The WIPO Brazil Office was opened in 2009 to support the implementation of intellectual property (IP) projects and activities in Brazil. 

We work with Brazilian institutions, as well as with institutions from other developing countries, to create lasting value from IP assets.

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About our office | Brazil country profile | IP resources in Brazil

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Possible Legal Remedies for Applicants Affected by Flooding in Brazil

Driving sustainable innovation with patents

The report Mapping Innovations: Patents and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals sheds light on the intersection of patent activity and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing crucial insights into the impact of IP in advancing global sustainability efforts.


Nominations to the 2024 ABC International Excellence Award are now open

The award recognizes a publisher and a project initiative that each demonstrate outstanding leadership and achievements in advancing the accessibility of e-books or other digital publications for persons who are blind, have low vision, are dyslexic or have mobility impairments that impact their ability to read the printed word.

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Madrid System Yearly Review 2024

Madrid System Yearly Review 2024

The latest edition of the Madrid System Yearly Review is now online, providing you with facts and figures on the use of the Madrid System in 2023. This year’s special theme focuses on how holders of international trademark registrations have used the Madrid System’s subsequent designation option to expand the geographical scope of protection of their trademarks.

Download full report

Connecting the dots between IP and the SDGs

Connecting the dots between IP and the SDGs

The SDGs are a blueprint for people, peace, prosperity and our planet. Just as the challenges we face are multi-faceted and complex, the 17 SDGs are interdependent, with action in one area affecting outcomes in others. We need to act now and we need to use all the tools available to us, especially our ingenuity and intellectual property to achieve a sustainable future for everyone, everywhere.

Find out how intellectual property fosters the innovation and creativity we need to drive human progress, and connect IP to the SDGs to make the world a better place.



WIPO events in Brazil

WIPO services and products in Brazil

Logo WIPO Madrid

Madrid System for trademarks

Brazil joined the Madrid system in 2019. Visit Brazil in the Member’s profile database.


PCT system for patents

Brazil joined the PCT in 1978. In 2014 PCT filings experienced double digit growth and were the highest in the latin American Region.

Logo WIPO Hague

Hague System for Industrial Designs

Brazil joins WIPO’s Hague System. Starting August 1, designate Brazil in your international applications.

Brazil and WIPO initiatives


Together with our Brazilian partners, we help connect seekers of new environmental solutions with Brazilian providers of cutting-edge green technology and services via this online marketplace.

Our Brazilian partners include:

Building Respect for IP: Awareness Raising

Building respect for intellectual property (IP) involves more than just enforcement; we also have to educate, inform and change attitudes. We assist our member states to design national strategies for building respect for IP and to develop tools for use in awareness raising, in particular among young people.

Public Outreach

We regularly participate in general public outreach activities to increase awareness about WIPO Services and activities among the public.

World IP Day Gallery: Claudia do O Pessoa shares her message of support for women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs

Developing a geographical indication for Serrano artisanal cheese

Differentiating Brazil’s Sweetest Bananas with a Geographical Indication

Building a Brand to Improve Lives of Communities in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest (1/2)

Building a Brand to Improve Lives of Communities in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest (2/2)

Brazil's Ary Fontoura on actors' evolution from theater to social media