Innovate for a Green Future

World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2020

Innovate for a Green Future

Important – In light of the coronavirus pandemic, and the need to keep everyone safe and well, WIPO will not organize any physical events, and encourages the World IP Day community to move celebrations to virtual channels. Given the high number of World IP Day events that have been cancelled around the world, we will not deploy the World IP Day events map this year.

Every April 26, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity.

World IP Day 2020 puts innovation – and the IP rights that support it – at the heart of efforts to create a green future. Why? Because the choices we make today will shape our tomorrow. The earth is our home. We need to care for it.

Carving a pathway to a green future is a modern-day imperative. We all share in this challenge and each have a role in building a green future. It is a complex and multi-faceted endeavor, but as the well-known naturalist David Attenborough has noted, “as a species, we are expert problem solvers.” We can create a green future.

We have the collective wisdom, ingenuity and creativity to come up with new, more effective ways to shape a low-carbon future. But we must act now!

The 2020 World Intellectual Property campaign puts innovation – and the IP rights that support it – at the heart of efforts to create a green future. Why? Because the choices we make today will shape our tomorrow. The earth is our home. We need to care for it.

The campaign also celebrates the many inspiring inventors and creators around the world who are betting on a green future – the women, men and young people who are working on cleaner alternatives to legacy fossil-fuel-based technologies and better and more sustainable food and natural resource management systems, and who are using the IP system to support their work and its uptake and use in society.

We explore how a balanced and robust IP system can support the emergence of a green economy that works with and not against the earth’s life-support systems.

We look at how the patent system fosters innovation and the development and diffusion of eco-friendly technologies that enable us tackle the climate crisis and build a green future; how design thinking and design rights together support the optimal use of resources and enable designers to invest their time and talent in creating useful, attractive and eco-friendly products for consumers.

We consider how trademarks and other identifiers support the emergence and growth of businesses built on principles of environmental sustainability, enabling them to offer a broader range of eco-friendly products and services.

We see how rights, such as geographical indications are encouraging more sustainable natural resource use and how plant-breeding rights. are promoting the development of more resilient crops in support of global food security.

And we observe how creators – who through the copyright system can earn a living from their work – can play a key role in creating a vision of a green future and its untold benefits.

As Einstein once noted, we cannot keep doing the same thing over, and over again and expect different results. If we want different results, we need to be innovative in our approaches, our thinking, and our business models.

Our commitment, the choices we make every day, the products we buy, the research we fund, the companies we support, and the policies and laws we develop, will determine how green our future is. But with innovative thinking and strategic use of IP rights, sustainability is within reach.

Join us in exploring the role that innovation and IP rights play in opening a pathway to a green future. Share your favorite green innovations and tell us how you are going to boost your green credentials.

Get involved!

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World IP Day message

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry – "Together we can innovate for a greener, brighter and more sustainable future."

Green innovation surge needed to address climate change

Innovation in environmentally friendly technologies, measured by international patent applications, barely rose in 2019, according to WIPO figures released for World IP Day.

Webinars – Innovation for a green future

Join a webinar and find out more about more about the central role played by innovation and IP in building a green future. PDF, List of webinars

WIPO Magazine – special focus issue

Issue 1/2020 of the WIPO Magazine explores the connections between the worlds of IP and green innovation.

World IP Day 2020 Pledge Map – Make your commitment to a green future

Sign the World IP Day pledge map

Join us today, one pledge at a time, in building a pathway to a green future. Whether you are a corporation, a government office, a research institution, a charitable foundation, or whether you are a start-up, an inventor, a researcher or simply a concerned individual, sign the World IP Day pledge map today and help build a greener tomorrow.

Member states

  • [Name of Member State] is committed to supporting innovation for a green future. [Optional: brief description of supporting activity].
  • [The IP office of (country name)] is committed to promoting awareness of how IP can support the journey to a green future. [Optional: brief description of related activities].

Non-governmental organizations/industry

  • [Name of Organization/Company] is supporting the journey to a green future by [include brief description of relevant innovation/activity].


  • I am dedicating my time and energy to building a green future through my research on [brief outline of research].
  • I am committed to a green future and will [short description of proposed action, e.g. support inventors of green technologies, products and services, reduce waste, recycle more, save energy, etc.].

Intellectual property and sustainability

(Photo: Getty/Björn Forenius)

Climate crisis drives shift towards sustainable fashion

Growing concern over the existential threat posed by the climate crisis is driving a paradigm shift towards sustainability in the fashion industry. But are fashion brands doing enough to transform the industry into an engine of sustainable development?

(Photo: milehightraveler / GettyImages)

The search for eco-friendly materials in the automobile industry

What is one of the world’s largest industries doing to decarbonize road transport? Charles D. Uthus from the American Automotive Policy Council (AACP) and Guido Guilen from the International Automobile Federation, Region 1, offer perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic.

(Photo: Courtesy of Patagonia)

Design rights and sustainability

Innovative design products and packaging have a big role to play in reducing carbon emissions and addressing the climate emergency. Good design brings benefits to consumers, business and the environment. What factors are driving design innovation in the environmental sphere and how do design rights support it?

(Photo: Courtesy of ETDS)

Supporting environmental sustainability with GIs: the case of Madd de Casamance

Madd de Casamance is a wild species of fruit that grows in south Senegal and is widely reputed for its flavor and medicinal properties. It has great potential to become a flagship geographical indication for the region and a vehicle for sustainable forest management.

(Photo: David Dudenhoefer)

How trademarks can promote sustainability

Today, consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious and wish to buy and consume eco-friendly products. What role do trademarks play in ensuring that consumers know that the product they are buying complies with environmental standards?

(Photo: Sky Greens Pte Ltd. )

Singapore: Celebrating Innovation for a Green Future

From trash to electricity, to growing high-rise produce, here are some examples of how Singapore presents innovative solutions for a green future.

Green innovation in action

The annual World IP Day campaign is designed to raise public awareness about the role that IP rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity and in supporting economic, social and cultural development.

The designations employed and the presentation of material on the World IP Day webpage do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WIPO concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WIPO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. For comments or questions, please contact us.

(Photo: Courtesy of Grana Padano Consortium)

Grana Padano’s commitment to the environment

(Photo: Courtesy of Scotch Whisky Association)

Scotch Whisky’s green footprint

(Photo: Courtesy of qAIRa)

Tackling air pollution from mining

(Photo: Carbon Cure)

CarbonCure: CO2 in the Mix

(Photo: Higher College of Technology, Oman)

Clean Air Tech from Oman


Social media kit

Download campaign materials from our social media kit.

Innovation for a green future

Find out how IP rights can support the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.


Promotion toolkit

Our promotion toolkit offers a selection of resources to enable you to create your own campaigns.

Publicity materials

All PDF files are print-ready. Additional templates, landscape visuals and editable files are available in our social media kit.









Disclaimer: These materials can only be used for the purpose of the World IP Day 2020 campaign. Modified World IP Day campaign materials can be reproduced, distributed and made available to the public in any form only for non-commercial purposes.

Frequently asked questions

Why celebrate World IP Day? What kind of events can I organize? How can I add my event to the map? Answers to 16 frequently asked questions about World IP Day.

About World IP Day

In 2000, WIPO's member states designated April 26 – the day on which the WIPO Convention came into force in 1970 – as World IP Day with the aim of increasing general understanding of IP.

Since then, World IP Day has offered a unique opportunity each year to join with others around the globe to consider how IP contributes to the flourishing of music and the arts and to driving the technological innovation that helps shape our world.

  • Environmental responsibility on the WIPO campus PDF, Environmental responsibility on the WIPO campus
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