Technology & Innovation

New European Directive adds impetus to international efforts to promote accessibility

New European Directive adds impetus to international efforts to promote accessibility

Find out how the new European Accessibility Act seeks to promote inclusive publishing for visually impaired and blind people.

The written word can still change the world

The written word can still change the world

he written word in its most basic form enables a transfer of knowledge from the ideas of an author directly into the hearts and minds of readers.

Trademark Law Playing Catch-up with Artificial Intelligence?

Trademark Law Playing Catch-up with Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to impact all aspects of how we live and currently is a subject of great debate. Many commentators concentrate on the impact of AI on patent, copyright and design law, but how will it affect the way consumers buy products and services and what knock-on impact will that have on trademark law?

Intellectual property, innovation, access<br> and COVID-19

Intellectual property, innovation, access
and COVID-19

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry reflects on measures that can be undertaken to enhance innovation performance.

Baidu’s AI-related patented technologies: Doing battle with COVID-19

Baidu’s AI-related patented technologies: Doing battle with COVID-19

Find out how China’s pioneering tech giant, Baidu, helps overcome challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Climate change: the time to act is now

Climate change: the time to act is now

Climate change is one of the most urgent and complex challenges of our time.

Sustainability in the circular economy

Sustainability in the circular economy

Without urgent action, annual global waste generation will rise to 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050.

WIPO GREEN: supporting green innovation and technology transfer

WIPO GREEN: supporting green innovation and technology transfer

Find out how WIPO GREEN, an online marketplace for green technology, is accelerating green technology innovation.

Water quality and inequality

Water quality and inequality

By 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in areas suffering water stress.

Airbus: making the blue skies green

Airbus: making the blue skies green

Find out what Airbus, the world’s biggest aircraft manufacturer, is doing to tackle climate change.

Bio-engineering: unlocking nature’s treasures

Bio-engineering: unlocking nature’s treasures

For Professor Oded Shoseyov, a pioneering materials engineer, serial inventor and entrepreneur, nature is a source of inspiration.

Patenting trends in renewable energy

Patenting trends in renewable energy

The development of renewable sources of energy is essential to tackling the climate crisis.

The geography of innovation: local hotspots, global networks

The geography of innovation: local hotspots, global networks

WIPO’s Chief economist, Carsten Fink discusses some of the key findings of the 2019 World Intellectual Property report.

The Artificial Inventor Project

The Artificial Inventor Project

Is an inventor always human? Professor Ryan Abbott considers some of the challenges that AI is posing for the patent system.

Intellectual property in a data-driven world

Intellectual property in a data-driven world

In the lead up to the 2019 meetings of the WIPO Assemblies, WIPO Director General Francis Gurry reflects on the implications of big data for intellectual property (IP) policy.

BrightSign: a smart glove that gives a voice to those who cannot speak

BrightSign: a smart glove that gives a voice to those who cannot speak

Saudi inventor Hadeel Ayoub talks about how she came to develop BrightSign

GII 2019: Creating healthy lives – the future of medical innovation

GII 2019: Creating healthy lives – the future of medical innovation

The recently launched 2019 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) reveals the latest global ranking of countries on their innovation performance. It also explores the future of medical innovation. WIPO’s Sacha-Wunsch-Vincent, a co-editor of the report, discusses some of its key findings.

Curbing cultural appropriation in the fashion industry with intellectual property

Curbing cultural appropriation in the fashion industry with intellectual property

The world over, calls are being made for fashion designers to be mindful when borrowing from other cultures and to offer products that are respectful of their traditions. What role for intellectual property in curbing this harmful practice?

Artificial intelligence: the new electricity

Artificial intelligence: the new electricity

The British-born computer scientist, Andrew Ng, is a leading thinker on artificial intelligence and a pioneer in its application discusses the transformative power of AI, and the measures required to ensure that AI benefits everyone.

“Discovery or invention”: the case for recalibrating the Nobel Prize for Physics

“Discovery or invention”: the case for recalibrating the Nobel Prize for Physics

When most people think about the Olympic Games, they wonder who will be the next Usian Bolt of Yelena Isnbaeva. But have you ever thought about how intellectual property rights help athletes achieve their remarkable performances, and even make the Games possible?

Showing 20 of 188 results