Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Закон «О коллективном управлении авторским правом и смежными правами» (Официальный вестник Республики Словения, № 63/16 от 07.10.2016 г.), Словения

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Словенский Zakon o kolektivnem upravljanju avtorske in sorodnih pravic (Uradni list RS, št. 63/16 z dne 7. 10. 2016)         Английский Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 63/16 of October 7, 2016)        
 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act

Disclaimer: All of the translations contained on this website are unofficial. Only the original Slovenian texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference materials to aid in the understanding of Slovenian laws and regulations. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the translations provided on this website, or for any consequence resulting from the use of information on this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Slovenian texts published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Notice: Text of the basic regulation




Article 1 (Subject)

This Act regulates collective management of copyright and related rights, the procedure for granting permits to collectively manage such rights, the procedure for concluding common agreements and setting tariffs for the use of copyright works, the operation of the Copyright Board, the procedure for multi-territorial licensing of online rights in musical works, dispute settlement, and the supervision of the implementation of this Act.

Article 2 (Transposed EU directives)

(1) This Act shall transpose into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia Directive 2014/26/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on collective management of copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses in the internal market (OL L 84, 20.3.2014, p. 72; hereinafter: Directive 2014/26/EU).

(2) This Act shall partly transpose the following Directives into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia: - Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993 on the coordination of certain rules

concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission (OJ L 248, 6.10.1993, p. 15) and

- Directive 2006/116/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights (OJ L 372, 27.12.2006, p. 12), as last amended by Directive 2011/77/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2011 amending Directive 2006/116/EC on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights (OJ L 265, 11.10.2011, p. 1).

Article 3 (Definitions)

For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply: - "rights revenue" shall mean the income derived from the use of a copyright work or a

subject-matter of related rights; - "copyright", "related rights" and "copyright work" shall have the same meanings as in the

act governing copyright and related rights; - "Member State" shall mean a Member State of the European Union or the European

Economic Area; - "rightholder" shall mean an author, performer, phonogram producer, film producer,

broadcasting organisation, publisher, maker of a database or any other person, except a collective management organisation, to whom particular material copyrights or other rights of the author or related rights are transferred by an act, contract or other legal transaction or who is entitled to receive rights revenue under a contract or other legal transaction or an act;

- "connected person" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing media; - "online rights in musical works" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing

copyright and related rights and shall be acquired by a user for online use of musical works;

- "competent authority" shall be the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office; - "register" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing the legal form of legal

persons that are collective management organisations; - "repertoire" shall mean a list of copyright works in respect of which a collective

management organisation or an independent management entity manages copyrights; - "statute" shall mean a memorandum of association of a legal person; - "foreign collective management organisation" shall mean a collective management

organisation with no registered office or subsidiary in the Republic of Slovenia; and - "multi-territorial licence" shall mean a permit to use a copyright work covering the

territory of more than one Member State.

Article 4 (Collective management organisation)

A collective management organisation shall be a legal person to whom a permit is granted by the competent authority and which is authorised by a rightholder or by this Act to manage copyright or rights related to copyright on behalf of and for the account of more than one rightholder, for the collective benefit of such rightholders, as its sole or principal activity, and shall be either or both - owned or controlled by its members and/or - organised on a not-for-profit basis.

Article 5 (Independent management entity)

(1) An independent management entity shall be a legal person to whom a permit is granted by the competent authority and which is authorised to manage copyright or rights related to copyright on behalf of more than one rightholder, for the collective benefit of those rightholders, as its sole or principle gainful activity, and is neither owned nor controlled, directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, by rightholders.

(2) Film producers, phonogram producers, broadcasters, publishers, and managers and agents acting as rightholders’ intermediaries shall not be deemed independent management entities.

(3) Independent management entities shall be subject to paragraphs one and three of Article 13, paragraphs two and four of Article 14, Article 38, points 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of paragraph one of Article 39, paragraph five of Article 44, and Articles 69 to 72 of this Act.

Article 6 (Related rights)

The provisions of this Act relating to copyright shall apply mutatis mutandis to related rights, with the exception of provisions on multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works.

Article 7 (Individual and collective management)

(1) Copyrights shall be managed separately (individually), that is separately for each copyright work, or jointly (collectively), that is jointly for several copyright works of several authors.

(2) Rightholders shall decide themselves whether to manage copyrights personally or via a representative or whether to authorise a collective management organisation or independent management entity to manage their copyrights on published copyright works, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(3) As long as the collective management of rights is entrusted to a collective management organisation pursuant to authorisation granted by a rightholder or this Act, the author may not personally manage those rights unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 8 (Management via a representative)

(1) Management of copyrights via a representative shall include: 1. representing authors in legal transactions and relationships with users or commissioning

clients, including collecting rights revenues or other compensation and 2. representing authors in proceedings before courts or other public authorities to protect

their copyrights.

(2) Where authors exercise their rights before courts or other public authorities via a representative – whether a natural or a legal person – the representative shall be entitled to receive payment for services rendered and to reimbursement of costs incurred in providing these services determined under the representation tariff, provided that the representative meets the conditions for representation before courts or other public authority or these conditions are met by an authorised employee of the legal person acting as representative. The representation tariff shall be adopted by the representative or an association of representatives in agreement with the minister responsible for justice.

Article 9 (Mandatory collective management)

Notwithstanding paragraph two of Article 7 of this Act, rightholders shall be bound to manage their rights on published copyright works via a collective management organisation (mandatory collective management) in the case of:

1. communication to the public of non-theatrical musical and written works, with the exception of the right to make available to the public referred to in Article 32a of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 16/07 – official consolidated version, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15; hereinafter: the ZASP);

2. resale of fine art originals (the resale right referred to in Article 35 of the ZASP); 3. reproducing copyright works for private or other non-commercial use and their

photocopying beyond the scope specified in Article 50 of the ZASP; 4. cable retransmission of copyright works, except in respect of broadcasters’ own

transmissions, irrespective of whether the rights concerned are their own or have been transferred to them by other rightholders; and

5. the right to additional annual compensation referred to in Article 122b of the ZASP.

Article 10 (Exceptions to mandatory collective management)

(1) Notwithstanding the preceding Article, the following rights may be managed individually by rightholders: 1. the rights referred to in point 1 of the preceding Article where the main performer at a

particular event is the rightholder in all works performed and 2. the right to publicly perform a particular non-theatrical musical work by means of a

particular phonogram (Article 28 of the ZASP) where the rightholder exclusively holds all copyright and related rights for such use.

(2) The rightholder may invoke the exemption referred to in point 1 of the preceding paragraph provided that the collective management organisation managing the rights is notified thereof not later than 15 days after the use of the copyright work.

(3) The rightholder may invoke the exemption referred to in point 2 of the preceding paragraph provided that the collective management organisation managing the rights is notified thereof not later than 15 days prior to the use of the copyright work.

Article 11 (General principle of collective management)

Collective management organisations shall act in the best interest of the rightholders whose rights they manage and shall not impose on them any obligations which are not objectively necessary for the protection of their rights and interests or for the effective management of their rights.

Article 12 (Determining the jurisdiction of courts in particular cases)

Disputes concerning the organisation and operation of collective management organisations shall be heard by courts of general jurisdiction and shall be governed by the rules of procedure in commercial disputes unless this Act confers jurisdiction on the Administrative Court or a court with jurisdiction to decide on intellectual property right disputes under the Act governing courts.


Article 13 (Permit application)

(1) An application for a permit to collectively manage copyright shall be filed with the competent authority. The application shall indicate the company name or the name, the registered office, and the registration number of the legal person filing the application and the copyrights, the categories of rightholders and the types of copyright works referred to in the application.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by: 1. the statute; 2. the rules on the distribution of rights revenue collected; 3. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 4. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of the income so accrued if applicable; 5. the rules on operating costs; 6. the rules on the dedicated funds if applicable; 7. the risk-management rules; 8. the repertoire; 9. the list of members and the list of rightholders that have authorised the legal person to

manage their copyrights in copyright works, provided that the legal person is granted the required permit, and the list of such copyrights;

10. in the case of mandatory collective management of copyrights, signed letters of intent or representation agreements concluded with foreign collective management organisations;

11. evidence of means used for managing copyrights by the collective management organisation; and

12. a decision by persons holding management rights in accordance with laws expressing their consent to the permit application and waiving their management rights in the legal person for the duration of the collective management organisation status and for the benefit of its members.

(3) Independent management entities shall enclose with the application referred to in paragraph one of this Article: 1. evidence indicating that they are not directly or indirectly owned or controlled, wholly or

in part, by the rightholders; 2. evidence indicating that this is their sole or main gainful activity; and 3. the list of rightholders that have authorised the legal person to manage their copyrights

in copyright works, provided that the legal person is granted the required permit, and the list of such copyrights and works.

Article 14 (Collective management permits)

(1) The competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to a legal person unless the application and enclosed documents referred to in the preceding Article comply with the act governing copyright and related rights and this Act and those documents demonstrate that the legal person shall ensure efficient collective management of rights.

(2) The competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to an independent management entity unless the application and enclosed documents referred to in the preceding Article comply with the act governing copyright and related rights and this Act.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article, the competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to a legal person in cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act where a permit to collectively manage the same type of copyright works and the same rights has already been issued to another collective management organisation.

(4) The procedure for granting a permit shall be governed by the provisions of the act regulating general administrative procedure. No appeal shall be possible against a decision of the competent authority, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought.

Article 15 (Company name or name)

(1) A company name or name of a collective management organisation shall have a k.o. designation.

(2) The collective management organisation shall apply for entry of the company name or the name in the register within 14 days of the issue of the permit.


Article 16 (Activity of collective management organisations)

(1) In the scope of its activity, a collective management organisation shall: 1. permit the use of the works in its repertoire under similar conditions for similar types of

uses; 2. negotiate in good faith with representative associations of users and conclude common

agreements referred to in Article 44 of this Act; 3. publish common agreements and inform users about applicable tariffs; 4. conclude representation agreements with foreign collective management organisations

and publish them; 5. control the use of copyright works from its repertoire; 6. issue invoices to users for the use of copyright works from its repertoire and collect and

recover rights revenue; 7. distribute collected rights revenue to entitled rightholders in accordance with

predetermined rules on the distribution and payment of collected rights revenue; 8. pay allocated rights revenue to entitled rightholders; and 9. seek protection of copyrights before courts and other state authorities and submit the

invoices for rights so enforced to authors.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation may perform administrative and technical tasks related to the collective management of rights referred to in points 5 to 7 of the preceding paragraph for another collective management organisation. The collective management organisation may only use revenue so generated to reduce the operating costs referred to in Article 32 of this Act.

(3) Collective management organisations may issue joint invoices to users indicating the requests for payment of the individual collective management organisations involved. Should the payment of the invoice be refused, the user shall clearly indicate the collective management organisation whose request for payment is being denied.

Article 17 (Outsourced service providers)

(1) A collective management organisation may transfer administrative and technical tasks related to the collective management of rights referred to in points 5 to 7 of paragraph one of the preceding Article to another collective management organisation or company (hereinafter: outsourced service provider). The outsourced service provider shall not transfer those tasks to another person.

(2) The collective management organisation shall be held accountable for the performance of the tasks transferred to the outsourced service provider.

(3) An outsourced service provider other than another collective management organisation shall be controlled by the collective management organisation.

(4) A contract with an outsourced service provider shall include the tasks transferred by the collective management organisation to the outsourced service provider. The contract and any amendments thereto shall enter into force when approved by the general assembly with a majority of at least three-quarters of voting rights present. Cancellation of the contract with the outsourced service provider shall be decided on by the management.

(5) The collective management organisation shall inform the competent authority about any conclusion, amendment or cancelation of a contract with an outsourced service provider within 14 days of its enforcement.

(6) The provisions of this Act relating to the supervision of collective management organisations shall apply mutatis mutandis to outsourced service providers.


Article 18 (Authorisation by a rightholder)

(1) A rightholder shall authorise, in writing, a collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work and specify the territories this should apply to, regardlessof the Member State of his/her nationality or residence and of that of the registered office of the collective management organisation.

(2) The rightholder may only authorise one collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work for a particular territory. The collective management organisation may not manage copyright on a particular copyright work unless authorised by the rightholder.

(3) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the competent collective management organisation may mange copyrights without the authorisation of rightholders in the cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act.

(4) Regardless of the authorisation granted to the collective management organisation, rightholders may permit non-commercial uses of their copyright work (for humanitarian, cultural, educational purposes, etc.). The rightholder shall inform the collective management organisation thereof not later than within 15 days of giving such permission.

(5) The collective management organisation shall not refuse to manage the rights referred to in paragraph one of this Article if it manages such categories of rights and types of works in a particular territory.

(6) Rightholders shall have the right to terminate the authorisation referred to in paragraph one of this Article in whole or in part. They shall inform the collective management organisation thereof one month before the termination is to take effect. The statute of the collective management organisation may provide that such termination takes effect at the beginning of the new financial year.

(7) Rightholders shall be entitled to rights revenue collected for their account by the collective management organisation for the use of their works and until the time the termination takes effect. Rightholders who are members of the collective management organisation shall have the same rights as other members of the collective management organisation until the termination takes effect.

(8) The collective management organisation may not make the termination of the authorisation conditional on entrusting the management of a copyright to another collective management organisation.

(9) The collective management organisation shall inform rightholders about their rights under this Article prior to obtaining their authorisation.

Article 19 (Membership in collective management organisations)

(1) Rightholders or persons representing rightholders shall have the right to become members of collective management organisations managing their copyrights. Associations of rightholders or other collective management organisations shall also be accepted to membership provided they fulfil the membership requirements.

(2) Persons referred to in the preceding paragraph shall become members of the collective management organisation to which they grant authorisation to manage their copyrights on particular works and for particular territories provided they meet the membership requirements, which shall be based on objective, transparent and non- discriminatory criteria defined in the statute of the collective management organisation.

(3) Authorisations granted to the collective management organisation by rightholders shall be deemed applications for membership in the collective management organisation unless expressly indicated otherwise by the rightholders. The collective management organisation shall decide on the rightholder application for membership within 30 days of receipt of the authorisation. Should the collective management organisation refuse to grant membership, the reasons thereof shall be given to the rightholder in writing.

(4) The collective management organisation shall charge no membership fees to its members in the cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act.

(5) The collective management organisation shall enable communication by electronic means with the rightholders whose rights are under its management, including for the purposes of exercising members’ rights.

(6) Immediately after the application referred to in paragraph three of this Article is granted, the collective management organisation shall enter the rightholder into the records of membership kept for the purpose of the effective exercise of members’ rights.

(7) The records of membership shall include: 1. the personal name and address or the company name and registered office of members; 2. other contact details for purposes of identifying and locating rightholders (telephone, fax,

email, etc.); 3. the tax identification number; 4. the number of voting rights of a member; 5. the total number of members; and 6. the total number of voting rights.

(8) Rightholders who have granted their authorisation to collectively manage their rights to the collective management organisation but do not wish to become its members shall be entered into the records of rightholders kept for the purpose of ensuring security of legal transactions, this including the data referred to in points 1, 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph.

(9) The records of membership and the records of rightholders shall be available on the website of the collective management organisation and shall be accessible to its members, to the rightholders whose rights are under its management and to the competent authority, with the exception of the addresses, contact details and tax identification numbers of natural persons.

(10) The collective management organisation shall regularly update such records.

Article 20 (Rights of rightholders that are not members of collective management organisations)

Collective management organisations shall manage the copyrights of rightholders that are not its members in the same way as it manages those of its members.

Article 21 (The statute)

(1) The statute of the collective management organisation shall be drawn up as a notarial deed and shall, in addition to the contents governed by other regulations and this Act, include: 1. the name or company name and the registered office of the collective management

organisation and its business address; 2. the activity of the collective management organisation; 3. the bodies of the collective management organisation and their respective powers; 4. the number of management body members and the number of supervisory board

members; 5. the duration of the term of office of the members of the management body and the

supervisory board; 6. the types of copyright work and the categories of copyright on works under its

management; 7. the method of gathering data on the copyright works and rights managed by the

collective management organisation under authorisation of rightholders or under applicable law, the method of managing its repertoire, and the manner of accessing its repertoire;

8. the form and manner of publication of information important for the collective management organisation or its members;

9. the collective management organisation membership requirements, which shall lay down equal conditions for all rightholders, including other collective management organisations and associations of rightholders;

10. the rights of members and the manner of their participation in the bodies of the collective management organisation, including representation of particular categories of copyright holders in any body on an equal footing;

11. the obligations of members related to the communication of information about copyright works and rights managed by the collective management organisation and information needed for the payment of rights revenue and compensation;

12. the method of resolving disputes between the collective management organisation and its members and rightholders or a foreign collective management organisation with which it has concluded a representation agreement and between the collective management organisation and a user, where the method of dispute settlement shall ensure access to effective and timely procedures for dealing with complaints and dispute settlement and shall include the obligation of the collective management organisation to provide reasoned replies in writing;

13. the requirements for renewing or terminating membership of the collective management organisation, including early termination of membership and withdrawal of the authorisation for particular rights or particular copyright works or particular territory.

(2) The statute of a collective management organisation which manages different categories of copyright on different types of copyright work or different rights of different rightholders shall define a management method which shall ensure that each category of rightholders only decides on issues concerning collective management of copyrights on their works and on common issues concerning the collective management of copyrights.

(3) The statute may regulate individual issues governed by this Act in a different way if expressly provided for by this Act.

(4) The statute and any amendments thereto shall be adopted at the general meeting with a majority of at least three-quarters of voting rights present.

(5) The collective management organisation shall submit the statute for registration within 14 days of the issue of the permit. The collective management organisation shall submit any amendment to the statute for registration within the same time limit.


Article 22 (Management bodies)

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of acts regulating the legal form of a legal person which is a collective management organisation, the governance of the latter shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act.

(2) The management bodies of the collective management organisation shall be: - the general assembly of members; - the management; and - the supervisory board.

Article 23

(General assembly of members)

(1) All members of the collective management organisation shall have the right to participate in and vote at the general meeting.

(2) In principle, each member shall have one vote. However, the statute may define criteria for allotting a higher number of votes to a particular member based on the duration of their membership or the amounts of rights revenue received from the collective management organisation or the number of copyright works, but with no member being allotted more than ten votes. The criteria for this shall be proportionate and published on the website of the collective management organisation.

(3) A member of the collective management organisation shall have the right to appoint any other person as a proxy to participate in and vote at the general meeting on his or her behalf, provided that such appointment does not result in a conflict of interest.

(4) A proxy shall have such status for a single general meeting and a proxy form shall be submitted prior to the commencement of the general meeting. At the general meeting, the proxy shall enjoy rights equal to those enjoyed by the appointing member. The proxy shall cast votes in accordance with the instructions issued by the appointing member. Such instructions shall have been clearly indicated in the appointment of the proxy.

(5) A general meeting shall be convened in cases determined by this Act or the statute or when in the best interests of the collective management organisation and in any case at least once a year.

(6) The competent authority may participate in the general meetings but shall have no right to vote.

Article 24 (Convening a general meeting)

(1) A general meeting shall be convened not later than 15 days before the meeting takes place.

(2) A general meeting shall be convened by the management of the collective management organisation.

(3) A general meeting shall be convened when so requested by members of the collective management organisation holding at least five per cent of all voting rights. A request to convene the general meeting shall be enclosed with the agenda and proposed resolutions. The statute may provide for a smaller share of voting rights required to request the convening of a general meeting.

(4) Upon a request referred to in the preceding paragraph, the general meeting shall be convened as soon as possible and not later than within two months of the submitting of the request, and if the meeting is not so convened, the members requesting the general meeting may be authorised by a court to convene it. The court shall issue such an order without taking statements from other parties. The published notice of the general meeting shall include reference to the authorisation by the court.

(5) The collective management organisation shall forward the notice of the general meeting, specifying the agenda and proposed resolutions, to every member.

(6) The notice of the general meeting shall also be published on the website of the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (hereinafter: AJPES) and on the website of the collective management organisation. The releases referred to in the preceding sentence shall be free of charge.

(7) All documents for the general meeting shall be published together with the relevant notice on the website of the collective management organisation.

(8) Resolutions adopted at a general meeting convened contrary to the provisions of this Article, except paragraph five of this Article, shall be null and void. An action for nullity shall be filed with the competent court within one year of the general meeting.

Article 25 (General meeting powers)

(1) A general meeting shall decide on: - the adoption of the statute and any amendment thereto; - the appointment or dismissal of or remuneration and other pecuniary and non-pecuniary

benefits accorded to members of the supervisory board; - the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders; - the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; - the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; - the rules on operating costs; - the use of undistributed rights revenue; - the rules on dedicated funds; - the rules on risk management, unless this power is delegated to the supervisory board

by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute; - the approval of any acquisition, sale or hypothecation of immovable property, unless this

power is delegated to the supervisory board by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute;

- the approval of taking out loans or providing security for loans, unless this power is delegated to the supervisory board by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute;

- the approval of mergers, the setting-up of subsidiaries and the acquisition of shares in an outsourced service provider;

- the appointment of auditors; - the adoption of the annual report; - the approval of a contract with an outsourced service provider and any amendments

thereto; and - other issues in accordance with the act regulating the legal form of a legal person.

(2) The general assembly shall adopt its resolutions by a majority of the voting rights present unless a larger majority is specified in this Act or in the statute.

(3) A list of members or their proxies present at the general meeting shall be drawn up for the purpose of the effective exercise of the members’ rights and shall indicate the personal names and addresses or company names and registered offices, the number of voting rights held by individual members, and the total number of the voting rights present at the general meeting. The list shall also indicate voting rights by categories of rightholders where the collective management organisation manages different categories of copyright on different types of copyright work or different rights of different rightholder categories.

(4) Minutes of the general meeting shall be taken and these shall be signed by the chairperson of the general meeting. The minutes shall indicate the venue and date of the meeting, the total number of voting rights present, any resolutions adopted, and the outcome of any votes. The minutes shall be published on the website of the collective management organisation within seven days of the general meeting.

Article 26 (Management)

(1) The management shall direct the business operations of the collective management organisation independently and at its own liability.

(2) The management shall represent the collective management organisation and act on its behalf.

(3) In performing their tasks, the management body members shall act with the due diligence of good business practice and for the benefit of the collective management organisation, its members and the rightholders whose rights are collectively managed.

(4) The management shall report at least quarterly to the supervisory board on the operation and business activities of the collective management organisation, in particular on the total amount of collected rights revenue and operating costs, with such data being shown by categories of copyright, types of copyright work and types of use.

(5) Persons may serve as members of the management body only if they meet the requirements for management or supervisory body membership prescribed by the act regulating companies.

Article 27 (Supervisory board)

(1) The collective management organisation shall have a supervisory body composed of at least three persons. The composition of the supervisory body shall ensure fair and balanced representation of the different categories of rightholders.

(2) Persons may be appointed members of the supervisory board only if they meet the requirements for management or supervisory body membership prescribed by the act regulating companies.

(3) In performing their tasks, the supervisory board members shall act with the due diligence of good business practice and for the benefit of the collective management organisation, its members and the rightholders whose rights are collectively managed.

(4) The supervisory body shall supervise the management in the conduct of the business of the collective management organisation and monitor the implementation of resolutions adopted at general meetings. The conduct of the business itself may not be transferred to the supervisory board. The statute or the supervisory board may specify certain types of transactions which may only be performed with the consent of the latter. Where the supervisory body refuses to give such consent, the management may request the general meeting to decide thereon. A resolution granting consent shall be adopted with the majority of at least three-quarters of the voting rights present at the general meeting.

(5) The supervisory board shall decide on the appointment, dismissal, remuneration, severance pay, and other pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits accorded to

members of the management body. The chairperson of the supervisory board shall represent the collective management organisation against the management body members.

(6) The supervisory board may request the management to submit information necessary for supervision even if such information includes personal or other protected data.

(7) The supervisory board may convene a general meeting. The supervisory board shall submit a report on its work at the general meeting at least once a year.

(8) The members of the supervisory board shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The supervisory board shall adopt its rules of procedure by a majority vote of its members.

(9) The supervisory board shall be convened by the chairperson. The supervisory board shall be convened at least quarterly and more frequently if so stipulated in the statute.

(10) Each supervisory board member shall have one vote. The supervisory board shall be in quorum if at least half of its members are present during decision-making, unless otherwise stipulated in the statute. A resolution shall be deemed valid when adopted by a majority of the votes cast. In the case of an equal number of votes, the chairperson of the supervisory board shall have a casting vote.

(11) Minutes of supervisory board meetings shall be taken and these shall be signed by the chairperson of the supervisory board.

Article 28 (Damage liability of the management and supervisory boards)

(1) The members of the supervisory board and the management body of the collective management organisation shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage caused by a breach of their duties unless they can prove that they have discharged their duties with due care and diligence.

(2) Any claims brought under the preceding paragraph shall fall under the statute of limitations five years after the damage occurred.

Article 29 (Conflicts of interest)

(1) Members of the supervisory board and the management body shall annually provide written statements on conflicts of interest at the general meeting.

(2) The statement on conflicts of interest shall contain information on: - any interests the members of the management body or supervisory board have in the

collective management organisation; - any remuneration received in the preceding business year from the collective

management organisation or outsourced service provider, including payments to supplementary pension schemes, and all other types of benefits;

- any rights revenue received in the preceding financial year from the collective management organisation; and

- any actual or potential conflict between any personal interests and the interests of the collective management organisation or between any obligations to the collective management organisation and any duty owed to any other legal or natural person.


Article 30 (Collection and distribution of rights revenue)

(1) A collective management organisation shall act with diligence in collecting, managing and distributing rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall keep separate in its accounts: - the amounts of rights revenue collected and any income from bank deposits by

categories of copyright and - any of its own assets and income arising from such assets and income from managing

rights revenue for other collective management organisations under representation agreements by categories of copyright.

(3) The assets referred to in indent one of the preceding paragraph shall not be subject to enforcement or bankruptcy.

(4) The amounts referred to in indent one of paragraph two of this Article shall be used for no other purpose than to be distributed to the rightholders in accordance with predetermined rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue. Operating costs may be deducted from the income referred to in paragraph two of this Article.

(5) The rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders shall take account of the actual use of a particular copyright work whenever this is possible given the nature of use of the copyright work and economically justified in terms of the costs of monitoring the actual use.

(6) Pending distribution, the collective management organisation may only invest the collected rights revenue in bank deposits, whereby such investment shall not affect the deadlines for distribution referred to in Articles 34 and 35 of this Act.

Article 31 (Specific distribution)

(1) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to paragraph two of Article 37 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors receive 40%, the performers 30% and the producers of phonograms or film producers 30%.

(2) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to paragraph three of Article 37 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors and the publishers receive 50% each.

(3) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to point 2 of paragraph one of Article 47 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors receive 30% and the rightholders 70%. Authors may not waive the right to their share.

Article 32 (Operating costs)

(1) Operating costs shall include the costs incurred by a collective management organisation through reasonable and prudent management for the benefit of rightholders and which are strictly necessary to carry out its activity.

(2) The operating costs shall be reasonable and in compliance with the rules on operating costs. The operating costs shall be justified and documented.

(3) The general meeting of the collective management organisation shall define the maximum permitted percentage of operating costs in relation to the collected rights revenue and any income from bank deposits.

(4) Before the collective management organisation starts to manage a copyright, it shall provide the rightholder with information on the rules on operating costs.

Article 33 (Dedicated funds)

(1) Notwithstanding paragraph four of Article 30 of this Act, a collective management organisation may set up dedicated funds in accordance with the statute. The collective management organisation shall be obliged to set up such dedicated funds if it holds any undistributed rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall allocate a maximum of 10% of the collected rights revenue to the dedicated funds. The amount allocated to the dedicated funds shall be determined at the general meeting, with such a vote needing to be carried by at least three-quarters of the voting rights present.

(3) The funds shall represent separate assets earmarked to promote artistic creativity and to disseminate new copyright works in areas significant for the preservation of cultural diversity, i.e. funding shall be granted to promising authors permanently residing in the Republic of Slovenia or to authors permanently residing in Republic of Slovenia for social or educational purposes.

(4) The assets of each fund shall be kept separate in the account of the collective management organisation.

(5) The rules on dedicated funds shall provide for transparency in the operation of the dedicated funds and shall define: 1. the dedicated funds of the collective management organisation; 2. the rules on payments into and disbursements from the funds; 3. the predefined rules on use of funds; 4. the definition of the term "promising author"; and 5. the rules on supervision of the use of funding granted.

Article 34 (Distribution of rights revenue collected)

(1) A collective management organisation shall regularly, diligently and accurately distribute and pay out collected rights revenue to authors in accordance with predefined rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall ensure that the collected rights revenue is distributed and paid out as soon as possible and no later than nine months from the end of the financial year in which the revenue was collected unless objective reasons beyond the control of the collective management organisation or outsourced service provider prevent it from so doing. Such objective reasons shall be related in particular to reporting by users, identification of rights, rightholders or matching of information on copyright works.

Article 35 (Treatment of undistributed rights revenue)

(1) Where it is not possible to distribute rights revenue, the relevant amounts shall be kept in a separate account of the collective management organisation (undistributed rights revenue).

(2) The collective management organisation shall make every effort to identify and locate rightholders concerned by examining information on rightholders, membership records, records on rightholders and other data available.

(3) The collective management organisation shall make information on the copyright works for which no rightholders have been identified or located available to the rightholders it represents and to the collective management organisations with which it has concluded representation agreements, and shall do so no later than within three months of the expiry of the deadline set in paragraph two of the preceding Article.

(4) The information referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include, where available, the following: - the title of the copyright work; - the name of the rightholder; - the name or company name of the publisher, film producer or producer of phonograms;

and - any other relevant information available which could assist in identifying the rightholder.

(5) If it is not possible to identify or locate the rightholder after the measures referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article have been taken, the collective management organisation shall publish the information referred to in paragraph three of this Article on its website, this not later than one year following the expiry of the three-month period referred to in paragraph three of this Article.

(6) Where it is not possible to distribute rights revenue despite all measures taken, the amounts concerned shall be deemed undistributed (undistributed rights revenue) after three years from the end of the financial year in which they were collected and subject to the conditions referred to in paragraphs two, three and five.

Article 36 (Representation agreements with foreign collective management organisations)

(1) A collective management organisation which manages a copyright under a representation agreement concluded with a foreign collective management organisation shall not treat the rightholders concerned in any way differently from its own members, in particular as regards tariffs, operating costs, the collection of rights revenue and the method of distribution.

(2) The collective management organisation may only deduct operating costs from the rights revenue collected under the representation agreement and, if so provided for therein, also make deductions for dedicated funds.

(3) The distribution of the collected rights revenue shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of Article 34 of this Act. Notwithstanding paragraph two of Article 34 of this Act, the represented collective management organisation shall distribute and pay out the collected rights revenue as soon as possible and no later than six months of its receipt.


Article 37 (Rightholders’ right of access)

(1) In response to a duly justified request by a rightholder whose rights are under collective management, a collective management organisation shall forthwith allow the rightholder access to its documents and data.

(2) Prior to accessing the documents and data referred to in the preceding paragraph, the rightholder shall sign a statement to protect any business secrets of the collective management organisation.

(3) Where the collective management organisation denies access to the documents and data, the rightholder may request a court to issue a decision granting such access.

(4) The rightholder shall be held liable for any damage caused to the collective management organisation as a result of disclosure of its business secrets.

Article 38 (Provision of information to rightholders and foreign collective management


(1) At least once a year, a collective management organisation shall provide the rightholders to whom rights revenue was granted or paid the information about: - the period to which the rights revenue payment refers; - the rights revenue amounts granted to the rightholder, by individual rights and by type of

use; - the rights revenue amounts paid to the rightholder, by individual rights and by type of

use; - any deductions made in respect of operating costs; - any deductions for dedicated funds, provided the rightholder gave relevant consent; - any rights revenue granted to the rightholder but not yet paid out, by individual periods;

and - the contact details of the rightholder for identification purposes.

(2) At least once a year and by electronic means, the collective management organisation shall provide the foreign collective management organisations on whose behalf it manages rights under a representation agreement information about: - the rights revenues collected on the basis of the representation agreement; - any deductions made in respect of operating costs; - any deductions for dedicated funds, provided the foreign management organisation gave

relevant consent; - the persons granted the permission to use the copyright work covered by the

representation agreement; and - the resolutions adopted at general meetings insofar as they are relevant to the

management of the rights under the representation agreement.

(3) When requested, the collective management organisation shall provide information as to whether a work is protected by copyright within 15 days. The tariff for the information provided shall not exceed the actual cost of drawing up the information.

Article 39 (Informing the public)

(1) A collective management organisation shall publish on its website the following information, which shall be freely accessible to the public: 1. the permit to collectively manage copyrights; 2. its repertoire, the copyrights under its management and, in the case of multi-territorial

licensing of rights in musical works for online use, the territories it covers; 3. its membership requirements, a sample authorisation form and the requirements

regarding the termination of authorisation; 4. any common agreements concluded with the representative associations of users; 5. a sample of the contract with users and the tariffs for particular types of use; 6. the names of the foreign collective management organisations with which it has

concluded representation agreements and a list of such agreements; 7. the information about its membership in international associations; 8. its statute; 9. the rules on distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders; 10. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 11. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; 12. the rules on operating costs; 13. the rules on the dedicated funds; 14. the risk-management rules; 15. data on the persons authorised to represent it; 16. a list of members of its bodies, except the general assembly; 17. the information referred to in paragraph three of Article 35 of this Act; 18. the number of its members and the total number of voting rights; 19. provisional tariffs; 20. its adopted annual report and an audit report; 21. the criteria used for setting tariffs; and 22. the method of resolving disputes between the collective management organisation and

its members, rightholders, foreign collective management organisations and users.

(2) The collective management organisation shall keep the documents and information referred to in the preceding paragraph regularly updated. The annual report, together with the audit report, shall remain published on the website of the collective management organisation for a minimum period of five years after its adoption.


Article 40 (General provisions on annual reports)

(1) An annual report of a collective management organisation shall be drawn up in a clear and transparent manner. It shall present a true and fair view of assets and liabilities, financial status, and the profits and losses of the collective management organisation.

(2) When the collective management organisation manages different rights of rightholders in different types of copyright works, the collective management of rights shall be separately presented in the annual report.

(3) The members of the management body and supervisory board shall jointly ensure that the annual reports and their components are drawn up and published in accordance with this Act, Slovene accounting standards and international financial reporting standards. They shall act within the scope of their powers and with due care and responsibility as provided for by this Act.

(4) The annual report and its components shall be signed by all members of the management body of the collective management organisation.

(5) The annual report shall be drawn up on the basis of the closed accounts within three months of the end of each financial year.

(6) After the audit of the annual report has been completed, the supervisory board shall verify the annual report submitted by the management and draw up a written report on its findings for the general assembly. The report shall indicate the method and scope of the examination of the management of the collective management organisation during the financial year. The report shall conclude with any comments the supervisory board may have on the annual report.

(7) The general assembly shall decide on the adoption of the annual report no later than eight months after the end of the financial year.

(8) The annual report, together with the audit report, shall be submitted to AJPES for the purpose of its publication within eight months of the end of the financial year.

Article 41 (Annual report composition)

(1) An annual report of a collective management organisation shall include at least: - a balance sheet; - an income statement; - a cash-flow statement; - notes on the financial statements; - a report on the utilisation of dedicated funds, if applicable; - a report on the activities in the financial year; - a report on any operations with outsourced service providers; - information on any refusals to grant permission to use the copyright works in the

repertoire of the collective management organisation; - a statement on any conflicts of interest as referred to in Article 29 of this Act; - a description of the legal form and the method of management and supervision of the

collective management organisation; - the total amount of remuneration paid in the previous financial year by the collective

management organisation to members of the management body and supervisory board, indicated separately for the two boards, including payments to supplementary pension schemes and any other types of benefits; and

- the company names or names and registered offices of connected persons and outsourced service providers.

(2) The notes on financial statements shall include explanations concerning: 1. the total amount of rights revenue collected by the collective management organisation

with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which it was collected;

2. the total amount of costs incurred by the collective management organisation and their percentage of the total amount of the collected rights revenue with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights and by types of use;

3. operating costs and their percentage of the total amount of the collected rights revenue, whereby the data shall be shown by categories of copyrights and by types of use, with a detailed explanation and broken down into at least the following items: - costs associated with the collection of rights revenue and compensation; - costs associated with the distribution of rights revenue and compensation; - lawyers’ fees; - IT costs; - labour costs; - outsourced service providers’ costs; and - other operating costs of the collective management organisation;

4. the amount of costs associated with the operation of dedicated funds and their percentage compared to the total amount of the collected rights revenue;

5. the resources used to cover the costs of the collective management organisation; 6. the amounts allocated to dedicated funds with a detailed explanation and broken down

by categories of copyrights and by types of use; 7. the number of rights revenue distributions by categories of copyrights and types of use; 8. the total amount of rights revenue granted to rightholders with a detailed explanation and

broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

9. the total amount of rights revenue paid to rightholders with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

10. the total amount of rights revenue granted to rightholders but not yet paid out with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

11. the total amount of rights revenue collected but not yet granted to rightholders, whereby these data shall be broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

12. reasons for failing to grant or pay due amounts to rightholders in the time limits referred to in Articles 34 and 35 of this Act;

13. the amount of undistributed rights revenue and an explanation as to their use; 14. the amounts received from and paid to other collective management organisations,

broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

15. the amounts of operating costs charged to other collective management organisations, broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

16. the amounts of operating costs paid to other collective management organisations, broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

17. the amount of rights revenue originating from other collective management organisation and directly distributed to rightholders;

18. all transactions conducted with connected persons; and 19. the average number of employees in the financial year.

(3) The special report on the utilisation of dedicated funds shall disclose information concerning the allocation of rights revenue to the dedicated funds, broken down by categories of copyrights and by types of use, and shall also include a detailed explanation of the utilisation of the dedicated funds, including data on recipients and amounts received and the total assets of each dedicated fund.

(4) The report on operations with an outsourced service provider shall disclose any legal transactions with the outsourced service provider entered into by the collective management organisation and the total amount of payments by the collective management organisation, broken down by individual legal transactions.

Article 42 (Audits)

(1) An annual report of the collective management organisation shall be audited by a certified auditor no later than six months after the end of the financial year and in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by the Act governing audits.

(2) The audit report shall, mutatis mutandis, be subject to the provisions of the Act regulating companies.

Article 43 (Special audits)

(1) A general meeting may appoint, by a simple majority of the voting rights present, a special auditor to carry out a special audit of the management of individual transactions in the collective management organisation. The notice of the general meeting shall indicate proposals for the certified auditor and the types of transactions to be audited as tabled by the proposers.

(2) When the appointment of a special auditor is rejected by the general meeting, the special auditor may be appointed by a court on the proposal of at least five percent of all voting rights provided there are grounds for suspecting that fraudulent acts or serious violations of the law or the statute occurred in procedures or business operations.

(3) An auditor that has conducted an audit of the annual report of the collective management organisation in the preceding five years shall not be appointed as a special auditor.

(4) The costs associated with the special audit shall be covered by the collective management organisation. The collective management organisation shall have the right to request the proposers referred to in paragraph one or two of this Article to reimburse the costs it incurred in relation to an unsubstantiated special audit in accordance with the general rules on liability for damages.

(5) The management of the collective management organisation shall publish the special audit report on the organisation’s website within three days of its receipt.


Article 44 (Common agreements)

(1) A common agreement between a collective management organisation and a representative association of users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall be concluded in writing. Representative associations of users shall mean those associations that represent the majority of users from a particular

field of activity with regard to their number and associations recognised as representative by law.

(2) A common agreement may also be concluded between the collective management organisation and an individual user of copyright works from its repertoire when, due to the nature of the activity, this individual is the only one carrying it out. The provisions applying to representative associations of users shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to the individual user under this provision.

(3) The collective management organisation shall publish its initial invitation to negotiate the common agreement on its website and on the website of AJPES.

(4) The common agreement shall include at least: 1. the tariff; 2. the terms of use of copyright works with regard to context of use; 3. contexts of use that shall give rise to an increase or decrease in the payment of rights

revenue or compensation under the tariff or to exemption from such payment; 4. the deadline for payment of rights revenue or compensation; 5. the method of payment of rights revenue and possible back payment with regard to the

provisional tariff referred to in paragraph four of Article 45 of this Act for the use of copyright works pending the conclusion of the common agreement, provided that the aforementioned agreement introduces a tariff for the particular type of use of copyright works; and

6. representatives of the collective management organisation and representative association of users of copyright works who shall monitor the implementation of the common agreement.

(5) Collective management organisations and users shall negotiate in good faith and exchange any information necessary to conclude the common agreement.

(6) The collective management organisation shall publish the common agreement in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

(7) The common agreement shall start to apply to any user of the same category of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation, regardless of their participation in negotiations or in the conclusion of such an agreement, on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS). Users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall conclude a contract with the collective management organisation in accordance with the applicable common agreement.

(8) The applicable common agreement shall be binding on courts.

(9) The provisions of this Article shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to amendments to or termination of common agreements.

Article 45 (Tariffs)

(1) The tariffs for the use of copyright works shall specify the amount and the method of calculating the rights revenue payable by individual users to the collective management organisation for the use of the copyright works in the repertoire of that collective management organisation.

(2) The tariffs shall be defined in the common agreement concluded between the collective management organisation and the representative association of users or, if this is not possible, in a decision of the Copyright Board (hereinafter: the Board). The tariffs defined in the applicable common agreement shall be deemed appropriate until otherwise decided by the Board by way of a final decision.

(3) The tariffs shall reflect the economic value of the rights under the common agreement, the nature and scope of the use of the copyright works, and the economic value of the service provided by the collective management organisation and shall, in light of the circumstances of the particular case, take into account in particular: 1. the scope of the repertoire; 2. the scope of the permit; 3. the revenue generated from the use of the copyright work, or if this is not possible costs

related to such use; 4. the relevance of the copyright work for the activity of the user; 5. 5. the ratio between the protected and non-protected copyright works used; 6. 6. the ratio between the rights managed collectively and those managed individually; 7. 7. particular complexity of collective management of rights due to a particular use of the

copyright works; and 8. 8. comparability of the proposed tariffs and the tariffs of corresponding collective

management organisations applicable to the same type of copyright works for the same type of use in the Republic of Slovenia and other Member States, taking into account the gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units.

(4) When no tariff has ever been set for a particular type of use of the copyright works, the collective management organisation may itself set a provisional tariff, so as to: 1. exclude the three highest tariffs of the ten tariffs applicable in the Member States for the

same category of copyrights, the same type of copyright works and the same type of use thereof;

2. calculate the average of the remaining seven Member State tariffs for the same category of copyrights, the same type of copyright works and the same type of use thereof; and

3. apply a correction factor to the average tariff so established by considering the scope of the repertoire it represents and the ratio between the average gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units in the remaining seven selected Member States and in the Republic of Slovenia, all relative to the calendar year preceding the setting of the provisional tariff.

(5) The provisional tariff shall be null and void unless appropriately explained.

(6) The collective management organisation shall publish the provisional tariff, together with the explanation, and the invitation to negotiate the common agreement on its website and on the website of AJPES. The provisional tariff shall start to apply on the fifteenth day after its publication on the website of AJPES.

