The Lao People's Democratic Republic Joins the Madrid System

December 7, 2015

The Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) deposited with the Director General of WIPO its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks on December 7, 2015.  With this accession, Lao PDR became the 97th member of the Madrid System.  The Protocol will enter into force, with respect to Lao PDR on March 7, 2016.

Video: Lao PDR joins the Madrid System Video

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry (right) receives Lao PDR’s instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol from Mr. Sourioudong Soundara, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology (Photo: WIPO).

This accession provides brand owners in Lao PDR with potentially faster and cheaper access to international brand protection.

As of March 7, 2016, brand owners from the Lao PDR can start using the Madrid System to protect their trademarks in the 113 territories of its 97 members, by filing a single international application in one language and paying one set of fees in one currency.

With the straight-forward designation process under the Madrid System, foreign companies will, henceforth, find it easy to seek protection for their marks and introduce their products and services in Lao PDR.

About the Madrid System

The Madrid System makes it possible for an applicant to apply for a trademark in a large number of countries by filing the international application at a national or regional IP office of a country/region that is party to the System.  It streamlines the process of multinational trademark registration by simplifying the process of applying for protection in multiple territories. The System also simplifies the subsequent management of the mark, since it is possible to record further changes or to renew the registration through a single procedural step.