Property Office on Innovations.
  • A DVD on computers and how they affect our lives now and in the future will be circulated to schools.


The Federal Technological University of Parana State and the Parana Intellectual Property Network will host speeches by the a representative of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office and the Brazilian Agency of Intelligence (ABIN) on the theme of “Intellectual Property and the Protection of Sensible knowledge”. This event will take place on April 26th in Curitiba Parana, Brazil. More information is available at www.nitpar.pr.gov.br.

China – Hong Kong (SAR)

To celebrate World IP Day, the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department (IPD) has organized the following activities:

  • A local radio program, including five two-minute segments and two 15-second promos, was broadcast from April 20 to 26;
  • two local newspaper supplements (in Chinese and in English) were released on April 26;
  • a celebratory reception was held on April 26, to which major stakeholders in the IP industry were invited;
  • a movie screening was organized by the International Federation Against Copyright Theft (Greater China) in collaboration with the IPD, targeting youngsters from Hong Kong, on April 24;
  • a video clip competition was organized by the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society and co-organized by the IPD, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department and Hong Kong Education City Limited. The competition, whose theme was “Respect copyright to promote creativity and awareness of IP protection” among students and young people, was launched at a ceremony on April 27.

China – State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of the People’s Republic of China

A three-minute video message from WIPO Director General Francis Gurry will be aired at the opening ceremony of IP Protection Publicity Week on April 20. The theme of the week-long celebration will be “Creation-Protection-Development.”

To mark the 10th Anniversary of World IP Day, SIPO will also distribute 25,000 copies of a “First Day Cover”, on which will feature the origins and goals of World IP Day, this year’s theme and the WIPO 10th Anniversary poster.


Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor de Colombia:

  • Actividad Académica: La parte académica de esta celebración estará concentrada en la ciudad de Medellín, donde ese 23 de abril y en convenio con la Universidad Eafit, se realizará un Seminario “El derecho de autor como factor Generador de Empresa”.
  • Afiche: Se realizó un concurso de dibujo dirigido a los niños de diferentes instituciones educativas del país, entre 6 y 12 años de edad, para que de ellos surgiera la imagen que llevará el afiche de esta conmemoración.
  • Visita a medios de comunicación: Algunos de los voceros oficiales de esta fecha los artistas. Fonseca, Andrés López, Jorge Celedón, Pipe Bueno, José Gaviria, Esteman, Katamarán , Don Tetto y Ana Piñeres, Directora de Producción de la película “Del amor y otros demonios”, asistirán a varios medios de comunicación para transmitirle a todos los colombianos la importancia de proteger los derechos de quienes con su creatividad e ingenio, engrandecen el arte y la cultura de nuestro país.
  • Intervenciones Musicales: El cantante Esteman, quien canta el éxito “No te metas a mi facebook”, con el cual alcanzó mas de 2 millones de vistas de este video en YouTube y llegó a los principales medios en países como España, México, Colombia, Argentina y Venezuela, estará interviniendo con su música el espacio público de cuatro sitios de Bogotá.
  • Intervenciones Musicales: Asimismo en la ciudad de Tunja, la agrupación musical VelodeOza, se unirá a este día y tocará en varios puntos de la ciudad.

Costa Rica – Registro de la Propiedad Industrial

En celebración del Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, la actividad fue realizada los días 26, 27 y 28 de abril: actos protocolarios, charlas sobre diversos temas de propiedad industrial, exhibiciones en stands por grupos de empresas e instituciones a efecto de que mostraran sus grandes proyectos de innovación en materia tecnológica, presentaciones artísticas (baile, cantantes, guitarristas…). La actividad concluyó con la entrega de reconocimientos a todos los participantes.

CropLife Latin America

Mr. Javier Fernandez, Asesor Legal y Asuntos Regulatorios, CropLife Latin America, published a special article for World IP Day on the need for innovation for sustainable agriculture development to meet the future needs of mankind.

Czech Republic

The Czech Industrial Property Office (CIPO) will hold an open day for the public and staff on April 26 and organize a seminar focusing on the commercialization of intellectual property in cooperation with the Licensing Executive Society of the Czech Republic. The WIPO posters will be displayed in CIPO headquarters.

Dominican Republic – Asociación Dominicana de Propiedad Intelectual

Por segunda ocasión, la Asociación Dominicana de Propiedad Intelectual ha coordinado el número del mes de abril de la revista juridica dominicana Gaceta Judicial, dedicado enteramente al tema de la Propiedad Intelectual, a celebrarse el 26 de abril.

Estonia – The Estonian Patent Office

On April 27, 2010, the Estonian Patent Office will hold an information day on "Intellectual property in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)", in Tartu. The seminar is intended for entrepreneurs of SMEs who have recently launched or who plan to start a business, as well as for students, inventors and the other interested parties.

Ethiopia – Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO)

The Ethiopian IP office has taken as its focus for the 2010 IP Day celebration “Technology Transfer and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable National Development”. Relevant topics include the presentation of a study paper to invited participants for discussion:

  • The Ethiopian IP office’s historical background, achievements and challenges;
  • Key areas of concern addressed in the newly-designed business processes of the EIPO;
  • Challenges and proposed solutions to issues facing the copyright industry in Ethiopia (paper).

