Active engagement with regional, national, local, and specialized press plays a central role in promoting the World Intellectual Property Day messages and activities around the world. Every year, the campaign presents all interested stakeholders with an opportunity to plan a communications effort targeting media outlets to raise awareness about their work and its relevance to the campaign theme, and build interest in the campaign-related activities that are in view.

The goals of any communication effort will be shaped by the stakeholders' aims and the needs and interests of the local audience. For example, communications may be planned around an affirmatory celebration of local efforts to promote greater use of the intellectual property system, highlighting examples relevant to the World Intellectual Property Day 2022 campaign theme – IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future.

Alternatively, they may have a stronger emphasis on IP education, seeking to sensitize critical audiences to the importance of IP protection and promotion for young inventors, creators and entrepreneurs in fostering innovation and economic development, etc.

Stakeholders can tailor the World Intellectual Property Day 2022 theme – IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future – to their local audience(s), using individual pitches to select media and exciting events to draw in reporters more widely.

WIPO will support these efforts through its integrated, global campaign with materials that stakeholders can adapt to amplify the campaign and its key messages in a coherent way.

Sample timeline for delivery and use of the World IP Day press toolkit:

December 2021: The key messages of the 2022 World Intellectual Property Day campaign and other background materials are available online at We invite all stakeholders to use these materials as a foundation for their World Intellectual Property Day campaign-related press communications.

In planning their World Intellectual Property Day campaign-related press communications, stakeholders may consider:

  • Making “save the date” announcements and other World Intelletual Property Day-related information;
  • Arranging for the publication of editorials on campaign-related issues for publication in national or local news;
  • Arranging for interviews with high-profile personalities, young local inventors and creators and youth-led enterprises or policymakers on campaign themes for publication in media outlets;
  • Publicizing these through social media channels (see guidelines on Social Media Information and Resources).

Early April: WIPO will provide refined messages and data points, including any available regional or local information, related to the theme. This will allow stakeholders to publish on April 26 a press communication tailored to their audience, meeting their needs, while carrying a unified global message and look.

April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day: WIPO will release its high-level communication on April 26, utilizing key campaign messages and data, but for a global audience. We invite all stakeholders to amplify this international release via their social media and other communications channels.