WIPO Japan Office participated in the international conference on “Patent and Public Policy” at Meiji University [Tokyo, March 8, 2012]

March 25, 2012

The conference was chaired by Professor Kumagai and opening remarks was made by Professor Nakayama of Meiji University.  Two presentations by guest speakers were made by Dr. Fotaki of EPO and Mr. Stall, former commissioner for patents of USPTO.

The panel discussion was moderated by Professor Takakura of Meiji University.  Mr. Natsume, Head of WIPO Japan Office participated in the panel discussion with other panelist, namely Professor Handa of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Takenaka, University of Washington School of Law, Professor Tamura of Hokkaido University, Professor Suzuki of Meiji University, and Professor Kai of Waseda University.  The Head of WIPO Japan Office contributed to the panel discussions from the viewpoint of international arena.