About 80 participants from all stakeholder entities are invited to attend the celebration of the Day. The program will be held on April 28, 2010.

A World IP Day poster and short messages focusing on the purpose of the Day have already been published by the office.

Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO)

The EAPO plans to organize a meeting for Eurasian patent attorneys. A congratulatory message from EAPO President A. Grigoriev is available on the EAPO website and in the magazines "Patents and Licences" and "Intellectual Property".

European Union – European Copyright Code (Wittem Group)

The Members of the Drafting Committee of the Wittem Group announced that their European Copyright Code was published on April 26, 2010 – World IP Day. The Code is the result of the Wittem Project that was established in 2002 as a collaboration between copyright scholars across the European Union concerned with the future development of European copyright law. The Wittem Group believes that a European Copyright Code drafted by legal scholars might serve as a model or reference tool for future harmonization or unification of copyright at the European level.


In Finland, World IP Day is to be celebrated for four days from April 26 to 29. Through this special event attention will be drawn to the great significance of creativity and innovations for wealth creation and the wellbeing of mankind.

The theme in Finland for 2010 is “New wave of creativity”, which is very topical considering the current economic situation. The goal is, in accordance with the Finnish Innovation Strategy, to challenge all Finns to revise their thinking and to create growth and achieve sustainable competitiveness by using demand-led innovation. Creativity, innovations and inventions help deliver prosperity in the long term as well. In Finland, the day has also been declared the Finnish Inventors’ Day.

In addition to the World IP Day main ceremony, a national Innovation Parliament will meet on April 26 and 27, with the aim to promote the Finnish world of innovation. The Parliament will be a two-day seminar for stakeholders, consisting of working groups that strive to find new initiatives to strengthen competitiveness and, in a plenary meeting, to make recommendations. Another event will be the Copyright Day on 28 April, which will emphasize the role and growing importance of copyright.

The main ceremony will be hosted by the Aalto University, in co-operation with the actual initiators of the event, i.e. the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland, the Association for Finnish Work, Suomalaisten Keksijöiden Tukiyhdistys (an association for the support of Finnish inventors), Innovaatiokanava Oy (the practical organizer), and other co-operative partners.

France – Electricité de France (EDF)

For the third consecutive year, EDF R&D will celebrate the World IP Day within a series of demonstrations entitled : Springtime for Research. The Springtime for Research aims to focus on the research projects made by technical and scientific departments of EDF R&D, the presentation of their results and their contributions to EDF Group performance. Within the framework of the Springtime for Research, the role of IP in the activities of research and development will be presented in two ways:

  • an exhibition stand – EDF R&D engineers will be able to consult documentation relative to IP, to question patent engineers, consultants and lawyers specialized in IP rights on a stand. They will have the opportunity to test their knowledge about patents, brands, software, author’s rights... which they use in their daily activities;
  • a conference concerning the role of IP in research activities will be also given to engineers but also for the industrial and academic partners of EDF R&D who will be invited during the Springtime for Research.

France - International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)

An international release of four animated films on author’s rights. Both educative and entertaining, these films explain “creators”, “creative works”, “authors’ societies” and “private copy” in less than three minutes each. Originally produced in French by SACEM, SACD and SCAM, these films can be seen now in English, Spanish and German on CISAC TV. In releasing these films, CISAC is pursuing two objectives:

  • Launch a copyright awareness initiative directed at an international audience
  • Enable all CISAC members to integrate the films into their own outreach campaigns.

A press release about this initiative is published on IP Today.

Georgia – National Intellectual Property Centre Sakpatenti

  • Participation in the exhibition Produced in Tbilisi, organized by Tbilisi City Hall, at the exhibition centre Expo Georgia, in partnership with the Georgian National Investment Agency, Georgian Chamber of Commerce, Georgian Employers Association, Georgian Quality Foundation (prospective inventions of Georgian inventors, presentations on protection of various IP subject matters, consultations on IPR issues, awards ceremony);
  • Posting on the website of Sakpatenti the translation into Georgian of the message from Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of WIPO;
  • Publication of two booklets in the Georgian language (translation of the texts of the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks and the Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks) for educational purposes and public dissemination;
  • Sending letters marking the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day on behalf of the Director General of Sakpatenti to libraries, educational institutions, business associations, research organizations, cultural institutions, noted inventors of Georgia, etc.;
  • Official reception dedicated to World IP Day, onApril 26 at the Ethnographic Museum of Georgia, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia, for government officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, cultural workers, representatives of scientific and business circles of Georgia, along with an exhibition of folk art and a concert of folk song and dance of Georgia.


The German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA,) in a collaboration with the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Institute for Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, will organize a special event in Jena on Monday, April 26, on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day.

Germany – Technische Universität Dresden

The Technische Universität Dresden, Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Media Law will organize a one-day symposium on April 26 to mark World IP Day.

