A Mobile Air Quality Monitoring System: BlueTech Award Winner 2018

Developed by Nova Fitness Co. Ltd., this on-board air quality monitoring system uses taxis, buses and other public vehicles to map and monitor concentrations of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides in real time. It offers a low cost, high-density approach to air quality monitoring and has great potential for use in China and in other countries with air pollution problems.

Onboard Air Quality Monitoring System. The equipment is installed in the top of the taxi / Quad Particle Sensor NOVA SDS019 / IoMT

Nova Fitness Co. Ltd. joined the first batch entrants to the Bluetech High-value Patent Cultivation Program in 2018. With BCAA’s support, the company has secured a series of high-quality patents (including via the Patent Cooperation Treaty) in the area of air quality monitoring, data management, data transmission, and data quality control.

Twenty-seven cities in China (with a total population of around 100 million people) are using this technology to support local environmental agencies in carrying out environmental monitoring and surveillance.