Article 46 (Compensation paid for private and other non-commercial reproduction)

(1) The amounts of compensation paid for private and other non-commercial reproduction which belong collectively to all rightholders entitled to such compensation under the act governing copyright and related rights shall be determined jointly by the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP and the representative association of persons liable referred to in paragraph one of Article 38 of the ZASP, applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of this

Act on the conclusion of the common agreement and the setting of tariffs, with the exception of paragraph three of the preceding Article.

(2) The compensation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be set for each sound recording and each video recording device, for each unrecorded sound or image carrier depending on its recording or memory capacity, for each photocopying device depending on its performance (number of copies per minute) and option of colour copies and for each copy made for sale.

(3) The amount of compensation shall be determined by considering: 1. the anticipated extent of the use of devices and carriers referred to in the preceding

paragraph for private and other non-commercial reproduction and their price bracket; 2. the decrease in authors’ revenue due to permitted private and other non-commercial

reproduction; 3. the extent of the use of technological measures to protect copyright works or the subject-

matter of related rights referred to in Article 166a of the ZASP; 4. the comparability with the amount of compensation in other EU Member States, taking

into account gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units; and 5. the scope of free licences or rightholders’ permits allowing free use of copyright works.

Article 47 (Obligation to contract)

(1) A collective management organisation shall treat all users of the same category on an equal basis and shall allow them to communicate electronically.

(2) User of works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation may at any time request that a non-exclusive contract be concluded for the transfer of rights for the use of these works in accordance with the applicable common agreement. The collective management organisation shall not reject such a request.

(3) In the absence of a non-exclusive contract for the transfer of rights for the use of protected works, the relevant right shall be deemed transferred when the amount charged by the collective management organisation under the applicable or provisional tariff is deposited into the account of the collective management organisation or with a court or notary by a user.

Article 48 (Users’ obligation to provide information)

(1) Users of copyright works in the repertoire of a collective management organisation shall send information on the use of relevant copyright works required for the purposes of collecting and distributing rights revenue to the collective management organisation within the deadline set and in the manner provided for by this Act or a common agreement.

(2) Organisers of cultural and entertainment events and other users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall obtain the rights of communication to the public prior to the use of such works, where so required by the act governing copyright and related rights, and shall afterwards submit schedules of all works used or, where this is not possible, other information required for the calculation of rights revenue to the competent collective management organisation within fifteen days of their use.

(3) Broadcasting organisations shall send the competent collective management organisation, on a monthly basis, the schedules of broadcasted copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation and shall also publish them on their website.

(4) Where copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation are used pursuant to the act governing copyright and related rights and on a non-exclusive basis, users of these works shall send the information regarding such use to the competent collective management organisation once a month.

(5) Persons referred to in Article 35 of the ZASP shall send to the competent collective management organisation the information required to calculate the compensation due, such as the type and number of sold originals, the persons liable, and the retail price excluding public levies, within 30 days of the sale of an original work of fine art.

(6) The persons liable referred to in paragraph one of Article 38 of the ZASP shall send, at the end of each calendar half-year, to the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP information about the type and number of sold or imported devices and carriers referred to in paragraph two of Article 37 of the ZASP and photocopying devices referred to in point one of paragraph three of Article 37 of the ZASP and information about the sold copies required to calculate the compensation due, unless otherwise provided by the collective agreement. The collective management organisation may only use the information obtained for the purpose for which it was provided and shall not disclose it to unauthorised persons.


Article 49 (The Board)

(1) The Board – an independent professional body – shall have the following competences in respect of collective management of rights: 1. to set appropriate tariffs for the use of copyright works; 2. to decide on any disputed issue regarding the conclusion of a common agreement; and 3. to verify the compliance of the published common agreement with the provisions of this


(2) The Board shall decide independently; its decisions shall not be bound by any expert or other instructions.

(3) The Board shall have its seat with the competent authority. The Board shall have a secretary to provide it with administrative assistance. The secretary shall be appointed by the competent authority from among the staff.

(4) The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall publish them on the website of the competent authority.

Article 50 (Organisation of the Board)

(1) The Board shall consist of a chairperson and four members.

(2) The chairperson and members of the Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the minister responsible for the economy. Collective management organisations and representative associations of users shall each propose two members of the Board, with at least one candidate of each proposer holding at least a degree obtained in the second cycle study programme in economics in accordance with the act governing higher education. The chairperson of the Board shall be proposed by the competent authority.

(3) On the proposal of the minister responsible for the economy, the competent authority shall publish in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS) a public call inviting collective management organisations and representative associations of users to nominate, within two months, their respective two members of the Board. Within one month of the expiry of the time limit for nominating members of the Board, the competent authority shall submit to the minister responsible for the economy the applications of the candidates and the proposal for the chairperson of the Board, who shall meet the conditions referred to in paragraphs one and two of Article 51 of this Act.

(4) When collective management organisations or representative associations of users fail to act in compliance with paragraphs two and three of this Article, the competent authority shall nominate any members lacking.

(5) The chairperson and members of the Board shall be appointed by the minister responsible for the economy, who shall have the right to reject the competent authority’s proposal for appointment of the chairperson or members of the Board. In such a case, the procedure referred to in paragraph three of this Article shall be repeated.

Article 51 (Terms of office and requirements for the chairperson and members of the Board)

(1) The chairperson and members of the Board shall hold at least a degree obtained in the second cycle study programme in accordance with the act governing higher education and shall have at least three years of work experience. The chairperson of the Board shall hold a degree in law and shall have passed the state lawyers’ examination. Two members of the Board shall have qualifications in economics. The chairperson and members of the Board shall have knowledge of copyright law.

(2) The chairperson or a member of the Board shall not be any of the following: 1. a member of the executive or official body of a political party; 2. a member of the management or supervisory board or an authorised representative of a

collective management organisation or a representative association of users; or 3. a person having been sentenced to more than six months’ imprisonment by way of a

final judgment for a premeditated offence prosecuted ex officio. The restriction referred to in this last point shall cease when the criminal record is deleted.

(3) The term of office for the chairperson and members of the Board shall be five years. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the term of office shall terminate on the day of the appointment of a new chairperson or new members of the Board.

(4) In the case of the resignation of the chairperson or a member of the Board, the term of office shall terminate on the day of the appointment of a new chairperson or new member of the Board.

Article 52 (Dismissal of the chairperson and members of the Board)

(1) The minister responsible for the economy shall dismiss the chairperson or a member of the Board when the person concerned: - so requests; - fails to meet the statutory conditions for appointment (paragraph one of the preceding

Article); or - takes up a position incompatible with the office of chairperson or member of the Board

(paragraph two of the preceding Article).

(2) No appeal shall be possible against a decision to dismiss, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought.

Article 53 (Procedures before the Board)

(1) Collective management organisations or representative associations of users may request the Board to set an appropriate tariff or decide on any disputed issue regarding a common agreement at any time after the entry into force of a provisional tariff as referred to in Article 45 of this Act or within five months of the beginning of negotiations when a common agreement fails to be concluded.

(2) Collective management organisations or representative associations of users may request the Board to decide whether the common agreement complies with the provisions of this Act and whether a tariff set by the agreement is appropriate.

(3) If the Board has already decided on the appropriateness of an applicable tariff, a new request as in the previous paragraph may be submitted provided that: 1. not less than six years have elapsed since its entry into force and 2. important circumstances that influence the appropriateness of the tariff have occurred.

(4) The procedure before the Board shall be initiated by a written request including at least: 1. the applicant’s details; 2. an explanation of issues raised; 3. a report on negotiations to date; and 4. the proposal for the tariff or the settlement of the disputed issue.

(5) The Board shall send the request referred to in the preceding paragraph to the other party within 15 days of its receipt and shall invite it to comment on the matter within 30 days.

(6) Each party may state the facts and submit the evidence on which its motions are based or with which allegations and evidence of the other party are being challenged not later than at the first oral hearing to be called by the Board, this within three months of receipt of the reply or the expiry of the deadline for the other party to submit a reply to the request referred to in paragraph four of this Article.

(7) No expert witness may be appointed by the Board.

(8) The provisions of the act regulating general administrative procedure shall apply in the procedure before the Board unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 54 (Board decisions)

(1) The Board shall issue a decision within nine months of the conclusion of the oral hearing.

(2) The Board shall set an appropriate tariff or decide on a disputed issue by way of a decision, whereby it may approve, amend or annul, in whole or in part, a contested common agreement or tariff.

(3) A final decision of the Board shall be an integral part of the common agreement or shall substitute such an agreement when the final decision amends or annuls the contested common agreement or when such an agreement has not been concluded.

(4) The final decision of the Board shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

(5) The decision by the Board setting an appropriate tariff for the use of copyright works shall cease to be in force when a new tariff is set by the parties in the common agreement.

Article 55 (Costs of procedures before the Board)

(1) The costs of procedures before the Board shall include the costs incurred by the parties and those incurred by the Board.

(2) Each party shall bear its own costs related to procedures before the Board.

(3) The following costs incurred by the Board shall be covered by both parties in equal shares: - the remuneration of the chairperson and members of the Board; - travel and other reasonable expenses of the chairperson and members of the Board; - costs incurred by necessary evidence-taking; and - administrative costs.

(4) The party who initiates the procedure shall make an appropriate (advance) payment to cover the costs of the Board within the time limit set by the Board or else the request to initiate the procedure shall be dismissed.

(5) The remuneration of a Board member shall amount to one-third of the basic monthly salary without promotion of a district court judge and shall be paid for each started month of the procedure, while the remuneration of the chairperson of the Board shall amount to the remuneration of a Board member increased by 20%. The Board members and chairperson shall be remunerated for the duration of the procedure but not for longer than 12 months.

(6) Following the final decision referred to in the preceding Article, the Board shall issue a special decision on its costs and on potential refunding of the appropriate share of the costs of the Board to be made by either party to the other party, taking into account the advance payment, and shall make payments to its members and chairperson only after the aforementioned decision becomes final.

Article 56 (Judicial protection against decisions of the Board)

(1) No appeal shall be possible against a decision on the costs of the Board, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought; such an action shall be decided on by the Administrative Court at its seat.

(2) The Board shall be exempt from payment of court fees in an administrative dispute. Each party shall bear its own costs of the procedure.


Article 57 (Scope of application)

(1) This Chapter shall apply to collective management organisations holding a permit for multi-territorial collective management of copyright on musical work for online uses.

(2) This Chapter shall not apply to collective management organisations which grant, on the basis of the voluntary aggregation of the required rights, in compliance with the rules on competition, multi-territorial licences for online use of musical works applied for by a broadcaster to communicate to the public its radio or television programmes simultaneously with the original broadcast, or before or after such a broadcast, or to any online material, including previews, produced by or for the broadcaster which is ancillary to the initial broadcast of its radio or television programme.

Article 58 (Capacity to process multi-territorial licences)

(1) Collective management organisations shall have sufficient capacity to process electronically, in an efficient and transparent manner, data needed for the administration of such licences, including for the purposes of identifying the repertoire and monitoring its use, invoicing users, collecting rights revenue, and distributing amounts due to rightholders.

(2) The collective management organisation shall be capable of accurately identifying the musical works, wholly or in part, which fall under its authorisation to collectively manage rights.

(3) The collective management organisation shall have the ability to identify accurately, wholly or in part, with respect to each relevant territory, the rights and their corresponding rightholders for each musical work or share therein which fall under its collective management authorisation.

(4) The collective management organisation shall make use of unique identifiers in order to identify rightholders and musical works, taking into account, as far as possible, voluntary industry standards and practices developed at international or European Union level.

(5) The collective management organisation shall make use of adequate means in order to identify and resolve, in a timely and effective manner, inconsistencies in data held by other collective management organisations granting multi-territorial licences for online use of musical works.

(6) In its application for authorisation, the collective management organisation shall provide information referred to in Article 13 of this Act and shall also submit evidence of fulfilling the conditions referred to in paragraphs one to five of this Article.

Article 59 (Electronic communication)

(1) A collective management organisation shall allow for electronic communication with the rightholders whose rights fall under its multi-territorial management, with internet service providers and with other collective management organisations.

(2) The collective management organisation shall enable the use of at least one method of electronic communication which shall, as far as is possible, ensure that such electronic means take into account the relevant voluntary industry standards or practices developed at international or European Union level.

Article 60 (Transparency of multi-territorial repertoire information)

(1) A collective management organisation shall enable the rightholders who authorised it to manage their online rights in musical works to submit in electronic form the data on the musical works, the rights in these works and the territories for which the rightholders authorised the collective management organisation.

(2) In response to a duly justified request, the collective management organisation shall provide up-to-date information by electronic means, enabling the identification of the online music repertoire it represents, to online music service providers, to rightholders whose rights fall under its multi-territorial collective management and to other collective management organisations.

(3) The information referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include: - the musical works represented; - the rights wholly or in part under its collective management; and - the territories covered.

The collective management organisation may take reasonable steps, where necessary, to protect the accuracy and integrity of the data, to control its reuse and to protect commercially sensitive information.

Article 61 (Accuracy of multi-territorial repertoire information)

(1) Where an online service provider, a rightholder whose rights fall under the multi-territorial collective management of a collective management organisation or any collective management organisation has grounds to believe that the data or information referred to in Articles 58 and 60 of this Act concerning their online rights in musical works is inaccurate, the collective management organisation shall correct them without undue delay provided that the requests are sufficiently substantiated.

(2) The right referred to in the preceding paragraph may also be requested in relation to an authorised collective management organisation referred to in Article 64 of this Act by a rightholder whose works are part of the repertoire of the collective management

organisation that granted the authorisation, unless otherwise provided by the representation agreement.

(3) The rules on the procedure for correcting data referred to in paragraphs one and two of this Article shall be published on the website of the collective management organisation.

Article 62 (Reporting by users and invoicing)

(1) A collective management organisation shall monitor the online use of the musical works which it represents, in whole or in part, by online music service providers to which it has granted a multi-territorial licence for those rights.

(2) The online service providers shall accurately report to the collective management organisation on the actual use of the musical works. The collective management organisation may refuse to accept such reporting by an online service provider if it is submitted in a format other than as referred to in paragraph two of Article 59 of this Act and shall invite the latter to submit it in the appropriate format.

(3) After having received the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation shall issue an accurate invoice not later that within two business days, except where this is not possible for reasons attributable to the online service provider.

(4) The collective management organisation shall invoice the online service provider by electronic means and shall offer the use of a least one format which takes into account voluntary industry standards or practices developed at international or European Union level. The invoice shall identify the works, the corresponding rights and the actual use of the works to the extent this is possible on the basis of the information provided by the online service provider and the format used to provide such information. The online service provider may not refuse to accept the invoice because of its format if the collective management organisation is using an industry standard or practices developed at international or European Union level.

(5) The collective management organisation shall enable the online service provider to challenge the accuracy of the invoice. The rules on such procedures shall be available on the website of the collective management organisation.

Article 63 (Payment of rights revenue)

(1) After having received the report on the actual online use of the musical works referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article, the collective management organisation shall distribute the rights revenue not later that within two business days, except where this is not possible for reasons attributable to the online service provider.

(2) The collective management organisation shall provide at least the following information to rightholders: - the period in respect of which the rights revenue for the online use of the musical works

is being paid and the territories in which the uses took place; - the amounts of the rights revenue collected and distributed to the rightholder for each

online right in any musical work;

- deductions for the operating costs of the collective management organisation for each online right in any musical work; and

- the amounts of rights revenue collected, deductions made thereto and the amounts distributed in respect of each online service provider.

Article 64 (Agreements between collective management organisations for multi-territorial


(1) A collective management organisation ("the mandating collective management organisation") may conclude an agreement with another collective management organisation ("the mandated collective management organisation") mandating the latter to grant multi- territorial licences for the online rights in musical works in the music repertoire of the former. Such an agreement shall be of a non-exclusive nature or else it shall be deemed null and void.

(2) The mandating collective management organisation shall inform its members of the main terms of the agreement, including its duration and the costs of the services provided by the mandated collective management organisation.

(3) The mandated collective management organisation shall regularly inform the mandating collective management organisation of the main terms according to which the licenses are granted, including the type of use of the musical work, all provisions which relate to or affect the licence fee, the duration of the licence, the accounting periods, and the territories covered.

(4) The mandated collective management organisation shall accurately and within two business days distribute the rights revenue to the mandating collective management organisation in accordance with the preceding Article. The mandating collective management organisation shall be responsible for further distribution of the rights revenue and the provision of information referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article, unless otherwise agreed by the collective management organisations.

Article 65 (Obligation to represent another collective management organisation)

(1) A collective management organisation which does not grant or offer to grant multi-territorial licences for the online rights in musical works in its repertoire shall request another authorised collective management organisation to enter into a non-exclusive representation agreement.

(2) The authorised collective management organisation shall agree to such a request if it is already granting or offering to grant multi-territorial licences for the same category of online rights in musical works in the repertoire of one or more other collective management organisations.

(3) The authorised collective management organisation shall respond to the requesting collective management organisation in writing within two business days.

(4) The authorised collective management organisation shall manage the represented repertoire on the same conditions as apply to its own repertoire.

(5) The authorised collective management organisation shall include the repertoire of the represented collective management organisation in all offers it addresses to online service providers.

(6) Article 32 of this Act shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the operating costs related to the represented repertoire.

(7) The represented collective management organisation shall make available to the authorised collective management organisation information relating to its own music repertoire required for the provision of multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works. Where such information is insufficient, the authorised collective management organisation shall be entitled to charge the represented collective management organisation additional costs or to exclude those works for which the information is insufficient.

Article 66 (Alternative dispute settlement in multi-territorial licences)

The provisions of Article 68 of this Act shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to disputes between collective management organisations and users or one or more rightholders or another collective management organisation.


Article 67 (Complaint procedures)

(1) A collective management organisation shall ensure that its members, rightholders and other collective management organisations which are parties to a representation agreement have access to effective dispute resolution, in particular regarding the authorisation to manage the rights, membership terms, collection and distribution of rights revenue, and operating costs.

(2) The collective management organisation shall respond to a complaint in writing. When the complaint is not upheld, the grounds for such a decision shall be stated.

(3) An action against a final decision of the collective management organisation may be brought before a court having jurisdiction in intellectual property cases under the act governing courts.

(4) The procedures referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be defined in the statute of the collective management organisation.

Article 68 (Mediation)

(1) Collective management organisations, representative associations of users, users and rightholders may propose the intervention of a mediator on the basis of a mediation agreement.

(2) Mediation concerning paragraph two of Article 166c of the ZASP and Article 66 of this Act may be requested without a mediation agreement. In such mediation procedures,

the provisions on mediation between the collective management organisation and the representative association of users shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(3) The mediator shall be independent and impartial and shall not be bound by any instructions.

(4) The mediator shall do whatever is necessary to ensure the parties negotiate in good faith and that the negotiations are not hindered without a valid reason.

(5) The mediator may submit a proposal for dispute resolution to the parties. The settlement proposal shall be deemed accepted if neither party objects within three months of the receipt thereof.

(6) Secrecy shall be guaranteed in the mediation procedure.

(7) The parties shall jointly choose a mediator from the list of mediators appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Government) on the proposal of the minister responsible for the economy. The list shall include the names and addresses of the mediators.

(8) The competent authority shall provide administrative assistance to the mediator.

(9) The mediator shall be remunerated by the parties for any mediation conducted.

(10) The Government, by way of a decree, shall determine in greater detail the mediation procedures, the level and type of education and other requirements to be fulfilled by the mediator, and the remuneration of the mediator.


Article 69 (Supervisory powers)

(1) Supervision of the implementation of this Act shall be carried out by the competent authority, excepting for the provision of paragraph eight of Article 40, which shall be supervised by AJPES, and the provisions of Article 48 of this Act, to be supervised by the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The competent authority shall carry out the supervision in accordance with the annual work programme adopted pursuant to the act governing state administration. In addition to the supervision defined in the annual work programme, the competent authority may also carry out supervision ex officio or on the initiative of a third party. The third party submitting the initiative for action against the collective management organisation shall not be a party to the procedure.

(3) The competent authority shall have no power to decide on a dispute between rightholders and the collective management organisation or between users and the collective management organisation.

Article 70 (Supervisory board powers)

(1) In the framework of supervision and for the purposes thereof, the competent authority may: 1. inspect the books and other documents of the collective management organisation, even

if these include personal or other protected data; 2. request the collective management organisation to provide information or documents

relating to the organisation or its operations, even if these include personal or other protected data; or

3. request the members of the management body or supervisory board of the collective management organisation to explain, either orally or in writing, the facts or documents relating to the operation of the collective management organisation.

(2) The collective management organisation shall submit full information and documents referred to in the preceding paragraph to the competent authority. The competent authority shall protect the submitted information and documents in accordance with regulations.

(3) The supervision by the competent authority may also cover past matters which shall not be older than five years, unless the supervision procedure had already been introduced earlier.

(4) The provisions of the Act governing general administrative procedures shall apply in the supervision procedure unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 71 (Obligation of collective management organisations)

Within 15 days after circumstances have occurred or a document has been created or acquired, a collective management organisation shall submit to the competent authority, as applicable: 1. invitations to general meetings and meetings of other bodies of the collective

management organisation, enclosing any materials pertaining thereto; 2. information about any changes of personnel authorised to represent the collective

management organisation in accordance with this Act and the statute; 3. the statute and other internal rules and amendments thereto; 4. an invitation to negotiate a common agreement with a representative association of

users; 5. common agreements concluded with representative associations of users; 6. provisional tariffs; 7. agreements with foreign collective management organisations; 8. minutes of the general meeting of the collective management organisation and any

materials referred to in paragraph seven of Article 24 of this Act; and/or 9. a contract referred to in paragraph one of Article 17 of this Act and any amendments


Article 72 (Measures in the case of violations committed by collective management


(1) The competent authority shall issue a decision ordering a collective management organisation to remedy any established violations of the provisions of this Act within the time limit specified.

(2) Should the collective management organisation fail to remedy the established violation referred to in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may order members of its management body to be removed where this is justified by the gravity of the violation.

(3) The competent authority may decide to withdraw the issued permit where: 1. circumstances occur which may constitute grounds for refusal to issue a permit; 2. the collective management organisation delegates its tasks to an outsourced service

provider in contravention of the provisions of this Act; 3. the collective management organisation distributes the collected revenue to rightholders

in contravention of the provisions of this Act or the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue;

4. the collective management organisation repeatedly violates the provisions of this Act and fails to remedy such violations; or

5. the collective management organisation repeats the same violations established by an enforceable decision of the competent authority.

(4) Where the competent authority issues a decision to withdraw a permit, it may, at the same time, taking into account the gravity of the violation, declare that the withdrawal of the permit is not to be effected provided that the collective management organisation remedies the established violations within the set time limit and does not commit a new violation that would constitute grounds for the withdrawal of the permit within a set period which shall not be shorter than one year and shall not exceed three years.

(5) The decision under paragraphs two or three of this Article shall only be issued after the collective management organisation is ordered by the competent authority to remedy the violations established.

(6) No appeal shall be possible against a decision of the competent authority, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought; such an action shall be decided on by the Administrative Court at its seat.

(7) The decision referred to in paragraph three of this Article shall become enforceable on the day it becomes final. The competent authority shall publish a notice on the final decision in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

Article 73 (Exchange of information between competent authorities)

(1) Following a duly justified request by the competent authority of another Member State, the competent authority shall provide relevant explanations or information without undue delay, in particular with regard to the activities of collective management organisations, if such is available.

(2) Where the competent authority considers that a collective management organisation established in another Member State and operating in the Republic of Slovenia does not comply with the national law of the Member State of establishment adopted on the basis of Directive 2014/26/EU, the competent authority may transmit all relevant information to the competent authority of the Member State of the collective management organisation’s establishment and may also, where appropriate, request the latter to take appropriate action within its competence.

Article 74 (Informing the Commission and expert group)

(1) The competent authority shall inform the Commission without undue delay about any changes to the list of collective management organisations established in the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The competent authority shall inform the expert group established pursuant to Article 41 of Directive 2014/26/EU about any violations referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article.


Article 75 (Individual management pending permit issuance)

Rights that may only be managed collectively pursuant to this Act may be managed individually until such time as the competent authority issues a permit for their collective management.

Article 76 (Distribution of assets)

(1) All assets acquired by a collective management organisation while its permit was withdrawn, all collected and unpaid rights revenue and compensations, any income from bank deposits, and the assets of dedicated funds shall be deemed to be the property of the rightholders whose rights had been managed by the collective management organisation until the permit was withdrawn and shall be distributed to these rightholders not later than 12 months of the finality of the decision on withdrawal. The distribution shall be carried out according to the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue as applicable on the date of issue of the decision on permit withdrawal. Any assets that cannot be attached under these rules shall be distributed in equal shares based on the amounts of the rights revenue allocated to the rightholders according to the rules on distribution.

(2) A report by the legal person relating to the situation as on the day of finality of a decision on permit withdrawal shall be submitted to the competent authority within three months of the day of finality of said decision on permit withdrawal.

(3) A final report by the legal person relating to the situation as on the day of expiry of the time limit for the distribution of assets referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be submitted, together with the audit report, to the competent authority within six months of the expiry of the time limit for the distribution of assets referred to in paragraph one of this Article. The final report shall be revised by a certified auditor in a manner and under the conditions prescribed by the act governing audits.

(4) The reports referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article shall be drawn up according to the provisions of Articles 40 and 41 of this Act, mutatis mutandis.

(5) The competent authority shall publish the reports referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article on its website and on the website of AJPES.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to other cases of permit termination.


Article 77 (Minor offences committed by collective management organisation)

(1) A collective management organisation shall be fined from EUR 3,500 to EUR 6,000 for the offences of: - failing to submit a proposal to enter the company name or the name in the register

(paragraph two of Article 15); - failing to notify the competent authority of the conclusion, amendment or cancelation of a

contract with an outsourced service provider (paragraph five of Article 17); - failing to publish records on the website (paragraph nine of Article 19); - failing to update data in the records (paragraph ten of Article 19); - failing to take minutes at a general meeting or failing to publish minutes taken on the

website of the collective management organisation within the prescribed time limit (paragraph four of Article 25);

- failure by members of the supervisory board or management body to annually submit their respective written statements on conflicts of interest at the general meeting or where such statements fail to include all information (Article 29);

- failing to take into account cases subject to specific distribution (Article 31); - failing to provide information to rightholders or foreign collective management

organisations at least once a year (paragraphs one and two of Article 38); - failure to publish freely accessible information and data (Article 39); - failure to draw up the annual report in due time (paragraph five of Article 40); - failure to submit the annual report and the audit report to AJPES (paragraph eight of

article 40); or - failure to publish on its website the special audit report (paragraph five of Article 43).

(2) The responsible person of the collective management organisation shall also be fined from EUR 3,500 to EUR 6,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The collective management organisation shall be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 7,000 for the offences of: - failing to maintain records (paragraphs six and eight of Article 19); - failing to keep the collected rights revenue and any income from bank deposits on

separate accounts by categories of copyrights (indent one of paragraph two of Article 30);

- failing to observe the time limits with regard to the distribution of rights revenue (Articles 34, 35 and 36);

- failing to act in compliance with a request of the competent authority (paragraph one of Article 70); or

- failing to submit documents within the prescribed period (Article 71).

(4) The responsible person of the collective management organisation shall also be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 7,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 78 (Minor offences committed by legal persons, individual sole trades and individuals

who perform independent activities)

(1) Legal persons, individual sole traders or individuals who perform independent activities shall be fined from EUR 600 to EUR 6,000 for the offences of:

- failing to send information to the collective management organisation on the use of copyright works in its repertoire within the deadline and in the manner provided for by this Act or a common agreement (paragraph one of Article 48);

- failing to send the schedules of all works used or, where that is not possible, other information required for the calculation of rights revenue to the competent collective management organisation (paragraph two of Article 48);

- failing to send the schedules of broadcasted copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation to the competent collective management organisation once a month or failing to publish the aforementioned schedules on its website (paragraph three of Article 48);

- failing to send to the competent collective management organisation information on the use of copyright works from its repertoire (paragraph four of Article 48);

- failing to send, within the prescribe time limit, to the competent collective management organisation information required for the calculation of compensation due, such as the type and number of sold originals, on the persons liable, or on the retail price exluding public levies (paragraph five of Article 48); or

- failing to send, at the end of each calendar half-year, to the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP information about the type and number of sold or imported devices for sound and visual fixation, photocopying devices, or blank audio or video carriers or information about sold copies required for the calculation of the compensation due (paragraph six of Article 48).

(2) The responsible person of the legal person, individual sole trader or individual who performs independent activities shall also be fined from EUR 600 to EUR 3,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 79 (Other minor offences committed by legal entities)

(1) Legal persons shall be fined from EUR 1,200 to EUR 8,400 for failing to submit the report and the final report together with the audit report to the competent authority in due time (paragraphs two and three of Article 76).

(2) The responsible person of the legal person shall also be fined from EUR 1,200 and EUR 4,800 for the offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 80 (Imposition of fines)

A fine in an amount exceeding the minimum fine under this Act may be imposed in expedited proceedings for the offences referred to in this Act.


Article 81 (Harmonisation with the provisions of this Act)

(1) A collective management organisation already holding a permit issued by the competent authority to collectively manage rights shall be harmonised with the provisions of this Act within one year of its entry into force.

(2) On the expiry of the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall submit to the competent authority: 1. the statute; 2. the rules on the distribution of rights revenue collected; 3. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 4. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; 5. the rules on operating costs; 6. the rules on dedicated funds; 7. the risk management rules; and 8. the repertoire.

(3) Should the collective management organisation fail to submit the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph to the competent authority or should the submitted documents fail to comply with the provisions of this Act, the competent authority shall act in accordance with Article 72 of this Act.

(4) The collective management organisation referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall conform with Articles 40, 41 and 42 of this Act in the financial year following 31 December 2016.

(5) The supervision of the collective management organisation’s compliance with the act governing copyright and related rights initiated prior to the entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the regulations hitherto in force.

(6) Where no final decision is issued on an application for a permit to collectively manage copyrights by the date of the entry into force of this Act, the provisions of this Act shall apply.

(7) Procedures initiated and conducted on the basis of point three of paragraph one of Article 149 of the ZASP shall be stayed on the date of the entry into force of this Act.

(8) Tariffs and common agreements applicable on the date of the entry into force of this Act shall be deemed applicable common agreements under this Act.

(9) Judicial protection proceedings against decisions of the Board in progress on the date of the entry into force of this Act under Article 157d of the ZASP shall be concluded according to the regulations hitherto in force.

Article 82 (Harmonisation of regulations)

(1) The Government shall harmonise the provisions of the Decree on Mediation in Disputes Relating to Copyright or Related Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS, No. 35/05]) with the provisions of this Act within six months of the latter’s entry into force.

(2) The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure referred to in paragraph four of Article 49 of this Act within three months of its entry into force. Until the rules of procedure enter into force, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Board (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS, No. 87/12]) not in contravention of this Act shall apply.

Article 83 (Notice to rightholders)

A collective management organisation already holding a permit issued by the competent authority to collectively manage rights shall, by 10 October 2016, provide the information about the rights under Article 18 of this Act to the rightholders who authorised it to manage copyright until the entry into force of this Act.

Article 84 (Access to multi-territorial licensing)

(1) Where a collective management organisation does not hold a permit for multi- territorial collective management of copyrights in musical works or holds such a permit but does not grant licences or does not conclude a representation agreement with another collective management organisation by 10 April 2017, the rightholders of online rights in musical works may, for the purposes of multi-territorial licensing, authorise another collective management organisation holding such a permit.

(2) Where a rightholder exercises the right referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation that does not grant multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works shall not require the withdrawal of the online rights in musical works for the purposes of mono-territorial licensing.

Article 85 (Provisional tariff for private reproduction)

A collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to fair compensation for private and other non-commercial reproduction under Article 37 of the ZASP may adopt a provisional tariff taking into consideration the provisions on provisional tariffs referred to in Article 45 of this Act and paragraphs two and three of Article 46 of this Act.

Article 86 (Term of office of the Board)

The term of office of the current Board shall terminate five years after the entry into force of this Act.

Article 87 (Abrogation)

(1) On the day this Act enters into force, the following shall cease to be in force: - point three of paragraph one of Article 1, paragraph four of Article 38, Article 39, Chapter

VI, points 1, 2 and 3 of paragraph one of Article 185, and paragraphs three and four of Article 189 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], Nos 16/07– official consolidated text, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15) and

- the Decree on Arbitration in Disputes Concerning Copyright and Related Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 65/06).

(2) On the day this Act enters into force, the words "of this Act" shall be deleted from paragraph two of Article 72 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of

the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], Nos 16/07 – official consolidated text, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15).

(3) On the day this Act enters into force, the Decree on the Amounts of Compensation for Reproduction for Private or Other Non-Commercial Reproduction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 103/06) shall cease to be in force, but shall continue to apply until the entry into force of the provisional tariff referred to in Article 85 of this Act.

Article 88 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

No. 120-01/16-4/75 Ljubljana, 22 September 2016 EPA 1174-VII

National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia

Milan Brglez, m.p. President

Opozorilo: Besedilo osnovnega predpisa




1. člen

(vsebina zakona)

Ta zakon ureja kolektivno upravljanje avtorske in sorodnih pravic, postopek za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, postopek sklenitve skupnega sporazuma in določitve tarif za uporabo avtorskih del, delovanje Sveta za avtorsko pravo, izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, reševanje sporov in nadzor nad izvajanjem tega zakona.

2. člen

(prenos direktiv Evropske unije)

(1) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije prenaša Direktiva
2014/26/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2014 o kolektivnem upravljanju avtorske in sorodnih pravic ter izdajanju več ozemeljskih licenc za pravice za
glasbena dela za spletno uporabo na notranjem trgu (UL L št. 84 z dne 20. 3. 2014, str. 72; v
nadaljnjem besedilu: Direktiva 2014/26/EU).
(2) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije delno prenašata:
- Direktiva Sveta 93/83/EGS z dne 27. septembra 1993 o uskladitvi določenih pravil o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah v zvezi s satelitskim radiodifuznim oddajanjem in kabelsko
retransmisijo (UL L št. 248 z dne 6. 10. 1993, str. 15) in
- Direktiva 2006/116/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 12. decembra 2006 o trajanju varstva avtorske pravice in določenih sorodnih pravic (UL L št. 372 z dne 27. 12.
2006, str. 12), ki je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 2011/77/EU Evropskega
parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. septembra 2011 o spremembi Direktive 2006/116/ES o trajanju varstva avtorske pravice in določenih sorodnih pravic (UL L št. 265 z dne 11. 10.
2011, str. 1).

3. člen


Posamezni izrazi, uporabljeni v tem zakonu, imajo naslednji pomen:
- »avtorski honorar« je prihodek iz naslova uporabe avtorskega dela ali predmeta sorodnih pravic;
- »avtorska pravica«, »sorodne pravice« in »avtorsko delo« imajo isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice;
- »država članica« je država članica Evropske unije in Evropskega gospodarskega prostora;
- »imetnik oziroma imetnica pravic (v nadaljnjem besedilu: imetnik pravic)« je avtor oziroma avtorica (v nadaljnjem besedilu: avtor), izvajalec oziroma izvajalka (v nadaljnjem besedilu: izvajalec), proizvajalec fonograma, filmski producent, RTV organizacija,
založnik, izdelovalec podatkovnih baz in vsaka druga oseba, razen kolektivne organizacije, na katero so bile z zakonom, pogodbo ali drugim pravnim poslom prenesene posamične materialne avtorske pravice in druge pravice avtorja ali sorodne pravice, ali ki je na podlagi pogodbe ali drugega pravnega posla ali zakona upravičena do avtorskega honorarja;
- »povezana oseba« ima isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja medije;
- »pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del« so avtorske pravice, ki imajo isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in jih uporabnik pridobi za spletno uporabo glasbenih del;
- »pristojni organ« je Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino;
- »register« je register na podlagi zakona, ki ureja statusno obliko pravne osebe, ki je kolektivna organizacija;
- »repertoar« je seznam avtorskih del, na katerih kolektivna organizacija ali neodvisni
subjekt upravljanja upravlja avtorske pravice;
- »statut« je akt o ustanovitvi pravne osebe;
- »tuja kolektivna organizacija« je kolektivna organizacija, ki nima sedeža ali podružnice v
Republiki Sloveniji;
- »večozemeljska licenca« je dovoljenje za uporabo avtorskega dela, ki zajema ozemlje več kot ene države članice.

4. člen

(kolektivna organizacija)

Kolektivna organizacija je pravna oseba, ki je pridobila dovoljenje pristojnega organa in je na podlagi pooblastila imetnika pravic ali tega zakona pooblaščena za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske ali sorodnih pravic v imenu in za račun več kot enega imetnika pravic in v njihovo skupno korist, pri čemer je to njena edina in glavna dejavnost, in izpolnjuje eno ali obe od naslednjih meril:
- je v lasti ali pod nadzorom svojih članov;
- je nepridobitna.

5. člen

(neodvisni subjekt upravljanja)

(1) Neodvisni subjekt upravljanja je pravna oseba, ki je pridobila dovoljenje pristojnega organa in je pooblaščena za upravljanje avtorske ali sorodnih pravic v imenu več kot enega imetnika pravic in v njihovo skupno korist, pri čemer je to njena edina ali glavna pridobitna dejavnost, in ni v celoti ali deloma v neposredni ali posredni lasti ali pod nadzorom imetnikov pravic.
(2) Za neodvisni subjekt upravljanja se ne štejejo zlasti filmski producent, proizvajalec fonogramov, RTV organizacija, založnik ter menedžer in agent kot posrednik imetnikov pravic.
(3) Za neodvisni subjekt upravljanja se uporabljajo prvi in tretji odstavek 13. člena, drugi in četrti odstavek 14. člena, 38. člen, 2., 3., 6., 9., 10., 12. in 13. točka prvega odstavka
39. člena, peti odstavek 44. člena in 69. do 72. člen tega zakona.

6. člen

(sorodne pravice)

Določbe tega zakona, ki se nanašajo na avtorsko pravico, se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za sorodne pravice, razen določb o večozemeljskih licencah za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.

7. člen

(individualno in kolektivno upravljanje)

(1) Avtorske pravice se upravljajo posamično (individualno), to je za vsako posamezno avtorsko delo posebej, ali skupinsko (kolektivno), to je za več avtorskih del več avtorjev hkrati.
(2) Imetnik pravic se sam odloča ali bo avtorsko pravico upravljal osebno ali po zastopniku ali bo za upravljanje svojih pravic na že objavljenih avtorskih delih pooblastil katero od kolektivnih organizacij ali neodvisni subjekt upravljanja, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.
(3) Dokler je kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic po pooblastilu imetnika pravic ali tem zakonu preneseno na kolektivno organizacijo, avtor ne more osebno upravljati teh pravic, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

8. člen

(upravljanje po zastopniku)

(1) Upravljanje avtorskih pravic po zastopniku obsega:
1. zastopanje avtorjev pri njihovih pravnih poslih in razmerjih z uporabniki oziroma naročniki njihovih del, vključno s pobiranjem avtorskih honorarjev ali drugih nadomestil;
2. zastopanje avtorjev v postopkih pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi zaradi varstva njihovih avtorskih pravic.
(2) Kadar avtor uveljavlja svoje pravice pred sodišči ali drugimi državnimi organi po zastopniku, ki je fizična ali pravna oseba, je tak zastopnik upravičen do plačila za svoje delo in do povračila stroškov v zvezi z opravljenim delom po zastopniški tarifi, če izpolnjuje pogoje za zastopanje pred sodišči ali drugimi državnimi organi oziroma če te pogoje izpolnjuje pooblaščeni delavec pravne osebe, ki je zastopnik. Zastopniško tarifo sprejme zastopnik ali združenje zastopnikov v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za pravosodje.

9. člen

(obvezno kolektivno upravljanje)

Ne glede na drugi odstavek 7. člena tega zakona imetnik pravic upravlja svoje pravice na že objavljenih avtorskih delih le prek kolektivne organizacije (obvezno kolektivno upravljanje), če gre za:
1. priobčitev javnosti neodrskih glasbenih in pisanih del, razen pravice dajanja na voljo javnosti iz 32.a člena Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 68/08, 110/13 in 56/15; v nadaljnjem besedilu: ZASP);
2. ponovno prodajo izvirnikov likovnih del (sledna pravica iz 35. člena ZASP);
3. reproduciranje avtorskih del za privatno in drugo lastno uporabo ter njihovo fotokopiranje prek obsega iz 50. člena ZASP;
4. kabelsko retransmisijo avtorskih del, razen pri lastnih oddajanjih RTV organizacij, ne
glede na to, ali gre za njihove lastne pravice ali pa so te nanje prenesli drugi imetniki pravic, in
5. pravico do dodatnega letnega nadomestila iz 122.b člena ZASP.

10. člen

(izjeme od obveznega kolektivnega upravljanja)

(1) Ne glede na prejšnji člen lahko imetnik pravic individualno upravlja:
1. pravice iz 1. točke prejšnjega člena, če je na vseh delih, ki so izvajana na določeni prireditvi, glavni izvajalec hkrati tudi imetnik teh pravic in
2. pravico javnega predvajanja določenega neodrskega glasbenega dela z določenim
fonogramom (28. člen ZASP), če je imetnik vseh materialnih avtorskih in sorodnih pravic za ta način uporabe.
(2) Imetnik pravic lahko uveljavlja izjemo iz 1. točke prejšnjega odstavka, če je kolektivno organizacijo, ki upravlja te pravice, o tem obvestil najpozneje 15 dni po uporabi avtorskega dela.
(3) Imetnik pravic lahko uveljavlja izjemo iz 2. točke prvega odstavka tega člena, če je kolektivno organizacijo, ki upravlja te pravice, o tem obvestil najpozneje 15 dni pred uporabo avtorskega dela.

11. člen

(splošno načelo kolektivnega upravljanja)

Kolektivna organizacija deluje v najboljšem interesu imetnika pravic, katerega pravice kolektivno upravlja, in mu ne nalaga nobenih obveznosti, ki niso objektivno potrebne za varstvo njegovih pravic in interesov ali dejansko upravljanje njegovih pravic.

12. člen

(določitev pristojnosti sodišča v posameznih primerih)

V sporih, ki nastanejo v zvezi z organizacijo in delovanjem kolektivnih organizacij, je pristojno sodišče splošne pristojnosti in se uporabljajo pravila pravdnega postopka v gospodarskih sporih, razen če ta zakon določa pristojnost upravnega sodišča ali sodišča, ki je po zakonu, ki ureja sodišča, pristojno za odločanje v sporih intelektualne lastnine.