Greece - Direction de la propriété commerciale et industrielle, Secrétariat général du commerce

La Direction de la propriété commerciale et industrielle du ministère de l’économie, de la compétitivité et de la marine, en charge du secteur des marques, célébrera la Journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle 2010, en organisant en collaboration avec la Chambre des avocats du Pirée (C.A.P.), un séminaire sur la protection des marques. Le séminaire aura lieu le 26 avril 2010, au siège de la C.A.P., au Pirée, qui est le premier port de Grèce et dont la douane arrête chaque année un grand nombre de produits de contrefaçon. La présentation sera faite par Mme Panagiota Georgopoulou, juriste à la Direction et s’adressera aux avocats.

De plus, le secrétariat de la C.A.P. diffusera, ce jour là, par voie électronique, à ses membres, un message de trois responsables de la propriété intellectuelle en Grèce (Organisation de la propriété culturelle, Organisation de la propriété industrielle, Direction de la propriété commerciale et industrielle), relatif aux avantages que les droits de la propriété intellectuelle attribuent aux titulaires. Dans ce texte électronique le message du Directeur Général de l’O.M.P.I., traduit en grec, est inclu.


On April 21, the Icelandic Patent Office will hold a seminar on the theme “Innovation – Linking the World” to commemorate World IP Day. Six lecturers from industry and academia will speak on their experiences with IP. The seminar has been advertised in newspapers, and with posters and email.


Patent Agents Association of India is celebrating World IP Day by organizing exhibitions in public places such as railway stations, universities, courts and schools across India.

India – Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

The CII, in partnership with the Government of India, will celebrate World IP Day by congratulating industry, institutions and individuals.

India – National Intellectual Property Organization (NIPO)

NIPO will commemorate World IP Day 2010 by holding a series of introductory IP Workshops called “IP Initial” in leading technical universities and training institutes in India. The aim of these workshops is to familiarize the students/trainees with nuances of IP as well as to sensitize the teaching community with the fundamentals of IP rights issues, including the need for, and importance of, timely protection and enforcement. For more information visit the NIPO website.

India – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)

FICCI, in association with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, will organize a conference on “National IPR Policy” on April 26 in New Delhi. The conference will be attended by government officials, lawyers, industry, academics, etc.

India - ITAG

ITAG is celebrating World IP Day by publishing comments by eminent personalities in the field of IPRs.

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

A WIPO National Seminar on the Role of Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in Medical and Pharmaceutical Science, Technology Transfer and Commercialization will be organized in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from April 26 to 28, 2010, in cooperation with the IP office and the Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

The State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties has scheduled two national conferences on April 26 in Tehran to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day as well as a meeting of high ranking officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Islamic Guidance and Culture Ministry of Iran, the National and Governmental authority in charge of the protection of the copyright and related rights will organize a two-day conference, on April 26 and 27, on the theme of “Artistic and Literary Property Rights and Related Rights”. The conference will elaborate on the concepts and latest developments in IP rights with respect to artistic and literary works, acquainting Iranian stakeholders as well as the concerned officials in various Iranian state agencies with the various issues. The conference will cover on the following themes:

  • Religious and theoretical bases for protection of artistic and literary property rights;
  • Present situation of protection of artistic and literary property rights;
  • International organizations and conventions in the area of artistic and literary property rights;
  • Situation of related rights in Iran with special focus on rights of broadcasting organizations.


The Irish Patent Office is holding an open day in its offices in Kilkenny on Monday 26th April. There will be a half-day seminar on the theme of "Building a Business on Your Ideas", aimed at the small business community, entrepreneurs and inventors, and will focus on how business should be aware of and exploit the value of Intellectual Property.

Throughout the morning there will be an opportunity for attendees to have one-to-one discussions with the guest speakers and with Patent and Trade Mark Examiners from the Patents Office.

Once again this year the Office held a Junior Inventor competition to coincide with World Intellectual Property Day and the prize-giving ceremony will be held on Monday 26th April.

Ireland – William Fry’s Intellectual Property Group

William Fry’s Intellectual Property Group will host an evening event on April 27 in Dublin to mark World IP Day on the theme “Innovation Linking the World”. The evening will be hosted by David Cullen and Carol Plunkett of the Intellectual Property Group at William Fry, with special guest speaker Dr. Chris Horn, member of the Innovation Task Force and President of Engineers Ireland.

Israel - The Israeli Patent Office

"Linking the world – starting in Jerusalem" is an interactive awareness campaign targeting middle schools in the Jerusalem area, aiming to increase understanding while celebrating creativity and encouraging respect for the IP rights of others. The campaign, led by enthusiastic IP examiners and office management, aims to reach out and help the children to grasp the magnitude of relevance that IP rights have on their daily lives. At the festive campaign, the children will solve simple technical problems which were granted patents, and will be exposed to the rich world of trademarks and designs.


The Italian Directorate General for the Fight against Counterfeiting intends to appropriately celebrate the forthcoming “World Intellectual Property Day” by organising several events. From April 26th to 28th the Directorate General will open its offices to visitors by hosting conferences on themes concerning IP rights and an exhibition devoted to historical Italian patents and trademarks. The exhibition will highlight the strategic role played by IP rights in entrepreneurially successful paths.

