Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty

 Section 113
Special Fees Payable to the International Bureau

(a)  The special publication fee provided for in Rule 48.4 shall be 200 Swiss francs.

(b)  The special fee provided for in Rule 91.3(d) shall be payable to the International Bureau and shall be 50 Swiss francs plus 12 Swiss francs for each sheet in excess of one. Where that fee has not been paid prior to the expiration of the time limit under Rule 91.3(d), the request for rectification, the reasons for refusal by the authority and any further brief comments submitted by the applicant shall not be published. Where the last sentence of Rule 91.3(d) applies and the said fee has not been paid before the time of the communication of the international application under Article 20, a copy of the request for rectification shall not be included in that communication.

(c)  The special fee provided for in Rule 26bis.2(e) shall be payable to the International Bureau and shall be 50 Swiss francs plus 12 Swiss francs for each sheet in excess of one.