13. člen

(vloga za izdajo dovoljenja)

(1) Vloga za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice se vloži pri pristojnem organu. V njej se navedejo firma ali ime, sedež in matična številka pravne osebe, ki vlaga vlogo, ter avtorske pravice, kategorije imetnikov pravic in vrsta avtorskih del, na katere se vloga nanaša.
(2) K vlogi se priloži:
1. statut;
2. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
3. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
4. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov, če bo to izvajala;
5. pravila o stroških poslovanja;
6. pravila o namenskih skladih, če bodo oblikovani;
7. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj;
8. repertoar;
9. seznam članov oziroma članic (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član) in seznam imetnikov pravic, ki so pooblastili pravno osebo za upravljanje njihovih avtorskih pravic na avtorskih delih, pod pogojem, da bo pravna oseba dobila zahtevano dovoljenje, ter seznam teh pravic;
10. v primeru obveznega kolektivnega upravljanja avtorske pravice s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami podpisana pisma o nameri ali sklenjene sporazume o zastopanju;
11. dokazila o sredstvih, s katerimi bo pravna oseba kolektivno upravljala avtorske pravice in
12. sklep oseb, ki imajo upravljavske pravice, v skladu z zakoni, da soglašajo z vlogo za izdajo dovoljenja in se za čas statusa kolektivne organizacije odpovedujejo
upravljavskim pravicam v pravni osebi v korist članov kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Neodvisni subjekt upravljanja k vlogi iz prvega odstavka tega člena priloži:
1. dokazilo, da ni v celoti ali deloma v neposredni ali posredni lasti ali pod nadzorom imetnikov pravic;
2. dokazilo, da je to njegova edina ali glavna pridobitna dejavnost, in
3. seznam imetnikov pravic, ki so pooblastili pravno osebo za upravljanje njihovih avtorskih pravic na avtorskih delih, pod pogojem, da bo pravna oseba dobila zahtevano
dovoljenje, ter seznam teh pravic in del.

14. člen

(dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje)

(1) Pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice pravni osebi, če vloga in predloženi dokumenti iz prejšnjega člena niso v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in tem zakonom ali če iz njih izhaja, da pravna oseba ne bo zagotovila učinkovitega kolektivnega upravljanja pravic.
(2) Pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za upravljanje avtorske pravice neodvisnemu subjektu upravljanja, če vloga in predloženi dokumenti iz prejšnjega člena niso v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in tem zakonom.
(3) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena pristojni organ v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona ne izda dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice pravni osebi, če je za isto vrsto avtorskih del in za iste pravice že izdano dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice drugi kolektivni organizaciji.
(4) V postopku izdaje dovoljenja se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek. Zoper odločitev pristojnega organa ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu.

15. člen

(firma ali ime)

(1) Firma ali ime kolektivne organizacije mora vsebovati oznako k.o..
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora v 14 dneh od izdaje dovoljenja predlagati vpis firme ali imena v register.

16. člen

(dejavnost kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija v okviru svoje dejavnosti:
1. dovoljuje uporabo del iz repertoarja pod podobnimi pogoji za podobne vrste uporabe;
2. se v dobri veri pogaja z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov in z njimi sklepa skupne sporazume iz 44. člena tega zakona;
3. objavlja skupne sporazume in obvešča uporabnike o veljavnih tarifah;
4. sklepa in objavlja sporazume o zastopanju s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami;
5. nadzoruje uporabo avtorskih del iz svojega repertoarja;
6. uporabnikom izdaja račune za uporabo avtorskih del iz svojega repertoarja, zbira avtorske honorarje in jih izterjuje;
7. dodeljuje zbrane avtorske honorarje upravičenim imetnikom pravic v skladu z vnaprej
določenimi pravili o delitvi in izplačilu zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
8. izplačuje dodeljene avtorske honorarje upravičenim imetnikom pravic in
9. uveljavlja varstvo avtorskih pravic pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi ter o tako uveljavljenih pravicah predloži avtorjem račun.
(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko kolektivna organizacija opravlja administrativno-tehnične naloge v zvezi s kolektivnim upravljanjem pravic iz 5. do 7. točke prejšnjega odstavka za drugo kolektivno organizacijo. Kolektivna organizacija lahko prihodek iz teh nalog nameni le za znižanje stroškov poslovanja iz 32. člena tega zakona.
(3) Kolektivne organizacije lahko izdajo uporabnikom skupni račun, iz katerega so razvidni zahtevki posameznih kolektivnih organizacij. Če uporabnik zavrne plačilo računa, mora jasno navesti, zahtevke katere posamezne kolektivne organizacije zavrača.

17. člen

(zunanji izvajalec)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija lahko s pogodbo prenese na drugo kolektivno organizacijo ali gospodarsko družbo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zunanji izvajalec) izvajanje administrativno-tehničnih nalog v zvezi s kolektivnim upravljanjem pravic iz 5. do 7. točke prvega odstavka prejšnjega člena. Zunanji izvajalec prenesenih nalog ne sme prenesti na drugo osebo.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija odgovarja za izvajanje prenesenih nalog zunanjega
(3) Zunanji izvajalec, ki ni druga kolektivna organizacija, je pod nadzorom kolektivne organizacije.
(4) Pogodba z zunanjim izvajalcem vsebuje naloge, ki jih kolektivna organizacija prenaša na zunanjega izvajalca. Pogodba in njena sprememba začne veljati, ko jo potrdi skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic. O odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem odloča poslovodstvo.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija o sklenitvi, spremembi in odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem v 14 dneh od njene uveljavitve obvesti pristojni organ.
(6) Za zunanjega izvajalca se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona o nadzoru kolektivnih organizacij.

18. člen

(pooblastilo imetnika pravic)

(1) Imetnik pravic pisno pooblasti kolektivno organizacijo za upravljanje določene avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu in za ozemlja po lastni izbiri, ne glede na državo članico svojega državljanstva ali prebivališča ali državo članico sedeža kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Imetnik pravic lahko za upravljanje določene avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu za določeno ozemlje pooblasti le eno kolektivno organizacijo. Kolektivna organizacija brez pooblastila imetnika pravic ne more upravljati avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu.
(3) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko pristojna kolektivna organizacija v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona upravlja avtorske pravice brez pooblastila imetnika pravic.
(4) Imetnik pravic lahko sam, ne glede na pooblastilo kolektivni organizaciji, dovoli uporabo svojega avtorskega dela za nekomercialno rabo (za humanitarni, kulturni, izobraževalni namen ipd.). O tem imetnik pravic obvesti kolektivno organizacijo najpozneje
15 dni po izdaji takšnega dovoljenja.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija ne more zavrniti upravljanja pravic iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če upravlja takšne avtorske pravice na takšni vrsti avtorskih del na določenem ozemlju.
(6) Imetnik pravic lahko delno ali v celoti prekliče pooblastilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena. O tem mora pisno obvestiti kolektivno organizacijo en mesec pred začetkom učinkovanja preklica. Kolektivna organizacija lahko v statutu določi, da preklic pooblastila začne učinkovati z novim poslovnim letom.
(7) Imetnik pravic je upravičen do avtorskih honorarjev, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija zbrala za njegov račun za uporabo njegovih del do začetka učinkovanja preklica pooblastila. Do začetka učinkovanja preklica pooblastila ima imetnik pravic, ki je član kolektivne organizacije, enake pravice, kot drugi člani kolektivne organizacije.
(8) Kolektivna organizacija ne more pogojevati preklica pooblastila z zahtevo, da se za upravljanje avtorske pravice pooblasti druga kolektivna organizacija.
(9) Kolektivna organizacija mora pred pridobitvijo pooblastila obvestiti imetnika pravic o njegovih pravicah iz tega člena.

19. člen

(članstvo v kolektivnih organizacijah)

(1) Imetnik pravice ali oseba, ki ga zastopa, ima pravico, da v skladu s tem zakonom postane član kolektivne organizacije, ki upravlja njegove avtorske pravice. Član kolektivne organizacije je lahko tudi združenje imetnikov pravic ali druga kolektivna organizacija, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za članstvo.
(2) Oseba iz prejšnjega odstavka postane član kolektivne organizacije, ki jo je pooblastila za upravljanje avtorske pravice na določenem delu za določeno ozemlje, če izpolnjuje pogoje za članstvo, ki temeljijo na objektivnih, preglednih in nediskriminatornih pravilih, določenih v statutu kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Šteje se, da je s pooblastilom imetnika pravic kolektivni organizaciji bila dana prošnja za članstvo v kolektivni organizaciji, razen če imetnik pravic izrecno navede, da ne
želi postati član kolektivne organizacije. Kolektivna organizacija o prošnji imetnika pravic, da postane član, odloči v roku 30 dni od prejema pooblastila. Če kolektivna organizacija zavrne prošnjo za članstvo, imetniku pravic pisno obrazloži zavrnitev.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona članom ne sme zaračunavati članarine.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija imetnikom pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, in svojim članom omogoči, da z njo komunicirajo v elektronski obliki, vključno za namene izvajanja pravic članov.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija takoj po ugoditvi prošnje za članstvo iz tretjega odstavka tega člena vpiše imetnika pravic v evidenco članov, ki se vodi z namenom učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravic članov.
(7) Evidenca članov vsebuje:
1. osebno ime in prebivališče ali firmo in sedež člana;
2. druge kontaktne podatke za namen identifikacije in lociranja imetnika pravic (telefon, telefaks, elektronski naslov);
3. davčno številko;
4. število glasovalnih pravic člana;
5. skupno število članov in
6. skupno število glasovalnih pravic.
(8) Kolektivna organizacija imetnike pravic, ki so jo pooblastili za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, vendar ne želijo postati njeni člani, vpiše v evidenco imetnikov pravic, ki se vodi z namenom zagotavljanja varnosti pravnega prometa in vsebuje podatke iz 1., 2. in
3. točke prejšnjega odstavka.
(9) Evidenca članov in evidenca imetnikov pravic sta na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije dostopni njenim članom oziroma imetnikom pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, in pristojnemu organu, razen podatkov o prebivališču, kontaktnih podatkov in davčne številke fizične osebe.
(10) Kolektivna organizacija podatke v evidencah sprotno posodablja.

20. člen

(pravica imetnika pravic, ki ni član kolektivne organizacije)

Kolektivna organizacija avtorsko pravico imetnika pravic, ki ni njen član, upravlja enako kakor avtorsko pravico svojega člana.

21. člen


(1) Statut kolektivne organizacije, ki je sestavljen v obliki notarskega zapisa, poleg vsebin, ki jih urejajo drugi predpisi in ta zakon, določa tudi:
1. ime oziroma firmo in sedež kolektivne organizacije ter njen poslovni naslov;
2. dejavnost kolektivne organizacije;
3. organe kolektivne organizacije in njihove pristojnosti;
4. število članov oziroma članic poslovodstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član poslovodstva) in število članov oziroma članic nadzornega odbora (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član
nadzornega odbora);
5. mandatno dobo članov poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora;
6. vrste avtorskih del in vrste avtorskih pravic, ki jih upravlja na teh delih;
7. način zbiranja podatkov o avtorskih delih in pravicah, ki jih po pooblastilu imetnika pravic ali po zakonu upravlja kolektivna organizacija, način vodenja repertoarja in način vpogleda v ta repertoar;
8. obliko in način objav pomembnih informacij za kolektivno organizacijo ali njene člane;
9. pogoje za včlanitev v kolektivno organizacijo, ki morajo biti določeni tako, da se pod enakimi pogoji lahko včlanijo vsi imetniki pravic, vključno z drugimi kolektivnimi
organizacijami in združenji imetnikov pravic;
10. pravice članov in način njihovega sodelovanja v organih kolektivne organizacije, vključno z enakopravnim zastopanjem posameznih kategorij imetnikov avtorskih pravic v vsakem organu;
11. obveznosti članov glede sporočanja podatkov o avtorskih delih in pravicah, ki jih upravlja kolektivna organizacija, ter podatkov, potrebnih za izplačilo avtorskih honorarjev in
12. način reševanja sporov med kolektivno organizacijo, njenim članom in imetnikom pravic ali tujo kolektivno organizacijo, s katero ima sklenjen sporazum o zastopanju, ter med
kolektivno organizacijo in uporabnikom, ki mora biti določen tako, da zagotavlja dostop
do učinkovitih in pravočasnih postopkov za obravnavanje pritožb in reševanje sporov, pri čemer morajo biti odgovori kolektivne organizacije pisni in obrazloženi;
13. pogoje za obnavljanje in prenehanje članstva v kolektivni organizaciji, vključno s
predčasnim prenehanjem članstva ter preklicem pooblastila za določene pravice ali določena avtorska dela ali določeno ozemlje.
(2) Če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne avtorske pravice na različnih vrstah avtorskih del ali različne pravice različnih imetnikov pravic, statut določa način upravljanja, ki zagotavlja, da vsaka kategorija imetnikov pravic odloča le o tistih vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice na njihovih delih in o skupnih vprašanjih kolektivnega upravljanja avtorskih pravic.
(3) Statut lahko posamezna vprašanja, ki jih ureja ta zakon, uredi drugače, če ta zakon tako izrecno določa.
(4) Statut in njegovo spremembo sprejme skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija statut v 14 dneh od izdaje dovoljenja posreduje za vpis v register. Za vpis v register kolektivna organizacija v istem roku posreduje tudi vsako spremembo statuta.

22. člen

(organi upravljanja)

(1) Ne glede na zakone, ki urejajo statusno obliko pravne osebe, ki je kolektivna organizacija, se za njeno upravljanje uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.
(2) Organi upravljanja kolektivne organizacije so:
- skupščina;
- poslovodstvo in
- nadzorni odbor.

23. člen


(1) Vsi člani kolektivne organizacije imajo pravico do sodelovanja in glasovanja na
(2) Vsak član ima en glas. Statut lahko določi merila za določitev večjega števila glasov posameznega člana, ki temeljijo na trajanju članstva, višini prejetih avtorskih honorarjev od te kolektivne organizacije oziroma številu avtorskih del, pri čemer ima lahko en član največ deset glasov. Merila morajo biti sorazmerna in objavljena na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Član kolektivne organizacije lahko pooblasti katerokoli drugo osebo, da v njegovem imenu sodeluje in glasuje na skupščini, če takšno pooblastilo ne povzroči nasprotja interesov.
(4) Vsako pooblastilo iz prejšnjega odstavka velja za eno skupščino in mora biti predloženo pred njenim začetkom. Pooblaščenec ima na skupščini enake pravice, kot bi jih imel član, ki ga je pooblastil. Pooblaščenec glasuje na skupščini v skladu z navodili člana, ki ga je pooblastil. Navodila pooblaščencu morajo biti jasno razvidna iz pooblastila.
(5) Skupščino je treba sklicati v primerih, določenih s tem zakonom ali statutom, ali če je to v korist kolektivne organizacije, vendar v vsakem primeru najmanj enkrat letno.
(6) Pristojni organ se lahko udeležuje skupščin, brez pravice glasovanja.

24. člen

(sklic skupščine)

(1) Skupščina se skliče najpozneje 15 dni pred dnem zasedanja skupščine. (2) Skupščino skliče poslovodstvo kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Skupščino je treba sklicati, če tako zahtevajo člani kolektivne organizacije, katerih glasovalne pravice dosegajo najmanj pet odstotkov vseh glasovalnih pravic. K zahtevi za sklic je treba predložiti dnevni red skupščine in predlagane sklepe. Statut lahko pravico zahtevati sklic skupščine iz tega odstavka veže na nižji odstotek glasovalnih pravic.
(4) Na zahtevo iz prejšnjega odstavka mora biti skupščina sklicana čim prej, vendar ne kasneje kot dva meseca od predložitve zahteve, sicer lahko sodišče člane, ki so postavili zahtevo, pooblasti za sklic skupščine. Sodišče izda sklep brez pridobitve izjav drugih strank. V objavi sklica skupščine mora biti navedeno pooblastilo sodišča.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija mora obvestilo o sklicu skupščine, v katerem mora biti naveden dnevni red in predlogi sklepov, posredovati vsakemu članu.
(6) Sklic skupščine mora biti objavljen tudi na spletni strani Agencije Republike Slovenije za javnopravno evidence in storitve (v nadaljnjem besedilu: AJPES) in na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije. Objave iz prejšnjega stavka so brezplačne.
(7) Vsa gradiva za skupščino morajo biti objavljena skupaj z obvestilom za sklic na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.
(8) Sklepi, sprejeti na skupščini, ki je bila sklicana v nasprotju z določbami tega člena, razen petega odstavka tega člena, so nični. Tožba na ugotovitev ničnosti se vloži pri pristojnemu sodišču v roku enega leta od skupščine.

25. člen

(pristojnosti skupščine)

(1) Skupščina odloča o:
- sprejemu statuta in vsaki spremembi statuta;
- imenovanju, razrešitvi, prejemkih ter drugih denarnih in nedenarnih ugodnostih članov nadzornega odbora;
- pravilih o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic;
- pravilih o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
- pravilih o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
- pravilih o stroških poslovanja;
- uporabi nerazdeljenih avtorskih honorarjev;
- pravilih o namenskih skladih;
- pravilih o obvladovanju tveganj, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi nakupa, prodaje ali hipoteke na nepremičnine, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi najema posojil ali zagotavljanja zavarovanja za posojila, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi združitve, ustanovitvi podružnice in pridobitvi deleža v zunanjem izvajalcu;
- imenovanju revizorja;
- sprejemu letnega poročila;
- potrditvi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem in njenih sprememb in
- drugih vprašanjih v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja status pravne osebe.
(2) Za sprejem skupščinskega sklepa je potrebna večina na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic, razen če ta zakon ali statut določa višjo večino.
(3) Na skupščini se z namenom učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravic članov sestavi seznam navzočih in zastopanih članov ter njihovih pooblaščencev, ki vsebuje osebno ime, prebivališče ali firmo in sedež, število glasovalnih pravic, ki jih ima član, ter število vseh na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic. Če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne avtorske pravice na različnih vrstah avtorskih del, ali različne pravice različnih kategorij imetnikov pravic, seznam vsebuje tudi glasovalne pravice za vsako kategorijo imetnikov pravic.
(4) Na skupščini se piše zapisnik, ki ga podpiše predsednik skupščine. V zapisniku se navede kraj in datum zasedanja, število vseh na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic, sprejeti sklepi ter izid glasovanja. Zapisnik se objavi v sedmih dneh od skupščine na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

26. člen


(1) Poslovodstvo vodi posle kolektivne organizacije samostojno in na lastno odgovornost.
(2) Poslovodstvo zastopa in predstavlja kolektivno organizacijo.
(3) Član poslovodstva pri opravljanju svojih nalog ravna v korist kolektivne organizacije, njenih članov in imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, s skrbnostjo vestnega in poštenega gospodarstvenika.
(4) Poslovodstvo najmanj enkrat v četrtletju poroča nadzornemu odboru o poslovanju kolektivne organizacije in poteku poslov, še posebej o znesku vseh zbranih avtorskih honorarjev in stroških poslovanja, pri čemer so vsi ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti avtorskih del in vrsti uporabe.
(5) Član poslovodstva ne more biti oseba, ki ne more biti član organa vodenja ali nadzora, v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.

27. člen

(nadzorni odbor)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija ima nadzorni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo najmanj tri osebe. Sestava nadzornega odbora mora zagotavljati, da so različne kategorije imetnikov pravic zastopane pravično in uravnoteženo.
(2) Za člana nadzornega odbora ne more biti imenovana oseba, ki ne more biti član organa vodenja ali nadzora, v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.
(3) Član nadzornega odbora pri opravljanju svojih nalog ravna v korist kolektivne organizacije, njenih članov in imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, s skrbnostjo vestnega in poštenega gospodarstvenika.
(4) Nadzorni odbor nadzira poslovodstvo pri vodenju poslov kolektivne organizacije in spremlja izvajanje sprejetih sklepov skupščine. Vodenje poslov se ne more prenesti na nadzorni odbor. Statut ali nadzorni odbor lahko določi, da se smejo posamezne vrste poslov opravljati le z njegovim soglasjem. Če nadzorni odbor zavrne soglasje, lahko poslovodstvo zahteva, da o soglasju odloči skupščina. Za sklep, s katerim skupščina da soglasje, je potrebna večina najmanj treh četrtin navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(5) Nadzorni odbor odloča o imenovanju, razrešitvi, prejemkih, odpravnini ter drugih denarnih in nedenarnih ugodnostih članov poslovodstva. Predsednik nadzornega odbora zastopa kolektivno organizacijo proti članom poslovodstva.
(6) Nadzorni odbor lahko od poslovodstva zahteva podatke, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke, potrebne za izvajanje nadzora.
(7) Nadzorni odbor lahko skliče skupščino. Nadzorni odbor skupščini najmanj enkrat letno poroča o svojem delu.
(8) Člani nadzornega odbora morajo izmed sebe izvoliti predsednika. Nadzorni odbor sprejme poslovnik o svojem delu z večino glasov svojih članov.
(9) Nadzorni odbor skliče predsednik. Nadzorni odbor je sklican najmanj enkrat v četrtletju ali krajšem obdobju, ki ga določa statut kolektivne organizacije.
(10) Vsak član nadzornega odbora ima en glas. Nadzorni odbor je sklepčen, če je pri sklepanju navzoča polovica njegovih članov, razen če statut določa drugače. Za veljavnost sklepa nadzornega odbora je potrebna večina oddanih glasov. V primeru enakega števila glasov je odločilen glas predsednika nadzornega odbora, če ni s statutom določeno drugače.
(11) Na sejah nadzornega odbora se piše zapisnik, ki ga podpiše predsednik nadzornega odbora.

28. člen

(odškodninska odgovornost poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora)

(1) Člani nadzornega odbora ali poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije so solidarno odgovorni kolektivni organizaciji za škodo, ki je nastala kot posledica kršitve njihovih nalog, razen če dokažejo, da so pošteno in vestno izpolnjevali svoje dolžnosti.
(2) Odškodninski zahtevki iz prejšnjega odstavka zastarajo v petih letih od nastanka škode.

29. člen

(nasprotje interesov)

(1) Član nadzornega odbora in poslovodstva vsako leto na skupščini poda pisno individualno izjavo o nasprotju interesov.
(2) Izjava o nasprotju interesov vsebuje informacije o:
- vseh interesih v kolektivni organizaciji, ki jih ima član poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora;
- vsakem prejemku, ki ga je v preteklem poslovnem letu prejel od kolektivne organizacije
oziroma zunanjega izvajalca, vključno z vplačili za dodatna pokojninska zavarovanja, ter vse druge ugodnosti v kakršni koli obliki;
- vseh avtorskih honorarjih, ki jih je v preteklem poslovnem letu prejel od kolektivne
- obstoju katerega koli dejanskega ali morebitnega nasprotja med njegovimi osebnimi interesi in interesi kolektivne organizacije ali med njegovimi kakršnimi koli obveznostmi
do kolektivne organizacije in dolžnostmi do katere koli druge pravne ali fizične osebe.

30. člen

(zbiranje in uporaba avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija skrbno zbira, upravlja in deli avtorske honorarje. (2) Kolektivna organizacija na svojih računih ločeno vodi:
- zbrane avtorske honorarje in prihodke, pridobljene iz bančnih depozitov, za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej;
- morebitna lastna sredstva in prihodke iz teh sredstev ter prihodke iz naslova upravljanja
avtorskih honorarjev za druge kolektivne organizacije na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej.
(3) Na sredstvih iz prve alineje prejšnjega odstavka ni dovoljena izvršba niti stečaj. (4) Kolektivna organizacija lahko uporabi zbrana sredstva iz prve alineje drugega
odstavka tega člena samo za razdelitev imetnikom pravic v skladu z vnaprej določenimi
pravili o delitvi avtorskih honorarjev. Od prihodkov iz drugega odstavka tega člena se lahko odbijejo stroški poslovanja.
(5) Pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic, morajo upoštevati dejansko uporabo posameznega avtorskega dela, kadar je to, ob upoštevanju narave uporabe avtorskega dela, mogoče in ekonomsko upravičeno glede na stroške spremljanja dejanske uporabe.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija lahko zbrane avtorske honorarje do delitve naloži le v bančne depozite, pri čemer to ne sme vplivati na roke delitve iz 34. in 35. člena tega zakona.

31. člen

(posebni primer delitve)

(1) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi drugega odstavka 37. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 40 %, izvajalcem v obsegu 30 % in proizvajalcem fonogramov oziroma filmskim producentom v obsegu 30 %.
(2) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi tretjega odstavka 37. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 50 % in založnikom v obsegu 50 %.
(3) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi 2. točke prvega odstavka 47. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 30 % in imetnikom pravic v obsegu 70 %. Avtor se pravici do svojega deleža ne more odpovedati.

32. člen

(stroški poslovanja)

(1) Stroški poslovanja so stroški kolektivne organizacije, ki so nastali z ustreznim in razumnim upravljanjem kolektivne organizacije, ki je v korist imetnikom pravic, in so nujno potrebni za izvajanje dejavnosti kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Vsi stroški poslovanja morajo biti razumni in v skladu s pravili o stroških poslovanja. Stroški poslovanja morajo biti utemeljeni in dokumentirani.
(3) Skupščina kolektivne organizacije določi najvišji dovoljeni odstotek stroškov poslovanja glede na zbrane avtorske honorarje in prihodke, pridobljene iz bančnih depozitov.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija mora pred začetkom upravljanja avtorske pravice imetnika pravic obvestiti o pravilih o stroških poslovanja.

33. člen

(namenski skladi)

(1) Ne glede na četrti odstavek 30. člena tega zakona lahko kolektivna organizacija v skladu s statutom oblikuje različne namenske sklade. Kolektivna organizacija mora oblikovati namenske sklade, če ima nerazdeljene avtorske honorarje.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija lahko za namenske sklade nameni največ 10 % zbranih avtorskih honorarjev. Višino vplačila v namenski sklad določi skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(3) Skladi so ločena namenska sredstva, oblikovana za namen spodbujanja kulturnoumetniškega ustvarjanja in razširjanja novih avtorskih del na področjih, pomembnih za ohranjanje kulturne raznolikosti, pri čemer morajo sredstva prejeti še neuveljavljeni avtorji
s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji, ali za socialne ali izobraževalne namene avtorjev s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji.
(4) Sredstva sklada se vodijo ločeno na računu kolektivne organizacije za vsak sklad posebej.
(5) Pravila o namenskih skladih morajo zagotavljati preglednost delovanja namenskih skladov in določati:
1. namenske sklade kolektivne organizacije;
2. pravila o vplačilih v sklad in izplačilih iz njega;
3. vnaprej določena pravila o porabi sredstev;
4. opredelitev pojma »neuveljavljeni avtor« in
5. pravila nadzora nad uporabo prejetih sredstev sklada.

34. člen

(delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija redno, skrbno in natančno dodeljuje in izplačuje zbrane avtorske honorarje avtorjem v skladu z vnaprej določenimi pravili o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija opravi dodelitev in izplačilo zbranih avtorskih honorarjev čim prej, najpozneje pa v devetih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta, v katerem so bili zbrani, razen če iz objektivnih razlogov, ki niso na strani kolektivne organizacije ali zunanjega izvajalca, to ni mogoče. Objektivni razlogi so tisti, ki so povezani s poročanjem uporabnikov, identifikacijo pravic imetnikov pravic ali usklajevanjem informacij o avtorskih delih.

35. člen

(postopek obravnavanja nedodeljenih avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kadar avtorskih honorarjev ni mogoče dodeliti, se ti zneski vodijo na ločenem računu kolektivne organizacije (nedodeljeni avtorski honorarji).
(2) Kolektivna organizacija izvede vse ukrepe za identifikacijo in lociranje imetnika pravic s pregledom podatkov o imetnikih pravic, evidence članov in imetnikov pravic ter drugih podatkov, ki so ji na voljo.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija najpozneje v roku treh mesecev po poteku roka iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena da imetnikom pravic, ki jih zastopa, in kolektivnim organizacijam, s katerimi ima sklenjen sporazum o zastopanju, na razpolago informacije o avtorskih delih, za katere imetnika pravic ni bilo mogoče identificirati ali locirati.
(4) Informacija iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebuje naslednje podatke, če kolektivna organizacija z njimi razpolaga:
- naslov avtorskega dela;
- osebno ime imetnika pravic;
- ime ali firmo založnika, filmskega producenta ali proizvajalca fonogramov in
- katero koli drugo informacijo, ki bi lahko prispevala k ugotovitvi imetnika pravic.
(5) Če kolektivna organizacija tudi po izvedenih vseh potrebnih ukrepih iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena imetnika pravic ne more identificirati ali locirati, objavi informacijo iz tretjega odstavka tega člena na svoji spletni strani najpozneje v enem letu po izteku trimesečnega roka iz tretjega odstavka tega člena.
(6) Če avtorskih honorarjev kljub vsem izvedenim ukrepom ni mogoče dodeliti, se po treh letih od konca poslovnega leta, v katerem so bili pobrani, in pod pogoji iz drugega, tretjega in petega odstavka tega člena, šteje, da so ti zneski nerazdeljeni (nerazdeljeni avtorski honorarji).

36. člen

(sporazumi o zastopanju s tujo kolektivno organizacijo)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki upravlja avtorsko pravico na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju s tujo kolektivno organizacijo, ne sme imetnika te pravice obravnavati drugače kot svojega člana, zlasti glede tarif, stroškov poslovanja, zbiranja avtorskih honorarjev in načina delitve.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija lahko od zbranih avtorskih honorarjev v okviru sporazuma o zastopanju odšteje le stroške poslovanja, če sporazum o zastopanju določa, pa tudi odbitke za namenske sklade.
(3) Za delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 34. člena tega zakona. Ne glede na drugi odstavek 34. člena tega zakona zastopana kolektivna organizacija izvede dodelitev in izplačilo zbranih avtorskih honorarjev čim prej, najpozneje pa v šestih mesecih od njihovega prejema.

37. člen

(pravica imetnika pravic do vpogleda)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora imetniku pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, na njegovo obrazloženo zahtevo nemudoma omogočiti vpogled v dokumente in podatke kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Imetnik pravic mora pred vpogledom v dokumente in podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka podpisati izjavo o varovanju poslovnih skrivnosti kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Imetnik pravic, ki mu je kolektivna organizacija zavrnila vpogled v dokumente in podatke, sme od sodišča zahtevati, da s sodno odločbo dovoli vpogled v podatke in dokumente.
(4) Imetnik pravic je kolektivni organizaciji odgovoren za škodo, ki nastane zaradi razkritja poslovnih skrivnosti kolektivne organizacije.

38. člen

(obveščanje imetnika pravic in tuje kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija vsakemu imetniku pravic, ki mu je avtorski honorar dodelila ali izplačala, najmanj enkrat letno posreduje informacije o:
- obdobju, na katerega se nanaša izplačilo avtorskega honorarja;
- avtorskih honorarjih, dodeljenih imetniku pravic, razdeljenih po posameznih pravicah in vrstah uporabe;
- avtorskih honorarjih, izplačanih imetniku pravic, razdeljenih po posameznih pravicah in vrstah uporabe;
- odbitkih, povezanih s stroški poslovanja;
- odbitkih, povezanih z namenskimi skladi, če je imetnik pravic dal soglasje;
- vseh avtorskih honorarjih, ki so bili imetniku pravic že dodeljeni, vendar še niso bili izplačani, po posameznih obdobjih;
- kontaktnih podatkih imetnika pravic za namen njegove identifikacije.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija zagotovi tujim kolektivnim organizacijam, v imenu katerih upravlja pravice na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju, najmanj enkrat letno v elektronski obliki informacije o:
- avtorskih honorarjih, zbranih na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju;
- odbitkih, povezanih s stroški poslovanja;
- odbitkih, povezanih z namenskimi skladi, če je tuja kolektivna organizacija dala soglasje zanje;
- tem, komu je bila dovoljena pravica do uporabe avtorskega dela, ki ga zajema sporazum o zastopanju;
- sklepih, ki jih je sprejela skupščina, če so ti sklepi pomembni za upravljanje pravic po sporazumu o zastopanju.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora na poziv uporabnika v 15 dneh zagotoviti informacijo, ali je avtorsko delo varovano. Tarifa za posredovano informacijo ne sme presegati dejanskega stroška priprave informacije.

39. člen

(obveščanje javnosti)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija na svoji spletni strani za javnost prosto dostopno
1. dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic;
2. repertoar, avtorske pravice, ki jih upravlja, in v primeru večozemeljskih licenc za spletne pravice za glasbena dela ozemlja, ki jih pokriva;
3. pogoje za včlanitev v kolektivno organizacijo, vzorec pooblastila in pogoje za preklic pooblastila;
4. skupne sporazume, sklenjene z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov;
5. vzorec pogodbe z uporabnikom in tarifo za posamezne načine uporabe;
6. imena tujih kolektivnih organizacij, s katerima ima sklenjene sporazume o zastopanju in seznam sporazumov;
7. podatke o članstvu kolektivne organizacije v mednarodnih združenjih;
8. statut kolektivne organizacije;
9. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic;
10. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
11. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
12. pravila o stroških poslovanja kolektivne organizacije;
13. pravila o namenskih skladih;
14. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj;
15. podatke o osebah, ki so pooblaščene za zastopanje kolektivne organizacije;
16. seznam oseb, ki so člani organov kolektivne organizacije, razen skupščine;
17. informacijo iz tretjega odstavka 35. člena tega zakona;
18. število članov kolektivne organizacije in število vseh glasovalnih pravic;
19. začasne tarife;
20. sprejeto letno poročilo z revizorjevim poročilom;
21. merila, uporabljena za določitev tarif in
22. način reševanja sporov med kolektivno organizacijo ter njenimi člani in imetniki pravic, tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami in uporabniki.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija dokumente in podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka na svoji spletni strani sprotno posodablja. Letno poročilo, skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom, mora biti na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije objavljeno najmanj pet let od njegovega sprejema.

40. člen

(splošne določbe o letnem poročilu)

(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije mora biti sestavljeno jasno in pregledno. Izkazovati mora resničen in pošten prikaz premoženja in obveznosti kolektivne organizacije, njenega finančnega položaja ter poslovnega izida.
(2) V letnem poročilu mora biti ločeno prikazano kolektivno upravljanje pravic, če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne pravice imetnikov pravic na različnih vrstah avtorskih del.
(3) Člani poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora morajo skupno zagotavljati, da so letna poročila z vsemi sestavnimi deli sestavljena in objavljena v skladu s tem zakonom, slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi ali mednarodnimi standardi računovodskega poročanja. Pri tem ravnajo v skladu s pristojnostmi, skrbnostjo in odgovornostmi, kakor jih določa ta zakon.
(4) Letno poročilo in njegove sestavne dele morajo podpisati vsi člani poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije.
(5) Na podlagi zaključenih poslovnih knjig je treba za vsako poslovno leto v treh mesecih po koncu tega poslovnega leta sestaviti letno poročilo.
(6) Nadzorni odbor mora po opravljeni reviziji letnega poročila, ki mu ga predloži poslovodstvo, preveriti sestavljeno letno poročilo ter o ugotovitvah pripraviti pisno poročilo za skupščino. V poročilu mora navesti, kako in v kakšen obsegu je preverjal vodenje kolektivne organizacije med poslovnim letom. Na koncu poročila mora nadzorni odbor navesti, ali ima po končni preveritvi k letnemu poročilu kakšne pripombe.
(7) Skupščina mora o sprejetju letnega poročila odločati najpozneje osem mesecev po koncu poslovnega leta.
(8) Letno poročilo je treba zaradi javne objave skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom predložiti AJPES v osmih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta.

41. člen

(sestava letnega poročila)

(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije vsebuje vsaj:
- bilanco stanja;
- izkaz poslovnega izida;
- izkaz denarnih tokov;
- prilogo s pojasnili k računovodskim izkazom;
- poročilo o uporabi sredstev namenskih skladov, če jih oblikuje;
- poročilo o izvedenih aktivnostih v poslovnem letu;
- poročilo o poslovanju z zunanjim izvajalcem;
- informacije o zavrnjenih dovoljenjih za uporabo avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije;
- izjave o nasprotju interesov iz 29. člena tega zakona;
- opis statusne oblike in načina upravljanja ter nadzora kolektivne organizacije;
- skupni znesek plačil, ki so ga v preteklem poslovnem letu od kolektivne organizacije prejeli člani poslovodstva in člani nadzornega odbora ločeno za vsako od teh skupin
oseb, vključno z vplačili za dodatna pokojninska zavarovanja in vse druge ugodnosti v kakršnikoli obliki, in
- firmo oziroma ime ter sedež povezanih oseb in zunanjih izvajalcev.
(2) Priloga s pojasnili k računovodskim izkazom vsebuje obrazložitev:
1. skupnega zneska vseh avtorskih honorarjev, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija zbrala, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih
letih, za katera so bili zbrani, ter natančno obrazloženi;
2. zneska vseh stroškov kolektivne organizacije in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe ter natančno obrazloženi;
3. zneska stroškov poslovanja in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe,
natančno obrazloženi in razčlenjeni vsaj na:
- stroške, povezane z zbiranjem avtorskih honorarjev in nadomestil,
- stroške, povezane z delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev in nadomestil,
- odvetniške stroške,
- stroške informacijske tehnologije,
- stroške dela,
- stroške zunanjih izvajalcev,
- druge stroške poslovanja kolektivne organizacije;
4. zneska stroškov, povezanih z delovanjem namenskih skladov, in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje;
5. virov, ki se uporabljajo za kritje stroškov kolektivne organizacije;
6. zneskov, namenjenih v namenske sklade, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe ter natančno obrazloženi;
7. števila delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe;
8. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po posamezni vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih
letih, za katera so bili zbrani, ter natančno obrazloženi;
9. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, plačanih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani, in natančno obrazloženi;
10. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, vendar še ne plačanih, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe
in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani, in natančno obrazloženi;
11. skupnega zneska zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, vendar še ne dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po posamezni vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti
uporabe in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani;
12. razlogov, če se ni izvedla dodelitev in izplačilo imetnikom pravic v rokih iz 34. in 35. člena tega zakona;
13. zneska nerazdeljenih avtorskih honorarjev in obrazložitev njihove uporabe;
14. zneska, prejetega in plačanega drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni kolektivni organizaciji;
15. zneska zaračunanih stroškov poslovanja drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni
kolektivni organizaciji;
16. zneska plačanih stroškov poslovanja drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni kolektivni organizaciji;
17. zneska avtorskih honorarjev, razdeljenega neposredno imetnikom pravic, ki izhajajo iz druge kolektivne organizacije;
18. vseh transakcij s povezanimi osebami in
19. povprečnega števila zaposlenih delavcev v poslovnem letu.
(3) V posebnem poročilu o uporabi sredstev namenskih skladov je treba razkriti podatke o razporeditvi avtorskih honorarjev v namenske sklade, razdeljene po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe, ter natančno obrazložiti porabo sredstev teh namenskih skladov z navedbo podatkov o prejemniku in višini sredstev, ki jih je prejel, ter navesti skupni znesek sredstev v namenskem skladu.
(4) V poročilu o poslovanju z zunanjim izvajalcem je treba razkriti vse pravne posle, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija sklenila z zunanjim izvajalcem, ter skupni znesek plačil s strani kolektivne organizacije, razdeljen po posameznih pravnih poslih.

42. člen


(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije mora v šestih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta pregledati pooblaščeni revizor na način in pod pogoji, določenimi z zakonom, ki ureja revidiranje.
(2) Za revizorjevo poročilo se smiselno uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.

43. člen

(posebna revizija)

(1) Skupščina lahko z navadno večino na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic imenuje posebnega revizorja za poseben pregled vodenja posameznih poslov kolektivne organizacije. V zahtevi za sklic skupščine predlagatelji predlagajo pooblaščenega revizorja in vrste poslov, ki naj bi bile predmet pregleda.
(2) Če skupščina zavrne predlog za imenovanje posebnega revizorja, ga lahko na predlog pet odstotkov vseh glasovalnih pravic imenuje sodišče, če obstaja vzrok za domnevo, da je prišlo pri vodenju postopkov in poslov do nepoštenosti ali hujših kršitev zakona ali statuta.
(3) Za posebnega revizorja ne more biti imenovan revizor, ki je revidiral letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije v zadnjih petih letih.
(4) Stroške v zvezi s posebno revizijo krije kolektivna organizacija. Kolektivna organizacija ima pravico od predlagateljev iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena zahtevati povrnitev stroškov, ki so nastali zaradi neutemeljene posebne revizije, po splošnih pravilih o odškodninski odgovornosti.
(5) Poslovodstvo kolektivne organizacije objavi posebno revizorjevo poročilo na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije v treh dneh po prejemu.

44. člen

(skupni sporazum)

(1) Skupni sporazum v pisni obliki skleneta kolektivna organizacija in reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije. Reprezentativna so tista združenja uporabnikov, ki predstavljajo večino uporabnikov na področju neke dejavnosti glede na njihovo število ali če jim zakon priznava reprezentativnost.
(2) Skupni sporazum lahko skleneta tudi kolektivna organizacija in posamezni uporabnik avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja, če je zaradi narave svoje dejavnosti edini, ki opravlja to dejavnost. Določbe, ki se nanašajo na reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov, se smiselno uporabljajo za posameznega uporabnika po tej določbi.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora prvo vabilo k pogajanjem za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma objaviti na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani.
1. tarifo;
(4) Skupni sporazum določa vsaj:
2. pogoje uporabe avtorskih del glede na različne okoliščine uporabe;
3. okoliščine uporabe, zaradi katerih se plačilo avtorskega honorarja ali nadomestila po tarifi zviša, zniža ali oprosti;
4. rok in način plačila avtorskega honorarja ali nadomestila;
5. način plačila avtorskega honorarja in morebitni poračun glede na začasno tarifo iz četrtega odstavka 45. člena tega zakona za uporabo avtorskih del do sklenitve skupnega sporazuma, če se s tem skupnim sporazumom prvič določa tarifa za neko vrsto uporabe avtorskih del;
6. predstavnike kolektivne organizacije in reprezentativnega združenja uporabnikov avtorskih del, ki spremljajo izvajanje skupnega sporazuma.
(5) Kolektivne organizacije in uporabniki se pogajajo v dobri veri in si medsebojno zagotovijo vse potrebne informacije za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija objavi skupni sporazum v Uradnem listu Republike
(7) Skupni sporazum začne veljati za vse istovrstne uporabnike avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije 15. dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije, ne glede na to, ali so sodelovali pri pogajanjih ali sklenitvi tega sporazuma. Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo s kolektivno organizacijo skleniti pogodbo v skladu z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom.
(8) Sodišča so vezana na veljavni skupni sporazum.
(9) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo za spremembe, dopolnitve ali prenehanje skupnih sporazumov.