The Italian Directorate General for Library Heritage, Cultural Institutes and Copyright, Ministry for Cultural Heritage Activities, Service III – Copyright and supervision over S.I.A.E., has organized a conference on “Improving access to culture to meet the needs of specific groups”, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the World Intellectual Property Day. The conference will focus on the analysis of technologies aimed at facilitating and enhancing access to culture for user groups with specific needs, as well as on the analysis of laws ruling the access to information for visually-impaired persons, currently under discussion at WIPO. The conference will be held on April 26 in the National Central Library of Rome.

Italy – EMCA Italia

The “Respect Creativity” awareness campaign, targeting middle schools, will be launch under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Education. The campaign, created by the Italian Association of Independent Phonographic Producers (AFI) and the Italian Authors and Publishers Society (SIAE) in cooperation with the European Music Copyright Alliance (EMCA), will focus on the value of music and its creators.

Italy – Machiavelli International Musical Images

Pour la troisième année consecutive, Machiavelli International Musical Images, qui s’occupe en Italie de copyright et de licensing dans le domaine musical, se propose de célébrer la Journée mondiale de la propriéé intellectuelle, en partenariat avec l’OMPI, comme les années précédentes, par une “communication musicale”:

  • Production d’une affiche;
  • Création d’une newsletter musicale internationale, conçue exprès pour la celebration de IP day 2010, multi-langue afin qu’elle puisse connaître une diffusion extra-territoriale. En cliquant sur la page qui apparaîtra en ouvrant le courriel, s’ouvrira un lien à une séléction musicale de créations musicales de jeunes artistes, dont Machiavelli International Musical Images protége les créations et les droits musicaux.

Kenya – Rand Institute

The Rand Institute is releasing a special edition of its newsletter “Rand for Development”, to be distributed to the general public, as well as informational booklets on intellectual property.

Kyrgyz Republic – State Intellectual Property Service

Four WIPO awards – honoring an inventor, a poet, a musician and a performer – will be presented at the Scientific Practical Conference, organized by the State Intellectual Property Office to mark World IP Day.

League of Arab Nations

On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day, the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization, the Tunisian Ministry of Communication Technologies and Microsoft are jointly organizing the international seminar “Innovation and Respect of the Intellectual Property” on April 27 at the Karthago Le Palace hotel.


  • In the framework of World Intellectual Property Day 2010 celebrations, the Ministry of Culture is organizing a competition for law students for the best author of an article on copyright and related rights in the digital environment. On April 26, 2010, the winners of the competition will be announced during the event that will take place at the Ministry of Culture.
  • On April 26, 2010, the Agency of the Lithuanian Copyright Protection Association (LATGA-A) will celebrate its 20th anniversary. They will organize a conference on “New Medias and Protection of Copyright”, in the Museum of Applied Art. To mark its 20th anniversary and World Intellectual Property Day 2010, LATGA-A has created a poster that is displayed in WIPO‘s web gallery.
  • On April 16, 2010, representatives from the Ministry of Culture and the State Patent Bureau will participate in a radio program on the main achievements in the field of intellectual property rights during the past 20 years.
  • To highlight the importance of creativity and innovation, the Ministry of Culture‘s website will display WIPO‘s World Intellectual Property Day message.


L’Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Ministère de l’économie et du commerce extérieur, en collaboration avec Luxinnovation et le Centre de Veille Technologique, organisera ce 26 avril 2010 la 3ème édition de la Journée luxembourgeoise de la propriété intellectuelle (IP Day 2010). M. Jeannot Krecké, ministre de l’économie et du commerce extérieur, ouvrira cette manifestation qui sera cette année consacrée aux droits d'auteur. Des stands tenus par des professionnels de la propriété intellectuelle (instances officielles, mandataires, avocats, sociétés de gestion collective, etc.) seront à la disposition des visiteurs et participants de 14 h 00 à 17 h 30 afin de favoriser l’échange.

  • Le programme de la conférence sera composé d’interventions théoriques, pratiques et de partages d'expériences en matière de droits d'auteur :
  • Comprendre les droits d’auteur - concept légal et principes juridiques essentiels
  • Identification et valorisation des droits d'auteur en entreprise
  • Témoignages de deux entreprises (Microsoft et Jamendo)
  • Atelier : comprendre la valeur des droits d’auteur et leur gestion par l’exemple d’une œuvre audiovisuelle luxembourgeoise (« Perl oder Pica »).
  • D’autres informations sont disponibles sur le site WEB du Ministère de l’économie et du commerce extérieur

Macedonia – State Office of Industrial Property (SOIP)

A video message from the Director General of WIPO, Mr. Francis Gurry will be released at the opening ceremony of the event. During the event, the book on: “Trademark - Absolute and Relative Grounds for Refusal of Trademark Application, with relevant cases form the SOIP” will be promoted.

