Patent Drafting Workshops in Member States

WIPO offers patent drafting workshops in collaboration with member states, national and regional intellectual property (IP) offices and institutions. Upon request by member states, tailor-made workshops are held at the national and regional level.


Who should attend?

The workshops are primarily addressed to:

  • staff of institutions dealing with technology support – such as technology transfer offices of universities and public research centers;
  • staff of WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs);
  • government agencies involved in providing technology development assistance; and
  • patent professionals who support inventors.

Since they are tailor-made trainings, targeted participants depend on the objectives of each training, set together with the collaborating member state.

Registration fees

The workshops are free of charge.

Where do the workshops take place?

The workshops take place in the countries with which WIPO co-organizes the workshops. In the case of regional workshops, the activity takes place in one of the countries within the concerning region.

How can I attend?

Please contact the relevant IP office for further information on future patent drafting training events in your region.