What are the activities of the WIPO Office in Russia?

The WIPO Russia Office (WRO) will hold a new webinar in Russian its activities in the Russian Federation.

Simply register online and log-on at the scheduled time to access the webinar.

Thursday, November 17 (11.00-12.00 Moscow time)

If you are interested in the activities of the Representative Office of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the Russian Federation, as well as in the online resources of WIPO website available in Russian, we invite you to join our free webinar – Overview of the WIPO Office in the Russia and its Activities.

In this webinar we will tell you more about the Office, the history of its creation, as well as about the work conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, you will get a closer look at the Office official webpage, learn what information can be found there and how to contact its staff directly.

Our staff will also show you how to navigate the WIPO website, including how to find the WIPO online library; what WIPO publications are available in Russian; whether the WIPO Magazine is published in Russian; what is WIPO Lex and how it can help you; and where to find statistics.

What are the activities of the WIPO Office in Russia?


Overview of the WIPO Office in the Russia and its Activities - online registration to our webinar is now open, free of charge

Thursday, November 17
11.00-12.00 (Moscow time)

Register to attend

Target Audience

The webinar is for a wide range of users, regardless of prior knowledge and  experience in the field of intellectual property.

The webinar will be held in Russian. After the webinar, you will have an opportunity to ask a specialist all the questions you might have.


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