On April 26th, 2010, the State Office of Industrial Property will organize an event devoted to the World Intellectual Property Day 2010 and the Director of the SOIP will deliver a speech on the importance of intellectual property. A public action for destroying of seized counterfeited and pirated goods after finishing the judicial procedures will be organized. The SOIP will disseminate information for the World Intellectual Property Day 2010 in the public media.


Malaysia celebrated the World Intellectual IP Day officiated by Deputy Prime Minister with 1,200 attendance. On the sideline, Malaysia organized a 2-day seminar “Empowering SMEs through intellectual property”.

Malaysia – Malaysian Intellectual Property Office (MyIPO)

MyIPO will organize a day of activities on April 26 that will be officiated by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, the prime mover behind the corporatization of MyIPO in 2003.


The Asociación Mexicana para la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual will hold a conference on the evening of April 27 entitled “Implicaciones Fiscales en las transmisiones y licencias de derechos de propiedad industrial” to mark the 10th anniversary of World IP Day.

The Guadalajara University (UDG) in the State of Jalisco, the Scientific Research and Higher Education Center of Ensenada Baja California (CICESE), the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and the Northwest CANIETI Center are celebrating the World Intellectual Property Day with a series of face-to-face conferences in Tijuana and Ensenada, Baja California and a Magna Conference via videoconference from Guadalajara Jalisco.

Guadalajara, Jal:

  • Benefits of the Transfer of Technology in the Institutions of Higher Education of Mexico", Dr. José Luis Solleiro Rebolledo, Linking Director UNAM

Ensenada, B.C., Round Table at UABC campus Ensenada:

  • "Innovation and Transfer of Technology", Dra. Ma. Carmen Alcalá, UABC
  • "Social, Sustainable and Open Innovation in the context of Human Development impact" M.C. Carlos Gerardo López, Intellectual Property Department, CICESE
  • "Innovation and Foresight Strategy" Dr. Arturo Serrano Santoyo, Management Promote Innovation and Development, CICESE
  • Tijuana, B.C., Conferences at UABC campus Tijuana:
  • "Innovation and technology transfer" Dr. Ismael Plascencia López, COCYT.
  • "The Impact of IP in the Business of IT", M.C. Joselyne Mejía, Commission on Intellectual Property of CANIETI, Northwest.


Con motivo de la celebración del Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual LES México orgniza los siguientes acontecimientos :

  • Una comida
  • Breve semblanza de la Propiedad Intelectual en México por el Dr. Manuel Márquez, Presidente LES México
  • Entrega de reconocimientos por su trayectoria profesional al Lic. Bjorn Vadillo y al Ing. Oscar Becerril, que tendrá lugar en la Universidad Club Reforma, Paseo de la Reforma No.150, Col. Juárez.

Mexico – Universidad de Colima

  • Competition of posters
  • Presentation of WIPO material for IP Day
  • Conferences presented by special guests (authors, programmers, inventors or project developers…)


The Intellectual Property office of Mongolia has organized the following activities to mark World Intellectual Property Day:

  • A message from the First Deputy Minister of Mongolia will air on TV and be published in daily newspapers;
  • the exhibition "Morin Huur-Worshipping the Melody", organized under the auspices of the First Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia at the National History Museum of Mongolia on March 22-24;
  • IP awareness building training for secondary school students at selected schools;
  • the TV broadcast of an IP contest among secondary school students;
  • a roundtable meeting with Mongolian movie makers;
  • the broadcast of 30 min. TV program on IP.


The Patent Parade, an interactive, traveling exhibition of Dutch inventions, will visit the 10 major libraries of the country, reaching some 1.2 million visitors over the next year. Visitors will be able see and try many unique inventions and prototypes. The libraries hosting the Patent Parade will organize special programs for schools and businesses. The Patent Parade will mark the 100th anniversary of the Dutch Patent Act as well as World IP Day.

New Zealand – Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ)

Centenary Trade Mark Certificates were issued to eligible trademark owners who have continuously maintained a registered trademark on the New Zealand Trade Mark Register for 100 years.

IPONZ organized a special IP education event for Wellington secondary schools at the Park Road Post Production cinema in the heart of the city’s film industry. Students had the unique opportunity to discover how kiwi innovation is linking the world by talking with high-profile film, music and science mentors in an open panel discussion.


The Ministry of Industry and Commerce will honor Salvador Cardenal, an internationally-recognized Nicaraguan musical composer and performer, painter and poet, with a WIPO award on April 26.


On the occasion of World IP Day the Sultanate of Oman organized the following activities:

  • an interview with the head of IP department in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in all daily newspapers with a special focus on World IP Day;
  • a radio interview to raise awareness among the public about the importance of intellectual property;
  • a symposium on intellectual Property organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with Sultan Qaboos University and WIPO.

Pakistan – Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan

IPO-Pakistan is holding a one-day National Conference, on May 3, 2010 at the Convention Center Islamabad. The Conference will be chaired by The Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan and participation will be at the highest level, including Ministers and national and foreign dignitaries.

