Workshop on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement: Incentives for Technology Transfer to LDCs

March 14, 2023

On March 14, 2023, Technology Transfer Section (TTS), Intellectual Property for Innovators Department (IPID) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) participated in the panel discussion organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the priority needs of least developed countries’ (LDCs) for technology transfer.

(photo: WIPO)

It has been highlighted at the workshop that technology transfer is essential for the development of LDCs, and in order to address the various challenges, LDCs would require appropriate TT related policies, infrastructures, human capital and partnerships that facilitate technology transfer and utilization.

Ms. Lorena Rojas Vega, speaking on behalf of WIPO, provided the overview of WIPO’s activities in the area of life science, such as WIPO Covid-19 Response package, aimed in increasing capacity of LDCs and developing countries to deal with the pandemic through an effective and balanced use of IP system.

(photo: WIPO)

In addition, the social impact of technology transfer was emphasized in WIPO’s Covid package. In this regard, it is envisaged to compile institutional IP policies, model agreements and regulations of institutions involved in R&D life science area introducing an aspect of social responsibility of innovation stakeholders in technology transfer processes.

As a result of the panel discussion, WIPO reiterated the importance of initiatives to accelerate and facilitate technology transfer in the framework of future pandemics. All participants also agreed on the need for all stakeholders to work together towards addressing the challenges faced by LDCs in creating new and accessing the existing technology.