45. člen


(1) S tarifo za uporabo avtorskih del se določita višina in način izračunavanja avtorskega honorarja, ki ga mora posamezni uporabnik plačati kolektivni organizaciji za uporabo avtorskega dela iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Tarifa se določi s skupnim sporazumom med kolektivno organizacijo in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov ali, če to ni mogoče, z odločbo Sveta za avtorsko
pravo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Svet). Do drugačne pravnomočne odločbe Sveta se šteje, da so tarife, določene z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom, primerne.
(3) Tarifa mora odražati ekonomsko vrednost pravic, ki so predmet skupnega sporazuma, naravo in obseg uporabe avtorskih del ter ekonomsko vrednost storitve, ki jo zagotavlja kolektivna organizacija, pri čemer se glede na okoliščine posameznega primera upoštevajo zlasti:
1. obseg repertoarja;
2. obseg dovoljenja;
3. prihodek, ki se doseže z uporabo avtorskega dela, ali, če to ni mogoče, stroški, povezani s to uporabo;
4. pomen avtorskega dela za dejavnost uporabnika;
5. 5. razmerje med varovanimi in nevarovanimi avtorskimi deli, ki so uporabljena;
6. 6. razmerje med pravicami, ki se upravljajo kolektivno ali individualno;
7. 7. posebna zahtevnost kolektivnega upravljanja pravic zaradi določene uporabe avtorskih del;
8. 8. primerljivost predlagane tarife s tarifami istovrstnih kolektivnih organizacij na istovrstnih delih za istovrstno uporabo v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih državah članicah, ob upoštevanju bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči.
(4) Če za posamezno vrsto uporabe avtorskih del tarifa še nikoli ni bila določena, lahko kolektivna organizacija sama določi začasno tarifo, tako da:
1. od izbranih tarif desetih držav članic za istovrstne avtorske pravice, istovrstna avtorska dela in njihove istovrstne načine uporabe izloči tri tarife, ki po višini najbolj odstopajo navzgor;
2. določi povprečje tarif preostalih izbranih sedmih držav članic za istovrstne avtorske pravice, istovrstna avtorska dela in njihove istovrstne načine uporabe in
3. kot korekcijski faktor določenega povprečja tarif upošteva obseg repertoarja, ki ga zastopa, in razmerje med povprečjem bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči v preostalih izbranih sedmih državah članicah in bruto domačim proizvodom
na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči v Republiki Sloveniji, vse glede na koledarsko leto pred določitvijo začasne tarife.
(5) Začasna tarifa mora biti obrazložena, sicer je nična.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija začasno tarifo skupaj z obrazložitvijo in vabilom k pogajanjem za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma objavi na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani. Začasna tarifa začne veljati 15. dan po objavi na spletni strani AJPES.

46. člen

(nadomestilo za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje)

(1) Višino nadomestil za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje, ki pripadajo skupno vsem imetnikom pravic, ki so upravičeni do tega nadomestila po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, skupno določita kolektivna organizacija, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, in reprezentativno združenje zavezancev iz prvega odstavka 38. člena ZASP, ob smiselni uporabi določb tega zakona o sklenitvi skupnega sporazuma in določitve tarif z izjemo tretjega odstavka prejšnjega člena.
(2) Nadomestila iz prejšnjega odstavka se določijo posebej za vsako napravo za tonsko snemanje in napravo za vizualno snemanje, za vsak prazen nosilec zvoka in prazen nosilec slike glede na njun možni snemalni čas ali velikost spomina, za vsako napravo za
fotokopiranje glede na njen učinek (število kopij na minuto) in glede na možnost barvnega fotokopiranja ter za vsako posamezno fotokopijo, narejeno za prodajo.
(3) Pri določitvi višine nadomestila se upoštevajo:
1. pričakovani obseg uporabe naprav in nosilcev iz prejšnjega odstavka za privatno ali drugo lastno reproduciranje ter njihov cenovni razred;
2. zmanjšani obseg prihodkov avtorja zaradi dovoljenega privatnega ali drugega lastnega
3. stopnja uporabe tehničnih ukrepov iz 166.a člena ZASP za varstvo avtorskih del ali predmetov sorodnih pravic;
4. primerljivost višine nadomestila v drugih državah članicah Evropske unije, ob
upoštevanju bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči in
5. obseg prostih licenc oziroma dovoljenj, s katerimi imetniki pravic dovoljujejo prosto uporabo avtorskih del.

47. člen

(dolžnost sklepanja pogodb)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora vse istovrstne uporabnike obravnavati enako in jim omogočiti komuniciranje v elektronski obliki.
(2) Uporabnik del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije lahko kadar koli zahteva sklenitev pogodbe o neizključnem prenosu pravic za uporabo teh del v skladu z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom. Kolektivna organizacija take zahteve ne sme zavrniti.
(3) Če pogodba o neizključnem prenosu pravic za uporabo varovanih del ni sklenjena, se šteje, da je ustrezna pravica prenesena, če uporabnik položi na račun kolektivne organizacije ali pri sodišču oziroma notarju znesek, ki ga po tarifi ali začasni tarifi zaračunava kolektivna organizacija.

48. člen

(dolžnost uporabnikov do obveščanja)

(1) Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo v roku in obliki, določenima v tem zakonu ali skupnem sporazumu, poslati kolektivni organizaciji podatke o uporabi avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja, ki so potrebni za zbiranje in delitev avtorskih honorarjev.
(2) Prireditelji kulturnoumetniških in zabavnih prireditev ter drugi uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo v primerih, ko je to potrebno po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, predhodno pridobiti pravice za javno priobčitev avtorskih del, v 15 dneh po njihovi priobčitvi pa poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji sporede vseh uporabljenih del ali, kadar to ni mogoče, druge podatke, potrebne za izračun avtorskega honorarja.
(3) RTV organizacije morajo enkrat mesečno poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji in na svoji spletni strani javno objaviti sporede oddajanih avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije.
(4) Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije, ki ta dela uporabljajo na podlagi zakona, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, brez neizključnega prenosa ustrezne pravice, morajo enkrat mesečno poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji podatke o njihovi uporabi.
(5) Osebe iz prvega odstavka 35. člena ZASP morajo poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji podatke, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila, kot so vrsta in število prodanih izvirnikov, zavezanci in maloprodajna cena brez javnih dajatev, v 30 dneh po prodaji izvirnika likovnega dela.
(6) Zavezanci iz prvega odstavka 38. člena ZASP morajo kolektivni organizaciji, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, ob koncu vsakega koledarskega polletja poslati podatke o vrsti in številu prodanih ali uvoženih naprav in nosilcev iz drugega odstavka 37. člena ZASP ter naprav za fotokopiranje iz 1. točke tretjega odstavka 37. člena ZASP in podatke o prodanih fotokopijah, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila, razen če je s skupnim sporazumom določeno drugače. Pridobljene podatke lahko kolektivna organizacija uporabi le za namen, za katerega so bili dani, in jih nepooblaščenim osebam ne sme razkriti.

49. člen


(1) Svet je neodvisni strokovni organ, ki ima pri kolektivnem upravljanju pravic naslednje pristojnosti:
1. določanje primernih tarif za uporabo avtorskih del;
2. odločanje o drugih spornih vprašanjih v zvezi s sklenitvijo skupnega sporazuma;
3. preverjanje, ali je objavljen skupni sporazum v skladu z določbami tega zakona.
(2) Svet odloča nepristransko in pri svojem odločanju ni vezan na strokovna in druga navodila.
(3) Svet ima sedež pri pristojnem organu. Svet ima sekretarja, ki nudi Svetu administrativno pomoč. Sekretarja izmed zaposlenih imenuje pristojni organ.
(4) Svet sprejme poslovnik, ki ga objavi na spletni strani pristojnega organa.

50. člen

(organizacija Sveta)

(1) Svet sestavljajo predsednik in štirje člani.
(2) Predsednika in člane Sveta imenuje in razrešuje minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo. Kolektivne organizacije skupaj ter reprezentativna združenja uporabnikov skupaj predlagajo vsak po dva člana Sveta, od tega vsak vsaj enega kandidata, ki ima najmanj izobrazbo ekonomske smeri, pridobljeno po študijskih programih druge stopnje v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja visoko šolstvo. Predsednika Sveta predlaga pristojni organ.
(3) Pristojni organ na predlog ministra, pristojnega za gospodarstvo, v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije objavi javni poziv kolektivnim organizacijam in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov, da v dveh mesecih predlagajo svoja člana Sveta. Pristojni organ v enem mesecu od poteka roka za prijavo članov Sveta predloži ministru, pristojnemu za gospodarstvo, prijave kandidatov in predlog kandidata za predsednika Sveta, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz prvega in drugega odstavka 51. člena tega zakona.
(4) Če kolektivne organizacije ali reprezentativna združenja uporabnikov ne ravnajo v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom tega člena, predlaga manjkajočega člana pristojni organ.
(5) Minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo, imenuje predsednika in člane Sveta, pri čemer lahko zavrne predlog pristojnega organa za imenovanje predsednika ali članov Sveta. V primeru zavrnitve se postopek iz tretjega odstavka tega člena ponovi.

51. člen

(mandat in pogoji za predsednika in člane Sveta)

(1) Predsednik in člani Sveta morajo imeti najmanj izobrazbo, pridobljeno po študijskih programih druge stopnje v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja visoko šolstvo, ter najmanj tri leta delovnih izkušenj. Predsednik Sveta mora imeti izobrazbo pravne smeri in opravljen pravniški državni izpit. Dva člana Sveta morata imeti izobrazbo ekonomske smeri. Predsednik in člani Sveta morajo imeti znanje iz avtorskega prava.
(2) Predsednik in član Sveta ne sme biti:
1. član vodstva ali organa politične stranke;
2. član poslovodstva ali nadzornega odbora ali pooblaščenec kolektivne organizacije ali reprezentativnega združenja uporabnikov;
3. oseba, ki je bila pravnomočno obsojena zaradi naklepnega kaznivega dejanja, ki se
preganja po uradni dolžnosti, na zaporno kazen v trajanju več kot šest mesecev. Omejitev iz te točke preneha z izbrisom iz kazenske evidence.
(3) Mandat predsednika in člana Sveta traja pet let. Ne glede na prejšnji stavek mandat preneha z dnem imenovanja novega predsednika ali novih članov Sveta.
(4) Če predsednik ali član Sveta odstopi, mu mandat preneha z dnem imenovanja novega predsednika ali člana Sveta.

52. člen

(razrešitev predsednika in članov Sveta)

(1) Minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo, razreši predsednika ali člana Sveta, če:
- to sam zahteva;
- ne izpolnjuje z zakonom določenih pogojev za imenovanje (prvi odstavek prejšnjega člena);
- nastopi položaj, ki ni združljiv z opravljanjem funkcije predsednika in člana Sveta (drugi odstavek prejšnjega člena).
(2) Zoper sklep o razrešitvi ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem

53. člen

(postopek pri Svetu)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija ali reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov lahko kadarkoli po uveljavitvi začasne tarife iz 45. člena tega zakona ali če po petih mesecih od začetka pogajanj ne sklenejo skupnega sporazuma, zahteva, da Svet določi primerno tarifo ali odloči o drugem spornem vprašanju v zvezi s skupnim sporazumom.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija ali reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov lahko zahteva, da Svet odloči, ali je veljavni skupni sporazum v skladu z določbami tega zakona in ali je veljavna tarifa, določena s tem sporazumom, primerna.
(3) Zahteva za odločanje o primernosti veljavne tarife se lahko vloži tudi, če je
Svet o tem že odločil, pod pogojema, da:
1. je od njene uveljavitve preteklo najmanj šest let in
2. so nastopile pomembne okoliščine, ki vplivajo na primernost višine tarife.
(4) Postopek pred Svetom se začne na pisno zahtevo, ki mora vsebovati vsaj:
1. podatke o vložniku predloga;
2. obrazložitev spornih vprašanj;
3. poročilo o dotedanjem poteku pogajanj;
4. predlog tarife ali rešitve spornega vprašanja.
(5) Svet pošlje zahtevo iz prejšnjega odstavka nasprotni stranki v 15 dneh od prejetja in jo pozove, da se o njej izreče v 30 dneh.
(6) Vsaka stranka lahko navaja dejstva in predlaga dokaze, na katere opira svoje predloge ali s katerimi izpodbija navedbe in dokaze druge stranke, najpozneje na prvem naroku za ustno obravnavo, ki jo Svet obvezno razpiše najpozneje v treh mesecih od prejetja odgovora oziroma izteka roka za odgovor nasprotne stranke na zahtevo iz četrtega odstavka tega člena.
(7) Svet ne more imenovati izvedenca.
(8) V postopku pred Svetom se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek, razen če je s tem zakonom določeno drugače.

54. člen

(odločba Sveta)

(1) Svet odloči z odločbo v devetih mesecih od zaključka ustne obravnave.
(2) Svet z odločbo določi primerno tarifo ali odloči o drugem spornem vprašanju, pri čemer lahko v delu ali celoti potrdi, spremeni ali razveljavi izpodbijani skupni sporazum ali tarifo.
(3) Pravnomočna odločba Sveta je sestavni del skupnega sporazuma oziroma skupni sporazum nadomešča, če se z njo izpodbijani skupni sporazum spremeni, razveljavi, ali če skupni sporazum ni bil sklenjen.
(4) Pravnomočna odločba Sveta se objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.
(5) Odločba, s katero je Svet določil primerno tarifo za uporabo avtorskih del, preneha veljati, če stranki s skupnim sporazumom določita novo tarifo.

55. člen

(stroški postopka pred Svetom)

(1) Stroški postopka pred Svetom so stroški strank in stroški Sveta.
(2) Vsaka stranka sama nosi svoje stroške, ki jih ima zaradi postopka pred
(3) Stranki po enakih delih krijeta naslednje stroške Sveta:
- nagrado za predsednika in člane Sveta,
- potne in druge razumne stroške predsednika in članov Sveta,
- stroške, potrebne za izvedbo dokazov,
- administrativne stroške.
(4) Stranka, ki je začela postopek, mora v roku, ki ga določi Svet, založiti ustrezna sredstva za kritje stroškov njegovega delovanja (predujem), sicer Svet predlog za začetek postopka zavrže.
(5) Višina nagrade člana Sveta znaša tretjino osnovne mesečne plače okrožnega sodnika brez napredovanja za vsak začeti mesec trajanja postopka, višina nagrade predsednika Sveta pa je enaka višini nagrade člana Sveta, povečani za 20 %. Člani in predsednik Sveta so plačani za čas trajanja posameznega postopka, vendar ne več kot za
12 mesecev.
(6) Svet po pravnomočnosti odločbe iz prejšnjega člena s posebnim sklepom odloči o stroških Sveta in o tem, ali mora ob upoštevanju položenega predujma katera od strank drugi povrniti ustrezni del plačanih stroškov Sveta, ter po pravnomočnosti tega sklepa izvede izplačilo svojim članom in predsedniku.

56. člen

(sodno varstvo zoper odločbe Sveta)

(1) Zoper odločbo ali sklep o stroških Sveta ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, o kateri odloča upravno sodišče na svojem sedežu.
(2) Svet je oproščen plačila sodnih taks v upravnem sporu. Vsaka stranka nosi svoje stroške postopka.

57. člen

(področje uporabe)

(1) To poglavje se uporablja za kolektivne organizacije z dovoljenjem za večozemeljsko kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.
(2) To poglavje se ne uporablja za kolektivne organizacije, ki na podlagi prostovoljnega združevanja zahtevanih pravic in v skladu s pravili o konkurenci izdajo večozemeljsko licenco za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, za katero zaprosi izdajatelj programa, da lahko svoje radijske ali televizijske programe priobči javnosti istočasno s prvotnim oddajanjem, pred njim ali po njem, in tudi kakršno koli spletno gradivo, vključno s predogledi, ki ga ustvari izdajatelj programa ali se ustvari zanj in je pomožen prvotnemu oddajanju radijskega ali televizijskega programa.

58. člen

(zmogljivost za obdelavo večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora imeti zadostno zmogljivost za učinkovito in pregledno elektronsko obdelavo podatkov, potrebnih za upravljanje s temi licencami, vključno za namene opredelitve repertoarja in spremljanje njegove uporabe, zaračunavanje
uporabnikom, pobiranje avtorskih honorarjev in razporejanje zneskov, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora biti sposobna v celoti ali delno natančno določiti glasbena dela, na katerih je pooblaščena kolektivno upravljati pravice.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora biti sposobna v celoti ali delno natančno določiti pravice in njihove imetnike za vsako ustrezno ozemlje, za vsako glasbeno delo ali njegov del, za kolektivno upravljanje katerih je pooblaščena.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija uporablja enotne identifikatorje za določitev imetnikov pravic in glasbenih del, pri čemer upošteva, kadar je to mogoče, prostovoljne industrijske standarde in prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija uporablja ustrezna sredstva za pravočasno in učinkovito določitev ter reševanje neskladja v podatkih drugih kolektivnih organizacij, ki izdajajo večozemeljske licence za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija v vlogi za izdajo dovoljenja poleg podatkov iz 13. člena tega zakona priloži še dokaze, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz prvega do petega odstavka tega člena.

59. člen

(elektronska oblika komuniciranja)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči elektronsko komunikacijo z imetniki pravic, katerih pravice večozemeljsko upravlja, ponudniki spletnih storitev in drugimi kolektivnimi organizacijami.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči uporabo vsaj ene metode elektronske izmenjave, pri kateri se, kadar je to mogoče, upoštevajo prostovoljni industrijski standardi ali prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije, za elektronsko izmenjavo.

60. člen

(preglednost informacij o večozemeljskih repertoarjih)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija imetnikom pravic, ki so kolektivno organizacijo pooblastili za upravljanje pravic za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, omogoči, da ji podatke o glasbenih delih, pravicah na njih in ozemljih, glede katerih so imetniki pravic pooblastili kolektivno organizacijo, posreduje v elektronski obliki.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija ponudniku spletnih glasbenih storitev, imetniku pravic, katerega pravice večozemeljsko kolektivno upravlja, in drugi kolektivni organizaciji na ustrezno utemeljeno zahtevo zagotovi posodobljene informacije v elektronski obliki, ki omogočajo identifikacijo spletnega glasbenega repertoarja, ki ga zastopa.
(3) Informacije iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebujejo:
- glasbena dela, ki jih zastopa;
- pravice, ki jih kolektivno upravlja v celoti ali delno, in
- ozemlja, ki jih pokriva.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija lahko po potrebi sprejme razumne ukrepe za zaščito točnosti in celovitosti podatkov, nadzor nad njihovo ponovno uporabo in varovanje poslovno občutljivih informacij.

61. člen

(točnost informacij o večozemeljskih repertoarjih)

(1) Če ponudnik spletnih storitev, imetnik pravic, katerega pravice kolektivna organizacija večozemeljsko kolektivno upravlja, ali druga kolektivna organizacija na podlagi dokazov meni, da so podatki ali informacije iz 58. in 60. člena tega zakona v zvezi z njegovimi pravicami za spletno uporabo glasbenih del netočni, jih mora kolektivna organizacija, če je zahteva utemeljena, nemudoma popraviti.
(2) Pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko do pooblaščene kolektivne organizacije iz
64. člena tega zakona uveljavlja jo tudi imetniki pravic, katerih dela so vključena v repertoar kolektivne organizacije, ki je izdala pooblastilo, razen če je v sporazumu o zastopanju določeno drugače.
(3) Pravila o postopku za popravek podatkov iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena morajo biti objavljena na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

62. člen

(poročanje uporabnikov in zaračunavanje)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija nadzira spletno uporabo glasbenih del, ki jih v celoti ali deloma zastopa, ponudnikov spletnih storitev, ki jim je izdala večozemeljsko licenco za navedene pravice.
(2) Ponudniki spletnih storitev natančno poročajo kolektivni organizaciji o dejanski uporabi glasbenih del. Če poročilo uporabnika ni v formatu v skladu z drugim odstavkom
59. člena tega zakona, ga kolektivna organizacija lahko zavrže in uporabnika pozove, da ga posreduje v ustreznem formatu.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija po prejemu poročila iz prejšnjega odstavka najpozneje v dveh delovnih dneh izda točen račun, razen kadar to ni mogoče zaradi razlogov na strani ponudnika spletnih storitev.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija izda račun ponudniku spletnih storitev v elektronski obliki in omogoči uporabo vsaj enega formata, pri katerem se upoštevajo prostovoljni industrijski standardi ali prakse, oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije. Na računu so navedena glasbena dela in pravice na njih ter dejanska uporaba, kadar je to mogoče na podlagi informacij, ki jih je ponudnik spletnih storitev predložil, in formata, ki se je uporabil za predložitev teh informacij. Ponudnik spletnih storitev ne more zavrniti računa zaradi njegovega formata, če kolektivna organizacija uporablja prostovoljni industrijski standard ali prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči ponudniku spletnih storitev ustrezen postopek za izpodbijanje točnosti računov. Pravila postopka so dostopna na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

63. člen

(plačilo avtorskega honorarja)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija po prejemu poročila o dejanski spletni uporabi glasbenih del iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena v roku dveh delovnih dni razdeli avtorske honorarje, razen kadar to ni mogoče iz razlogov na strani ponudnika spletne storitve.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija imetniku pravic pri vsakem izplačilu zagotovi vsaj naslednje informacije:
- obdobje, na katerega se nanaša avtorski honorar za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, in ozemlja, na katerih so se uporabljale;
- avtorske honorarje, zbrane in razdeljene imetniku pravic, za vsako pravico za spletno
uporabo in glasbena dela;
- odbitke, povezane s stroški poslovanja kolektivne organizacije, za vsako pravico za spletno uporabo in glasbena dela;
- zbrane avtorske honorarje, odbitke in razdeljene avtorske honorarje, v zvezi z vsakim ponudnikom spletnih storitev.

64. člen

(sporazumi med kolektivnimi organizacijami pri izdajanju večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija lahko sklene sporazum (zastopana kolektivna organizacija) z drugo kolektivno organizacijo (pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija), s katerim jo pooblasti za izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del iz lastnega repertoarja. Sporazum ne sme vsebovati klavzule o izključnosti zastopanja, sicer je ničen.
(2) Zastopana kolektivna organizacija obvesti svoje člane o glavnih pogojih sporazuma, vključno z njegovim trajanjem in stroški poslovanja pooblaščene kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija redno obvešča zastopano kolektivno organizacijo o glavnih pogojih, pod katerimi izdaja licence, vključno z načinom uporabe glasbenega dela, vsemi določbami, ki se nanašajo ali vplivajo na avtorske honorarje, trajanjem licenc, obračunskimi obdobji in zajetimi ozemlji.
(4) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija natančno in v roku dveh delovnih dni razdeli avtorske honorarje zastopani kolektivni organizaciji v skladu s prejšnjim členom. Zastopana kolektivna organizacija je odgovorna za nadaljnjo delitev avtorskih honorarjev in posredovanje informacij iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena, razen če se kolektivni organizaciji dogovorita drugače.

65. člen

(obveznost zastopanja druge kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki ne izdaja ali ponuja izdaje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo enake avtorske pravice za glasbena dela iz lastnega repertoarja, mora zaprositi pooblaščeno kolektivno organizacijo za sklenitev neizključnega sporazuma o zastopanju.
(2) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija ne sme zavrniti prošnje, če sama že izdaja ali ponuja izdajo večozemeljskih licenc za istovrstno spletno uporabo glasbenih del iz repertoarja ene ali več drugih kolektivnih organizacij.
(3) Na prošnjo pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija odgovori pisno v dveh delovnih dneh.
(4) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija upravlja zastopani repertoar pod istimi pogoji kot lasten repertoar.
(5) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija vključi repertoar zastopane kolektivne organizacije v vse ponudbe, ki jih naslovi na ponudnike spletnih storitev.
(6) Za stroške poslovanja zastopanega repertoarja se smiselno uporablja 32. člen tega zakona.
(7) Zastopana kolektivna organizacija da na voljo pooblaščeni kolektivni organizaciji vse potrebne informacije v zvezi z lastnim repertoarjem za izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del. Če so te informacije nezadostne, lahko pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija zastopani kolektivni organizaciji zaračuna dodatne stroške ali izključi dela, za katera so bile predložene nezadostne informacije.

66. člen

(alternativno reševanje sporov pri večozemeljskih licencah)

Za spore med kolektivno organizacijo in ponudniki spletnih storitev ali enim ali več imetnikom pravic ali drugo kolektivno organizacijo se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 68. člena tega zakona.

67. člen

(pritožbeni postopki)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija zagotovi svojim članom, imetnikom pravic in kolektivnim organizacijam, s katerimi ima podpisan sporazum o zastopanju, učinkovito reševanje sporov, zlasti v zvezi s pooblastilom za upravljanje pravic, pogoji članstva, zbiranjem in delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev ter stroški poslovanja.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora na pritožbo odgovarjati pisno. Če pritožbi ne ugodi, jo mora obrazložiti.
(3) Zoper dokončno odločitev kolektivne organizacije je mogoča tožba, o kateri odloča sodišče, ki je po zakonu, ki ureja sodišča, pristojno za odločanje v sporih intelektualne lastnine.
(4) Postopki iz prvega odstavka tega člena morajo biti določeni v statutu kolektivne organizacije.

68. člen


(1) Kolektivna organizacija, reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov, uporabnik in imetnik pravic lahko na podlagi sporazuma o mediaciji predlagajo posredovanje mediatorja.
(2) Posredovanje mediatorja po drugem odstavku 166.c člena ZASP in 66. členu tega zakona se lahko zahteva brez sporazuma o mediaciji. V mediacijskih postopkih se smiselno uporabljajo določbe o mediaciji med kolektivno organizacijo in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov.
(3) Mediator je neodvisen, nepristranski in ni vezan na nobena navodila.
(4) Mediator stori vse, kar je potrebno, da se stranke pogajajo v dobri veri in da pogajanj ne ovirajo brez utemeljenega razloga.
(5) Mediator lahko strankam predlaga rešitev spora. Šteje se, da so predlog sprejele, če nobena od njih ne ugovarja v treh mesecih od njegove vročitve.
(6) V postopku mediacije je zagotovljena tajnost.
(7) Stranki skupaj izbereta mediatorja s seznama mediatorjev, ki jih določi Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: vlada) na predlog ministra, pristojnega za gospodarstvo. Seznam mediatorjev vsebuje osebno ime ter naslov mediatorja.
(8) Pristojni organ zagotavlja mediatorju administrativno pomoč. (9) Za opravljeno mediacijo mediatorju stranke plačajo nagrado.
(10) Vlada z uredbo natančneje predpiše postopek mediacije, stopnjo in vrsto izobrazbe ter druge pogoje, ki jih mora izpolnjevati mediator, ter nagrado za mediatorja.

69. člen

(pristojnost nadzora)

(1) Nadzor na izvajanjem tega zakona izvaja pristojni organ, razen nad določbo osmega odstavka 40. člena, nad katero nadzor izvaja AJPES, in določbami 48. člena tega zakona, nad katero nadzor izvaja Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije.
(2) Pristojni organ izvaja nadzor v skladu z letnim programom dela, sprejetim v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja državno upravo. Poleg nadzora, ki je opredeljen v letnem programu dela, lahko pristojni organ opravi nadzor tudi po uradni dolžnosti ali na pobudo tretje osebe. Tretja oseba, ki pri pristojnem organu vloži pobudo za ukrepanje zoper kolektivno organizacijo, ni stranka v postopku.
(3) Pristojni organ ni pristojen za odločanje o sporih med imetniki pravic in kolektivno organizacijo ter med uporabniki in kolektivno organizacijo.

70. člen

(pooblastila nadzornega organa)

(1) Pristojni organ v okviru nadzora in za ta namen lahko:
1. vpogleda v poslovne knjige in druge dokumente kolektivne organizacije, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke;
2. zahteva od kolektivne organizacije informacije ali dokumente o njej ali njenem poslovanju, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke;
3. zahteva od članov poslovodstva ali nadzornega odbora kolektivne organizacije ustno ali pisno pojasnilo o dejstvih ali dokumentih, ki se nanašajo na delovanje kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija predloži informacije in dokumente iz prejšnjega odstavka pristojnemu organu v celoti. Pristojni organ varuje predložene informacije in dokumente v skladu s predpisi.
(3) Nadzor pristojnega organa se lahko nanaša na zadevo, ki ni starejša od pet let, razen če je bil postopek nadzora že uveden.
(4) V postopku nadzora se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek, če ta zakon ne določa drugače.

71. člen

(obveznost kolektivnih organizacij)

Kolektivna organizacija mora v 15 dneh od nastanka okoliščine ali dokumenta ali njegove pridobitve predložiti pristojnemu organu:
1. vabila na seje skupščine in drugih organov kolektivne organizacije, vključno z gradivom;
2. podatke o spremembi oseb, ki so v skladu z zakonom in statutom pooblaščene zastopati kolektivno organizacijo;
3. statut in druge notranje akte ter njihove spremembe;
4. vabilo za pogajanja za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma z reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov;
5. skupne sporazume z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov;
6. začasne tarife;
7. sporazume s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami;
8. zapisnik sej skupščine kolektivne organizacije in vse gradivo iz sedmega odstavka 24. člena tega zakona;
9. pogodbo iz prvega odstavka 17. člena tega zakona in njene spremembe.

72. člen

(ukrepi pri kršitvah kolektivnih organizacij)

(1) Pristojni organ z odločbo kolektivni organizaciji odredi, da v določenem roku odpravi ugotovljeno kršitev določb tega zakona.
(2) Če kolektivna organizacija ne odpravi ugotovljene kršitve iz prejšnjega odstavka, lahko pristojni organ, če je to glede na težo kršitve primerno, odredi kolektivni organizaciji odpoklic članov poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Pristojni organ lahko z odločbo odvzame izdano dovoljenje, če:
1. nastanejo okoliščine, ki bi bile razlog za zavrnitev izdaje dovoljenja;
2. kolektivna organizacija v nasprotju z določbami tega zakona prenese opravljanje svojih nalog na zunanjega izvajalca;
3. kolektivna organizacija deli zbrana sredstva imetnikom pravic v nasprotju s tem zakonom
ali pravili o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
4. kolektivna organizacija večkrat krši določbe tega zakona in teh kršitev ne odpravi;
5. kolektivna organizacija ponavlja istovrstne kršitve, ugotovljene z izvršljivo odločbo pristojnega organa.
(4) Pristojni organ lahko z odločbo o odvzemu dovoljenja hkrati izreče, da se odvzem dovoljenja glede na težo kršitve ne bo izvršil, če bo kolektivna organizacija v določenem roku odpravila ugotovljene kršitve in če v določenemu roku, ki ne sme biti krajši od enega in ne daljši od treh let, ne bo storila nove kršitve, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje.
(5) Pristojni organ lahko izda odločbo po drugem ali tretjem odstavku tega člena le, če kolektivni organizaciji pred tem odredi odpravo ugotovljenih kršitev.
(6) Zoper odločbo ali sklep pristojnega organa ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, o kateri odloča upravno sodišče na svojem sedežu.
(7) Odločba iz tretjega odstavka tega člena postane izvršljiva z dnem pravnomočnosti. Pristojni organ objavi obvestilo o pravnomočni odločbi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.

73. člen

(izmenjava informacij med pristojnimi organi)

(1) Pristojni organ mora na ustrezno utemeljeno prošnjo, zlasti glede delovanja kolektivnih organizacij, pristojnemu organu iz druge države članice, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja posredovati ustrezna pojasnila oziroma informacije, če z njimi razpolaga.
(2) Če pristojni organ meni, da kolektivna organizacija s sedežem v drugi državi članici, ki deluje v Republiki Sloveniji, ni usklajena s pravom države članice, v kateri ima sedež, sprejetim na podlagi Direktive 2014/26/EU, lahko vse ustrezne informacije posreduje pristojnemu organu države članice, kjer ima kolektivna organizacija sedež, in lahko, kadar je to ustrezno, od tega organa zahteva, da sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, ki so v njegovi pristojnosti.

74. člen

(obveščanje Komisije in skupine strokovnjakov)

(1) Pristojni organ brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvešča Komisijo o vsaki spremembi seznama kolektivnih organizacij, ustanovljenih v Republiki Sloveniji.
(2) Pristojni organ o kršitvah iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena obvesti tudi skupino strokovnjakov, ustanovljeno na podlagi 41. člena Direktive 2014/26/EU.

75. člen

(individualno upravljanje do izdaje dovoljenja)

Pravice, ki se po tem zakonu upravljajo samo kolektivno, se lahko upravljajo individualno, dokler pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za njihovo kolektivno upravljanje.

76. člen

(razdelitev premoženja)

(1) Vse premoženje, ki ga je dotedanja kolektivna organizacija pridobila v času trajanja odvzetega dovoljenja, vsi zbrani in neizplačani avtorski honorarji in nadomestila, prihodki, pridobljeni iz bančnih depozitov, ter sredstva namenskih skladov so last imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice je kolektivna organizacija upravljala do odvzema dovoljenja, in ga mora imetnikom pravic razdeliti najpozneje v 12 mesecih od pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja. Za razdelitev se uporabljajo pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, kot so veljala na dan izdaje odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja. Premoženje, ki ga po teh pravilih ni mogoče razdeliti, se razdeli po enakih deležih glede na avtorske honorarje, ki so po pravilih delitve dodeljeni imetnikom pravic.
(2) Pravna oseba mora v treh mesecih od dneva pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja pristojnemu organu posredovati poročilo, ki ga mora sestaviti po stanju na dan pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja.
(3) Pravna oseba mora v šestih mesecih od izteka roka za razdelitev premoženja iz prvega odstavka tega člena posredovati pristojnemu organu zaključno poročilo, ki ga mora sestaviti po stanju na dan izteka roka za razdelitev premoženja iz prvega odstavka tega člena, skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom. Zaključno poročilo mora pregledati pooblaščeni revizor na način in pod pogoji, določenimi z zakonom, ki ureja revidiranje.
(4) Za sestavo poročil iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 40. in 41. člena tega zakona.
(5) Poročili iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena pristojni organ objavi na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani.
(6) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za druge primere prenehanja dovoljenja.

77. člen

(prekrški kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Z globo od 3.500 do 6.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje kolektivna organizacija, če:
- ne predlaga v roku vpisa firme ali imena v register (drugi odstavek 15. člena);
- ne obvesti pristojnega organa o sklenitvi, spremembi in odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem (peti odstavek 17. člena);
- ne objavi evidenc na spletni strani (deveti odstavek 19. člena);
- ne posodablja podatkov v evidencah (deseti odstavek 19. člena);
- se na skupščini ne piše zapisnika ali zapisnik ni v roku objavljen na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije (četrti odstavek 25. člena);
- član nadzornega odbora in poslovodstva ne poda vsako leto na skupščini pisne individualne izjave o nasprotju interesov in izjava o nasprotju interesov ne vsebuje vseh
informacij (29. člen);
- ne upošteva posebnih primerov delitve (31. člen);
- najmanj enkrat letno imetnikom pravic in tujim kolektivnim organizacijam ne posreduje informacij (prvi in drugi odstavek 38. člena);
- ne objavi prosto dostopno informacij in podatkov (39. člen);
- ne sestavi letnega poročila v roku (peti odstavek 40. člena);
- letnega poročila skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom ne predloži AJPES (osmi odstavek 40. člena);
- posebnega poročila revizije v roku ne objavi na svoji spletni strani (peti odstavek 43. člena).
(2) Z globo 3.500 do 6.000 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba kolektivne organizacije, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.
(3) Z globo od 4.000 do 7.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje kolektivna organizacija, če:
- ne vodi evidenc (šesti in osmi odstavek 19. člena);
- zbranih avtorskih honorarjev ter prihodkov, pridobljenih iz bančnih depozitov, ne vodi na ločenih računih za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej (prva alineja drugega odstavka
30. člena);
- ne upošteva rokov v zvezi z delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev (34., 35. in 36. člen);
- ne ravna v skladu z zahtevo pristojnega organa (prvi odstavek 70. člena);
- ne posreduje v roku dokumentov (71. člen).
(4) Z globo 4.000 do 7.000 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba kolektivne organizacije, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

78. člen

(prekrški pravnih oseb, samostojnih podjetnikov posameznikov in posameznikov, ki samostojno opravljajo dejavnost)

(1) Z globo od 600 do 6.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, samostojni podjetnik posameznik ali posameznik, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, če:
- pristojni kolektivni organizacije ne pošlje v roku in obliki, določenima v tem zakonu ali skupnem sporazumu, podatkov o uporabi avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja (prvi odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji v roku ne pošlje sporedov vseh uporabljenih del ali, kadar to ni mogoče, drugih podatkov, potrebnih za izračun avtorskega honorarja (drugi
odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji enkrat mesečno ne pošlje in na svoji spletni strani javno ne objavi sporedov oddajanih avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije (tretji
odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji enkrat mesečno ne pošlje podatkov o uporabi avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije (četrti odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji v roku ne pošlje podatkov, ki so potrebni za izračun
dolžnega nadomestila, kot so vrsta in število prodanih izvirnikov, zavezanci in maloprodajna cena brez javnih dajatev (peti odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do
nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, ob koncu vsakega polletja ne pošlje podatkov o vrsti in številu prodanih ali uvoženih naprav za tonsko in vizualno snemanje, naprav za fotokopiranje, praznih nosilcev zvoka ali slike ter podatkov o prodanih fotokopijah, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila (šesti odstavek 48. člena).
(2) Z globo od 600 do 3.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba pravne osebe, samostojnega podjetnika posameznika ali posameznika, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

79. člen

(drugi prekrški pravnih oseb)

(1) Z globo od 1.200 do 8.400 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, če pristojnemu organu ne posreduje v roku poročila in zaključnega poročila skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom (drugi in tretji odstavek 76. člena).
(2) Z globo od 1.200 do 4.800 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba pravne osebe, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

80. člen

(izrek globe)

Za prekrške iz tega zakona se sme v hitrem postopku izreči globa tudi v znesku, ki je višji od najnižje predpisane globe, določene v tem zakonu.

81. člen

(uskladitev z določbami tega zakona)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki že ima dovoljenje pristojnega organa za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, se uskladi z določbami tega zakona v enem letu od uveljavitve tega zakona.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija iz prejšnjega odstavka mora po poteku roka iz prejšnjega odstavka posredovati pristojnemu organu:
1. statut;
2. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
3. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
4. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
5. pravila o stroških poslovanja;
6. pravila o namenskih skladih;
7. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj in
8. repertoar.
(3) Če kolektivna organizacija ne predloži pristojnemu organu dokumentov iz prejšnjega odstavka, ali če predloženi dokumenti niso v skladu z določbami tega zakona, pristojni organ ravna v skladu z 72. členom tega zakona.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija iz prvega odstavka tega člena se uskladi s 40., 41. in
42. členom tega zakona za prvo poslovno leto, ki se začne po 31. decembru 2016.
(5) Postopki nadzora, ali kolektivna organizacija izvaja naloge v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, začeti pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se dokončajo po doslej veljavnih predpisih.
(6) Pri odločanju o zahtevah za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic, o katerih na dan uveljavitve tega zakona še ni bila izdana dokončna odločba, se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.
(7) Postopki, ki so bili začeti in vodeni na podlagi 3. točke prvega odstavka 149. člena ZASP, se na dan uveljavitve tega zakona ustavijo.
(8) Tarife in skupni sporazumi, ki so veljavni na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se štejejo kot veljavni skupni sporazumi po določbah tega zakona.
(9) Postopki sodnega varstva zoper odločbe Sveta, ki na dan uveljavitve tega zakona tečejo po 157.d členu ZASP, se dokončajo po doslej veljavnih predpisih.

82. člen

(uskladitev predpisov)

(1) Vlada uskladi določbe Uredbe o mediaciji v sporih v zvezi z avtorsko ali sorodnimi pravicami (Uradni list RS, št. 35/05) z določbami tega zakona v šestih mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona.
(2) Svet sprejme poslovnik iz četrtega odstavka 49. člena tega zakona v treh mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona. Do njegove uveljavitve se uporabljajo tiste določbe Poslovnika Sveta za avtorsko pravo (Uradni list RS, št. 87/12), ki niso v nasprotju s tem zakonom.

83. člen

(obvestilo imetnikom pravic)

Kolektivna organizacija, ki že ima dovoljenje pristojnega organa za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, do 10. oktobra 2016 obvesti imetnike pravic, ki so jo pooblastili za upravljanje avtorske pravice do uveljavitve tega zakona, o njihovih pravicah iz 18. člena tega zakona.

84. člen

(dostop do izdajanja večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Če kolektivna organizacija do 10. aprila 2017 nima dovoljenja za večozemeljsko kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice na glasbenih delih ali ga ima, pa licenc ne podeljuje, ali ne sklene sporazuma z drugo kolektivno organizacijo za zastopanje, lahko imetnik pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del za namene izdaje večozemeljske licence pooblasti drugo kolektivno organizacijo, ki ima tako dovoljenje.
(2) Če imetnik pravic uresniči pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka, kolektivna organizacija, ki ne podeljuje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, ne sme zahtevati umika pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del za namene izdaje enoozemeljske licence.

85. člen

(začasna tarifa za privatno reproduciranje)

Kolektivna organizacija, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do pravičnega nadomestila za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje iz 37. člena ZASP, lahko sprejme začasno tarifo ob upoštevanju določb o začasni tarifi iz 45. člena tega zakona ter drugega in tretjega odstavka 46. člena tega zakona.

86. člen

(mandat Sveta)

Mandat obstoječemu Svetu preneha pet let po uveljavitvi tega zakona.

87. člen


(1) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona prenehajo veljati:
- 3. točka prvega odstavka 1. člena, četrti odstavek 38. člena, 39. člen, VI. poglavje, 1., 2. in 3. točka prvega odstavka 185. člena ter tretji in četrti odstavek 189. člena Zakona o
avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo,
68/08, 110/13 in 56/15);
- Uredba o arbitraži v sporih v zvezi z avtorsko ali sorodnimi pravicami (Uradni list RS, št.
(2) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona se v drugem odstavku 72. člena Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 68/08,
110/13 in 56/15) črta besedilo »iz tega zakona«.
(3) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona preneha veljati Uredba o zneskih nadomestil za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje (Uradni list RS, št. 103/06), uporablja pa se do uveljavitve začasne tarife iz 85. člena tega zakona.

88. člen

(začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike
Št. 120-01/16-4/75
Ljubljana, dne 22. septembra 2016
EPA 1174-VII
Državni zbor Republike Slovenije dr. Milan Brglez l.r. Predsednik

Дополнительный текст(-ы) Титульный лист уведомления ВТО (3 текст(ов)) Титульный лист уведомления ВТО (3 текст(ов)) Французский Loi sur la gestion collective du droit d'auteur et des droits connexes (Journal officiel de la République de Slovénie, n° 63/16 du 7 octobre 2016) Испанский Ley de gestión colectiva del derecho de autor y los derechos conexos (Gaceta Oficial de la República de Eslovenia, N° 63/16 de 7 de octubre de 2006) Английский Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 63/16 of October 7, 2016)
 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act

Disclaimer: All of the translations contained on this website are unofficial. Only the original Slovenian texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference materials to aid in the understanding of Slovenian laws and regulations. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the translations provided on this website, or for any consequence resulting from the use of information on this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Slovenian texts published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Notice: Text of the basic regulation




Article 1 (Subject)

This Act regulates collective management of copyright and related rights, the procedure for granting permits to collectively manage such rights, the procedure for concluding common agreements and setting tariffs for the use of copyright works, the operation of the Copyright Board, the procedure for multi-territorial licensing of online rights in musical works, dispute settlement, and the supervision of the implementation of this Act.

Article 2 (Transposed EU directives)

(1) This Act shall transpose into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia Directive 2014/26/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on collective management of copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses in the internal market (OL L 84, 20.3.2014, p. 72; hereinafter: Directive 2014/26/EU).