Pakistan – Intellectual Property Rights Leading Law Firm, Ali & Associates

  • To highlight the importance of World IP Day, Ali & Associates is running a major Intellectual Property Rights awareness campaign in the country’s leading newspapers. The campaign includes articles, letters to the editor and a public message each day starting on April 22, 2010, in the form of a countdown until the big day on April 26, 2010.
  • Ali & Associates is also presenting a Cultural Show in which its staff will perform talent shows and skits to pay tribute to actors, writers, performers, singers and all IPR stakeholders. At the end, an Awards ceremony will honor the best performances.

Pakistan – Pakistan Intellectual Property Rights Association (PIPRA)

  • A dinner at the Avari Towers on April 24, 2010. The Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh, Karachi, will be the chief guest and the dinner will also be attended by the other Honorable Judges of the Superior Courts
  • A seminar on the theme “Innovation – Linking the World” which is expected to be attended by prominent representatives of the corporate sector, multinational corporations, senior government officials, IP practitioners, and others. The seminar will also be attended by senior Advocates of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and will be inaugurated by the Senior Puisne Judge of the Sindh High Court, Mr. Justice Mushir Alam; whereas the sessions will be presided over by the President of the Sindh High Court Bar Association, Mr. Rasheed A Razvi, and by the former President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Mr. Muneer A. Malik”.


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry will organize an IP conference on the theme of “Innovation and Creativity” on July 8 and 9 with an exhibition of inventions and a fair organized by the universities participating in the conference. The winners of a national competition for inventors will also be honored with WIPO awards.

Panama - La Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

La Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá en colaboración con Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias; la Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación de Panamá (SENACYT) y la OMPI, anuncia en este més su Segundo Congreso de Propiedad Intelectual para Universidades, Institutos y Centros de Investigación, que se realizara el 8 y 9 de julio.

Papua New Guinea

The Intellectual Property Office will do a media supplement for publication as a form of awareness-raising in the country’s national newspapers.

Paraguay – Dirección Nacional del Derecho de Autor

Organización de la Semana de la Propiedad Intelectual (26 a 30 de abril) :

  • Seminario sobre El Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual
  • Expositores internacionales y nacionales
  • Conciertos

Portugal - INPI

  • Following the excellent results observed over the last two years, INPI will once again exempt fees for all online patents and utility models applications filed on 26th April 2010 through the INPI’s portal.
  • The Portuguese Association for Technological Centres (RECET) in collaboration with INPI, has been promoting a contest of ideas called “This is an idea” that seeks to promote the creation of an innovating product or service. This competition involves young people. Prizes will be delivered to the winners and it will be a good oportunity to show the small inventors and inventions resulting from these project activities.

Republic of Moldova – The State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)

The following activities will be organized by the AGEPI in collaboration with relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions of the Republic of Moldova:

  • Dissemination of information about World IP Day on the AGEPI website, national newspapers, radio and TV channels (March-April);
  • Participation in the “The Bibliologic Year 2009” Conference [organized by?/including the inauguration of?] [with the presentation of] the AGEPI IP Library (March);
  • Holding the 3rd edition of the competition “Public Library – a partner in promoting intellectual property", organized by the AGEPI in collaboration with the Association of Bibliographers of Moldova (April 23, 2010);
  • Holding a scientific-practical Symposium “AGEPI Readings” (April 21-22, 2010);
  • Organization of specialized seminars addressing intellectual property topics for the following higher educational and vocational training institutions (March-April 2010):
    • the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”,
    • the Academy of Transport, Computer Science and Communications,
    • the Free International University of Moldova,
    • the State University of Moldova,
    • the University under the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
    • the Agrarian State University of Moldova,
    • the Technology College of Singerei.
  • Participation – including presentations on the role of intellectual property in attracting foreign/external investment – in meetings to be organized by the Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO) (March-April 2010);
  • The organization by the university libraries of Moldova of thematic exhibitions on different intellectual property issues (April);
  • International and national exhibitions to promote the national intellectual property system and the results of innovative research (April–May 2010);
  • Organization of an official World IP Day ceremony, to be followed by a concert and cocktail reception organized on the Organ Hall premises (April 23, 2010);
  • Advertisement of World IP Day through radio and press communications. A TV talk show on IP issues will be broadcast on the National Channel “Moldova 1” (April);
  • Dissemination of a series of IP promotional materials (March-April 2010).


The Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks will celebrate World Intellectual Property Day as follows:

  • An opening ceremony will be hosted by the Minister of Culture and National Patrimony. Relevant national authorities will be invited. The introductory speech will be given by Mr. Kelemen Hunor, Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony. During this event, the ORDA Director General, Mrs. Rodica Pârvu, will take the floor focusing on matters related to the protection of the intellectual property in Romania and all over the world. Mr Gábor Varga, Director General of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, will make an invitation to attend a seminar, at the headquarters of OSIM, celebrating the Centennial of the jet aircraft designed, built and tested by the Romanian inventor Henri Coandă.
  • OSIM will also organize an exhibition displaying the oldest registered trademarks, dedicated to Henri Coandă.
  • The seminar "Jet propulsion from Henri Coandă to Justin Capră" will be held at OSIM, April 26

Other activities dedicated to World Intellectual Property Day include:

  • OSIM will also address young people with presentations of IP concepts in schools. OSIM also came up with a wide range of activities to keep the kids busy as they discover the world around them at OSIM headquarters on April 20, 2010.
  • The new book of Mr. Alexandru Cristian Strenc, Deputy Director General, "Information technology: protecting and respecting intellectual property rights" will be dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day.

