IP Law & Policy

Climate action and sustainability: Indigenous peoples are part of the solution

Climate action and sustainability: Indigenous peoples are part of the solution

As the global community focuses on ways to combat the effects of climate change and to transition to a low-carbon future, it must not forget to engage with Indigenous peoples.

Australian court clamps down on the sale of fake Aboriginal souvenirs

Australian court clamps down on the sale of fake Aboriginal souvenirs

In June 2019, the Federal Court of Australia handed down a penalty of AUD 2.3 million against a purveyor of “fake aboriginal souvenirs”.

Tackling bad faith registration of domain names in a fast-changing landscape

Tackling bad faith registration of domain names in a fast-changing landscape

What does the future hold for the Uniform Domain Names Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)?

When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law: A Guide for Judges

When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law: A Guide for Judges

A new guide by WIPO and the Hague Conference on International Private Law offers judges a reliable overview of the issues that arise when IP law meets international private law.

3D printing, the Maker Movement, IP litigation and legal reform

3D printing, the Maker Movement, IP litigation and legal reform

Industrial 3D printing is playing a bigger role in advanced manufacturing.

In the courts: five years after Alice - five lessons learned from the treatment of software patents in litigation

In the courts: five years after Alice - five lessons learned from the treatment of software patents in litigation

It has been five years since the US Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Alice Corp. v CLS Bank International. Here are five lessons learned from software patent litigation after Alice.

Singapore’s biggest copyright reform in 30 years

Singapore’s biggest copyright reform in 30 years

Having embarked on the most comprehensive review of its copyright law in 30 years, find out what lawmakers in Singapore are doing to make their copyright system more accessible to everyone.

Protecting rainforest-derived technology equitably

Protecting rainforest-derived technology equitably

How the Emberá people benefit from the commercialization of their ceremonial body paint.

An expanding role for IP offices in alternative dispute resolution

An expanding role for IP offices in alternative dispute resolution

Find out how the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is working with IP offices around the world to raise awareness about the advantages of alternative dispute resolutions procedures to resolve disputes involving IP rights.

The United States modernizes its music licensing system

The United States modernizes its music licensing system

In 2018 the United States passed sweeping legislation – the Music Modernization Act – to reform its licensing system for musical works. Find out how what many consider to be “one of the most significant pieces of United States copyright legislation will support participants across the music ecosystem.

Pat-INFORMED: a new tool for drug procurement

Pat-INFORMED: a new tool for drug procurement

WIPO and the international pharmaceutical industry join ranks to launch the Pat-INFORMED database making it easier for drug procurement agencies to determine the patent status of medicines in different countries.

Artificial intelligence and intellectual property: an interview with Francis Gurry

Artificial intelligence and intellectual property: an interview with Francis Gurry

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry shares his views on the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for intellectual property (IP) law and policy and its use in the administration of IP systems around the world.

COCOpyright and the value of moral rights

COCOpyright and the value of moral rights

Find out more about the key findings of the 2018 edition of the Global Innovation Index and how the global energy landscape is changing.

Raging Bull and Fearless Girl – moral rights in copyright

Raging Bull and Fearless Girl – moral rights in copyright

It’s an iconic image for our generation: a fearless girl staring down a charging bull – a symbol of America’s capitalist renewal. But does it affect the rights of the man who sculpted the bull?

Bridging the gender gap in intellectual property

Bridging the gender gap in intellectual property

How does the gender gap play out in intellectual property and what are its root causes?

Signal piracy: a threat to Asia-Pacific broadcasters

Signal piracy: a threat to Asia-Pacific broadcasters

Amid an apparent increase in the piracy of broadcast signals in the Asia-Pacific region, The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the world’s largest broadcasting union, underlines the need to finalize an international treaty that offers broadcasters in all regions a fair and reasonable means of safeguarding their interests.

Blockchain and IP Law: A Match made in Crypto Heaven?

Blockchain and IP Law: A Match made in Crypto Heaven?

Blockchain has been a hot topic recently. But how might this technology be used in the context of intellectual property law and practice?

“BREXIT” passes EU trademark test

“BREXIT” passes EU trademark test

Is the term “Brexit” in itself eligible for trademark protection? Find out how an appeal case before the EUIPO on this question fared this autumn.

Keeping track of domain name jurisprudence

Keeping track of domain name jurisprudence

The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center handles a growing number of domain name disputes every year. Its recent report offers useful insights and guidance on emerging trends in domain name jurisprudence.

Artificial intelligence and copyright

Artificial intelligence and copyright

As the use of artificial intelligence by artists becomes more widespread, the distinction between artwork that is made by a human and that made by a computer is becoming increasingly blurred with interesting implications for copyright.

Showing 20 of 227 results