(2) This Act shall partly transpose the following Directives into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia: - Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993 on the coordination of certain rules

concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission (OJ L 248, 6.10.1993, p. 15) and

- Directive 2006/116/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights (OJ L 372, 27.12.2006, p. 12), as last amended by Directive 2011/77/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2011 amending Directive 2006/116/EC on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights (OJ L 265, 11.10.2011, p. 1).

Article 3 (Definitions)

For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply: - "rights revenue" shall mean the income derived from the use of a copyright work or a

subject-matter of related rights; - "copyright", "related rights" and "copyright work" shall have the same meanings as in the

act governing copyright and related rights; - "Member State" shall mean a Member State of the European Union or the European

Economic Area; - "rightholder" shall mean an author, performer, phonogram producer, film producer,

broadcasting organisation, publisher, maker of a database or any other person, except a collective management organisation, to whom particular material copyrights or other rights of the author or related rights are transferred by an act, contract or other legal transaction or who is entitled to receive rights revenue under a contract or other legal transaction or an act;

- "connected person" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing media; - "online rights in musical works" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing

copyright and related rights and shall be acquired by a user for online use of musical works;

- "competent authority" shall be the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office; - "register" shall have the same meaning as in the act governing the legal form of legal

persons that are collective management organisations; - "repertoire" shall mean a list of copyright works in respect of which a collective

management organisation or an independent management entity manages copyrights; - "statute" shall mean a memorandum of association of a legal person; - "foreign collective management organisation" shall mean a collective management

organisation with no registered office or subsidiary in the Republic of Slovenia; and - "multi-territorial licence" shall mean a permit to use a copyright work covering the

territory of more than one Member State.

Article 4 (Collective management organisation)

A collective management organisation shall be a legal person to whom a permit is granted by the competent authority and which is authorised by a rightholder or by this Act to manage copyright or rights related to copyright on behalf of and for the account of more than one rightholder, for the collective benefit of such rightholders, as its sole or principal activity, and shall be either or both - owned or controlled by its members and/or - organised on a not-for-profit basis.

Article 5 (Independent management entity)

(1) An independent management entity shall be a legal person to whom a permit is granted by the competent authority and which is authorised to manage copyright or rights related to copyright on behalf of more than one rightholder, for the collective benefit of those rightholders, as its sole or principle gainful activity, and is neither owned nor controlled, directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, by rightholders.

(2) Film producers, phonogram producers, broadcasters, publishers, and managers and agents acting as rightholders’ intermediaries shall not be deemed independent management entities.

(3) Independent management entities shall be subject to paragraphs one and three of Article 13, paragraphs two and four of Article 14, Article 38, points 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of paragraph one of Article 39, paragraph five of Article 44, and Articles 69 to 72 of this Act.

Article 6 (Related rights)

The provisions of this Act relating to copyright shall apply mutatis mutandis to related rights, with the exception of provisions on multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works.

Article 7 (Individual and collective management)

(1) Copyrights shall be managed separately (individually), that is separately for each copyright work, or jointly (collectively), that is jointly for several copyright works of several authors.

(2) Rightholders shall decide themselves whether to manage copyrights personally or via a representative or whether to authorise a collective management organisation or independent management entity to manage their copyrights on published copyright works, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(3) As long as the collective management of rights is entrusted to a collective management organisation pursuant to authorisation granted by a rightholder or this Act, the author may not personally manage those rights unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 8 (Management via a representative)

(1) Management of copyrights via a representative shall include: 1. representing authors in legal transactions and relationships with users or commissioning

clients, including collecting rights revenues or other compensation and 2. representing authors in proceedings before courts or other public authorities to protect

their copyrights.

(2) Where authors exercise their rights before courts or other public authorities via a representative – whether a natural or a legal person – the representative shall be entitled to receive payment for services rendered and to reimbursement of costs incurred in providing these services determined under the representation tariff, provided that the representative meets the conditions for representation before courts or other public authority or these conditions are met by an authorised employee of the legal person acting as representative. The representation tariff shall be adopted by the representative or an association of representatives in agreement with the minister responsible for justice.

Article 9 (Mandatory collective management)

Notwithstanding paragraph two of Article 7 of this Act, rightholders shall be bound to manage their rights on published copyright works via a collective management organisation (mandatory collective management) in the case of:

1. communication to the public of non-theatrical musical and written works, with the exception of the right to make available to the public referred to in Article 32a of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 16/07 – official consolidated version, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15; hereinafter: the ZASP);

2. resale of fine art originals (the resale right referred to in Article 35 of the ZASP); 3. reproducing copyright works for private or other non-commercial use and their

photocopying beyond the scope specified in Article 50 of the ZASP; 4. cable retransmission of copyright works, except in respect of broadcasters’ own

transmissions, irrespective of whether the rights concerned are their own or have been transferred to them by other rightholders; and

5. the right to additional annual compensation referred to in Article 122b of the ZASP.

Article 10 (Exceptions to mandatory collective management)

(1) Notwithstanding the preceding Article, the following rights may be managed individually by rightholders: 1. the rights referred to in point 1 of the preceding Article where the main performer at a

particular event is the rightholder in all works performed and 2. the right to publicly perform a particular non-theatrical musical work by means of a

particular phonogram (Article 28 of the ZASP) where the rightholder exclusively holds all copyright and related rights for such use.

(2) The rightholder may invoke the exemption referred to in point 1 of the preceding paragraph provided that the collective management organisation managing the rights is notified thereof not later than 15 days after the use of the copyright work.

(3) The rightholder may invoke the exemption referred to in point 2 of the preceding paragraph provided that the collective management organisation managing the rights is notified thereof not later than 15 days prior to the use of the copyright work.

Article 11 (General principle of collective management)

Collective management organisations shall act in the best interest of the rightholders whose rights they manage and shall not impose on them any obligations which are not objectively necessary for the protection of their rights and interests or for the effective management of their rights.

Article 12 (Determining the jurisdiction of courts in particular cases)

Disputes concerning the organisation and operation of collective management organisations shall be heard by courts of general jurisdiction and shall be governed by the rules of procedure in commercial disputes unless this Act confers jurisdiction on the Administrative Court or a court with jurisdiction to decide on intellectual property right disputes under the Act governing courts.


Article 13 (Permit application)

(1) An application for a permit to collectively manage copyright shall be filed with the competent authority. The application shall indicate the company name or the name, the registered office, and the registration number of the legal person filing the application and the copyrights, the categories of rightholders and the types of copyright works referred to in the application.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by: 1. the statute; 2. the rules on the distribution of rights revenue collected; 3. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 4. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of the income so accrued if applicable; 5. the rules on operating costs; 6. the rules on the dedicated funds if applicable; 7. the risk-management rules; 8. the repertoire; 9. the list of members and the list of rightholders that have authorised the legal person to

manage their copyrights in copyright works, provided that the legal person is granted the required permit, and the list of such copyrights;

10. in the case of mandatory collective management of copyrights, signed letters of intent or representation agreements concluded with foreign collective management organisations;

11. evidence of means used for managing copyrights by the collective management organisation; and

12. a decision by persons holding management rights in accordance with laws expressing their consent to the permit application and waiving their management rights in the legal person for the duration of the collective management organisation status and for the benefit of its members.

(3) Independent management entities shall enclose with the application referred to in paragraph one of this Article: 1. evidence indicating that they are not directly or indirectly owned or controlled, wholly or

in part, by the rightholders; 2. evidence indicating that this is their sole or main gainful activity; and 3. the list of rightholders that have authorised the legal person to manage their copyrights

in copyright works, provided that the legal person is granted the required permit, and the list of such copyrights and works.

Article 14 (Collective management permits)

(1) The competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to a legal person unless the application and enclosed documents referred to in the preceding Article comply with the act governing copyright and related rights and this Act and those documents demonstrate that the legal person shall ensure efficient collective management of rights.

(2) The competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to an independent management entity unless the application and enclosed documents referred to in the preceding Article comply with the act governing copyright and related rights and this Act.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article, the competent authority shall not issue a permit to collectively manage copyright to a legal person in cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act where a permit to collectively manage the same type of copyright works and the same rights has already been issued to another collective management organisation.

(4) The procedure for granting a permit shall be governed by the provisions of the act regulating general administrative procedure. No appeal shall be possible against a decision of the competent authority, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought.

Article 15 (Company name or name)

(1) A company name or name of a collective management organisation shall have a k.o. designation.

(2) The collective management organisation shall apply for entry of the company name or the name in the register within 14 days of the issue of the permit.


Article 16 (Activity of collective management organisations)

(1) In the scope of its activity, a collective management organisation shall: 1. permit the use of the works in its repertoire under similar conditions for similar types of

uses; 2. negotiate in good faith with representative associations of users and conclude common

agreements referred to in Article 44 of this Act; 3. publish common agreements and inform users about applicable tariffs; 4. conclude representation agreements with foreign collective management organisations

and publish them; 5. control the use of copyright works from its repertoire; 6. issue invoices to users for the use of copyright works from its repertoire and collect and

recover rights revenue; 7. distribute collected rights revenue to entitled rightholders in accordance with

predetermined rules on the distribution and payment of collected rights revenue; 8. pay allocated rights revenue to entitled rightholders; and 9. seek protection of copyrights before courts and other state authorities and submit the

invoices for rights so enforced to authors.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation may perform administrative and technical tasks related to the collective management of rights referred to in points 5 to 7 of the preceding paragraph for another collective management organisation. The collective management organisation may only use revenue so generated to reduce the operating costs referred to in Article 32 of this Act.

(3) Collective management organisations may issue joint invoices to users indicating the requests for payment of the individual collective management organisations involved. Should the payment of the invoice be refused, the user shall clearly indicate the collective management organisation whose request for payment is being denied.

Article 17 (Outsourced service providers)

(1) A collective management organisation may transfer administrative and technical tasks related to the collective management of rights referred to in points 5 to 7 of paragraph one of the preceding Article to another collective management organisation or company (hereinafter: outsourced service provider). The outsourced service provider shall not transfer those tasks to another person.

(2) The collective management organisation shall be held accountable for the performance of the tasks transferred to the outsourced service provider.

(3) An outsourced service provider other than another collective management organisation shall be controlled by the collective management organisation.

(4) A contract with an outsourced service provider shall include the tasks transferred by the collective management organisation to the outsourced service provider. The contract and any amendments thereto shall enter into force when approved by the general assembly with a majority of at least three-quarters of voting rights present. Cancellation of the contract with the outsourced service provider shall be decided on by the management.

(5) The collective management organisation shall inform the competent authority about any conclusion, amendment or cancelation of a contract with an outsourced service provider within 14 days of its enforcement.

(6) The provisions of this Act relating to the supervision of collective management organisations shall apply mutatis mutandis to outsourced service providers.


Article 18 (Authorisation by a rightholder)

(1) A rightholder shall authorise, in writing, a collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work and specify the territories this should apply to, regardlessof the Member State of his/her nationality or residence and of that of the registered office of the collective management organisation.

(2) The rightholder may only authorise one collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work for a particular territory. The collective management organisation may not manage copyright on a particular copyright work unless authorised by the rightholder.

(3) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the competent collective management organisation may mange copyrights without the authorisation of rightholders in the cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act.

(4) Regardless of the authorisation granted to the collective management organisation, rightholders may permit non-commercial uses of their copyright work (for humanitarian, cultural, educational purposes, etc.). The rightholder shall inform the collective management organisation thereof not later than within 15 days of giving such permission.

(5) The collective management organisation shall not refuse to manage the rights referred to in paragraph one of this Article if it manages such categories of rights and types of works in a particular territory.

(6) Rightholders shall have the right to terminate the authorisation referred to in paragraph one of this Article in whole or in part. They shall inform the collective management organisation thereof one month before the termination is to take effect. The statute of the collective management organisation may provide that such termination takes effect at the beginning of the new financial year.

(7) Rightholders shall be entitled to rights revenue collected for their account by the collective management organisation for the use of their works and until the time the termination takes effect. Rightholders who are members of the collective management organisation shall have the same rights as other members of the collective management organisation until the termination takes effect.

(8) The collective management organisation may not make the termination of the authorisation conditional on entrusting the management of a copyright to another collective management organisation.

(9) The collective management organisation shall inform rightholders about their rights under this Article prior to obtaining their authorisation.

Article 19 (Membership in collective management organisations)

(1) Rightholders or persons representing rightholders shall have the right to become members of collective management organisations managing their copyrights. Associations of rightholders or other collective management organisations shall also be accepted to membership provided they fulfil the membership requirements.

(2) Persons referred to in the preceding paragraph shall become members of the collective management organisation to which they grant authorisation to manage their copyrights on particular works and for particular territories provided they meet the membership requirements, which shall be based on objective, transparent and non- discriminatory criteria defined in the statute of the collective management organisation.

(3) Authorisations granted to the collective management organisation by rightholders shall be deemed applications for membership in the collective management organisation unless expressly indicated otherwise by the rightholders. The collective management organisation shall decide on the rightholder application for membership within 30 days of receipt of the authorisation. Should the collective management organisation refuse to grant membership, the reasons thereof shall be given to the rightholder in writing.

(4) The collective management organisation shall charge no membership fees to its members in the cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act.

(5) The collective management organisation shall enable communication by electronic means with the rightholders whose rights are under its management, including for the purposes of exercising members’ rights.

(6) Immediately after the application referred to in paragraph three of this Article is granted, the collective management organisation shall enter the rightholder into the records of membership kept for the purpose of the effective exercise of members’ rights.

(7) The records of membership shall include: 1. the personal name and address or the company name and registered office of members; 2. other contact details for purposes of identifying and locating rightholders (telephone, fax,

email, etc.); 3. the tax identification number; 4. the number of voting rights of a member; 5. the total number of members; and 6. the total number of voting rights.

(8) Rightholders who have granted their authorisation to collectively manage their rights to the collective management organisation but do not wish to become its members shall be entered into the records of rightholders kept for the purpose of ensuring security of legal transactions, this including the data referred to in points 1, 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph.

(9) The records of membership and the records of rightholders shall be available on the website of the collective management organisation and shall be accessible to its members, to the rightholders whose rights are under its management and to the competent authority, with the exception of the addresses, contact details and tax identification numbers of natural persons.

(10) The collective management organisation shall regularly update such records.

Article 20 (Rights of rightholders that are not members of collective management organisations)

Collective management organisations shall manage the copyrights of rightholders that are not its members in the same way as it manages those of its members.

Article 21 (The statute)

(1) The statute of the collective management organisation shall be drawn up as a notarial deed and shall, in addition to the contents governed by other regulations and this Act, include: 1. the name or company name and the registered office of the collective management

organisation and its business address; 2. the activity of the collective management organisation; 3. the bodies of the collective management organisation and their respective powers; 4. the number of management body members and the number of supervisory board

members; 5. the duration of the term of office of the members of the management body and the

supervisory board; 6. the types of copyright work and the categories of copyright on works under its

management; 7. the method of gathering data on the copyright works and rights managed by the

collective management organisation under authorisation of rightholders or under applicable law, the method of managing its repertoire, and the manner of accessing its repertoire;

8. the form and manner of publication of information important for the collective management organisation or its members;

9. the collective management organisation membership requirements, which shall lay down equal conditions for all rightholders, including other collective management organisations and associations of rightholders;

10. the rights of members and the manner of their participation in the bodies of the collective management organisation, including representation of particular categories of copyright holders in any body on an equal footing;

11. the obligations of members related to the communication of information about copyright works and rights managed by the collective management organisation and information needed for the payment of rights revenue and compensation;

12. the method of resolving disputes between the collective management organisation and its members and rightholders or a foreign collective management organisation with which it has concluded a representation agreement and between the collective management organisation and a user, where the method of dispute settlement shall ensure access to effective and timely procedures for dealing with complaints and dispute settlement and shall include the obligation of the collective management organisation to provide reasoned replies in writing;

13. the requirements for renewing or terminating membership of the collective management organisation, including early termination of membership and withdrawal of the authorisation for particular rights or particular copyright works or particular territory.

(2) The statute of a collective management organisation which manages different categories of copyright on different types of copyright work or different rights of different rightholders shall define a management method which shall ensure that each category of rightholders only decides on issues concerning collective management of copyrights on their works and on common issues concerning the collective management of copyrights.

(3) The statute may regulate individual issues governed by this Act in a different way if expressly provided for by this Act.

(4) The statute and any amendments thereto shall be adopted at the general meeting with a majority of at least three-quarters of voting rights present.

(5) The collective management organisation shall submit the statute for registration within 14 days of the issue of the permit. The collective management organisation shall submit any amendment to the statute for registration within the same time limit.


Article 22 (Management bodies)

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of acts regulating the legal form of a legal person which is a collective management organisation, the governance of the latter shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act.

(2) The management bodies of the collective management organisation shall be: - the general assembly of members; - the management; and - the supervisory board.

Article 23

(General assembly of members)

(1) All members of the collective management organisation shall have the right to participate in and vote at the general meeting.

(2) In principle, each member shall have one vote. However, the statute may define criteria for allotting a higher number of votes to a particular member based on the duration of their membership or the amounts of rights revenue received from the collective management organisation or the number of copyright works, but with no member being allotted more than ten votes. The criteria for this shall be proportionate and published on the website of the collective management organisation.

(3) A member of the collective management organisation shall have the right to appoint any other person as a proxy to participate in and vote at the general meeting on his or her behalf, provided that such appointment does not result in a conflict of interest.

(4) A proxy shall have such status for a single general meeting and a proxy form shall be submitted prior to the commencement of the general meeting. At the general meeting, the proxy shall enjoy rights equal to those enjoyed by the appointing member. The proxy shall cast votes in accordance with the instructions issued by the appointing member. Such instructions shall have been clearly indicated in the appointment of the proxy.

(5) A general meeting shall be convened in cases determined by this Act or the statute or when in the best interests of the collective management organisation and in any case at least once a year.

(6) The competent authority may participate in the general meetings but shall have no right to vote.

Article 24 (Convening a general meeting)

(1) A general meeting shall be convened not later than 15 days before the meeting takes place.

(2) A general meeting shall be convened by the management of the collective management organisation.

(3) A general meeting shall be convened when so requested by members of the collective management organisation holding at least five per cent of all voting rights. A request to convene the general meeting shall be enclosed with the agenda and proposed resolutions. The statute may provide for a smaller share of voting rights required to request the convening of a general meeting.

(4) Upon a request referred to in the preceding paragraph, the general meeting shall be convened as soon as possible and not later than within two months of the submitting of the request, and if the meeting is not so convened, the members requesting the general meeting may be authorised by a court to convene it. The court shall issue such an order without taking statements from other parties. The published notice of the general meeting shall include reference to the authorisation by the court.

(5) The collective management organisation shall forward the notice of the general meeting, specifying the agenda and proposed resolutions, to every member.

(6) The notice of the general meeting shall also be published on the website of the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (hereinafter: AJPES) and on the website of the collective management organisation. The releases referred to in the preceding sentence shall be free of charge.

(7) All documents for the general meeting shall be published together with the relevant notice on the website of the collective management organisation.

(8) Resolutions adopted at a general meeting convened contrary to the provisions of this Article, except paragraph five of this Article, shall be null and void. An action for nullity shall be filed with the competent court within one year of the general meeting.

Article 25 (General meeting powers)

(1) A general meeting shall decide on: - the adoption of the statute and any amendment thereto; - the appointment or dismissal of or remuneration and other pecuniary and non-pecuniary

benefits accorded to members of the supervisory board; - the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders; - the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; - the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; - the rules on operating costs; - the use of undistributed rights revenue; - the rules on dedicated funds; - the rules on risk management, unless this power is delegated to the supervisory board

by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute; - the approval of any acquisition, sale or hypothecation of immovable property, unless this

power is delegated to the supervisory board by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute;

- the approval of taking out loans or providing security for loans, unless this power is delegated to the supervisory board by way of a resolution of the general meeting or the statute;

- the approval of mergers, the setting-up of subsidiaries and the acquisition of shares in an outsourced service provider;

- the appointment of auditors; - the adoption of the annual report; - the approval of a contract with an outsourced service provider and any amendments

thereto; and - other issues in accordance with the act regulating the legal form of a legal person.

(2) The general assembly shall adopt its resolutions by a majority of the voting rights present unless a larger majority is specified in this Act or in the statute.

(3) A list of members or their proxies present at the general meeting shall be drawn up for the purpose of the effective exercise of the members’ rights and shall indicate the personal names and addresses or company names and registered offices, the number of voting rights held by individual members, and the total number of the voting rights present at the general meeting. The list shall also indicate voting rights by categories of rightholders where the collective management organisation manages different categories of copyright on different types of copyright work or different rights of different rightholder categories.

(4) Minutes of the general meeting shall be taken and these shall be signed by the chairperson of the general meeting. The minutes shall indicate the venue and date of the meeting, the total number of voting rights present, any resolutions adopted, and the outcome of any votes. The minutes shall be published on the website of the collective management organisation within seven days of the general meeting.

Article 26 (Management)

(1) The management shall direct the business operations of the collective management organisation independently and at its own liability.

(2) The management shall represent the collective management organisation and act on its behalf.

(3) In performing their tasks, the management body members shall act with the due diligence of good business practice and for the benefit of the collective management organisation, its members and the rightholders whose rights are collectively managed.

(4) The management shall report at least quarterly to the supervisory board on the operation and business activities of the collective management organisation, in particular on the total amount of collected rights revenue and operating costs, with such data being shown by categories of copyright, types of copyright work and types of use.

(5) Persons may serve as members of the management body only if they meet the requirements for management or supervisory body membership prescribed by the act regulating companies.

Article 27 (Supervisory board)

(1) The collective management organisation shall have a supervisory body composed of at least three persons. The composition of the supervisory body shall ensure fair and balanced representation of the different categories of rightholders.

(2) Persons may be appointed members of the supervisory board only if they meet the requirements for management or supervisory body membership prescribed by the act regulating companies.

(3) In performing their tasks, the supervisory board members shall act with the due diligence of good business practice and for the benefit of the collective management organisation, its members and the rightholders whose rights are collectively managed.

(4) The supervisory body shall supervise the management in the conduct of the business of the collective management organisation and monitor the implementation of resolutions adopted at general meetings. The conduct of the business itself may not be transferred to the supervisory board. The statute or the supervisory board may specify certain types of transactions which may only be performed with the consent of the latter. Where the supervisory body refuses to give such consent, the management may request the general meeting to decide thereon. A resolution granting consent shall be adopted with the majority of at least three-quarters of the voting rights present at the general meeting.

(5) The supervisory board shall decide on the appointment, dismissal, remuneration, severance pay, and other pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits accorded to

members of the management body. The chairperson of the supervisory board shall represent the collective management organisation against the management body members.

(6) The supervisory board may request the management to submit information necessary for supervision even if such information includes personal or other protected data.

(7) The supervisory board may convene a general meeting. The supervisory board shall submit a report on its work at the general meeting at least once a year.

(8) The members of the supervisory board shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The supervisory board shall adopt its rules of procedure by a majority vote of its members.

(9) The supervisory board shall be convened by the chairperson. The supervisory board shall be convened at least quarterly and more frequently if so stipulated in the statute.

(10) Each supervisory board member shall have one vote. The supervisory board shall be in quorum if at least half of its members are present during decision-making, unless otherwise stipulated in the statute. A resolution shall be deemed valid when adopted by a majority of the votes cast. In the case of an equal number of votes, the chairperson of the supervisory board shall have a casting vote.

(11) Minutes of supervisory board meetings shall be taken and these shall be signed by the chairperson of the supervisory board.

Article 28 (Damage liability of the management and supervisory boards)

(1) The members of the supervisory board and the management body of the collective management organisation shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage caused by a breach of their duties unless they can prove that they have discharged their duties with due care and diligence.

(2) Any claims brought under the preceding paragraph shall fall under the statute of limitations five years after the damage occurred.

Article 29 (Conflicts of interest)

(1) Members of the supervisory board and the management body shall annually provide written statements on conflicts of interest at the general meeting.

(2) The statement on conflicts of interest shall contain information on: - any interests the members of the management body or supervisory board have in the

collective management organisation; - any remuneration received in the preceding business year from the collective

management organisation or outsourced service provider, including payments to supplementary pension schemes, and all other types of benefits;

- any rights revenue received in the preceding financial year from the collective management organisation; and

- any actual or potential conflict between any personal interests and the interests of the collective management organisation or between any obligations to the collective management organisation and any duty owed to any other legal or natural person.


Article 30 (Collection and distribution of rights revenue)

(1) A collective management organisation shall act with diligence in collecting, managing and distributing rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall keep separate in its accounts: - the amounts of rights revenue collected and any income from bank deposits by

categories of copyright and - any of its own assets and income arising from such assets and income from managing

rights revenue for other collective management organisations under representation agreements by categories of copyright.

(3) The assets referred to in indent one of the preceding paragraph shall not be subject to enforcement or bankruptcy.

(4) The amounts referred to in indent one of paragraph two of this Article shall be used for no other purpose than to be distributed to the rightholders in accordance with predetermined rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue. Operating costs may be deducted from the income referred to in paragraph two of this Article.

(5) The rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders shall take account of the actual use of a particular copyright work whenever this is possible given the nature of use of the copyright work and economically justified in terms of the costs of monitoring the actual use.

(6) Pending distribution, the collective management organisation may only invest the collected rights revenue in bank deposits, whereby such investment shall not affect the deadlines for distribution referred to in Articles 34 and 35 of this Act.

Article 31 (Specific distribution)

(1) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to paragraph two of Article 37 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors receive 40%, the performers 30% and the producers of phonograms or film producers 30%.

(2) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to paragraph three of Article 37 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors and the publishers receive 50% each.

(3) The amounts of compensation collected pursuant to point 2 of paragraph one of Article 47 of the ZASP shall be distributed so that the authors receive 30% and the rightholders 70%. Authors may not waive the right to their share.

Article 32 (Operating costs)

(1) Operating costs shall include the costs incurred by a collective management organisation through reasonable and prudent management for the benefit of rightholders and which are strictly necessary to carry out its activity.

(2) The operating costs shall be reasonable and in compliance with the rules on operating costs. The operating costs shall be justified and documented.

(3) The general meeting of the collective management organisation shall define the maximum permitted percentage of operating costs in relation to the collected rights revenue and any income from bank deposits.

(4) Before the collective management organisation starts to manage a copyright, it shall provide the rightholder with information on the rules on operating costs.

Article 33 (Dedicated funds)

(1) Notwithstanding paragraph four of Article 30 of this Act, a collective management organisation may set up dedicated funds in accordance with the statute. The collective management organisation shall be obliged to set up such dedicated funds if it holds any undistributed rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall allocate a maximum of 10% of the collected rights revenue to the dedicated funds. The amount allocated to the dedicated funds shall be determined at the general meeting, with such a vote needing to be carried by at least three-quarters of the voting rights present.

(3) The funds shall represent separate assets earmarked to promote artistic creativity and to disseminate new copyright works in areas significant for the preservation of cultural diversity, i.e. funding shall be granted to promising authors permanently residing in the Republic of Slovenia or to authors permanently residing in Republic of Slovenia for social or educational purposes.

(4) The assets of each fund shall be kept separate in the account of the collective management organisation.

(5) The rules on dedicated funds shall provide for transparency in the operation of the dedicated funds and shall define: 1. the dedicated funds of the collective management organisation; 2. the rules on payments into and disbursements from the funds; 3. the predefined rules on use of funds; 4. the definition of the term "promising author"; and 5. the rules on supervision of the use of funding granted.

Article 34 (Distribution of rights revenue collected)

(1) A collective management organisation shall regularly, diligently and accurately distribute and pay out collected rights revenue to authors in accordance with predefined rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue.

(2) The collective management organisation shall ensure that the collected rights revenue is distributed and paid out as soon as possible and no later than nine months from the end of the financial year in which the revenue was collected unless objective reasons beyond the control of the collective management organisation or outsourced service provider prevent it from so doing. Such objective reasons shall be related in particular to reporting by users, identification of rights, rightholders or matching of information on copyright works.

Article 35 (Treatment of undistributed rights revenue)

(1) Where it is not possible to distribute rights revenue, the relevant amounts shall be kept in a separate account of the collective management organisation (undistributed rights revenue).

(2) The collective management organisation shall make every effort to identify and locate rightholders concerned by examining information on rightholders, membership records, records on rightholders and other data available.

(3) The collective management organisation shall make information on the copyright works for which no rightholders have been identified or located available to the rightholders it represents and to the collective management organisations with which it has concluded representation agreements, and shall do so no later than within three months of the expiry of the deadline set in paragraph two of the preceding Article.

(4) The information referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include, where available, the following: - the title of the copyright work; - the name of the rightholder; - the name or company name of the publisher, film producer or producer of phonograms;

and - any other relevant information available which could assist in identifying the rightholder.

(5) If it is not possible to identify or locate the rightholder after the measures referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article have been taken, the collective management organisation shall publish the information referred to in paragraph three of this Article on its website, this not later than one year following the expiry of the three-month period referred to in paragraph three of this Article.

(6) Where it is not possible to distribute rights revenue despite all measures taken, the amounts concerned shall be deemed undistributed (undistributed rights revenue) after three years from the end of the financial year in which they were collected and subject to the conditions referred to in paragraphs two, three and five.

Article 36 (Representation agreements with foreign collective management organisations)

(1) A collective management organisation which manages a copyright under a representation agreement concluded with a foreign collective management organisation shall not treat the rightholders concerned in any way differently from its own members, in particular as regards tariffs, operating costs, the collection of rights revenue and the method of distribution.

(2) The collective management organisation may only deduct operating costs from the rights revenue collected under the representation agreement and, if so provided for therein, also make deductions for dedicated funds.

(3) The distribution of the collected rights revenue shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of Article 34 of this Act. Notwithstanding paragraph two of Article 34 of this Act, the represented collective management organisation shall distribute and pay out the collected rights revenue as soon as possible and no later than six months of its receipt.


Article 37 (Rightholders’ right of access)

(1) In response to a duly justified request by a rightholder whose rights are under collective management, a collective management organisation shall forthwith allow the rightholder access to its documents and data.

(2) Prior to accessing the documents and data referred to in the preceding paragraph, the rightholder shall sign a statement to protect any business secrets of the collective management organisation.

(3) Where the collective management organisation denies access to the documents and data, the rightholder may request a court to issue a decision granting such access.

(4) The rightholder shall be held liable for any damage caused to the collective management organisation as a result of disclosure of its business secrets.

Article 38 (Provision of information to rightholders and foreign collective management


(1) At least once a year, a collective management organisation shall provide the rightholders to whom rights revenue was granted or paid the information about: - the period to which the rights revenue payment refers; - the rights revenue amounts granted to the rightholder, by individual rights and by type of

use; - the rights revenue amounts paid to the rightholder, by individual rights and by type of

use; - any deductions made in respect of operating costs; - any deductions for dedicated funds, provided the rightholder gave relevant consent; - any rights revenue granted to the rightholder but not yet paid out, by individual periods;

and - the contact details of the rightholder for identification purposes.

(2) At least once a year and by electronic means, the collective management organisation shall provide the foreign collective management organisations on whose behalf it manages rights under a representation agreement information about: - the rights revenues collected on the basis of the representation agreement; - any deductions made in respect of operating costs; - any deductions for dedicated funds, provided the foreign management organisation gave

relevant consent; - the persons granted the permission to use the copyright work covered by the

representation agreement; and - the resolutions adopted at general meetings insofar as they are relevant to the

management of the rights under the representation agreement.

(3) When requested, the collective management organisation shall provide information as to whether a work is protected by copyright within 15 days. The tariff for the information provided shall not exceed the actual cost of drawing up the information.

Article 39 (Informing the public)

(1) A collective management organisation shall publish on its website the following information, which shall be freely accessible to the public: 1. the permit to collectively manage copyrights; 2. its repertoire, the copyrights under its management and, in the case of multi-territorial

licensing of rights in musical works for online use, the territories it covers; 3. its membership requirements, a sample authorisation form and the requirements

regarding the termination of authorisation; 4. any common agreements concluded with the representative associations of users; 5. a sample of the contract with users and the tariffs for particular types of use; 6. the names of the foreign collective management organisations with which it has

concluded representation agreements and a list of such agreements; 7. the information about its membership in international associations; 8. its statute; 9. the rules on distribution of collected rights revenue due to rightholders; 10. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 11. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; 12. the rules on operating costs; 13. the rules on the dedicated funds; 14. the risk-management rules; 15. data on the persons authorised to represent it; 16. a list of members of its bodies, except the general assembly; 17. the information referred to in paragraph three of Article 35 of this Act; 18. the number of its members and the total number of voting rights; 19. provisional tariffs; 20. its adopted annual report and an audit report; 21. the criteria used for setting tariffs; and 22. the method of resolving disputes between the collective management organisation and

its members, rightholders, foreign collective management organisations and users.

(2) The collective management organisation shall keep the documents and information referred to in the preceding paragraph regularly updated. The annual report, together with the audit report, shall remain published on the website of the collective management organisation for a minimum period of five years after its adoption.


Article 40 (General provisions on annual reports)

(1) An annual report of a collective management organisation shall be drawn up in a clear and transparent manner. It shall present a true and fair view of assets and liabilities, financial status, and the profits and losses of the collective management organisation.

(2) When the collective management organisation manages different rights of rightholders in different types of copyright works, the collective management of rights shall be separately presented in the annual report.

(3) The members of the management body and supervisory board shall jointly ensure that the annual reports and their components are drawn up and published in accordance with this Act, Slovene accounting standards and international financial reporting standards. They shall act within the scope of their powers and with due care and responsibility as provided for by this Act.

(4) The annual report and its components shall be signed by all members of the management body of the collective management organisation.

(5) The annual report shall be drawn up on the basis of the closed accounts within three months of the end of each financial year.

(6) After the audit of the annual report has been completed, the supervisory board shall verify the annual report submitted by the management and draw up a written report on its findings for the general assembly. The report shall indicate the method and scope of the examination of the management of the collective management organisation during the financial year. The report shall conclude with any comments the supervisory board may have on the annual report.

(7) The general assembly shall decide on the adoption of the annual report no later than eight months after the end of the financial year.

(8) The annual report, together with the audit report, shall be submitted to AJPES for the purpose of its publication within eight months of the end of the financial year.

Article 41 (Annual report composition)

(1) An annual report of a collective management organisation shall include at least: - a balance sheet; - an income statement; - a cash-flow statement; - notes on the financial statements; - a report on the utilisation of dedicated funds, if applicable; - a report on the activities in the financial year; - a report on any operations with outsourced service providers; - information on any refusals to grant permission to use the copyright works in the

repertoire of the collective management organisation; - a statement on any conflicts of interest as referred to in Article 29 of this Act; - a description of the legal form and the method of management and supervision of the

collective management organisation; - the total amount of remuneration paid in the previous financial year by the collective

management organisation to members of the management body and supervisory board, indicated separately for the two boards, including payments to supplementary pension schemes and any other types of benefits; and

- the company names or names and registered offices of connected persons and outsourced service providers.

(2) The notes on financial statements shall include explanations concerning: 1. the total amount of rights revenue collected by the collective management organisation

with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which it was collected;

2. the total amount of costs incurred by the collective management organisation and their percentage of the total amount of the collected rights revenue with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights and by types of use;

3. operating costs and their percentage of the total amount of the collected rights revenue, whereby the data shall be shown by categories of copyrights and by types of use, with a detailed explanation and broken down into at least the following items: - costs associated with the collection of rights revenue and compensation; - costs associated with the distribution of rights revenue and compensation; - lawyers’ fees; - IT costs; - labour costs; - outsourced service providers’ costs; and - other operating costs of the collective management organisation;

4. the amount of costs associated with the operation of dedicated funds and their percentage compared to the total amount of the collected rights revenue;

5. the resources used to cover the costs of the collective management organisation; 6. the amounts allocated to dedicated funds with a detailed explanation and broken down

by categories of copyrights and by types of use; 7. the number of rights revenue distributions by categories of copyrights and types of use; 8. the total amount of rights revenue granted to rightholders with a detailed explanation and

broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

9. the total amount of rights revenue paid to rightholders with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

10. the total amount of rights revenue granted to rightholders but not yet paid out with a detailed explanation and broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

11. the total amount of rights revenue collected but not yet granted to rightholders, whereby these data shall be broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by financial year for which they were collected;

12. reasons for failing to grant or pay due amounts to rightholders in the time limits referred to in Articles 34 and 35 of this Act;

13. the amount of undistributed rights revenue and an explanation as to their use; 14. the amounts received from and paid to other collective management organisations,

broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

15. the amounts of operating costs charged to other collective management organisations, broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

16. the amounts of operating costs paid to other collective management organisations, broken down by categories of copyrights, by types of use and by individual collective management organisations;

17. the amount of rights revenue originating from other collective management organisation and directly distributed to rightholders;

18. all transactions conducted with connected persons; and 19. the average number of employees in the financial year.

(3) The special report on the utilisation of dedicated funds shall disclose information concerning the allocation of rights revenue to the dedicated funds, broken down by categories of copyrights and by types of use, and shall also include a detailed explanation of the utilisation of the dedicated funds, including data on recipients and amounts received and the total assets of each dedicated fund.

(4) The report on operations with an outsourced service provider shall disclose any legal transactions with the outsourced service provider entered into by the collective management organisation and the total amount of payments by the collective management organisation, broken down by individual legal transactions.

Article 42 (Audits)

(1) An annual report of the collective management organisation shall be audited by a certified auditor no later than six months after the end of the financial year and in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by the Act governing audits.

(2) The audit report shall, mutatis mutandis, be subject to the provisions of the Act regulating companies.

Article 43 (Special audits)

(1) A general meeting may appoint, by a simple majority of the voting rights present, a special auditor to carry out a special audit of the management of individual transactions in the collective management organisation. The notice of the general meeting shall indicate proposals for the certified auditor and the types of transactions to be audited as tabled by the proposers.

(2) When the appointment of a special auditor is rejected by the general meeting, the special auditor may be appointed by a court on the proposal of at least five percent of all voting rights provided there are grounds for suspecting that fraudulent acts or serious violations of the law or the statute occurred in procedures or business operations.

(3) An auditor that has conducted an audit of the annual report of the collective management organisation in the preceding five years shall not be appointed as a special auditor.

(4) The costs associated with the special audit shall be covered by the collective management organisation. The collective management organisation shall have the right to request the proposers referred to in paragraph one or two of this Article to reimburse the costs it incurred in relation to an unsubstantiated special audit in accordance with the general rules on liability for damages.

(5) The management of the collective management organisation shall publish the special audit report on the organisation’s website within three days of its receipt.


Article 44 (Common agreements)

(1) A common agreement between a collective management organisation and a representative association of users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall be concluded in writing. Representative associations of users shall mean those associations that represent the majority of users from a particular

field of activity with regard to their number and associations recognised as representative by law.

(2) A common agreement may also be concluded between the collective management organisation and an individual user of copyright works from its repertoire when, due to the nature of the activity, this individual is the only one carrying it out. The provisions applying to representative associations of users shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to the individual user under this provision.

(3) The collective management organisation shall publish its initial invitation to negotiate the common agreement on its website and on the website of AJPES.

(4) The common agreement shall include at least: 1. the tariff; 2. the terms of use of copyright works with regard to context of use; 3. contexts of use that shall give rise to an increase or decrease in the payment of rights

revenue or compensation under the tariff or to exemption from such payment; 4. the deadline for payment of rights revenue or compensation; 5. the method of payment of rights revenue and possible back payment with regard to the

provisional tariff referred to in paragraph four of Article 45 of this Act for the use of copyright works pending the conclusion of the common agreement, provided that the aforementioned agreement introduces a tariff for the particular type of use of copyright works; and

6. representatives of the collective management organisation and representative association of users of copyright works who shall monitor the implementation of the common agreement.

(5) Collective management organisations and users shall negotiate in good faith and exchange any information necessary to conclude the common agreement.

(6) The collective management organisation shall publish the common agreement in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

(7) The common agreement shall start to apply to any user of the same category of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation, regardless of their participation in negotiations or in the conclusion of such an agreement, on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS). Users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall conclude a contract with the collective management organisation in accordance with the applicable common agreement.

(8) The applicable common agreement shall be binding on courts.

(9) The provisions of this Article shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to amendments to or termination of common agreements.

Article 45 (Tariffs)

(1) The tariffs for the use of copyright works shall specify the amount and the method of calculating the rights revenue payable by individual users to the collective management organisation for the use of the copyright works in the repertoire of that collective management organisation.

(2) The tariffs shall be defined in the common agreement concluded between the collective management organisation and the representative association of users or, if this is not possible, in a decision of the Copyright Board (hereinafter: the Board). The tariffs defined in the applicable common agreement shall be deemed appropriate until otherwise decided by the Board by way of a final decision.

(3) The tariffs shall reflect the economic value of the rights under the common agreement, the nature and scope of the use of the copyright works, and the economic value of the service provided by the collective management organisation and shall, in light of the circumstances of the particular case, take into account in particular: 1. the scope of the repertoire; 2. the scope of the permit; 3. the revenue generated from the use of the copyright work, or if this is not possible costs

related to such use; 4. the relevance of the copyright work for the activity of the user; 5. 5. the ratio between the protected and non-protected copyright works used; 6. 6. the ratio between the rights managed collectively and those managed individually; 7. 7. particular complexity of collective management of rights due to a particular use of the

copyright works; and 8. 8. comparability of the proposed tariffs and the tariffs of corresponding collective

management organisations applicable to the same type of copyright works for the same type of use in the Republic of Slovenia and other Member States, taking into account the gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units.

(4) When no tariff has ever been set for a particular type of use of the copyright works, the collective management organisation may itself set a provisional tariff, so as to: 1. exclude the three highest tariffs of the ten tariffs applicable in the Member States for the

same category of copyrights, the same type of copyright works and the same type of use thereof;

2. calculate the average of the remaining seven Member State tariffs for the same category of copyrights, the same type of copyright works and the same type of use thereof; and

3. apply a correction factor to the average tariff so established by considering the scope of the repertoire it represents and the ratio between the average gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units in the remaining seven selected Member States and in the Republic of Slovenia, all relative to the calendar year preceding the setting of the provisional tariff.

(5) The provisional tariff shall be null and void unless appropriately explained.

(6) The collective management organisation shall publish the provisional tariff, together with the explanation, and the invitation to negotiate the common agreement on its website and on the website of AJPES. The provisional tariff shall start to apply on the fifteenth day after its publication on the website of AJPES.

Article 46 (Compensation paid for private and other non-commercial reproduction)

(1) The amounts of compensation paid for private and other non-commercial reproduction which belong collectively to all rightholders entitled to such compensation under the act governing copyright and related rights shall be determined jointly by the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP and the representative association of persons liable referred to in paragraph one of Article 38 of the ZASP, applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of this

Act on the conclusion of the common agreement and the setting of tariffs, with the exception of paragraph three of the preceding Article.

(2) The compensation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be set for each sound recording and each video recording device, for each unrecorded sound or image carrier depending on its recording or memory capacity, for each photocopying device depending on its performance (number of copies per minute) and option of colour copies and for each copy made for sale.

(3) The amount of compensation shall be determined by considering: 1. the anticipated extent of the use of devices and carriers referred to in the preceding

paragraph for private and other non-commercial reproduction and their price bracket; 2. the decrease in authors’ revenue due to permitted private and other non-commercial

reproduction; 3. the extent of the use of technological measures to protect copyright works or the subject-

matter of related rights referred to in Article 166a of the ZASP; 4. the comparability with the amount of compensation in other EU Member States, taking

into account gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power units; and 5. the scope of free licences or rightholders’ permits allowing free use of copyright works.

