WIPO Global Awards


Welcome to the 3rd edition of the WIPO Global Awards. We want to celebrate, recognise and support innovative small and medium-sized enterprises for using IP to grow their business and deliver global impact. The WIPO Global Awards is a fantastic platform to celebrate start up companies. Our business is focusing around transformation of healthcare. We are bringing to market an endoscopic robot. A revolutionary device that is detecting brain injuries. In this case, we are trying to prove, to showcase that many companies, SMEs or start ups who are using the IP system in a successful way to do business. We invited the CEO’s of the winning companies to come to Geneva. The first two days, we organised a workshop on IP and business. Basically, the idea is for you to be able to export your trademark around the world. It has been amazing interacting with the IP experts and learning how to patent our technology at a global level. The award is so important for the winners because to have this international attention brought to what you are doing is just inspiring. Without the power of IP, I wouldn’t be standing on this global stage. It is a honor to receive this award I would like to start thanking the jury of experts for the recognition the IP system incentivise the human being to develop, to improve, to change in a more innovative way. 
Machine translation
tranlsation detector