Russian Federation – Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (ROSPATENT)

Activities to be carried out in the Russian Federation:

  • The Third National Forum on “Intellectual Property in Russia – XXI Century” (April 20 to 23, 2010, Moscow)
  • The XIII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archimedes – 2010” (March 30 to April 2, 2010, Moscow)
  • The 11th International Forum “High Technology of the XXI Century” (April 19 to 22, 2010, Moscow)
  • International Forum on “Innovative Development via the Intellectual Property Market”, as well as a series of events organized by the Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property including conferences, seminars and research competitions for students
  • A series of regional conferences and seminars on IPR protection and enforcement, in Tver, Orel, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Volgograd

The detailed program of all events to be held in Russia in connection with World IP Day is available on the official website of Rospatent.

Saudi Arabia

King Saud University in Riyadh will hold an open educational intellectual property day on April 26, providing information about WIPO (goals, mission, functions), to stimulate innovation and contribute to the economic development and safeguard the public interest. The KSU open day will be addressed to talented and creative students from different level of schools. The University has also reached an agreement with the news station Action to air a workshop on intellectual property and has invited speakers. WIPO IP Day outreach materials will also be distributed.

Scotland - University of Edinburgh

The SCRIPT Centre of the University of Edinburgh visited two classes at Tynewater Primary School, Midlothian, Scotland. Reports are at http://ipedinburgh.blogspot.com/2010/04/world-intellectual-property-day-2010.html
and http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/news/newsitem.aspx?blogentryref=8187.

Spain – Sociedad de Hermanamientos de España

A 5-day conference will be organized in Alicante under the initiative Creative Cities Week. The program for the conference follows:

  • April 23 - World Book & Copyright Day – (UNESCO)
  • April 24 - International Audiovisual Production Forum
  • April 25 - International Music Forum
  • April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day – (WIPO)
  • April 27 - World Graphic Design Day – (ICOGRADA)

Spain – University of Valencia

III Seminar organized by the University of Valencia (R+D Group on IP Law -GI+dPI, in Spanish-) comprising two different activites :

  • A one-day open seminar in Spanish, for academics and IP professionals (April 21)
  • A three-day seminar for law students in English (April 28-30)

Suriname – Bureau of Intellectual Property

Report on the activities which were organized in Suriname:

  • The Bureau of Intellectual Property (BIP) Suriname designed brochures containing information on trademarks, patents, copyright and intellectual property. These brochures are available at the BIP for anyone interested in having more information on IP.
  • A letter concerning IP day, along with materials about IP such as brochures, postcards and bookmarks from WIPO, was sent by the BIP to major schools, institutions, law firms, notary offices, public institutions, training institutions and other institutions involved with IP.
  • Posters from WIPO were displayed at the BIP to mark the day.
  • Congratulatory e-mails were dispatched by the BIP on IP day.

Sweden – Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV)

In March, the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) started a weblog on intellectual property related to business and innovation strategies. Different kinds of stakeholders are actively involved such as policy makers, innovation advisers, business advisors, patent attorneys and personnel from the PRV. They are all committed to writing blog contributions as well as comments. On World Intellectual Property Day, April 26th, the PRV will publish the results from the discussions on the website, in a newsletter, on the weblog and in a press release.

Thailand - Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce

  • Keynote Address on World IP Day: Creative and Innovation Link by Mr. Alongkorn Ponlaboot, Deputy Minister of Commerce
  • World IP Day Exhibitions: His Majesty’s work on intellectual property, creative economy, the outcome of the first round results of package design contest for traditional Thai desserts, Art Thinking of Junior IP Ambassador, Thai IP products.
  • Panel Discussion “Internet : New source of IPRs Violation”. The panelists are representatives from Economic Crime Division, from ICT Industry Promotion Bureau, from Business Software Alliance and Chairman and Director of Thai Entertainment Content Trade Association.

Turkey – Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy Ltd.

Activities that the Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy Ltd. will hold to mark World IP Day:

  • On April 27, the Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy Ltd. in association with the International Trademark Association (INTA) will hold an INTA rountable on “IP Rights – Linking the World”. The roundtable aims to highlight the current trends in IP Rights and the competitive advantage and economic benefits they bring to right holders. [The representatives from?] IP attorneys will share their views and experiences on IP and will illustrate the future outlook for IP.


Activities of the Uganda Registration Services Bureau:

  • Television talk show
  • Radio talk shows
  • Newspaper print out
  • A half-day workshop with key national stakeholders on the theme of the day.

Union of Myanmar - U Nyunt Tin Associates, Intellectual Property Law Firm

Organization of a Roundtable about “Recent Practice of Intellectual Property Application and Enforcement in Myanmar” at the Mandalay Swan Hotel, by U Nyunt TIn Associates, Intellectual Property Law Firm, Tip Top Capacity Development Institute of Myanmar and Min Gyi Kyaik Traditional Longyi.