Article 47 (Obligation to contract)

(1) A collective management organisation shall treat all users of the same category on an equal basis and shall allow them to communicate electronically.

(2) User of works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation may at any time request that a non-exclusive contract be concluded for the transfer of rights for the use of these works in accordance with the applicable common agreement. The collective management organisation shall not reject such a request.

(3) In the absence of a non-exclusive contract for the transfer of rights for the use of protected works, the relevant right shall be deemed transferred when the amount charged by the collective management organisation under the applicable or provisional tariff is deposited into the account of the collective management organisation or with a court or notary by a user.

Article 48 (Users’ obligation to provide information)

(1) Users of copyright works in the repertoire of a collective management organisation shall send information on the use of relevant copyright works required for the purposes of collecting and distributing rights revenue to the collective management organisation within the deadline set and in the manner provided for by this Act or a common agreement.

(2) Organisers of cultural and entertainment events and other users of copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation shall obtain the rights of communication to the public prior to the use of such works, where so required by the act governing copyright and related rights, and shall afterwards submit schedules of all works used or, where this is not possible, other information required for the calculation of rights revenue to the competent collective management organisation within fifteen days of their use.

(3) Broadcasting organisations shall send the competent collective management organisation, on a monthly basis, the schedules of broadcasted copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation and shall also publish them on their website.

(4) Where copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation are used pursuant to the act governing copyright and related rights and on a non-exclusive basis, users of these works shall send the information regarding such use to the competent collective management organisation once a month.

(5) Persons referred to in Article 35 of the ZASP shall send to the competent collective management organisation the information required to calculate the compensation due, such as the type and number of sold originals, the persons liable, and the retail price excluding public levies, within 30 days of the sale of an original work of fine art.

(6) The persons liable referred to in paragraph one of Article 38 of the ZASP shall send, at the end of each calendar half-year, to the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP information about the type and number of sold or imported devices and carriers referred to in paragraph two of Article 37 of the ZASP and photocopying devices referred to in point one of paragraph three of Article 37 of the ZASP and information about the sold copies required to calculate the compensation due, unless otherwise provided by the collective agreement. The collective management organisation may only use the information obtained for the purpose for which it was provided and shall not disclose it to unauthorised persons.


Article 49 (The Board)

(1) The Board – an independent professional body – shall have the following competences in respect of collective management of rights: 1. to set appropriate tariffs for the use of copyright works; 2. to decide on any disputed issue regarding the conclusion of a common agreement; and 3. to verify the compliance of the published common agreement with the provisions of this


(2) The Board shall decide independently; its decisions shall not be bound by any expert or other instructions.

(3) The Board shall have its seat with the competent authority. The Board shall have a secretary to provide it with administrative assistance. The secretary shall be appointed by the competent authority from among the staff.

(4) The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall publish them on the website of the competent authority.

Article 50 (Organisation of the Board)

(1) The Board shall consist of a chairperson and four members.

(2) The chairperson and members of the Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the minister responsible for the economy. Collective management organisations and representative associations of users shall each propose two members of the Board, with at least one candidate of each proposer holding at least a degree obtained in the second cycle study programme in economics in accordance with the act governing higher education. The chairperson of the Board shall be proposed by the competent authority.

(3) On the proposal of the minister responsible for the economy, the competent authority shall publish in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS) a public call inviting collective management organisations and representative associations of users to nominate, within two months, their respective two members of the Board. Within one month of the expiry of the time limit for nominating members of the Board, the competent authority shall submit to the minister responsible for the economy the applications of the candidates and the proposal for the chairperson of the Board, who shall meet the conditions referred to in paragraphs one and two of Article 51 of this Act.

(4) When collective management organisations or representative associations of users fail to act in compliance with paragraphs two and three of this Article, the competent authority shall nominate any members lacking.

(5) The chairperson and members of the Board shall be appointed by the minister responsible for the economy, who shall have the right to reject the competent authority’s proposal for appointment of the chairperson or members of the Board. In such a case, the procedure referred to in paragraph three of this Article shall be repeated.

Article 51 (Terms of office and requirements for the chairperson and members of the Board)

(1) The chairperson and members of the Board shall hold at least a degree obtained in the second cycle study programme in accordance with the act governing higher education and shall have at least three years of work experience. The chairperson of the Board shall hold a degree in law and shall have passed the state lawyers’ examination. Two members of the Board shall have qualifications in economics. The chairperson and members of the Board shall have knowledge of copyright law.

(2) The chairperson or a member of the Board shall not be any of the following: 1. a member of the executive or official body of a political party; 2. a member of the management or supervisory board or an authorised representative of a

collective management organisation or a representative association of users; or 3. a person having been sentenced to more than six months’ imprisonment by way of a

final judgment for a premeditated offence prosecuted ex officio. The restriction referred to in this last point shall cease when the criminal record is deleted.

(3) The term of office for the chairperson and members of the Board shall be five years. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the term of office shall terminate on the day of the appointment of a new chairperson or new members of the Board.

(4) In the case of the resignation of the chairperson or a member of the Board, the term of office shall terminate on the day of the appointment of a new chairperson or new member of the Board.

Article 52 (Dismissal of the chairperson and members of the Board)

(1) The minister responsible for the economy shall dismiss the chairperson or a member of the Board when the person concerned: - so requests; - fails to meet the statutory conditions for appointment (paragraph one of the preceding

Article); or - takes up a position incompatible with the office of chairperson or member of the Board

(paragraph two of the preceding Article).

(2) No appeal shall be possible against a decision to dismiss, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought.

Article 53 (Procedures before the Board)

(1) Collective management organisations or representative associations of users may request the Board to set an appropriate tariff or decide on any disputed issue regarding a common agreement at any time after the entry into force of a provisional tariff as referred to in Article 45 of this Act or within five months of the beginning of negotiations when a common agreement fails to be concluded.

(2) Collective management organisations or representative associations of users may request the Board to decide whether the common agreement complies with the provisions of this Act and whether a tariff set by the agreement is appropriate.

(3) If the Board has already decided on the appropriateness of an applicable tariff, a new request as in the previous paragraph may be submitted provided that: 1. not less than six years have elapsed since its entry into force and 2. important circumstances that influence the appropriateness of the tariff have occurred.

(4) The procedure before the Board shall be initiated by a written request including at least: 1. the applicant’s details; 2. an explanation of issues raised; 3. a report on negotiations to date; and 4. the proposal for the tariff or the settlement of the disputed issue.

(5) The Board shall send the request referred to in the preceding paragraph to the other party within 15 days of its receipt and shall invite it to comment on the matter within 30 days.

(6) Each party may state the facts and submit the evidence on which its motions are based or with which allegations and evidence of the other party are being challenged not later than at the first oral hearing to be called by the Board, this within three months of receipt of the reply or the expiry of the deadline for the other party to submit a reply to the request referred to in paragraph four of this Article.

(7) No expert witness may be appointed by the Board.

(8) The provisions of the act regulating general administrative procedure shall apply in the procedure before the Board unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 54 (Board decisions)

(1) The Board shall issue a decision within nine months of the conclusion of the oral hearing.

(2) The Board shall set an appropriate tariff or decide on a disputed issue by way of a decision, whereby it may approve, amend or annul, in whole or in part, a contested common agreement or tariff.

(3) A final decision of the Board shall be an integral part of the common agreement or shall substitute such an agreement when the final decision amends or annuls the contested common agreement or when such an agreement has not been concluded.

(4) The final decision of the Board shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

(5) The decision by the Board setting an appropriate tariff for the use of copyright works shall cease to be in force when a new tariff is set by the parties in the common agreement.

Article 55 (Costs of procedures before the Board)

(1) The costs of procedures before the Board shall include the costs incurred by the parties and those incurred by the Board.

(2) Each party shall bear its own costs related to procedures before the Board.

(3) The following costs incurred by the Board shall be covered by both parties in equal shares: - the remuneration of the chairperson and members of the Board; - travel and other reasonable expenses of the chairperson and members of the Board; - costs incurred by necessary evidence-taking; and - administrative costs.

(4) The party who initiates the procedure shall make an appropriate (advance) payment to cover the costs of the Board within the time limit set by the Board or else the request to initiate the procedure shall be dismissed.

(5) The remuneration of a Board member shall amount to one-third of the basic monthly salary without promotion of a district court judge and shall be paid for each started month of the procedure, while the remuneration of the chairperson of the Board shall amount to the remuneration of a Board member increased by 20%. The Board members and chairperson shall be remunerated for the duration of the procedure but not for longer than 12 months.

(6) Following the final decision referred to in the preceding Article, the Board shall issue a special decision on its costs and on potential refunding of the appropriate share of the costs of the Board to be made by either party to the other party, taking into account the advance payment, and shall make payments to its members and chairperson only after the aforementioned decision becomes final.

Article 56 (Judicial protection against decisions of the Board)

(1) No appeal shall be possible against a decision on the costs of the Board, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought; such an action shall be decided on by the Administrative Court at its seat.

(2) The Board shall be exempt from payment of court fees in an administrative dispute. Each party shall bear its own costs of the procedure.


Article 57 (Scope of application)

(1) This Chapter shall apply to collective management organisations holding a permit for multi-territorial collective management of copyright on musical work for online uses.

(2) This Chapter shall not apply to collective management organisations which grant, on the basis of the voluntary aggregation of the required rights, in compliance with the rules on competition, multi-territorial licences for online use of musical works applied for by a broadcaster to communicate to the public its radio or television programmes simultaneously with the original broadcast, or before or after such a broadcast, or to any online material, including previews, produced by or for the broadcaster which is ancillary to the initial broadcast of its radio or television programme.

Article 58 (Capacity to process multi-territorial licences)

(1) Collective management organisations shall have sufficient capacity to process electronically, in an efficient and transparent manner, data needed for the administration of such licences, including for the purposes of identifying the repertoire and monitoring its use, invoicing users, collecting rights revenue, and distributing amounts due to rightholders.

(2) The collective management organisation shall be capable of accurately identifying the musical works, wholly or in part, which fall under its authorisation to collectively manage rights.

(3) The collective management organisation shall have the ability to identify accurately, wholly or in part, with respect to each relevant territory, the rights and their corresponding rightholders for each musical work or share therein which fall under its collective management authorisation.

(4) The collective management organisation shall make use of unique identifiers in order to identify rightholders and musical works, taking into account, as far as possible, voluntary industry standards and practices developed at international or European Union level.

(5) The collective management organisation shall make use of adequate means in order to identify and resolve, in a timely and effective manner, inconsistencies in data held by other collective management organisations granting multi-territorial licences for online use of musical works.

(6) In its application for authorisation, the collective management organisation shall provide information referred to in Article 13 of this Act and shall also submit evidence of fulfilling the conditions referred to in paragraphs one to five of this Article.

Article 59 (Electronic communication)

(1) A collective management organisation shall allow for electronic communication with the rightholders whose rights fall under its multi-territorial management, with internet service providers and with other collective management organisations.

(2) The collective management organisation shall enable the use of at least one method of electronic communication which shall, as far as is possible, ensure that such electronic means take into account the relevant voluntary industry standards or practices developed at international or European Union level.

Article 60 (Transparency of multi-territorial repertoire information)

(1) A collective management organisation shall enable the rightholders who authorised it to manage their online rights in musical works to submit in electronic form the data on the musical works, the rights in these works and the territories for which the rightholders authorised the collective management organisation.

(2) In response to a duly justified request, the collective management organisation shall provide up-to-date information by electronic means, enabling the identification of the online music repertoire it represents, to online music service providers, to rightholders whose rights fall under its multi-territorial collective management and to other collective management organisations.

(3) The information referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include: - the musical works represented; - the rights wholly or in part under its collective management; and - the territories covered.

The collective management organisation may take reasonable steps, where necessary, to protect the accuracy and integrity of the data, to control its reuse and to protect commercially sensitive information.

Article 61 (Accuracy of multi-territorial repertoire information)

(1) Where an online service provider, a rightholder whose rights fall under the multi-territorial collective management of a collective management organisation or any collective management organisation has grounds to believe that the data or information referred to in Articles 58 and 60 of this Act concerning their online rights in musical works is inaccurate, the collective management organisation shall correct them without undue delay provided that the requests are sufficiently substantiated.

(2) The right referred to in the preceding paragraph may also be requested in relation to an authorised collective management organisation referred to in Article 64 of this Act by a rightholder whose works are part of the repertoire of the collective management

organisation that granted the authorisation, unless otherwise provided by the representation agreement.

(3) The rules on the procedure for correcting data referred to in paragraphs one and two of this Article shall be published on the website of the collective management organisation.

Article 62 (Reporting by users and invoicing)

(1) A collective management organisation shall monitor the online use of the musical works which it represents, in whole or in part, by online music service providers to which it has granted a multi-territorial licence for those rights.

(2) The online service providers shall accurately report to the collective management organisation on the actual use of the musical works. The collective management organisation may refuse to accept such reporting by an online service provider if it is submitted in a format other than as referred to in paragraph two of Article 59 of this Act and shall invite the latter to submit it in the appropriate format.

(3) After having received the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation shall issue an accurate invoice not later that within two business days, except where this is not possible for reasons attributable to the online service provider.

(4) The collective management organisation shall invoice the online service provider by electronic means and shall offer the use of a least one format which takes into account voluntary industry standards or practices developed at international or European Union level. The invoice shall identify the works, the corresponding rights and the actual use of the works to the extent this is possible on the basis of the information provided by the online service provider and the format used to provide such information. The online service provider may not refuse to accept the invoice because of its format if the collective management organisation is using an industry standard or practices developed at international or European Union level.

(5) The collective management organisation shall enable the online service provider to challenge the accuracy of the invoice. The rules on such procedures shall be available on the website of the collective management organisation.

Article 63 (Payment of rights revenue)

(1) After having received the report on the actual online use of the musical works referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article, the collective management organisation shall distribute the rights revenue not later that within two business days, except where this is not possible for reasons attributable to the online service provider.

(2) The collective management organisation shall provide at least the following information to rightholders: - the period in respect of which the rights revenue for the online use of the musical works

is being paid and the territories in which the uses took place; - the amounts of the rights revenue collected and distributed to the rightholder for each

online right in any musical work;

- deductions for the operating costs of the collective management organisation for each online right in any musical work; and

- the amounts of rights revenue collected, deductions made thereto and the amounts distributed in respect of each online service provider.

Article 64 (Agreements between collective management organisations for multi-territorial


(1) A collective management organisation ("the mandating collective management organisation") may conclude an agreement with another collective management organisation ("the mandated collective management organisation") mandating the latter to grant multi- territorial licences for the online rights in musical works in the music repertoire of the former. Such an agreement shall be of a non-exclusive nature or else it shall be deemed null and void.

(2) The mandating collective management organisation shall inform its members of the main terms of the agreement, including its duration and the costs of the services provided by the mandated collective management organisation.

(3) The mandated collective management organisation shall regularly inform the mandating collective management organisation of the main terms according to which the licenses are granted, including the type of use of the musical work, all provisions which relate to or affect the licence fee, the duration of the licence, the accounting periods, and the territories covered.

(4) The mandated collective management organisation shall accurately and within two business days distribute the rights revenue to the mandating collective management organisation in accordance with the preceding Article. The mandating collective management organisation shall be responsible for further distribution of the rights revenue and the provision of information referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article, unless otherwise agreed by the collective management organisations.

Article 65 (Obligation to represent another collective management organisation)

(1) A collective management organisation which does not grant or offer to grant multi-territorial licences for the online rights in musical works in its repertoire shall request another authorised collective management organisation to enter into a non-exclusive representation agreement.

(2) The authorised collective management organisation shall agree to such a request if it is already granting or offering to grant multi-territorial licences for the same category of online rights in musical works in the repertoire of one or more other collective management organisations.

(3) The authorised collective management organisation shall respond to the requesting collective management organisation in writing within two business days.

(4) The authorised collective management organisation shall manage the represented repertoire on the same conditions as apply to its own repertoire.

(5) The authorised collective management organisation shall include the repertoire of the represented collective management organisation in all offers it addresses to online service providers.

(6) Article 32 of this Act shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the operating costs related to the represented repertoire.

(7) The represented collective management organisation shall make available to the authorised collective management organisation information relating to its own music repertoire required for the provision of multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works. Where such information is insufficient, the authorised collective management organisation shall be entitled to charge the represented collective management organisation additional costs or to exclude those works for which the information is insufficient.

Article 66 (Alternative dispute settlement in multi-territorial licences)

The provisions of Article 68 of this Act shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to disputes between collective management organisations and users or one or more rightholders or another collective management organisation.


Article 67 (Complaint procedures)

(1) A collective management organisation shall ensure that its members, rightholders and other collective management organisations which are parties to a representation agreement have access to effective dispute resolution, in particular regarding the authorisation to manage the rights, membership terms, collection and distribution of rights revenue, and operating costs.

(2) The collective management organisation shall respond to a complaint in writing. When the complaint is not upheld, the grounds for such a decision shall be stated.

(3) An action against a final decision of the collective management organisation may be brought before a court having jurisdiction in intellectual property cases under the act governing courts.

(4) The procedures referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be defined in the statute of the collective management organisation.

Article 68 (Mediation)

(1) Collective management organisations, representative associations of users, users and rightholders may propose the intervention of a mediator on the basis of a mediation agreement.

(2) Mediation concerning paragraph two of Article 166c of the ZASP and Article 66 of this Act may be requested without a mediation agreement. In such mediation procedures,

the provisions on mediation between the collective management organisation and the representative association of users shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(3) The mediator shall be independent and impartial and shall not be bound by any instructions.

(4) The mediator shall do whatever is necessary to ensure the parties negotiate in good faith and that the negotiations are not hindered without a valid reason.

(5) The mediator may submit a proposal for dispute resolution to the parties. The settlement proposal shall be deemed accepted if neither party objects within three months of the receipt thereof.

(6) Secrecy shall be guaranteed in the mediation procedure.

(7) The parties shall jointly choose a mediator from the list of mediators appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Government) on the proposal of the minister responsible for the economy. The list shall include the names and addresses of the mediators.

(8) The competent authority shall provide administrative assistance to the mediator.

(9) The mediator shall be remunerated by the parties for any mediation conducted.

(10) The Government, by way of a decree, shall determine in greater detail the mediation procedures, the level and type of education and other requirements to be fulfilled by the mediator, and the remuneration of the mediator.


Article 69 (Supervisory powers)

(1) Supervision of the implementation of this Act shall be carried out by the competent authority, excepting for the provision of paragraph eight of Article 40, which shall be supervised by AJPES, and the provisions of Article 48 of this Act, to be supervised by the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The competent authority shall carry out the supervision in accordance with the annual work programme adopted pursuant to the act governing state administration. In addition to the supervision defined in the annual work programme, the competent authority may also carry out supervision ex officio or on the initiative of a third party. The third party submitting the initiative for action against the collective management organisation shall not be a party to the procedure.

(3) The competent authority shall have no power to decide on a dispute between rightholders and the collective management organisation or between users and the collective management organisation.

Article 70 (Supervisory board powers)

(1) In the framework of supervision and for the purposes thereof, the competent authority may: 1. inspect the books and other documents of the collective management organisation, even

if these include personal or other protected data; 2. request the collective management organisation to provide information or documents

relating to the organisation or its operations, even if these include personal or other protected data; or

3. request the members of the management body or supervisory board of the collective management organisation to explain, either orally or in writing, the facts or documents relating to the operation of the collective management organisation.

(2) The collective management organisation shall submit full information and documents referred to in the preceding paragraph to the competent authority. The competent authority shall protect the submitted information and documents in accordance with regulations.

(3) The supervision by the competent authority may also cover past matters which shall not be older than five years, unless the supervision procedure had already been introduced earlier.

(4) The provisions of the Act governing general administrative procedures shall apply in the supervision procedure unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 71 (Obligation of collective management organisations)

Within 15 days after circumstances have occurred or a document has been created or acquired, a collective management organisation shall submit to the competent authority, as applicable: 1. invitations to general meetings and meetings of other bodies of the collective

management organisation, enclosing any materials pertaining thereto; 2. information about any changes of personnel authorised to represent the collective

management organisation in accordance with this Act and the statute; 3. the statute and other internal rules and amendments thereto; 4. an invitation to negotiate a common agreement with a representative association of

users; 5. common agreements concluded with representative associations of users; 6. provisional tariffs; 7. agreements with foreign collective management organisations; 8. minutes of the general meeting of the collective management organisation and any

materials referred to in paragraph seven of Article 24 of this Act; and/or 9. a contract referred to in paragraph one of Article 17 of this Act and any amendments


Article 72 (Measures in the case of violations committed by collective management


(1) The competent authority shall issue a decision ordering a collective management organisation to remedy any established violations of the provisions of this Act within the time limit specified.

(2) Should the collective management organisation fail to remedy the established violation referred to in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may order members of its management body to be removed where this is justified by the gravity of the violation.

(3) The competent authority may decide to withdraw the issued permit where: 1. circumstances occur which may constitute grounds for refusal to issue a permit; 2. the collective management organisation delegates its tasks to an outsourced service

provider in contravention of the provisions of this Act; 3. the collective management organisation distributes the collected revenue to rightholders

in contravention of the provisions of this Act or the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue;

4. the collective management organisation repeatedly violates the provisions of this Act and fails to remedy such violations; or

5. the collective management organisation repeats the same violations established by an enforceable decision of the competent authority.

(4) Where the competent authority issues a decision to withdraw a permit, it may, at the same time, taking into account the gravity of the violation, declare that the withdrawal of the permit is not to be effected provided that the collective management organisation remedies the established violations within the set time limit and does not commit a new violation that would constitute grounds for the withdrawal of the permit within a set period which shall not be shorter than one year and shall not exceed three years.

(5) The decision under paragraphs two or three of this Article shall only be issued after the collective management organisation is ordered by the competent authority to remedy the violations established.

(6) No appeal shall be possible against a decision of the competent authority, though an action in administrative dispute may be brought; such an action shall be decided on by the Administrative Court at its seat.

(7) The decision referred to in paragraph three of this Article shall become enforceable on the day it becomes final. The competent authority shall publish a notice on the final decision in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

Article 73 (Exchange of information between competent authorities)

(1) Following a duly justified request by the competent authority of another Member State, the competent authority shall provide relevant explanations or information without undue delay, in particular with regard to the activities of collective management organisations, if such is available.

(2) Where the competent authority considers that a collective management organisation established in another Member State and operating in the Republic of Slovenia does not comply with the national law of the Member State of establishment adopted on the basis of Directive 2014/26/EU, the competent authority may transmit all relevant information to the competent authority of the Member State of the collective management organisation’s establishment and may also, where appropriate, request the latter to take appropriate action within its competence.

Article 74 (Informing the Commission and expert group)

(1) The competent authority shall inform the Commission without undue delay about any changes to the list of collective management organisations established in the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The competent authority shall inform the expert group established pursuant to Article 41 of Directive 2014/26/EU about any violations referred to in paragraph two of the preceding Article.


Article 75 (Individual management pending permit issuance)

Rights that may only be managed collectively pursuant to this Act may be managed individually until such time as the competent authority issues a permit for their collective management.

Article 76 (Distribution of assets)

(1) All assets acquired by a collective management organisation while its permit was withdrawn, all collected and unpaid rights revenue and compensations, any income from bank deposits, and the assets of dedicated funds shall be deemed to be the property of the rightholders whose rights had been managed by the collective management organisation until the permit was withdrawn and shall be distributed to these rightholders not later than 12 months of the finality of the decision on withdrawal. The distribution shall be carried out according to the rules on the distribution of collected rights revenue as applicable on the date of issue of the decision on permit withdrawal. Any assets that cannot be attached under these rules shall be distributed in equal shares based on the amounts of the rights revenue allocated to the rightholders according to the rules on distribution.

(2) A report by the legal person relating to the situation as on the day of finality of a decision on permit withdrawal shall be submitted to the competent authority within three months of the day of finality of said decision on permit withdrawal.

(3) A final report by the legal person relating to the situation as on the day of expiry of the time limit for the distribution of assets referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be submitted, together with the audit report, to the competent authority within six months of the expiry of the time limit for the distribution of assets referred to in paragraph one of this Article. The final report shall be revised by a certified auditor in a manner and under the conditions prescribed by the act governing audits.

(4) The reports referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article shall be drawn up according to the provisions of Articles 40 and 41 of this Act, mutatis mutandis.

(5) The competent authority shall publish the reports referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article on its website and on the website of AJPES.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to other cases of permit termination.


Article 77 (Minor offences committed by collective management organisation)

(1) A collective management organisation shall be fined from EUR 3,500 to EUR 6,000 for the offences of: - failing to submit a proposal to enter the company name or the name in the register

(paragraph two of Article 15); - failing to notify the competent authority of the conclusion, amendment or cancelation of a

contract with an outsourced service provider (paragraph five of Article 17); - failing to publish records on the website (paragraph nine of Article 19); - failing to update data in the records (paragraph ten of Article 19); - failing to take minutes at a general meeting or failing to publish minutes taken on the

website of the collective management organisation within the prescribed time limit (paragraph four of Article 25);

- failure by members of the supervisory board or management body to annually submit their respective written statements on conflicts of interest at the general meeting or where such statements fail to include all information (Article 29);

- failing to take into account cases subject to specific distribution (Article 31); - failing to provide information to rightholders or foreign collective management

organisations at least once a year (paragraphs one and two of Article 38); - failure to publish freely accessible information and data (Article 39); - failure to draw up the annual report in due time (paragraph five of Article 40); - failure to submit the annual report and the audit report to AJPES (paragraph eight of

article 40); or - failure to publish on its website the special audit report (paragraph five of Article 43).

(2) The responsible person of the collective management organisation shall also be fined from EUR 3,500 to EUR 6,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The collective management organisation shall be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 7,000 for the offences of: - failing to maintain records (paragraphs six and eight of Article 19); - failing to keep the collected rights revenue and any income from bank deposits on

separate accounts by categories of copyrights (indent one of paragraph two of Article 30);

- failing to observe the time limits with regard to the distribution of rights revenue (Articles 34, 35 and 36);

- failing to act in compliance with a request of the competent authority (paragraph one of Article 70); or

- failing to submit documents within the prescribed period (Article 71).

(4) The responsible person of the collective management organisation shall also be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 7,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 78 (Minor offences committed by legal persons, individual sole trades and individuals

who perform independent activities)

(1) Legal persons, individual sole traders or individuals who perform independent activities shall be fined from EUR 600 to EUR 6,000 for the offences of:

- failing to send information to the collective management organisation on the use of copyright works in its repertoire within the deadline and in the manner provided for by this Act or a common agreement (paragraph one of Article 48);

- failing to send the schedules of all works used or, where that is not possible, other information required for the calculation of rights revenue to the competent collective management organisation (paragraph two of Article 48);

- failing to send the schedules of broadcasted copyright works in the repertoire of the collective management organisation to the competent collective management organisation once a month or failing to publish the aforementioned schedules on its website (paragraph three of Article 48);

- failing to send to the competent collective management organisation information on the use of copyright works from its repertoire (paragraph four of Article 48);

- failing to send, within the prescribe time limit, to the competent collective management organisation information required for the calculation of compensation due, such as the type and number of sold originals, on the persons liable, or on the retail price exluding public levies (paragraph five of Article 48); or

- failing to send, at the end of each calendar half-year, to the collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to compensation under Article 37 of the ZASP information about the type and number of sold or imported devices for sound and visual fixation, photocopying devices, or blank audio or video carriers or information about sold copies required for the calculation of the compensation due (paragraph six of Article 48).

(2) The responsible person of the legal person, individual sole trader or individual who performs independent activities shall also be fined from EUR 600 to EUR 3,000 for an offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 79 (Other minor offences committed by legal entities)

(1) Legal persons shall be fined from EUR 1,200 to EUR 8,400 for failing to submit the report and the final report together with the audit report to the competent authority in due time (paragraphs two and three of Article 76).

(2) The responsible person of the legal person shall also be fined from EUR 1,200 and EUR 4,800 for the offence referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 80 (Imposition of fines)

A fine in an amount exceeding the minimum fine under this Act may be imposed in expedited proceedings for the offences referred to in this Act.


Article 81 (Harmonisation with the provisions of this Act)

(1) A collective management organisation already holding a permit issued by the competent authority to collectively manage rights shall be harmonised with the provisions of this Act within one year of its entry into force.

(2) On the expiry of the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall submit to the competent authority: 1. the statute; 2. the rules on the distribution of rights revenue collected; 3. the rules on the use of undistributed amounts of rights revenue; 4. the rules on the investment policy with regard to rights revenue investment in bank

deposits and the use of resulting income; 5. the rules on operating costs; 6. the rules on dedicated funds; 7. the risk management rules; and 8. the repertoire.

(3) Should the collective management organisation fail to submit the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph to the competent authority or should the submitted documents fail to comply with the provisions of this Act, the competent authority shall act in accordance with Article 72 of this Act.

(4) The collective management organisation referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall conform with Articles 40, 41 and 42 of this Act in the financial year following 31 December 2016.

(5) The supervision of the collective management organisation’s compliance with the act governing copyright and related rights initiated prior to the entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the regulations hitherto in force.

(6) Where no final decision is issued on an application for a permit to collectively manage copyrights by the date of the entry into force of this Act, the provisions of this Act shall apply.

(7) Procedures initiated and conducted on the basis of point three of paragraph one of Article 149 of the ZASP shall be stayed on the date of the entry into force of this Act.

(8) Tariffs and common agreements applicable on the date of the entry into force of this Act shall be deemed applicable common agreements under this Act.

(9) Judicial protection proceedings against decisions of the Board in progress on the date of the entry into force of this Act under Article 157d of the ZASP shall be concluded according to the regulations hitherto in force.

Article 82 (Harmonisation of regulations)

(1) The Government shall harmonise the provisions of the Decree on Mediation in Disputes Relating to Copyright or Related Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS, No. 35/05]) with the provisions of this Act within six months of the latter’s entry into force.

(2) The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure referred to in paragraph four of Article 49 of this Act within three months of its entry into force. Until the rules of procedure enter into force, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Board (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS, No. 87/12]) not in contravention of this Act shall apply.

Article 83 (Notice to rightholders)

A collective management organisation already holding a permit issued by the competent authority to collectively manage rights shall, by 10 October 2016, provide the information about the rights under Article 18 of this Act to the rightholders who authorised it to manage copyright until the entry into force of this Act.

Article 84 (Access to multi-territorial licensing)

(1) Where a collective management organisation does not hold a permit for multi- territorial collective management of copyrights in musical works or holds such a permit but does not grant licences or does not conclude a representation agreement with another collective management organisation by 10 April 2017, the rightholders of online rights in musical works may, for the purposes of multi-territorial licensing, authorise another collective management organisation holding such a permit.

(2) Where a rightholder exercises the right referred to in the preceding paragraph, the collective management organisation that does not grant multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works shall not require the withdrawal of the online rights in musical works for the purposes of mono-territorial licensing.

Article 85 (Provisional tariff for private reproduction)

A collective management organisation holding a permit to collectively manage the right to fair compensation for private and other non-commercial reproduction under Article 37 of the ZASP may adopt a provisional tariff taking into consideration the provisions on provisional tariffs referred to in Article 45 of this Act and paragraphs two and three of Article 46 of this Act.

Article 86 (Term of office of the Board)

The term of office of the current Board shall terminate five years after the entry into force of this Act.

Article 87 (Abrogation)

(1) On the day this Act enters into force, the following shall cease to be in force: - point three of paragraph one of Article 1, paragraph four of Article 38, Article 39, Chapter

VI, points 1, 2 and 3 of paragraph one of Article 185, and paragraphs three and four of Article 189 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], Nos 16/07– official consolidated text, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15) and

- the Decree on Arbitration in Disputes Concerning Copyright and Related Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 65/06).

(2) On the day this Act enters into force, the words "of this Act" shall be deleted from paragraph two of Article 72 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of

the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], Nos 16/07 – official consolidated text, 68/08, 110/13 and 56/15).

(3) On the day this Act enters into force, the Decree on the Amounts of Compensation for Reproduction for Private or Other Non-Commercial Reproduction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 103/06) shall cease to be in force, but shall continue to apply until the entry into force of the provisional tariff referred to in Article 85 of this Act.

Article 88 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS).

No. 120-01/16-4/75 Ljubljana, 22 September 2016 EPA 1174-VII

National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia

Milan Brglez, m.p. President

Opozorilo: Besedilo osnovnega predpisa




1. člen

(vsebina zakona)

Ta zakon ureja kolektivno upravljanje avtorske in sorodnih pravic, postopek za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, postopek sklenitve skupnega sporazuma in določitve tarif za uporabo avtorskih del, delovanje Sveta za avtorsko pravo, izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, reševanje sporov in nadzor nad izvajanjem tega zakona.

2. člen

(prenos direktiv Evropske unije)

(1) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije prenaša Direktiva
2014/26/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2014 o kolektivnem upravljanju avtorske in sorodnih pravic ter izdajanju več ozemeljskih licenc za pravice za
glasbena dela za spletno uporabo na notranjem trgu (UL L št. 84 z dne 20. 3. 2014, str. 72; v
nadaljnjem besedilu: Direktiva 2014/26/EU).
(2) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije delno prenašata:
- Direktiva Sveta 93/83/EGS z dne 27. septembra 1993 o uskladitvi določenih pravil o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah v zvezi s satelitskim radiodifuznim oddajanjem in kabelsko
retransmisijo (UL L št. 248 z dne 6. 10. 1993, str. 15) in
- Direktiva 2006/116/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 12. decembra 2006 o trajanju varstva avtorske pravice in določenih sorodnih pravic (UL L št. 372 z dne 27. 12.
2006, str. 12), ki je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 2011/77/EU Evropskega
parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. septembra 2011 o spremembi Direktive 2006/116/ES o trajanju varstva avtorske pravice in določenih sorodnih pravic (UL L št. 265 z dne 11. 10.
2011, str. 1).

3. člen


Posamezni izrazi, uporabljeni v tem zakonu, imajo naslednji pomen:
- »avtorski honorar« je prihodek iz naslova uporabe avtorskega dela ali predmeta sorodnih pravic;
- »avtorska pravica«, »sorodne pravice« in »avtorsko delo« imajo isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice;
- »država članica« je država članica Evropske unije in Evropskega gospodarskega prostora;
- »imetnik oziroma imetnica pravic (v nadaljnjem besedilu: imetnik pravic)« je avtor oziroma avtorica (v nadaljnjem besedilu: avtor), izvajalec oziroma izvajalka (v nadaljnjem besedilu: izvajalec), proizvajalec fonograma, filmski producent, RTV organizacija,
založnik, izdelovalec podatkovnih baz in vsaka druga oseba, razen kolektivne organizacije, na katero so bile z zakonom, pogodbo ali drugim pravnim poslom prenesene posamične materialne avtorske pravice in druge pravice avtorja ali sorodne pravice, ali ki je na podlagi pogodbe ali drugega pravnega posla ali zakona upravičena do avtorskega honorarja;
- »povezana oseba« ima isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja medije;
- »pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del« so avtorske pravice, ki imajo isti pomen kot v zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in jih uporabnik pridobi za spletno uporabo glasbenih del;
- »pristojni organ« je Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino;
- »register« je register na podlagi zakona, ki ureja statusno obliko pravne osebe, ki je kolektivna organizacija;
- »repertoar« je seznam avtorskih del, na katerih kolektivna organizacija ali neodvisni
subjekt upravljanja upravlja avtorske pravice;
- »statut« je akt o ustanovitvi pravne osebe;
- »tuja kolektivna organizacija« je kolektivna organizacija, ki nima sedeža ali podružnice v
Republiki Sloveniji;
- »večozemeljska licenca« je dovoljenje za uporabo avtorskega dela, ki zajema ozemlje več kot ene države članice.

4. člen

(kolektivna organizacija)

Kolektivna organizacija je pravna oseba, ki je pridobila dovoljenje pristojnega organa in je na podlagi pooblastila imetnika pravic ali tega zakona pooblaščena za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske ali sorodnih pravic v imenu in za račun več kot enega imetnika pravic in v njihovo skupno korist, pri čemer je to njena edina in glavna dejavnost, in izpolnjuje eno ali obe od naslednjih meril:
- je v lasti ali pod nadzorom svojih članov;
- je nepridobitna.

5. člen

(neodvisni subjekt upravljanja)

(1) Neodvisni subjekt upravljanja je pravna oseba, ki je pridobila dovoljenje pristojnega organa in je pooblaščena za upravljanje avtorske ali sorodnih pravic v imenu več kot enega imetnika pravic in v njihovo skupno korist, pri čemer je to njena edina ali glavna pridobitna dejavnost, in ni v celoti ali deloma v neposredni ali posredni lasti ali pod nadzorom imetnikov pravic.
(2) Za neodvisni subjekt upravljanja se ne štejejo zlasti filmski producent, proizvajalec fonogramov, RTV organizacija, založnik ter menedžer in agent kot posrednik imetnikov pravic.
(3) Za neodvisni subjekt upravljanja se uporabljajo prvi in tretji odstavek 13. člena, drugi in četrti odstavek 14. člena, 38. člen, 2., 3., 6., 9., 10., 12. in 13. točka prvega odstavka
39. člena, peti odstavek 44. člena in 69. do 72. člen tega zakona.

6. člen

(sorodne pravice)

Določbe tega zakona, ki se nanašajo na avtorsko pravico, se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za sorodne pravice, razen določb o večozemeljskih licencah za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.

7. člen

(individualno in kolektivno upravljanje)

(1) Avtorske pravice se upravljajo posamično (individualno), to je za vsako posamezno avtorsko delo posebej, ali skupinsko (kolektivno), to je za več avtorskih del več avtorjev hkrati.
(2) Imetnik pravic se sam odloča ali bo avtorsko pravico upravljal osebno ali po zastopniku ali bo za upravljanje svojih pravic na že objavljenih avtorskih delih pooblastil katero od kolektivnih organizacij ali neodvisni subjekt upravljanja, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.
(3) Dokler je kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic po pooblastilu imetnika pravic ali tem zakonu preneseno na kolektivno organizacijo, avtor ne more osebno upravljati teh pravic, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

8. člen

(upravljanje po zastopniku)

(1) Upravljanje avtorskih pravic po zastopniku obsega:
1. zastopanje avtorjev pri njihovih pravnih poslih in razmerjih z uporabniki oziroma naročniki njihovih del, vključno s pobiranjem avtorskih honorarjev ali drugih nadomestil;
2. zastopanje avtorjev v postopkih pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi zaradi varstva njihovih avtorskih pravic.
(2) Kadar avtor uveljavlja svoje pravice pred sodišči ali drugimi državnimi organi po zastopniku, ki je fizična ali pravna oseba, je tak zastopnik upravičen do plačila za svoje delo in do povračila stroškov v zvezi z opravljenim delom po zastopniški tarifi, če izpolnjuje pogoje za zastopanje pred sodišči ali drugimi državnimi organi oziroma če te pogoje izpolnjuje pooblaščeni delavec pravne osebe, ki je zastopnik. Zastopniško tarifo sprejme zastopnik ali združenje zastopnikov v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za pravosodje.

9. člen

(obvezno kolektivno upravljanje)

Ne glede na drugi odstavek 7. člena tega zakona imetnik pravic upravlja svoje pravice na že objavljenih avtorskih delih le prek kolektivne organizacije (obvezno kolektivno upravljanje), če gre za:
1. priobčitev javnosti neodrskih glasbenih in pisanih del, razen pravice dajanja na voljo javnosti iz 32.a člena Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 68/08, 110/13 in 56/15; v nadaljnjem besedilu: ZASP);
2. ponovno prodajo izvirnikov likovnih del (sledna pravica iz 35. člena ZASP);
3. reproduciranje avtorskih del za privatno in drugo lastno uporabo ter njihovo fotokopiranje prek obsega iz 50. člena ZASP;
4. kabelsko retransmisijo avtorskih del, razen pri lastnih oddajanjih RTV organizacij, ne
glede na to, ali gre za njihove lastne pravice ali pa so te nanje prenesli drugi imetniki pravic, in
5. pravico do dodatnega letnega nadomestila iz 122.b člena ZASP.

10. člen

(izjeme od obveznega kolektivnega upravljanja)

(1) Ne glede na prejšnji člen lahko imetnik pravic individualno upravlja:
1. pravice iz 1. točke prejšnjega člena, če je na vseh delih, ki so izvajana na določeni prireditvi, glavni izvajalec hkrati tudi imetnik teh pravic in
2. pravico javnega predvajanja določenega neodrskega glasbenega dela z določenim
fonogramom (28. člen ZASP), če je imetnik vseh materialnih avtorskih in sorodnih pravic za ta način uporabe.
(2) Imetnik pravic lahko uveljavlja izjemo iz 1. točke prejšnjega odstavka, če je kolektivno organizacijo, ki upravlja te pravice, o tem obvestil najpozneje 15 dni po uporabi avtorskega dela.
(3) Imetnik pravic lahko uveljavlja izjemo iz 2. točke prvega odstavka tega člena, če je kolektivno organizacijo, ki upravlja te pravice, o tem obvestil najpozneje 15 dni pred uporabo avtorskega dela.

11. člen

(splošno načelo kolektivnega upravljanja)

Kolektivna organizacija deluje v najboljšem interesu imetnika pravic, katerega pravice kolektivno upravlja, in mu ne nalaga nobenih obveznosti, ki niso objektivno potrebne za varstvo njegovih pravic in interesov ali dejansko upravljanje njegovih pravic.

12. člen

(določitev pristojnosti sodišča v posameznih primerih)

V sporih, ki nastanejo v zvezi z organizacijo in delovanjem kolektivnih organizacij, je pristojno sodišče splošne pristojnosti in se uporabljajo pravila pravdnega postopka v gospodarskih sporih, razen če ta zakon določa pristojnost upravnega sodišča ali sodišča, ki je po zakonu, ki ureja sodišča, pristojno za odločanje v sporih intelektualne lastnine.

13. člen

(vloga za izdajo dovoljenja)

(1) Vloga za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice se vloži pri pristojnem organu. V njej se navedejo firma ali ime, sedež in matična številka pravne osebe, ki vlaga vlogo, ter avtorske pravice, kategorije imetnikov pravic in vrsta avtorskih del, na katere se vloga nanaša.
(2) K vlogi se priloži:
1. statut;
2. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
3. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
4. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov, če bo to izvajala;
5. pravila o stroških poslovanja;
6. pravila o namenskih skladih, če bodo oblikovani;
7. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj;
8. repertoar;
9. seznam članov oziroma članic (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član) in seznam imetnikov pravic, ki so pooblastili pravno osebo za upravljanje njihovih avtorskih pravic na avtorskih delih, pod pogojem, da bo pravna oseba dobila zahtevano dovoljenje, ter seznam teh pravic;
10. v primeru obveznega kolektivnega upravljanja avtorske pravice s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami podpisana pisma o nameri ali sklenjene sporazume o zastopanju;
11. dokazila o sredstvih, s katerimi bo pravna oseba kolektivno upravljala avtorske pravice in
12. sklep oseb, ki imajo upravljavske pravice, v skladu z zakoni, da soglašajo z vlogo za izdajo dovoljenja in se za čas statusa kolektivne organizacije odpovedujejo
upravljavskim pravicam v pravni osebi v korist članov kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Neodvisni subjekt upravljanja k vlogi iz prvega odstavka tega člena priloži:
1. dokazilo, da ni v celoti ali deloma v neposredni ali posredni lasti ali pod nadzorom imetnikov pravic;
2. dokazilo, da je to njegova edina ali glavna pridobitna dejavnost, in
3. seznam imetnikov pravic, ki so pooblastili pravno osebo za upravljanje njihovih avtorskih pravic na avtorskih delih, pod pogojem, da bo pravna oseba dobila zahtevano
dovoljenje, ter seznam teh pravic in del.

