Member States Endorse Senior Appointments
The WIPO Coordination Committee, meeting on June 15 and 16, endorsed proposals by Director General Francis Gurry for a new senior management team, consisting of four Deputy Directors General (DDGs) and three Assistant Directors General (ADGs). The appointments of the DDGs and ADGs are effective from December 1, 2009, to November 30, 2014, following the expiry of the mandates of the current incumbents.
The Coordination Committee expressed consensus support for the new team, which comprises the following appointments:
- Mr. Geoffrey Onyeama (Nigeria), DDG for Development;
- Mr. James Pooley (United States of America), DDG for Patents;
- Ms. Binying Wang (China), DDG for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications;
- Mr. Johannes Christian Wichard (Germany), DDG for Global Issues;
- Mr. Trevor C. Clarke (Barbados), ADG for Copyright and Related Rights;
- Mr. Ramanathan Ambi Sundaram (Sri Lanka), ADG for Administration and Management; and
- Mr. Yoshiyuki Takagi (Japan), ADG for Global IP Infrastructure.
The Director General and the Coordination Committee also paid warm tribute to the outgoing DDGs and ADGs.
SCCR to Expedite Work in Favor of Reading Impaired
WIPO’s top copyright negotiating forum has agreed “to continue without delay” its work on facilitating the access of the blind, visually impaired (VIP) and other reading-disabled persons to copyright-protected works. This subject – as well as broader questions of limitations and exceptions to copyright law as they relate to libraries, archives and educational activities – is at the heart of current work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR).
Discussions at the SCCR meeting from May 25 to 29 centered on a series of practical measures to facilitate access to copyright-protected materials by reading-impaired persons, including a stakeholders’ platform, a key aim of which is to develop solutions to make published works available in accessible formats in a reasonable time frame. All participants supported moving forward with this work.
A proposal was also submitted by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay regarding a draft treaty prepared by the World Blind Union (WBU). The SCCR decided to continue these discussions at its next session later this year to give Member States time to reflect on the best way forward.
The SCCR noted progress in the work on the stakeholders’ platform and encouraged the Organization to continue to advance this initiative. This platform is designed to help secure access for disabled persons to copyright-protected works. Two meetings convened under the auspices of WIPO in January and April 2009 brought together major stakeholders, including representatives of copyright holders and reading-impaired persons, to explore the specific needs, concerns and possible approaches to facilitating access to works in formats suitable for people with reading impairment.
The SCCR also addressed the issue of the protection of broadcasting organizations and requested WIPO to organize a series of national and regional meetings. These meetings are to focus on the objectives, specific scope and object of protection of a possible new international instrument that would update the international protection of broadcasting organizations on a signal-based approach. The Secretariat will also commission a study on the socio-economic dimension of the unauthorized use of signals.
Moreover, the SCCR called for consultations to break the deadlock relating to negotiations on the international protection of performances in audiovisual media. The Secretariat will also organize a series of national and regional seminars as well as background documentation on the issue.