United Kingdom – Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)

Members of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys will be offering free intellectual property (IP) advice to businesses on 26 April 2010 to mark World IP Day.

Firms of patent attorneys in London, Manchester and Leicester will be running seminars or providing free consultancy sessions on different types of IP, including patents, trademarks and registered designs. The sessions are aimed at small to medium enterprises who wish to find out more about the benefits of integrating effective IP management into their business strategy. More information on the firms of patent attorneys involved in the World IP Day initiative and the time tables of the seminars and consultancy sessions are available at www.cipa.org.uk.

United Kingdom – Harrison Goddard Foote

Harrison Goddard Foote’s Specialist Trade Mark Team will be holding a seminar ‘Trade Marks – Best Practice for Business’ on Monday, April 26

United Kingdom – Intellectual Property Office – Bailiwick of Guernsey

Guernsey ’s got Genius is a competition that is being run by the Intellectual Property Office together with agreed event partners, AO Hall and Stanleys. The competition results will be celebrated as part of World IP Day on the 26th April 2010, arranged by and held at the Intellectual Property Office. The competition opened on Monday 14th December 2009 and will close on Friday 19th March 2010. Boxes for depositing entries have been provided to all secondary schools and colleges around the Island. Winning entry.

United Kingdom - The Law Society of Scotland

The Law Society of Scotland will organize a World IP Day conference on Innovation and IP on April 23 at the MacKenzie Building Edinburgh. Speakers will consider the importance of innovation and IP, as well as the need for businesses to protect and respect IP.

  • Speakers: Miles Rees, Business Outreach Manager, IP Office, Newport and Will Page, Chief Economist, PRS for Music, London.
  • Chairs: Roisin Higgins, Advocate and IP law specialist and Graeme McWilliams, Legal Adviser, Standard Life.

USA – International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA)

The IIPA sent out a statement entitled, “Challenges to the copyright industries remain as we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day 2010”, which is available on www.iipa.com.

United States of America – Mission of the United States of America at Geneva

The US Mission in Geneva, Switzerland will organize an event for World IP Day (April 26), showcasing Western American Folklore. A presentation on the life and art of Poet Henry Real Bird, an Apsáalooke (Crow) Native-American from south-central Montana will be featured. With both audio and visual examples, the presentation will focus on the geographic, historical, and cultural landscapes that inform the poetry of Henry Real Bird. In addition, Steven Hatcher, a folklorist, will also give a presentation on field work, documentation and archiving of traditions and cultural expressions of the Rocky Mountain States with collaboration from the Western Folklife Center.

The event will be at the US Mission Room 135 from 2-4 on April 26. For further information, contact Deborah Lashley-Johnson, IP Attaché at the US Mission in Geneva, Switzerland at 022 749 4511.

Uruguay – MIEMDNPI, Dirección Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial

La conmemoración fue convocada por la Dirección Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial, el Consejo de Derechos de Autor y la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, y organizada conjuntamente con las demás instituciones que conforman la Red Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual. Además de las presentaciones realizadas por las autoridades ministeriales y las autoridades de aplicación, se presentó el Proyecto elaborado por la Red titulado: “Generación y Desarrollo de Servicios de Propiedad Intelectual para el Sistema Nacional de Innovación, a partir de un modelo abarcativo y articulado de trabajo en Red Institucional Público-Privada.”

Uzbekistan – State Patent Office (SPO) of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • Developed a poster on “Innovation – Linking the World”
  • Holding a theoretical science seminar on “Intellectual Property Protection – Guarantee Spiritual Development” in cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan [under the name of Mirzo Ulugbek?]. The collected seminar presentations will thereafter be published.
  • Organizing a seminar on “Intellectual Property for Innovation” in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan.
  • Publication of the SPO’s activities on its website, including congratulatory messages from the Director General of WIPO and the Director of the SPO.
  • Extensive media coverage.

Venezuela – Universidad Central de Venezuela

The Faculty of Law, will celebrate World IP Day on April 28 by organizing a conference on the theme "Counterfeiting, A Barrier to Innovation." The event will honor the memory of Professor Mariano Uzcátegui Urdaneta, the co-author of Venezuela’s Industrial Property Act (1955), who passed away in December 2009. The university will also hold an IP essay writing competition for students. The essays can be on any IP-related theme and should not exceed 20,000 words.

Venezuela – Universidad de Los Andes Mérida

On April 28, the Universidad de Los Andes Mérida-Venezuela will hold a small celebration to mark World IP Day and raise awareness among students.

Viet Nam – National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) of Viet Nam

  • Intellectual Property Workshop for Journalists (Hanoi)
  • Symposia on various aspects of IP (Universities of Quy Nhon and An Giang)
  • Articles and interviews on different aspects of IP in mass media (focusing on innovation)
  • Meeting on World IP Day at the NOIP
  • The NOIP will organize events on World IP Day in cooperation with provincial departments of science and technology
  • Designing and publishing of posters on IP (NOIP)