14. člen

(dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje)

(1) Pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice pravni osebi, če vloga in predloženi dokumenti iz prejšnjega člena niso v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in tem zakonom ali če iz njih izhaja, da pravna oseba ne bo zagotovila učinkovitega kolektivnega upravljanja pravic.
(2) Pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za upravljanje avtorske pravice neodvisnemu subjektu upravljanja, če vloga in predloženi dokumenti iz prejšnjega člena niso v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, in tem zakonom.
(3) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena pristojni organ v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona ne izda dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice pravni osebi, če je za isto vrsto avtorskih del in za iste pravice že izdano dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice drugi kolektivni organizaciji.
(4) V postopku izdaje dovoljenja se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek. Zoper odločitev pristojnega organa ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu.

15. člen

(firma ali ime)

(1) Firma ali ime kolektivne organizacije mora vsebovati oznako k.o..
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora v 14 dneh od izdaje dovoljenja predlagati vpis firme ali imena v register.

16. člen

(dejavnost kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija v okviru svoje dejavnosti:
1. dovoljuje uporabo del iz repertoarja pod podobnimi pogoji za podobne vrste uporabe;
2. se v dobri veri pogaja z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov in z njimi sklepa skupne sporazume iz 44. člena tega zakona;
3. objavlja skupne sporazume in obvešča uporabnike o veljavnih tarifah;
4. sklepa in objavlja sporazume o zastopanju s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami;
5. nadzoruje uporabo avtorskih del iz svojega repertoarja;
6. uporabnikom izdaja račune za uporabo avtorskih del iz svojega repertoarja, zbira avtorske honorarje in jih izterjuje;
7. dodeljuje zbrane avtorske honorarje upravičenim imetnikom pravic v skladu z vnaprej
določenimi pravili o delitvi in izplačilu zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
8. izplačuje dodeljene avtorske honorarje upravičenim imetnikom pravic in
9. uveljavlja varstvo avtorskih pravic pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi ter o tako uveljavljenih pravicah predloži avtorjem račun.
(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko kolektivna organizacija opravlja administrativno-tehnične naloge v zvezi s kolektivnim upravljanjem pravic iz 5. do 7. točke prejšnjega odstavka za drugo kolektivno organizacijo. Kolektivna organizacija lahko prihodek iz teh nalog nameni le za znižanje stroškov poslovanja iz 32. člena tega zakona.
(3) Kolektivne organizacije lahko izdajo uporabnikom skupni račun, iz katerega so razvidni zahtevki posameznih kolektivnih organizacij. Če uporabnik zavrne plačilo računa, mora jasno navesti, zahtevke katere posamezne kolektivne organizacije zavrača.

17. člen

(zunanji izvajalec)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija lahko s pogodbo prenese na drugo kolektivno organizacijo ali gospodarsko družbo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zunanji izvajalec) izvajanje administrativno-tehničnih nalog v zvezi s kolektivnim upravljanjem pravic iz 5. do 7. točke prvega odstavka prejšnjega člena. Zunanji izvajalec prenesenih nalog ne sme prenesti na drugo osebo.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija odgovarja za izvajanje prenesenih nalog zunanjega
(3) Zunanji izvajalec, ki ni druga kolektivna organizacija, je pod nadzorom kolektivne organizacije.
(4) Pogodba z zunanjim izvajalcem vsebuje naloge, ki jih kolektivna organizacija prenaša na zunanjega izvajalca. Pogodba in njena sprememba začne veljati, ko jo potrdi skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic. O odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem odloča poslovodstvo.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija o sklenitvi, spremembi in odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem v 14 dneh od njene uveljavitve obvesti pristojni organ.
(6) Za zunanjega izvajalca se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona o nadzoru kolektivnih organizacij.

18. člen

(pooblastilo imetnika pravic)

(1) Imetnik pravic pisno pooblasti kolektivno organizacijo za upravljanje določene avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu in za ozemlja po lastni izbiri, ne glede na državo članico svojega državljanstva ali prebivališča ali državo članico sedeža kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Imetnik pravic lahko za upravljanje določene avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu za določeno ozemlje pooblasti le eno kolektivno organizacijo. Kolektivna organizacija brez pooblastila imetnika pravic ne more upravljati avtorske pravice na določenem avtorskem delu.
(3) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko pristojna kolektivna organizacija v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona upravlja avtorske pravice brez pooblastila imetnika pravic.
(4) Imetnik pravic lahko sam, ne glede na pooblastilo kolektivni organizaciji, dovoli uporabo svojega avtorskega dela za nekomercialno rabo (za humanitarni, kulturni, izobraževalni namen ipd.). O tem imetnik pravic obvesti kolektivno organizacijo najpozneje
15 dni po izdaji takšnega dovoljenja.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija ne more zavrniti upravljanja pravic iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če upravlja takšne avtorske pravice na takšni vrsti avtorskih del na določenem ozemlju.
(6) Imetnik pravic lahko delno ali v celoti prekliče pooblastilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena. O tem mora pisno obvestiti kolektivno organizacijo en mesec pred začetkom učinkovanja preklica. Kolektivna organizacija lahko v statutu določi, da preklic pooblastila začne učinkovati z novim poslovnim letom.
(7) Imetnik pravic je upravičen do avtorskih honorarjev, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija zbrala za njegov račun za uporabo njegovih del do začetka učinkovanja preklica pooblastila. Do začetka učinkovanja preklica pooblastila ima imetnik pravic, ki je član kolektivne organizacije, enake pravice, kot drugi člani kolektivne organizacije.
(8) Kolektivna organizacija ne more pogojevati preklica pooblastila z zahtevo, da se za upravljanje avtorske pravice pooblasti druga kolektivna organizacija.
(9) Kolektivna organizacija mora pred pridobitvijo pooblastila obvestiti imetnika pravic o njegovih pravicah iz tega člena.

19. člen

(članstvo v kolektivnih organizacijah)

(1) Imetnik pravice ali oseba, ki ga zastopa, ima pravico, da v skladu s tem zakonom postane član kolektivne organizacije, ki upravlja njegove avtorske pravice. Član kolektivne organizacije je lahko tudi združenje imetnikov pravic ali druga kolektivna organizacija, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za članstvo.
(2) Oseba iz prejšnjega odstavka postane član kolektivne organizacije, ki jo je pooblastila za upravljanje avtorske pravice na določenem delu za določeno ozemlje, če izpolnjuje pogoje za članstvo, ki temeljijo na objektivnih, preglednih in nediskriminatornih pravilih, določenih v statutu kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Šteje se, da je s pooblastilom imetnika pravic kolektivni organizaciji bila dana prošnja za članstvo v kolektivni organizaciji, razen če imetnik pravic izrecno navede, da ne
želi postati član kolektivne organizacije. Kolektivna organizacija o prošnji imetnika pravic, da postane član, odloči v roku 30 dni od prejema pooblastila. Če kolektivna organizacija zavrne prošnjo za članstvo, imetniku pravic pisno obrazloži zavrnitev.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija v primerih iz 9. člena tega zakona članom ne sme zaračunavati članarine.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija imetnikom pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, in svojim članom omogoči, da z njo komunicirajo v elektronski obliki, vključno za namene izvajanja pravic članov.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija takoj po ugoditvi prošnje za članstvo iz tretjega odstavka tega člena vpiše imetnika pravic v evidenco članov, ki se vodi z namenom učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravic članov.
(7) Evidenca članov vsebuje:
1. osebno ime in prebivališče ali firmo in sedež člana;
2. druge kontaktne podatke za namen identifikacije in lociranja imetnika pravic (telefon, telefaks, elektronski naslov);
3. davčno številko;
4. število glasovalnih pravic člana;
5. skupno število članov in
6. skupno število glasovalnih pravic.
(8) Kolektivna organizacija imetnike pravic, ki so jo pooblastili za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, vendar ne želijo postati njeni člani, vpiše v evidenco imetnikov pravic, ki se vodi z namenom zagotavljanja varnosti pravnega prometa in vsebuje podatke iz 1., 2. in
3. točke prejšnjega odstavka.
(9) Evidenca članov in evidenca imetnikov pravic sta na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije dostopni njenim članom oziroma imetnikom pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, in pristojnemu organu, razen podatkov o prebivališču, kontaktnih podatkov in davčne številke fizične osebe.
(10) Kolektivna organizacija podatke v evidencah sprotno posodablja.

20. člen

(pravica imetnika pravic, ki ni član kolektivne organizacije)

Kolektivna organizacija avtorsko pravico imetnika pravic, ki ni njen član, upravlja enako kakor avtorsko pravico svojega člana.

21. člen


(1) Statut kolektivne organizacije, ki je sestavljen v obliki notarskega zapisa, poleg vsebin, ki jih urejajo drugi predpisi in ta zakon, določa tudi:
1. ime oziroma firmo in sedež kolektivne organizacije ter njen poslovni naslov;
2. dejavnost kolektivne organizacije;
3. organe kolektivne organizacije in njihove pristojnosti;
4. število članov oziroma članic poslovodstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član poslovodstva) in število članov oziroma članic nadzornega odbora (v nadaljnjem besedilu: član
nadzornega odbora);
5. mandatno dobo članov poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora;
6. vrste avtorskih del in vrste avtorskih pravic, ki jih upravlja na teh delih;
7. način zbiranja podatkov o avtorskih delih in pravicah, ki jih po pooblastilu imetnika pravic ali po zakonu upravlja kolektivna organizacija, način vodenja repertoarja in način vpogleda v ta repertoar;
8. obliko in način objav pomembnih informacij za kolektivno organizacijo ali njene člane;
9. pogoje za včlanitev v kolektivno organizacijo, ki morajo biti določeni tako, da se pod enakimi pogoji lahko včlanijo vsi imetniki pravic, vključno z drugimi kolektivnimi
organizacijami in združenji imetnikov pravic;
10. pravice članov in način njihovega sodelovanja v organih kolektivne organizacije, vključno z enakopravnim zastopanjem posameznih kategorij imetnikov avtorskih pravic v vsakem organu;
11. obveznosti članov glede sporočanja podatkov o avtorskih delih in pravicah, ki jih upravlja kolektivna organizacija, ter podatkov, potrebnih za izplačilo avtorskih honorarjev in
12. način reševanja sporov med kolektivno organizacijo, njenim članom in imetnikom pravic ali tujo kolektivno organizacijo, s katero ima sklenjen sporazum o zastopanju, ter med
kolektivno organizacijo in uporabnikom, ki mora biti določen tako, da zagotavlja dostop
do učinkovitih in pravočasnih postopkov za obravnavanje pritožb in reševanje sporov, pri čemer morajo biti odgovori kolektivne organizacije pisni in obrazloženi;
13. pogoje za obnavljanje in prenehanje članstva v kolektivni organizaciji, vključno s
predčasnim prenehanjem članstva ter preklicem pooblastila za določene pravice ali določena avtorska dela ali določeno ozemlje.
(2) Če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne avtorske pravice na različnih vrstah avtorskih del ali različne pravice različnih imetnikov pravic, statut določa način upravljanja, ki zagotavlja, da vsaka kategorija imetnikov pravic odloča le o tistih vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice na njihovih delih in o skupnih vprašanjih kolektivnega upravljanja avtorskih pravic.
(3) Statut lahko posamezna vprašanja, ki jih ureja ta zakon, uredi drugače, če ta zakon tako izrecno določa.
(4) Statut in njegovo spremembo sprejme skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija statut v 14 dneh od izdaje dovoljenja posreduje za vpis v register. Za vpis v register kolektivna organizacija v istem roku posreduje tudi vsako spremembo statuta.

22. člen

(organi upravljanja)

(1) Ne glede na zakone, ki urejajo statusno obliko pravne osebe, ki je kolektivna organizacija, se za njeno upravljanje uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.
(2) Organi upravljanja kolektivne organizacije so:
- skupščina;
- poslovodstvo in
- nadzorni odbor.

23. člen


(1) Vsi člani kolektivne organizacije imajo pravico do sodelovanja in glasovanja na
(2) Vsak član ima en glas. Statut lahko določi merila za določitev večjega števila glasov posameznega člana, ki temeljijo na trajanju članstva, višini prejetih avtorskih honorarjev od te kolektivne organizacije oziroma številu avtorskih del, pri čemer ima lahko en član največ deset glasov. Merila morajo biti sorazmerna in objavljena na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Član kolektivne organizacije lahko pooblasti katerokoli drugo osebo, da v njegovem imenu sodeluje in glasuje na skupščini, če takšno pooblastilo ne povzroči nasprotja interesov.
(4) Vsako pooblastilo iz prejšnjega odstavka velja za eno skupščino in mora biti predloženo pred njenim začetkom. Pooblaščenec ima na skupščini enake pravice, kot bi jih imel član, ki ga je pooblastil. Pooblaščenec glasuje na skupščini v skladu z navodili člana, ki ga je pooblastil. Navodila pooblaščencu morajo biti jasno razvidna iz pooblastila.
(5) Skupščino je treba sklicati v primerih, določenih s tem zakonom ali statutom, ali če je to v korist kolektivne organizacije, vendar v vsakem primeru najmanj enkrat letno.
(6) Pristojni organ se lahko udeležuje skupščin, brez pravice glasovanja.

24. člen

(sklic skupščine)

(1) Skupščina se skliče najpozneje 15 dni pred dnem zasedanja skupščine. (2) Skupščino skliče poslovodstvo kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Skupščino je treba sklicati, če tako zahtevajo člani kolektivne organizacije, katerih glasovalne pravice dosegajo najmanj pet odstotkov vseh glasovalnih pravic. K zahtevi za sklic je treba predložiti dnevni red skupščine in predlagane sklepe. Statut lahko pravico zahtevati sklic skupščine iz tega odstavka veže na nižji odstotek glasovalnih pravic.
(4) Na zahtevo iz prejšnjega odstavka mora biti skupščina sklicana čim prej, vendar ne kasneje kot dva meseca od predložitve zahteve, sicer lahko sodišče člane, ki so postavili zahtevo, pooblasti za sklic skupščine. Sodišče izda sklep brez pridobitve izjav drugih strank. V objavi sklica skupščine mora biti navedeno pooblastilo sodišča.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija mora obvestilo o sklicu skupščine, v katerem mora biti naveden dnevni red in predlogi sklepov, posredovati vsakemu članu.
(6) Sklic skupščine mora biti objavljen tudi na spletni strani Agencije Republike Slovenije za javnopravno evidence in storitve (v nadaljnjem besedilu: AJPES) in na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije. Objave iz prejšnjega stavka so brezplačne.
(7) Vsa gradiva za skupščino morajo biti objavljena skupaj z obvestilom za sklic na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.
(8) Sklepi, sprejeti na skupščini, ki je bila sklicana v nasprotju z določbami tega člena, razen petega odstavka tega člena, so nični. Tožba na ugotovitev ničnosti se vloži pri pristojnemu sodišču v roku enega leta od skupščine.

25. člen

(pristojnosti skupščine)

(1) Skupščina odloča o:
- sprejemu statuta in vsaki spremembi statuta;
- imenovanju, razrešitvi, prejemkih ter drugih denarnih in nedenarnih ugodnostih članov nadzornega odbora;
- pravilih o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic;
- pravilih o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
- pravilih o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
- pravilih o stroških poslovanja;
- uporabi nerazdeljenih avtorskih honorarjev;
- pravilih o namenskih skladih;
- pravilih o obvladovanju tveganj, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi nakupa, prodaje ali hipoteke na nepremičnine, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi najema posojil ali zagotavljanja zavarovanja za posojila, če ni ta pristojnost s statutom ali sklepom skupščine prenesena na nadzorni odbor;
- odobritvi združitve, ustanovitvi podružnice in pridobitvi deleža v zunanjem izvajalcu;
- imenovanju revizorja;
- sprejemu letnega poročila;
- potrditvi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem in njenih sprememb in
- drugih vprašanjih v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja status pravne osebe.
(2) Za sprejem skupščinskega sklepa je potrebna večina na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic, razen če ta zakon ali statut določa višjo večino.
(3) Na skupščini se z namenom učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravic članov sestavi seznam navzočih in zastopanih članov ter njihovih pooblaščencev, ki vsebuje osebno ime, prebivališče ali firmo in sedež, število glasovalnih pravic, ki jih ima član, ter število vseh na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic. Če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne avtorske pravice na različnih vrstah avtorskih del, ali različne pravice različnih kategorij imetnikov pravic, seznam vsebuje tudi glasovalne pravice za vsako kategorijo imetnikov pravic.
(4) Na skupščini se piše zapisnik, ki ga podpiše predsednik skupščine. V zapisniku se navede kraj in datum zasedanja, število vseh na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic, sprejeti sklepi ter izid glasovanja. Zapisnik se objavi v sedmih dneh od skupščine na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

26. člen


(1) Poslovodstvo vodi posle kolektivne organizacije samostojno in na lastno odgovornost.
(2) Poslovodstvo zastopa in predstavlja kolektivno organizacijo.
(3) Član poslovodstva pri opravljanju svojih nalog ravna v korist kolektivne organizacije, njenih članov in imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, s skrbnostjo vestnega in poštenega gospodarstvenika.
(4) Poslovodstvo najmanj enkrat v četrtletju poroča nadzornemu odboru o poslovanju kolektivne organizacije in poteku poslov, še posebej o znesku vseh zbranih avtorskih honorarjev in stroških poslovanja, pri čemer so vsi ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti avtorskih del in vrsti uporabe.
(5) Član poslovodstva ne more biti oseba, ki ne more biti član organa vodenja ali nadzora, v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.

27. člen

(nadzorni odbor)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija ima nadzorni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo najmanj tri osebe. Sestava nadzornega odbora mora zagotavljati, da so različne kategorije imetnikov pravic zastopane pravično in uravnoteženo.
(2) Za člana nadzornega odbora ne more biti imenovana oseba, ki ne more biti član organa vodenja ali nadzora, v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.
(3) Član nadzornega odbora pri opravljanju svojih nalog ravna v korist kolektivne organizacije, njenih članov in imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, s skrbnostjo vestnega in poštenega gospodarstvenika.
(4) Nadzorni odbor nadzira poslovodstvo pri vodenju poslov kolektivne organizacije in spremlja izvajanje sprejetih sklepov skupščine. Vodenje poslov se ne more prenesti na nadzorni odbor. Statut ali nadzorni odbor lahko določi, da se smejo posamezne vrste poslov opravljati le z njegovim soglasjem. Če nadzorni odbor zavrne soglasje, lahko poslovodstvo zahteva, da o soglasju odloči skupščina. Za sklep, s katerim skupščina da soglasje, je potrebna večina najmanj treh četrtin navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(5) Nadzorni odbor odloča o imenovanju, razrešitvi, prejemkih, odpravnini ter drugih denarnih in nedenarnih ugodnostih članov poslovodstva. Predsednik nadzornega odbora zastopa kolektivno organizacijo proti članom poslovodstva.
(6) Nadzorni odbor lahko od poslovodstva zahteva podatke, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke, potrebne za izvajanje nadzora.
(7) Nadzorni odbor lahko skliče skupščino. Nadzorni odbor skupščini najmanj enkrat letno poroča o svojem delu.
(8) Člani nadzornega odbora morajo izmed sebe izvoliti predsednika. Nadzorni odbor sprejme poslovnik o svojem delu z večino glasov svojih članov.
(9) Nadzorni odbor skliče predsednik. Nadzorni odbor je sklican najmanj enkrat v četrtletju ali krajšem obdobju, ki ga določa statut kolektivne organizacije.
(10) Vsak član nadzornega odbora ima en glas. Nadzorni odbor je sklepčen, če je pri sklepanju navzoča polovica njegovih članov, razen če statut določa drugače. Za veljavnost sklepa nadzornega odbora je potrebna večina oddanih glasov. V primeru enakega števila glasov je odločilen glas predsednika nadzornega odbora, če ni s statutom določeno drugače.
(11) Na sejah nadzornega odbora se piše zapisnik, ki ga podpiše predsednik nadzornega odbora.

28. člen

(odškodninska odgovornost poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora)

(1) Člani nadzornega odbora ali poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije so solidarno odgovorni kolektivni organizaciji za škodo, ki je nastala kot posledica kršitve njihovih nalog, razen če dokažejo, da so pošteno in vestno izpolnjevali svoje dolžnosti.
(2) Odškodninski zahtevki iz prejšnjega odstavka zastarajo v petih letih od nastanka škode.

29. člen

(nasprotje interesov)

(1) Član nadzornega odbora in poslovodstva vsako leto na skupščini poda pisno individualno izjavo o nasprotju interesov.
(2) Izjava o nasprotju interesov vsebuje informacije o:
- vseh interesih v kolektivni organizaciji, ki jih ima član poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora;
- vsakem prejemku, ki ga je v preteklem poslovnem letu prejel od kolektivne organizacije
oziroma zunanjega izvajalca, vključno z vplačili za dodatna pokojninska zavarovanja, ter vse druge ugodnosti v kakršni koli obliki;
- vseh avtorskih honorarjih, ki jih je v preteklem poslovnem letu prejel od kolektivne
- obstoju katerega koli dejanskega ali morebitnega nasprotja med njegovimi osebnimi interesi in interesi kolektivne organizacije ali med njegovimi kakršnimi koli obveznostmi
do kolektivne organizacije in dolžnostmi do katere koli druge pravne ali fizične osebe.

30. člen

(zbiranje in uporaba avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija skrbno zbira, upravlja in deli avtorske honorarje. (2) Kolektivna organizacija na svojih računih ločeno vodi:
- zbrane avtorske honorarje in prihodke, pridobljene iz bančnih depozitov, za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej;
- morebitna lastna sredstva in prihodke iz teh sredstev ter prihodke iz naslova upravljanja
avtorskih honorarjev za druge kolektivne organizacije na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej.
(3) Na sredstvih iz prve alineje prejšnjega odstavka ni dovoljena izvršba niti stečaj. (4) Kolektivna organizacija lahko uporabi zbrana sredstva iz prve alineje drugega
odstavka tega člena samo za razdelitev imetnikom pravic v skladu z vnaprej določenimi
pravili o delitvi avtorskih honorarjev. Od prihodkov iz drugega odstavka tega člena se lahko odbijejo stroški poslovanja.
(5) Pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic, morajo upoštevati dejansko uporabo posameznega avtorskega dela, kadar je to, ob upoštevanju narave uporabe avtorskega dela, mogoče in ekonomsko upravičeno glede na stroške spremljanja dejanske uporabe.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija lahko zbrane avtorske honorarje do delitve naloži le v bančne depozite, pri čemer to ne sme vplivati na roke delitve iz 34. in 35. člena tega zakona.

31. člen

(posebni primer delitve)

(1) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi drugega odstavka 37. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 40 %, izvajalcem v obsegu 30 % in proizvajalcem fonogramov oziroma filmskim producentom v obsegu 30 %.
(2) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi tretjega odstavka 37. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 50 % in založnikom v obsegu 50 %.
(3) Nadomestilo, zbrano na podlagi 2. točke prvega odstavka 47. člena ZASP, se deli avtorjem v obsegu 30 % in imetnikom pravic v obsegu 70 %. Avtor se pravici do svojega deleža ne more odpovedati.

32. člen

(stroški poslovanja)

(1) Stroški poslovanja so stroški kolektivne organizacije, ki so nastali z ustreznim in razumnim upravljanjem kolektivne organizacije, ki je v korist imetnikom pravic, in so nujno potrebni za izvajanje dejavnosti kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Vsi stroški poslovanja morajo biti razumni in v skladu s pravili o stroških poslovanja. Stroški poslovanja morajo biti utemeljeni in dokumentirani.
(3) Skupščina kolektivne organizacije določi najvišji dovoljeni odstotek stroškov poslovanja glede na zbrane avtorske honorarje in prihodke, pridobljene iz bančnih depozitov.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija mora pred začetkom upravljanja avtorske pravice imetnika pravic obvestiti o pravilih o stroških poslovanja.

33. člen

(namenski skladi)

(1) Ne glede na četrti odstavek 30. člena tega zakona lahko kolektivna organizacija v skladu s statutom oblikuje različne namenske sklade. Kolektivna organizacija mora oblikovati namenske sklade, če ima nerazdeljene avtorske honorarje.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija lahko za namenske sklade nameni največ 10 % zbranih avtorskih honorarjev. Višino vplačila v namenski sklad določi skupščina z večino najmanj treh četrtin na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic.
(3) Skladi so ločena namenska sredstva, oblikovana za namen spodbujanja kulturnoumetniškega ustvarjanja in razširjanja novih avtorskih del na področjih, pomembnih za ohranjanje kulturne raznolikosti, pri čemer morajo sredstva prejeti še neuveljavljeni avtorji
s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji, ali za socialne ali izobraževalne namene avtorjev s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji.
(4) Sredstva sklada se vodijo ločeno na računu kolektivne organizacije za vsak sklad posebej.
(5) Pravila o namenskih skladih morajo zagotavljati preglednost delovanja namenskih skladov in določati:
1. namenske sklade kolektivne organizacije;
2. pravila o vplačilih v sklad in izplačilih iz njega;
3. vnaprej določena pravila o porabi sredstev;
4. opredelitev pojma »neuveljavljeni avtor« in
5. pravila nadzora nad uporabo prejetih sredstev sklada.

34. člen

(delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija redno, skrbno in natančno dodeljuje in izplačuje zbrane avtorske honorarje avtorjem v skladu z vnaprej določenimi pravili o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija opravi dodelitev in izplačilo zbranih avtorskih honorarjev čim prej, najpozneje pa v devetih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta, v katerem so bili zbrani, razen če iz objektivnih razlogov, ki niso na strani kolektivne organizacije ali zunanjega izvajalca, to ni mogoče. Objektivni razlogi so tisti, ki so povezani s poročanjem uporabnikov, identifikacijo pravic imetnikov pravic ali usklajevanjem informacij o avtorskih delih.

35. člen

(postopek obravnavanja nedodeljenih avtorskih honorarjev)

(1) Kadar avtorskih honorarjev ni mogoče dodeliti, se ti zneski vodijo na ločenem računu kolektivne organizacije (nedodeljeni avtorski honorarji).
(2) Kolektivna organizacija izvede vse ukrepe za identifikacijo in lociranje imetnika pravic s pregledom podatkov o imetnikih pravic, evidence članov in imetnikov pravic ter drugih podatkov, ki so ji na voljo.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija najpozneje v roku treh mesecev po poteku roka iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena da imetnikom pravic, ki jih zastopa, in kolektivnim organizacijam, s katerimi ima sklenjen sporazum o zastopanju, na razpolago informacije o avtorskih delih, za katere imetnika pravic ni bilo mogoče identificirati ali locirati.
(4) Informacija iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebuje naslednje podatke, če kolektivna organizacija z njimi razpolaga:
- naslov avtorskega dela;
- osebno ime imetnika pravic;
- ime ali firmo založnika, filmskega producenta ali proizvajalca fonogramov in
- katero koli drugo informacijo, ki bi lahko prispevala k ugotovitvi imetnika pravic.
(5) Če kolektivna organizacija tudi po izvedenih vseh potrebnih ukrepih iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena imetnika pravic ne more identificirati ali locirati, objavi informacijo iz tretjega odstavka tega člena na svoji spletni strani najpozneje v enem letu po izteku trimesečnega roka iz tretjega odstavka tega člena.
(6) Če avtorskih honorarjev kljub vsem izvedenim ukrepom ni mogoče dodeliti, se po treh letih od konca poslovnega leta, v katerem so bili pobrani, in pod pogoji iz drugega, tretjega in petega odstavka tega člena, šteje, da so ti zneski nerazdeljeni (nerazdeljeni avtorski honorarji).

36. člen

(sporazumi o zastopanju s tujo kolektivno organizacijo)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki upravlja avtorsko pravico na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju s tujo kolektivno organizacijo, ne sme imetnika te pravice obravnavati drugače kot svojega člana, zlasti glede tarif, stroškov poslovanja, zbiranja avtorskih honorarjev in načina delitve.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija lahko od zbranih avtorskih honorarjev v okviru sporazuma o zastopanju odšteje le stroške poslovanja, če sporazum o zastopanju določa, pa tudi odbitke za namenske sklade.
(3) Za delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 34. člena tega zakona. Ne glede na drugi odstavek 34. člena tega zakona zastopana kolektivna organizacija izvede dodelitev in izplačilo zbranih avtorskih honorarjev čim prej, najpozneje pa v šestih mesecih od njihovega prejema.

37. člen

(pravica imetnika pravic do vpogleda)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora imetniku pravic, katerih pravice kolektivno upravlja, na njegovo obrazloženo zahtevo nemudoma omogočiti vpogled v dokumente in podatke kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Imetnik pravic mora pred vpogledom v dokumente in podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka podpisati izjavo o varovanju poslovnih skrivnosti kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Imetnik pravic, ki mu je kolektivna organizacija zavrnila vpogled v dokumente in podatke, sme od sodišča zahtevati, da s sodno odločbo dovoli vpogled v podatke in dokumente.
(4) Imetnik pravic je kolektivni organizaciji odgovoren za škodo, ki nastane zaradi razkritja poslovnih skrivnosti kolektivne organizacije.

38. člen

(obveščanje imetnika pravic in tuje kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija vsakemu imetniku pravic, ki mu je avtorski honorar dodelila ali izplačala, najmanj enkrat letno posreduje informacije o:
- obdobju, na katerega se nanaša izplačilo avtorskega honorarja;
- avtorskih honorarjih, dodeljenih imetniku pravic, razdeljenih po posameznih pravicah in vrstah uporabe;
- avtorskih honorarjih, izplačanih imetniku pravic, razdeljenih po posameznih pravicah in vrstah uporabe;
- odbitkih, povezanih s stroški poslovanja;
- odbitkih, povezanih z namenskimi skladi, če je imetnik pravic dal soglasje;
- vseh avtorskih honorarjih, ki so bili imetniku pravic že dodeljeni, vendar še niso bili izplačani, po posameznih obdobjih;
- kontaktnih podatkih imetnika pravic za namen njegove identifikacije.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija zagotovi tujim kolektivnim organizacijam, v imenu katerih upravlja pravice na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju, najmanj enkrat letno v elektronski obliki informacije o:
- avtorskih honorarjih, zbranih na podlagi sporazuma o zastopanju;
- odbitkih, povezanih s stroški poslovanja;
- odbitkih, povezanih z namenskimi skladi, če je tuja kolektivna organizacija dala soglasje zanje;
- tem, komu je bila dovoljena pravica do uporabe avtorskega dela, ki ga zajema sporazum o zastopanju;
- sklepih, ki jih je sprejela skupščina, če so ti sklepi pomembni za upravljanje pravic po sporazumu o zastopanju.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora na poziv uporabnika v 15 dneh zagotoviti informacijo, ali je avtorsko delo varovano. Tarifa za posredovano informacijo ne sme presegati dejanskega stroška priprave informacije.

39. člen

(obveščanje javnosti)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija na svoji spletni strani za javnost prosto dostopno
1. dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic;
2. repertoar, avtorske pravice, ki jih upravlja, in v primeru večozemeljskih licenc za spletne pravice za glasbena dela ozemlja, ki jih pokriva;
3. pogoje za včlanitev v kolektivno organizacijo, vzorec pooblastila in pogoje za preklic pooblastila;
4. skupne sporazume, sklenjene z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov;
5. vzorec pogodbe z uporabnikom in tarifo za posamezne načine uporabe;
6. imena tujih kolektivnih organizacij, s katerima ima sklenjene sporazume o zastopanju in seznam sporazumov;
7. podatke o članstvu kolektivne organizacije v mednarodnih združenjih;
8. statut kolektivne organizacije;
9. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic;
10. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
11. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
12. pravila o stroških poslovanja kolektivne organizacije;
13. pravila o namenskih skladih;
14. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj;
15. podatke o osebah, ki so pooblaščene za zastopanje kolektivne organizacije;
16. seznam oseb, ki so člani organov kolektivne organizacije, razen skupščine;
17. informacijo iz tretjega odstavka 35. člena tega zakona;
18. število članov kolektivne organizacije in število vseh glasovalnih pravic;
19. začasne tarife;
20. sprejeto letno poročilo z revizorjevim poročilom;
21. merila, uporabljena za določitev tarif in
22. način reševanja sporov med kolektivno organizacijo ter njenimi člani in imetniki pravic, tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami in uporabniki.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija dokumente in podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka na svoji spletni strani sprotno posodablja. Letno poročilo, skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom, mora biti na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije objavljeno najmanj pet let od njegovega sprejema.

40. člen

(splošne določbe o letnem poročilu)

(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije mora biti sestavljeno jasno in pregledno. Izkazovati mora resničen in pošten prikaz premoženja in obveznosti kolektivne organizacije, njenega finančnega položaja ter poslovnega izida.
(2) V letnem poročilu mora biti ločeno prikazano kolektivno upravljanje pravic, če kolektivna organizacija upravlja različne pravice imetnikov pravic na različnih vrstah avtorskih del.
(3) Člani poslovodstva in nadzornega odbora morajo skupno zagotavljati, da so letna poročila z vsemi sestavnimi deli sestavljena in objavljena v skladu s tem zakonom, slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi ali mednarodnimi standardi računovodskega poročanja. Pri tem ravnajo v skladu s pristojnostmi, skrbnostjo in odgovornostmi, kakor jih določa ta zakon.
(4) Letno poročilo in njegove sestavne dele morajo podpisati vsi člani poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije.
(5) Na podlagi zaključenih poslovnih knjig je treba za vsako poslovno leto v treh mesecih po koncu tega poslovnega leta sestaviti letno poročilo.
(6) Nadzorni odbor mora po opravljeni reviziji letnega poročila, ki mu ga predloži poslovodstvo, preveriti sestavljeno letno poročilo ter o ugotovitvah pripraviti pisno poročilo za skupščino. V poročilu mora navesti, kako in v kakšen obsegu je preverjal vodenje kolektivne organizacije med poslovnim letom. Na koncu poročila mora nadzorni odbor navesti, ali ima po končni preveritvi k letnemu poročilu kakšne pripombe.
(7) Skupščina mora o sprejetju letnega poročila odločati najpozneje osem mesecev po koncu poslovnega leta.
(8) Letno poročilo je treba zaradi javne objave skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom predložiti AJPES v osmih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta.

41. člen

(sestava letnega poročila)

(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije vsebuje vsaj:
- bilanco stanja;
- izkaz poslovnega izida;
- izkaz denarnih tokov;
- prilogo s pojasnili k računovodskim izkazom;
- poročilo o uporabi sredstev namenskih skladov, če jih oblikuje;
- poročilo o izvedenih aktivnostih v poslovnem letu;
- poročilo o poslovanju z zunanjim izvajalcem;
- informacije o zavrnjenih dovoljenjih za uporabo avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije;
- izjave o nasprotju interesov iz 29. člena tega zakona;
- opis statusne oblike in načina upravljanja ter nadzora kolektivne organizacije;
- skupni znesek plačil, ki so ga v preteklem poslovnem letu od kolektivne organizacije prejeli člani poslovodstva in člani nadzornega odbora ločeno za vsako od teh skupin
oseb, vključno z vplačili za dodatna pokojninska zavarovanja in vse druge ugodnosti v kakršnikoli obliki, in
- firmo oziroma ime ter sedež povezanih oseb in zunanjih izvajalcev.
(2) Priloga s pojasnili k računovodskim izkazom vsebuje obrazložitev:
1. skupnega zneska vseh avtorskih honorarjev, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija zbrala, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih
letih, za katera so bili zbrani, ter natančno obrazloženi;
2. zneska vseh stroškov kolektivne organizacije in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe ter natančno obrazloženi;
3. zneska stroškov poslovanja in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe,
natančno obrazloženi in razčlenjeni vsaj na:
- stroške, povezane z zbiranjem avtorskih honorarjev in nadomestil,
- stroške, povezane z delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev in nadomestil,
- odvetniške stroške,
- stroške informacijske tehnologije,
- stroške dela,
- stroške zunanjih izvajalcev,
- druge stroške poslovanja kolektivne organizacije;
4. zneska stroškov, povezanih z delovanjem namenskih skladov, in njihov odstotek glede na vse zbrane avtorske honorarje;
5. virov, ki se uporabljajo za kritje stroškov kolektivne organizacije;
6. zneskov, namenjenih v namenske sklade, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe ter natančno obrazloženi;
7. števila delitev zbranih avtorskih honorarjev po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe;
8. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po posamezni vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih
letih, za katera so bili zbrani, ter natančno obrazloženi;
9. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, plačanih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani, in natančno obrazloženi;
10. skupnega zneska avtorskih honorarjev, dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, vendar še ne plačanih, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe
in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani, in natančno obrazloženi;
11. skupnega zneska zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, vendar še ne dodeljenih imetnikom pravic, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki prikazani po posamezni vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti
uporabe in poslovnih letih, za katera so bili zbrani;
12. razlogov, če se ni izvedla dodelitev in izplačilo imetnikom pravic v rokih iz 34. in 35. člena tega zakona;
13. zneska nerazdeljenih avtorskih honorarjev in obrazložitev njihove uporabe;
14. zneska, prejetega in plačanega drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni kolektivni organizaciji;
15. zneska zaračunanih stroškov poslovanja drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni
kolektivni organizaciji;
16. zneska plačanih stroškov poslovanja drugim kolektivnim organizacijam, pri čemer morajo biti ti podatki razdeljeni po vrsti avtorskih pravic, vrsti uporabe in posamezni kolektivni organizaciji;
17. zneska avtorskih honorarjev, razdeljenega neposredno imetnikom pravic, ki izhajajo iz druge kolektivne organizacije;
18. vseh transakcij s povezanimi osebami in
19. povprečnega števila zaposlenih delavcev v poslovnem letu.
(3) V posebnem poročilu o uporabi sredstev namenskih skladov je treba razkriti podatke o razporeditvi avtorskih honorarjev v namenske sklade, razdeljene po vrsti avtorskih pravic in vrsti uporabe, ter natančno obrazložiti porabo sredstev teh namenskih skladov z navedbo podatkov o prejemniku in višini sredstev, ki jih je prejel, ter navesti skupni znesek sredstev v namenskem skladu.
(4) V poročilu o poslovanju z zunanjim izvajalcem je treba razkriti vse pravne posle, ki jih je kolektivna organizacija sklenila z zunanjim izvajalcem, ter skupni znesek plačil s strani kolektivne organizacije, razdeljen po posameznih pravnih poslih.

42. člen


(1) Letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije mora v šestih mesecih po koncu poslovnega leta pregledati pooblaščeni revizor na način in pod pogoji, določenimi z zakonom, ki ureja revidiranje.
(2) Za revizorjevo poročilo se smiselno uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja gospodarske družbe.

43. člen

(posebna revizija)

(1) Skupščina lahko z navadno večino na skupščini navzočih glasovalnih pravic imenuje posebnega revizorja za poseben pregled vodenja posameznih poslov kolektivne organizacije. V zahtevi za sklic skupščine predlagatelji predlagajo pooblaščenega revizorja in vrste poslov, ki naj bi bile predmet pregleda.
(2) Če skupščina zavrne predlog za imenovanje posebnega revizorja, ga lahko na predlog pet odstotkov vseh glasovalnih pravic imenuje sodišče, če obstaja vzrok za domnevo, da je prišlo pri vodenju postopkov in poslov do nepoštenosti ali hujših kršitev zakona ali statuta.
(3) Za posebnega revizorja ne more biti imenovan revizor, ki je revidiral letno poročilo kolektivne organizacije v zadnjih petih letih.
(4) Stroške v zvezi s posebno revizijo krije kolektivna organizacija. Kolektivna organizacija ima pravico od predlagateljev iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena zahtevati povrnitev stroškov, ki so nastali zaradi neutemeljene posebne revizije, po splošnih pravilih o odškodninski odgovornosti.
(5) Poslovodstvo kolektivne organizacije objavi posebno revizorjevo poročilo na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije v treh dneh po prejemu.

44. člen

(skupni sporazum)

(1) Skupni sporazum v pisni obliki skleneta kolektivna organizacija in reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije. Reprezentativna so tista združenja uporabnikov, ki predstavljajo večino uporabnikov na področju neke dejavnosti glede na njihovo število ali če jim zakon priznava reprezentativnost.
(2) Skupni sporazum lahko skleneta tudi kolektivna organizacija in posamezni uporabnik avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja, če je zaradi narave svoje dejavnosti edini, ki opravlja to dejavnost. Določbe, ki se nanašajo na reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov, se smiselno uporabljajo za posameznega uporabnika po tej določbi.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora prvo vabilo k pogajanjem za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma objaviti na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani.
1. tarifo;
(4) Skupni sporazum določa vsaj:
2. pogoje uporabe avtorskih del glede na različne okoliščine uporabe;
3. okoliščine uporabe, zaradi katerih se plačilo avtorskega honorarja ali nadomestila po tarifi zviša, zniža ali oprosti;
4. rok in način plačila avtorskega honorarja ali nadomestila;
5. način plačila avtorskega honorarja in morebitni poračun glede na začasno tarifo iz četrtega odstavka 45. člena tega zakona za uporabo avtorskih del do sklenitve skupnega sporazuma, če se s tem skupnim sporazumom prvič določa tarifa za neko vrsto uporabe avtorskih del;
6. predstavnike kolektivne organizacije in reprezentativnega združenja uporabnikov avtorskih del, ki spremljajo izvajanje skupnega sporazuma.
(5) Kolektivne organizacije in uporabniki se pogajajo v dobri veri in si medsebojno zagotovijo vse potrebne informacije za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija objavi skupni sporazum v Uradnem listu Republike
(7) Skupni sporazum začne veljati za vse istovrstne uporabnike avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije 15. dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije, ne glede na to, ali so sodelovali pri pogajanjih ali sklenitvi tega sporazuma. Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo s kolektivno organizacijo skleniti pogodbo v skladu z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom.
(8) Sodišča so vezana na veljavni skupni sporazum.
(9) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo za spremembe, dopolnitve ali prenehanje skupnih sporazumov.

45. člen


(1) S tarifo za uporabo avtorskih del se določita višina in način izračunavanja avtorskega honorarja, ki ga mora posamezni uporabnik plačati kolektivni organizaciji za uporabo avtorskega dela iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Tarifa se določi s skupnim sporazumom med kolektivno organizacijo in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov ali, če to ni mogoče, z odločbo Sveta za avtorsko
pravo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Svet). Do drugačne pravnomočne odločbe Sveta se šteje, da so tarife, določene z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom, primerne.
(3) Tarifa mora odražati ekonomsko vrednost pravic, ki so predmet skupnega sporazuma, naravo in obseg uporabe avtorskih del ter ekonomsko vrednost storitve, ki jo zagotavlja kolektivna organizacija, pri čemer se glede na okoliščine posameznega primera upoštevajo zlasti:
1. obseg repertoarja;
2. obseg dovoljenja;
3. prihodek, ki se doseže z uporabo avtorskega dela, ali, če to ni mogoče, stroški, povezani s to uporabo;
4. pomen avtorskega dela za dejavnost uporabnika;
5. 5. razmerje med varovanimi in nevarovanimi avtorskimi deli, ki so uporabljena;
6. 6. razmerje med pravicami, ki se upravljajo kolektivno ali individualno;
7. 7. posebna zahtevnost kolektivnega upravljanja pravic zaradi določene uporabe avtorskih del;
8. 8. primerljivost predlagane tarife s tarifami istovrstnih kolektivnih organizacij na istovrstnih delih za istovrstno uporabo v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih državah članicah, ob upoštevanju bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči.
(4) Če za posamezno vrsto uporabe avtorskih del tarifa še nikoli ni bila določena, lahko kolektivna organizacija sama določi začasno tarifo, tako da:
1. od izbranih tarif desetih držav članic za istovrstne avtorske pravice, istovrstna avtorska dela in njihove istovrstne načine uporabe izloči tri tarife, ki po višini najbolj odstopajo navzgor;
2. določi povprečje tarif preostalih izbranih sedmih držav članic za istovrstne avtorske pravice, istovrstna avtorska dela in njihove istovrstne načine uporabe in
3. kot korekcijski faktor določenega povprečja tarif upošteva obseg repertoarja, ki ga zastopa, in razmerje med povprečjem bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči v preostalih izbranih sedmih državah članicah in bruto domačim proizvodom
na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči v Republiki Sloveniji, vse glede na koledarsko leto pred določitvijo začasne tarife.
(5) Začasna tarifa mora biti obrazložena, sicer je nična.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija začasno tarifo skupaj z obrazložitvijo in vabilom k pogajanjem za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma objavi na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani. Začasna tarifa začne veljati 15. dan po objavi na spletni strani AJPES.

46. člen

(nadomestilo za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje)

(1) Višino nadomestil za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje, ki pripadajo skupno vsem imetnikom pravic, ki so upravičeni do tega nadomestila po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, skupno določita kolektivna organizacija, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, in reprezentativno združenje zavezancev iz prvega odstavka 38. člena ZASP, ob smiselni uporabi določb tega zakona o sklenitvi skupnega sporazuma in določitve tarif z izjemo tretjega odstavka prejšnjega člena.
(2) Nadomestila iz prejšnjega odstavka se določijo posebej za vsako napravo za tonsko snemanje in napravo za vizualno snemanje, za vsak prazen nosilec zvoka in prazen nosilec slike glede na njun možni snemalni čas ali velikost spomina, za vsako napravo za
fotokopiranje glede na njen učinek (število kopij na minuto) in glede na možnost barvnega fotokopiranja ter za vsako posamezno fotokopijo, narejeno za prodajo.
(3) Pri določitvi višine nadomestila se upoštevajo:
1. pričakovani obseg uporabe naprav in nosilcev iz prejšnjega odstavka za privatno ali drugo lastno reproduciranje ter njihov cenovni razred;
2. zmanjšani obseg prihodkov avtorja zaradi dovoljenega privatnega ali drugega lastnega
3. stopnja uporabe tehničnih ukrepov iz 166.a člena ZASP za varstvo avtorskih del ali predmetov sorodnih pravic;
4. primerljivost višine nadomestila v drugih državah članicah Evropske unije, ob
upoštevanju bruto domačega proizvoda na prebivalca v enoti kupne moči in
5. obseg prostih licenc oziroma dovoljenj, s katerimi imetniki pravic dovoljujejo prosto uporabo avtorskih del.

47. člen

(dolžnost sklepanja pogodb)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora vse istovrstne uporabnike obravnavati enako in jim omogočiti komuniciranje v elektronski obliki.
(2) Uporabnik del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije lahko kadar koli zahteva sklenitev pogodbe o neizključnem prenosu pravic za uporabo teh del v skladu z veljavnim skupnim sporazumom. Kolektivna organizacija take zahteve ne sme zavrniti.
(3) Če pogodba o neizključnem prenosu pravic za uporabo varovanih del ni sklenjena, se šteje, da je ustrezna pravica prenesena, če uporabnik položi na račun kolektivne organizacije ali pri sodišču oziroma notarju znesek, ki ga po tarifi ali začasni tarifi zaračunava kolektivna organizacija.

48. člen

(dolžnost uporabnikov do obveščanja)

(1) Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo v roku in obliki, določenima v tem zakonu ali skupnem sporazumu, poslati kolektivni organizaciji podatke o uporabi avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja, ki so potrebni za zbiranje in delitev avtorskih honorarjev.
(2) Prireditelji kulturnoumetniških in zabavnih prireditev ter drugi uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije morajo v primerih, ko je to potrebno po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, predhodno pridobiti pravice za javno priobčitev avtorskih del, v 15 dneh po njihovi priobčitvi pa poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji sporede vseh uporabljenih del ali, kadar to ni mogoče, druge podatke, potrebne za izračun avtorskega honorarja.
(3) RTV organizacije morajo enkrat mesečno poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji in na svoji spletni strani javno objaviti sporede oddajanih avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije.
(4) Uporabniki avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije, ki ta dela uporabljajo na podlagi zakona, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, brez neizključnega prenosa ustrezne pravice, morajo enkrat mesečno poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji podatke o njihovi uporabi.
(5) Osebe iz prvega odstavka 35. člena ZASP morajo poslati pristojni kolektivni organizaciji podatke, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila, kot so vrsta in število prodanih izvirnikov, zavezanci in maloprodajna cena brez javnih dajatev, v 30 dneh po prodaji izvirnika likovnega dela.
(6) Zavezanci iz prvega odstavka 38. člena ZASP morajo kolektivni organizaciji, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, ob koncu vsakega koledarskega polletja poslati podatke o vrsti in številu prodanih ali uvoženih naprav in nosilcev iz drugega odstavka 37. člena ZASP ter naprav za fotokopiranje iz 1. točke tretjega odstavka 37. člena ZASP in podatke o prodanih fotokopijah, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila, razen če je s skupnim sporazumom določeno drugače. Pridobljene podatke lahko kolektivna organizacija uporabi le za namen, za katerega so bili dani, in jih nepooblaščenim osebam ne sme razkriti.

49. člen


(1) Svet je neodvisni strokovni organ, ki ima pri kolektivnem upravljanju pravic naslednje pristojnosti:
1. določanje primernih tarif za uporabo avtorskih del;
2. odločanje o drugih spornih vprašanjih v zvezi s sklenitvijo skupnega sporazuma;
3. preverjanje, ali je objavljen skupni sporazum v skladu z določbami tega zakona.
(2) Svet odloča nepristransko in pri svojem odločanju ni vezan na strokovna in druga navodila.
(3) Svet ima sedež pri pristojnem organu. Svet ima sekretarja, ki nudi Svetu administrativno pomoč. Sekretarja izmed zaposlenih imenuje pristojni organ.
(4) Svet sprejme poslovnik, ki ga objavi na spletni strani pristojnega organa.

50. člen

(organizacija Sveta)

(1) Svet sestavljajo predsednik in štirje člani.
(2) Predsednika in člane Sveta imenuje in razrešuje minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo. Kolektivne organizacije skupaj ter reprezentativna združenja uporabnikov skupaj predlagajo vsak po dva člana Sveta, od tega vsak vsaj enega kandidata, ki ima najmanj izobrazbo ekonomske smeri, pridobljeno po študijskih programih druge stopnje v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja visoko šolstvo. Predsednika Sveta predlaga pristojni organ.
(3) Pristojni organ na predlog ministra, pristojnega za gospodarstvo, v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije objavi javni poziv kolektivnim organizacijam in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov, da v dveh mesecih predlagajo svoja člana Sveta. Pristojni organ v enem mesecu od poteka roka za prijavo članov Sveta predloži ministru, pristojnemu za gospodarstvo, prijave kandidatov in predlog kandidata za predsednika Sveta, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz prvega in drugega odstavka 51. člena tega zakona.
(4) Če kolektivne organizacije ali reprezentativna združenja uporabnikov ne ravnajo v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom tega člena, predlaga manjkajočega člana pristojni organ.
(5) Minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo, imenuje predsednika in člane Sveta, pri čemer lahko zavrne predlog pristojnega organa za imenovanje predsednika ali članov Sveta. V primeru zavrnitve se postopek iz tretjega odstavka tega člena ponovi.

51. člen

(mandat in pogoji za predsednika in člane Sveta)

(1) Predsednik in člani Sveta morajo imeti najmanj izobrazbo, pridobljeno po študijskih programih druge stopnje v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja visoko šolstvo, ter najmanj tri leta delovnih izkušenj. Predsednik Sveta mora imeti izobrazbo pravne smeri in opravljen pravniški državni izpit. Dva člana Sveta morata imeti izobrazbo ekonomske smeri. Predsednik in člani Sveta morajo imeti znanje iz avtorskega prava.
(2) Predsednik in član Sveta ne sme biti:
1. član vodstva ali organa politične stranke;
2. član poslovodstva ali nadzornega odbora ali pooblaščenec kolektivne organizacije ali reprezentativnega združenja uporabnikov;
3. oseba, ki je bila pravnomočno obsojena zaradi naklepnega kaznivega dejanja, ki se
preganja po uradni dolžnosti, na zaporno kazen v trajanju več kot šest mesecev. Omejitev iz te točke preneha z izbrisom iz kazenske evidence.
(3) Mandat predsednika in člana Sveta traja pet let. Ne glede na prejšnji stavek mandat preneha z dnem imenovanja novega predsednika ali novih članov Sveta.
(4) Če predsednik ali član Sveta odstopi, mu mandat preneha z dnem imenovanja novega predsednika ali člana Sveta.

52. člen

(razrešitev predsednika in članov Sveta)

(1) Minister, pristojen za gospodarstvo, razreši predsednika ali člana Sveta, če:
- to sam zahteva;
- ne izpolnjuje z zakonom določenih pogojev za imenovanje (prvi odstavek prejšnjega člena);
- nastopi položaj, ki ni združljiv z opravljanjem funkcije predsednika in člana Sveta (drugi odstavek prejšnjega člena).
(2) Zoper sklep o razrešitvi ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem

53. člen

(postopek pri Svetu)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija ali reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov lahko kadarkoli po uveljavitvi začasne tarife iz 45. člena tega zakona ali če po petih mesecih od začetka pogajanj ne sklenejo skupnega sporazuma, zahteva, da Svet določi primerno tarifo ali odloči o drugem spornem vprašanju v zvezi s skupnim sporazumom.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija ali reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov lahko zahteva, da Svet odloči, ali je veljavni skupni sporazum v skladu z določbami tega zakona in ali je veljavna tarifa, določena s tem sporazumom, primerna.
(3) Zahteva za odločanje o primernosti veljavne tarife se lahko vloži tudi, če je
Svet o tem že odločil, pod pogojema, da:
1. je od njene uveljavitve preteklo najmanj šest let in
2. so nastopile pomembne okoliščine, ki vplivajo na primernost višine tarife.
(4) Postopek pred Svetom se začne na pisno zahtevo, ki mora vsebovati vsaj:
1. podatke o vložniku predloga;
2. obrazložitev spornih vprašanj;
3. poročilo o dotedanjem poteku pogajanj;
4. predlog tarife ali rešitve spornega vprašanja.
(5) Svet pošlje zahtevo iz prejšnjega odstavka nasprotni stranki v 15 dneh od prejetja in jo pozove, da se o njej izreče v 30 dneh.
(6) Vsaka stranka lahko navaja dejstva in predlaga dokaze, na katere opira svoje predloge ali s katerimi izpodbija navedbe in dokaze druge stranke, najpozneje na prvem naroku za ustno obravnavo, ki jo Svet obvezno razpiše najpozneje v treh mesecih od prejetja odgovora oziroma izteka roka za odgovor nasprotne stranke na zahtevo iz četrtega odstavka tega člena.
(7) Svet ne more imenovati izvedenca.
(8) V postopku pred Svetom se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek, razen če je s tem zakonom določeno drugače.

54. člen

(odločba Sveta)

(1) Svet odloči z odločbo v devetih mesecih od zaključka ustne obravnave.
(2) Svet z odločbo določi primerno tarifo ali odloči o drugem spornem vprašanju, pri čemer lahko v delu ali celoti potrdi, spremeni ali razveljavi izpodbijani skupni sporazum ali tarifo.
(3) Pravnomočna odločba Sveta je sestavni del skupnega sporazuma oziroma skupni sporazum nadomešča, če se z njo izpodbijani skupni sporazum spremeni, razveljavi, ali če skupni sporazum ni bil sklenjen.
(4) Pravnomočna odločba Sveta se objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.
(5) Odločba, s katero je Svet določil primerno tarifo za uporabo avtorskih del, preneha veljati, če stranki s skupnim sporazumom določita novo tarifo.

55. člen

(stroški postopka pred Svetom)

(1) Stroški postopka pred Svetom so stroški strank in stroški Sveta.
(2) Vsaka stranka sama nosi svoje stroške, ki jih ima zaradi postopka pred
(3) Stranki po enakih delih krijeta naslednje stroške Sveta:
- nagrado za predsednika in člane Sveta,
- potne in druge razumne stroške predsednika in članov Sveta,
- stroške, potrebne za izvedbo dokazov,
- administrativne stroške.
(4) Stranka, ki je začela postopek, mora v roku, ki ga določi Svet, založiti ustrezna sredstva za kritje stroškov njegovega delovanja (predujem), sicer Svet predlog za začetek postopka zavrže.
(5) Višina nagrade člana Sveta znaša tretjino osnovne mesečne plače okrožnega sodnika brez napredovanja za vsak začeti mesec trajanja postopka, višina nagrade predsednika Sveta pa je enaka višini nagrade člana Sveta, povečani za 20 %. Člani in predsednik Sveta so plačani za čas trajanja posameznega postopka, vendar ne več kot za
12 mesecev.
(6) Svet po pravnomočnosti odločbe iz prejšnjega člena s posebnim sklepom odloči o stroških Sveta in o tem, ali mora ob upoštevanju položenega predujma katera od strank drugi povrniti ustrezni del plačanih stroškov Sveta, ter po pravnomočnosti tega sklepa izvede izplačilo svojim članom in predsedniku.

56. člen

(sodno varstvo zoper odločbe Sveta)

(1) Zoper odločbo ali sklep o stroških Sveta ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, o kateri odloča upravno sodišče na svojem sedežu.
(2) Svet je oproščen plačila sodnih taks v upravnem sporu. Vsaka stranka nosi svoje stroške postopka.

57. člen

(področje uporabe)

(1) To poglavje se uporablja za kolektivne organizacije z dovoljenjem za večozemeljsko kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.
(2) To poglavje se ne uporablja za kolektivne organizacije, ki na podlagi prostovoljnega združevanja zahtevanih pravic in v skladu s pravili o konkurenci izdajo večozemeljsko licenco za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, za katero zaprosi izdajatelj programa, da lahko svoje radijske ali televizijske programe priobči javnosti istočasno s prvotnim oddajanjem, pred njim ali po njem, in tudi kakršno koli spletno gradivo, vključno s predogledi, ki ga ustvari izdajatelj programa ali se ustvari zanj in je pomožen prvotnemu oddajanju radijskega ali televizijskega programa.

58. člen

(zmogljivost za obdelavo večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija mora imeti zadostno zmogljivost za učinkovito in pregledno elektronsko obdelavo podatkov, potrebnih za upravljanje s temi licencami, vključno za namene opredelitve repertoarja in spremljanje njegove uporabe, zaračunavanje
uporabnikom, pobiranje avtorskih honorarjev in razporejanje zneskov, do katerih so upravičeni imetniki pravic.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora biti sposobna v celoti ali delno natančno določiti glasbena dela, na katerih je pooblaščena kolektivno upravljati pravice.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija mora biti sposobna v celoti ali delno natančno določiti pravice in njihove imetnike za vsako ustrezno ozemlje, za vsako glasbeno delo ali njegov del, za kolektivno upravljanje katerih je pooblaščena.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija uporablja enotne identifikatorje za določitev imetnikov pravic in glasbenih del, pri čemer upošteva, kadar je to mogoče, prostovoljne industrijske standarde in prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija uporablja ustrezna sredstva za pravočasno in učinkovito določitev ter reševanje neskladja v podatkih drugih kolektivnih organizacij, ki izdajajo večozemeljske licence za spletno uporabo glasbenih del.
(6) Kolektivna organizacija v vlogi za izdajo dovoljenja poleg podatkov iz 13. člena tega zakona priloži še dokaze, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz prvega do petega odstavka tega člena.

59. člen

(elektronska oblika komuniciranja)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči elektronsko komunikacijo z imetniki pravic, katerih pravice večozemeljsko upravlja, ponudniki spletnih storitev in drugimi kolektivnimi organizacijami.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči uporabo vsaj ene metode elektronske izmenjave, pri kateri se, kadar je to mogoče, upoštevajo prostovoljni industrijski standardi ali prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije, za elektronsko izmenjavo.

60. člen

(preglednost informacij o večozemeljskih repertoarjih)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija imetnikom pravic, ki so kolektivno organizacijo pooblastili za upravljanje pravic za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, omogoči, da ji podatke o glasbenih delih, pravicah na njih in ozemljih, glede katerih so imetniki pravic pooblastili kolektivno organizacijo, posreduje v elektronski obliki.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija ponudniku spletnih glasbenih storitev, imetniku pravic, katerega pravice večozemeljsko kolektivno upravlja, in drugi kolektivni organizaciji na ustrezno utemeljeno zahtevo zagotovi posodobljene informacije v elektronski obliki, ki omogočajo identifikacijo spletnega glasbenega repertoarja, ki ga zastopa.
(3) Informacije iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebujejo:
- glasbena dela, ki jih zastopa;
- pravice, ki jih kolektivno upravlja v celoti ali delno, in
- ozemlja, ki jih pokriva.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija lahko po potrebi sprejme razumne ukrepe za zaščito točnosti in celovitosti podatkov, nadzor nad njihovo ponovno uporabo in varovanje poslovno občutljivih informacij.

61. člen

(točnost informacij o večozemeljskih repertoarjih)

(1) Če ponudnik spletnih storitev, imetnik pravic, katerega pravice kolektivna organizacija večozemeljsko kolektivno upravlja, ali druga kolektivna organizacija na podlagi dokazov meni, da so podatki ali informacije iz 58. in 60. člena tega zakona v zvezi z njegovimi pravicami za spletno uporabo glasbenih del netočni, jih mora kolektivna organizacija, če je zahteva utemeljena, nemudoma popraviti.
(2) Pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko do pooblaščene kolektivne organizacije iz
64. člena tega zakona uveljavlja jo tudi imetniki pravic, katerih dela so vključena v repertoar kolektivne organizacije, ki je izdala pooblastilo, razen če je v sporazumu o zastopanju določeno drugače.
(3) Pravila o postopku za popravek podatkov iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena morajo biti objavljena na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

62. člen

(poročanje uporabnikov in zaračunavanje)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija nadzira spletno uporabo glasbenih del, ki jih v celoti ali deloma zastopa, ponudnikov spletnih storitev, ki jim je izdala večozemeljsko licenco za navedene pravice.
(2) Ponudniki spletnih storitev natančno poročajo kolektivni organizaciji o dejanski uporabi glasbenih del. Če poročilo uporabnika ni v formatu v skladu z drugim odstavkom
59. člena tega zakona, ga kolektivna organizacija lahko zavrže in uporabnika pozove, da ga posreduje v ustreznem formatu.
(3) Kolektivna organizacija po prejemu poročila iz prejšnjega odstavka najpozneje v dveh delovnih dneh izda točen račun, razen kadar to ni mogoče zaradi razlogov na strani ponudnika spletnih storitev.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija izda račun ponudniku spletnih storitev v elektronski obliki in omogoči uporabo vsaj enega formata, pri katerem se upoštevajo prostovoljni industrijski standardi ali prakse, oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije. Na računu so navedena glasbena dela in pravice na njih ter dejanska uporaba, kadar je to mogoče na podlagi informacij, ki jih je ponudnik spletnih storitev predložil, in formata, ki se je uporabil za predložitev teh informacij. Ponudnik spletnih storitev ne more zavrniti računa zaradi njegovega formata, če kolektivna organizacija uporablja prostovoljni industrijski standard ali prakse, ki so oblikovani na mednarodni ravni ali ravni Evropske unije.
(5) Kolektivna organizacija omogoči ponudniku spletnih storitev ustrezen postopek za izpodbijanje točnosti računov. Pravila postopka so dostopna na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije.

63. člen

(plačilo avtorskega honorarja)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija po prejemu poročila o dejanski spletni uporabi glasbenih del iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena v roku dveh delovnih dni razdeli avtorske honorarje, razen kadar to ni mogoče iz razlogov na strani ponudnika spletne storitve.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija imetniku pravic pri vsakem izplačilu zagotovi vsaj naslednje informacije:
- obdobje, na katerega se nanaša avtorski honorar za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, in ozemlja, na katerih so se uporabljale;
- avtorske honorarje, zbrane in razdeljene imetniku pravic, za vsako pravico za spletno
uporabo in glasbena dela;
- odbitke, povezane s stroški poslovanja kolektivne organizacije, za vsako pravico za spletno uporabo in glasbena dela;
- zbrane avtorske honorarje, odbitke in razdeljene avtorske honorarje, v zvezi z vsakim ponudnikom spletnih storitev.

64. člen

(sporazumi med kolektivnimi organizacijami pri izdajanju večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija lahko sklene sporazum (zastopana kolektivna organizacija) z drugo kolektivno organizacijo (pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija), s katerim jo pooblasti za izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del iz lastnega repertoarja. Sporazum ne sme vsebovati klavzule o izključnosti zastopanja, sicer je ničen.
(2) Zastopana kolektivna organizacija obvesti svoje člane o glavnih pogojih sporazuma, vključno z njegovim trajanjem in stroški poslovanja pooblaščene kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija redno obvešča zastopano kolektivno organizacijo o glavnih pogojih, pod katerimi izdaja licence, vključno z načinom uporabe glasbenega dela, vsemi določbami, ki se nanašajo ali vplivajo na avtorske honorarje, trajanjem licenc, obračunskimi obdobji in zajetimi ozemlji.
(4) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija natančno in v roku dveh delovnih dni razdeli avtorske honorarje zastopani kolektivni organizaciji v skladu s prejšnjim členom. Zastopana kolektivna organizacija je odgovorna za nadaljnjo delitev avtorskih honorarjev in posredovanje informacij iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena, razen če se kolektivni organizaciji dogovorita drugače.

65. člen

(obveznost zastopanja druge kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki ne izdaja ali ponuja izdaje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo enake avtorske pravice za glasbena dela iz lastnega repertoarja, mora zaprositi pooblaščeno kolektivno organizacijo za sklenitev neizključnega sporazuma o zastopanju.
(2) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija ne sme zavrniti prošnje, če sama že izdaja ali ponuja izdajo večozemeljskih licenc za istovrstno spletno uporabo glasbenih del iz repertoarja ene ali več drugih kolektivnih organizacij.
(3) Na prošnjo pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija odgovori pisno v dveh delovnih dneh.
(4) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija upravlja zastopani repertoar pod istimi pogoji kot lasten repertoar.
(5) Pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija vključi repertoar zastopane kolektivne organizacije v vse ponudbe, ki jih naslovi na ponudnike spletnih storitev.
(6) Za stroške poslovanja zastopanega repertoarja se smiselno uporablja 32. člen tega zakona.
(7) Zastopana kolektivna organizacija da na voljo pooblaščeni kolektivni organizaciji vse potrebne informacije v zvezi z lastnim repertoarjem za izdajanje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del. Če so te informacije nezadostne, lahko pooblaščena kolektivna organizacija zastopani kolektivni organizaciji zaračuna dodatne stroške ali izključi dela, za katera so bile predložene nezadostne informacije.

66. člen

(alternativno reševanje sporov pri večozemeljskih licencah)

Za spore med kolektivno organizacijo in ponudniki spletnih storitev ali enim ali več imetnikom pravic ali drugo kolektivno organizacijo se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 68. člena tega zakona.

67. člen

(pritožbeni postopki)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija zagotovi svojim članom, imetnikom pravic in kolektivnim organizacijam, s katerimi ima podpisan sporazum o zastopanju, učinkovito reševanje sporov, zlasti v zvezi s pooblastilom za upravljanje pravic, pogoji članstva, zbiranjem in delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev ter stroški poslovanja.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija mora na pritožbo odgovarjati pisno. Če pritožbi ne ugodi, jo mora obrazložiti.
(3) Zoper dokončno odločitev kolektivne organizacije je mogoča tožba, o kateri odloča sodišče, ki je po zakonu, ki ureja sodišča, pristojno za odločanje v sporih intelektualne lastnine.
(4) Postopki iz prvega odstavka tega člena morajo biti določeni v statutu kolektivne organizacije.

68. člen


(1) Kolektivna organizacija, reprezentativno združenje uporabnikov, uporabnik in imetnik pravic lahko na podlagi sporazuma o mediaciji predlagajo posredovanje mediatorja.
(2) Posredovanje mediatorja po drugem odstavku 166.c člena ZASP in 66. členu tega zakona se lahko zahteva brez sporazuma o mediaciji. V mediacijskih postopkih se smiselno uporabljajo določbe o mediaciji med kolektivno organizacijo in reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov.
(3) Mediator je neodvisen, nepristranski in ni vezan na nobena navodila.
(4) Mediator stori vse, kar je potrebno, da se stranke pogajajo v dobri veri in da pogajanj ne ovirajo brez utemeljenega razloga.
(5) Mediator lahko strankam predlaga rešitev spora. Šteje se, da so predlog sprejele, če nobena od njih ne ugovarja v treh mesecih od njegove vročitve.
(6) V postopku mediacije je zagotovljena tajnost.
(7) Stranki skupaj izbereta mediatorja s seznama mediatorjev, ki jih določi Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: vlada) na predlog ministra, pristojnega za gospodarstvo. Seznam mediatorjev vsebuje osebno ime ter naslov mediatorja.
(8) Pristojni organ zagotavlja mediatorju administrativno pomoč. (9) Za opravljeno mediacijo mediatorju stranke plačajo nagrado.
(10) Vlada z uredbo natančneje predpiše postopek mediacije, stopnjo in vrsto izobrazbe ter druge pogoje, ki jih mora izpolnjevati mediator, ter nagrado za mediatorja.

69. člen

(pristojnost nadzora)

(1) Nadzor na izvajanjem tega zakona izvaja pristojni organ, razen nad določbo osmega odstavka 40. člena, nad katero nadzor izvaja AJPES, in določbami 48. člena tega zakona, nad katero nadzor izvaja Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije.
(2) Pristojni organ izvaja nadzor v skladu z letnim programom dela, sprejetim v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja državno upravo. Poleg nadzora, ki je opredeljen v letnem programu dela, lahko pristojni organ opravi nadzor tudi po uradni dolžnosti ali na pobudo tretje osebe. Tretja oseba, ki pri pristojnem organu vloži pobudo za ukrepanje zoper kolektivno organizacijo, ni stranka v postopku.
(3) Pristojni organ ni pristojen za odločanje o sporih med imetniki pravic in kolektivno organizacijo ter med uporabniki in kolektivno organizacijo.

70. člen

(pooblastila nadzornega organa)

(1) Pristojni organ v okviru nadzora in za ta namen lahko:
1. vpogleda v poslovne knjige in druge dokumente kolektivne organizacije, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke;
2. zahteva od kolektivne organizacije informacije ali dokumente o njej ali njenem poslovanju, tudi če ti vsebujejo osebne ali druge varovane podatke;
3. zahteva od članov poslovodstva ali nadzornega odbora kolektivne organizacije ustno ali pisno pojasnilo o dejstvih ali dokumentih, ki se nanašajo na delovanje kolektivne organizacije.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija predloži informacije in dokumente iz prejšnjega odstavka pristojnemu organu v celoti. Pristojni organ varuje predložene informacije in dokumente v skladu s predpisi.
(3) Nadzor pristojnega organa se lahko nanaša na zadevo, ki ni starejša od pet let, razen če je bil postopek nadzora že uveden.
(4) V postopku nadzora se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek, če ta zakon ne določa drugače.

71. člen

(obveznost kolektivnih organizacij)

Kolektivna organizacija mora v 15 dneh od nastanka okoliščine ali dokumenta ali njegove pridobitve predložiti pristojnemu organu:
1. vabila na seje skupščine in drugih organov kolektivne organizacije, vključno z gradivom;
2. podatke o spremembi oseb, ki so v skladu z zakonom in statutom pooblaščene zastopati kolektivno organizacijo;
3. statut in druge notranje akte ter njihove spremembe;
4. vabilo za pogajanja za sklenitev skupnega sporazuma z reprezentativnim združenjem uporabnikov;
5. skupne sporazume z reprezentativnimi združenji uporabnikov;
6. začasne tarife;
7. sporazume s tujimi kolektivnimi organizacijami;
8. zapisnik sej skupščine kolektivne organizacije in vse gradivo iz sedmega odstavka 24. člena tega zakona;
9. pogodbo iz prvega odstavka 17. člena tega zakona in njene spremembe.

72. člen

(ukrepi pri kršitvah kolektivnih organizacij)

(1) Pristojni organ z odločbo kolektivni organizaciji odredi, da v določenem roku odpravi ugotovljeno kršitev določb tega zakona.
(2) Če kolektivna organizacija ne odpravi ugotovljene kršitve iz prejšnjega odstavka, lahko pristojni organ, če je to glede na težo kršitve primerno, odredi kolektivni organizaciji odpoklic članov poslovodstva kolektivne organizacije.
(3) Pristojni organ lahko z odločbo odvzame izdano dovoljenje, če:
1. nastanejo okoliščine, ki bi bile razlog za zavrnitev izdaje dovoljenja;
2. kolektivna organizacija v nasprotju z določbami tega zakona prenese opravljanje svojih nalog na zunanjega izvajalca;
3. kolektivna organizacija deli zbrana sredstva imetnikom pravic v nasprotju s tem zakonom
ali pravili o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
4. kolektivna organizacija večkrat krši določbe tega zakona in teh kršitev ne odpravi;
5. kolektivna organizacija ponavlja istovrstne kršitve, ugotovljene z izvršljivo odločbo pristojnega organa.
(4) Pristojni organ lahko z odločbo o odvzemu dovoljenja hkrati izreče, da se odvzem dovoljenja glede na težo kršitve ne bo izvršil, če bo kolektivna organizacija v določenem roku odpravila ugotovljene kršitve in če v določenemu roku, ki ne sme biti krajši od enega in ne daljši od treh let, ne bo storila nove kršitve, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje.
(5) Pristojni organ lahko izda odločbo po drugem ali tretjem odstavku tega člena le, če kolektivni organizaciji pred tem odredi odpravo ugotovljenih kršitev.
(6) Zoper odločbo ali sklep pristojnega organa ni dovoljena pritožba, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, o kateri odloča upravno sodišče na svojem sedežu.
(7) Odločba iz tretjega odstavka tega člena postane izvršljiva z dnem pravnomočnosti. Pristojni organ objavi obvestilo o pravnomočni odločbi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.

73. člen

(izmenjava informacij med pristojnimi organi)

(1) Pristojni organ mora na ustrezno utemeljeno prošnjo, zlasti glede delovanja kolektivnih organizacij, pristojnemu organu iz druge države članice, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja posredovati ustrezna pojasnila oziroma informacije, če z njimi razpolaga.
(2) Če pristojni organ meni, da kolektivna organizacija s sedežem v drugi državi članici, ki deluje v Republiki Sloveniji, ni usklajena s pravom države članice, v kateri ima sedež, sprejetim na podlagi Direktive 2014/26/EU, lahko vse ustrezne informacije posreduje pristojnemu organu države članice, kjer ima kolektivna organizacija sedež, in lahko, kadar je to ustrezno, od tega organa zahteva, da sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, ki so v njegovi pristojnosti.

74. člen

(obveščanje Komisije in skupine strokovnjakov)

(1) Pristojni organ brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvešča Komisijo o vsaki spremembi seznama kolektivnih organizacij, ustanovljenih v Republiki Sloveniji.
(2) Pristojni organ o kršitvah iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena obvesti tudi skupino strokovnjakov, ustanovljeno na podlagi 41. člena Direktive 2014/26/EU.

75. člen

(individualno upravljanje do izdaje dovoljenja)

Pravice, ki se po tem zakonu upravljajo samo kolektivno, se lahko upravljajo individualno, dokler pristojni organ ne izda dovoljenja za njihovo kolektivno upravljanje.

76. člen

(razdelitev premoženja)

(1) Vse premoženje, ki ga je dotedanja kolektivna organizacija pridobila v času trajanja odvzetega dovoljenja, vsi zbrani in neizplačani avtorski honorarji in nadomestila, prihodki, pridobljeni iz bančnih depozitov, ter sredstva namenskih skladov so last imetnikov pravic, katerih pravice je kolektivna organizacija upravljala do odvzema dovoljenja, in ga mora imetnikom pravic razdeliti najpozneje v 12 mesecih od pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja. Za razdelitev se uporabljajo pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev, kot so veljala na dan izdaje odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja. Premoženje, ki ga po teh pravilih ni mogoče razdeliti, se razdeli po enakih deležih glede na avtorske honorarje, ki so po pravilih delitve dodeljeni imetnikom pravic.
(2) Pravna oseba mora v treh mesecih od dneva pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja pristojnemu organu posredovati poročilo, ki ga mora sestaviti po stanju na dan pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja.
(3) Pravna oseba mora v šestih mesecih od izteka roka za razdelitev premoženja iz prvega odstavka tega člena posredovati pristojnemu organu zaključno poročilo, ki ga mora sestaviti po stanju na dan izteka roka za razdelitev premoženja iz prvega odstavka tega člena, skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom. Zaključno poročilo mora pregledati pooblaščeni revizor na način in pod pogoji, določenimi z zakonom, ki ureja revidiranje.
(4) Za sestavo poročil iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 40. in 41. člena tega zakona.
(5) Poročili iz drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena pristojni organ objavi na spletni strani AJPES in na svoji spletni strani.
(6) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za druge primere prenehanja dovoljenja.

77. člen

(prekrški kolektivne organizacije)

(1) Z globo od 3.500 do 6.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje kolektivna organizacija, če:
- ne predlaga v roku vpisa firme ali imena v register (drugi odstavek 15. člena);
- ne obvesti pristojnega organa o sklenitvi, spremembi in odpovedi pogodbe z zunanjim izvajalcem (peti odstavek 17. člena);
- ne objavi evidenc na spletni strani (deveti odstavek 19. člena);
- ne posodablja podatkov v evidencah (deseti odstavek 19. člena);
- se na skupščini ne piše zapisnika ali zapisnik ni v roku objavljen na spletni strani kolektivne organizacije (četrti odstavek 25. člena);
- član nadzornega odbora in poslovodstva ne poda vsako leto na skupščini pisne individualne izjave o nasprotju interesov in izjava o nasprotju interesov ne vsebuje vseh
informacij (29. člen);
- ne upošteva posebnih primerov delitve (31. člen);
- najmanj enkrat letno imetnikom pravic in tujim kolektivnim organizacijam ne posreduje informacij (prvi in drugi odstavek 38. člena);
- ne objavi prosto dostopno informacij in podatkov (39. člen);
- ne sestavi letnega poročila v roku (peti odstavek 40. člena);
- letnega poročila skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom ne predloži AJPES (osmi odstavek 40. člena);
- posebnega poročila revizije v roku ne objavi na svoji spletni strani (peti odstavek 43. člena).
(2) Z globo 3.500 do 6.000 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba kolektivne organizacije, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.
(3) Z globo od 4.000 do 7.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje kolektivna organizacija, če:
- ne vodi evidenc (šesti in osmi odstavek 19. člena);
- zbranih avtorskih honorarjev ter prihodkov, pridobljenih iz bančnih depozitov, ne vodi na ločenih računih za vsako vrsto avtorskih pravic posebej (prva alineja drugega odstavka
30. člena);
- ne upošteva rokov v zvezi z delitvijo avtorskih honorarjev (34., 35. in 36. člen);
- ne ravna v skladu z zahtevo pristojnega organa (prvi odstavek 70. člena);
- ne posreduje v roku dokumentov (71. člen).
(4) Z globo 4.000 do 7.000 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba kolektivne organizacije, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

78. člen

(prekrški pravnih oseb, samostojnih podjetnikov posameznikov in posameznikov, ki samostojno opravljajo dejavnost)

(1) Z globo od 600 do 6.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, samostojni podjetnik posameznik ali posameznik, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, če:
- pristojni kolektivni organizacije ne pošlje v roku in obliki, določenima v tem zakonu ali skupnem sporazumu, podatkov o uporabi avtorskih del iz njenega repertoarja (prvi odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji v roku ne pošlje sporedov vseh uporabljenih del ali, kadar to ni mogoče, drugih podatkov, potrebnih za izračun avtorskega honorarja (drugi
odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji enkrat mesečno ne pošlje in na svoji spletni strani javno ne objavi sporedov oddajanih avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije (tretji
odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji enkrat mesečno ne pošlje podatkov o uporabi avtorskih del iz repertoarja kolektivne organizacije (četrti odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji v roku ne pošlje podatkov, ki so potrebni za izračun
dolžnega nadomestila, kot so vrsta in število prodanih izvirnikov, zavezanci in maloprodajna cena brez javnih dajatev (peti odstavek 48. člena);
- pristojni kolektivni organizaciji, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do
nadomestila iz 37. člena ZASP, ob koncu vsakega polletja ne pošlje podatkov o vrsti in številu prodanih ali uvoženih naprav za tonsko in vizualno snemanje, naprav za fotokopiranje, praznih nosilcev zvoka ali slike ter podatkov o prodanih fotokopijah, ki so potrebni za izračun dolžnega nadomestila (šesti odstavek 48. člena).
(2) Z globo od 600 do 3.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba pravne osebe, samostojnega podjetnika posameznika ali posameznika, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

79. člen

(drugi prekrški pravnih oseb)

(1) Z globo od 1.200 do 8.400 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, če pristojnemu organu ne posreduje v roku poročila in zaključnega poročila skupaj z revizorjevim poročilom (drugi in tretji odstavek 76. člena).
(2) Z globo od 1.200 do 4.800 eurov se kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba pravne osebe, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

80. člen

(izrek globe)

Za prekrške iz tega zakona se sme v hitrem postopku izreči globa tudi v znesku, ki je višji od najnižje predpisane globe, določene v tem zakonu.

81. člen

(uskladitev z določbami tega zakona)

(1) Kolektivna organizacija, ki že ima dovoljenje pristojnega organa za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, se uskladi z določbami tega zakona v enem letu od uveljavitve tega zakona.
(2) Kolektivna organizacija iz prejšnjega odstavka mora po poteku roka iz prejšnjega odstavka posredovati pristojnemu organu:
1. statut;
2. pravila o delitvi zbranih avtorskih honorarjev;
3. pravila o uporabi nerazdeljenih zneskov avtorskih honorarjev;
4. pravila o politiki vlaganja avtorskih honorarjev v bančne depozite in uporabi teh prihodkov;
5. pravila o stroških poslovanja;
6. pravila o namenskih skladih;
7. pravila o obvladovanju tveganj in
8. repertoar.
(3) Če kolektivna organizacija ne predloži pristojnemu organu dokumentov iz prejšnjega odstavka, ali če predloženi dokumenti niso v skladu z določbami tega zakona, pristojni organ ravna v skladu z 72. členom tega zakona.
(4) Kolektivna organizacija iz prvega odstavka tega člena se uskladi s 40., 41. in
42. členom tega zakona za prvo poslovno leto, ki se začne po 31. decembru 2016.
(5) Postopki nadzora, ali kolektivna organizacija izvaja naloge v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice, začeti pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se dokončajo po doslej veljavnih predpisih.
(6) Pri odločanju o zahtevah za izdajo dovoljenja za kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic, o katerih na dan uveljavitve tega zakona še ni bila izdana dokončna odločba, se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.
(7) Postopki, ki so bili začeti in vodeni na podlagi 3. točke prvega odstavka 149. člena ZASP, se na dan uveljavitve tega zakona ustavijo.
(8) Tarife in skupni sporazumi, ki so veljavni na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se štejejo kot veljavni skupni sporazumi po določbah tega zakona.
(9) Postopki sodnega varstva zoper odločbe Sveta, ki na dan uveljavitve tega zakona tečejo po 157.d členu ZASP, se dokončajo po doslej veljavnih predpisih.

82. člen

(uskladitev predpisov)

(1) Vlada uskladi določbe Uredbe o mediaciji v sporih v zvezi z avtorsko ali sorodnimi pravicami (Uradni list RS, št. 35/05) z določbami tega zakona v šestih mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona.
(2) Svet sprejme poslovnik iz četrtega odstavka 49. člena tega zakona v treh mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona. Do njegove uveljavitve se uporabljajo tiste določbe Poslovnika Sveta za avtorsko pravo (Uradni list RS, št. 87/12), ki niso v nasprotju s tem zakonom.

83. člen

(obvestilo imetnikom pravic)

Kolektivna organizacija, ki že ima dovoljenje pristojnega organa za kolektivno upravljanje pravic, do 10. oktobra 2016 obvesti imetnike pravic, ki so jo pooblastili za upravljanje avtorske pravice do uveljavitve tega zakona, o njihovih pravicah iz 18. člena tega zakona.

84. člen

(dostop do izdajanja večozemeljskih licenc)

(1) Če kolektivna organizacija do 10. aprila 2017 nima dovoljenja za večozemeljsko kolektivno upravljanje avtorske pravice na glasbenih delih ali ga ima, pa licenc ne podeljuje, ali ne sklene sporazuma z drugo kolektivno organizacijo za zastopanje, lahko imetnik pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del za namene izdaje večozemeljske licence pooblasti drugo kolektivno organizacijo, ki ima tako dovoljenje.
(2) Če imetnik pravic uresniči pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka, kolektivna organizacija, ki ne podeljuje večozemeljskih licenc za spletno uporabo glasbenih del, ne sme zahtevati umika pravice za spletno uporabo glasbenih del za namene izdaje enoozemeljske licence.

85. člen

(začasna tarifa za privatno reproduciranje)

Kolektivna organizacija, ki ima dovoljenje za kolektivno upravljanje pravice do pravičnega nadomestila za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje iz 37. člena ZASP, lahko sprejme začasno tarifo ob upoštevanju določb o začasni tarifi iz 45. člena tega zakona ter drugega in tretjega odstavka 46. člena tega zakona.

86. člen

(mandat Sveta)

Mandat obstoječemu Svetu preneha pet let po uveljavitvi tega zakona.

87. člen


(1) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona prenehajo veljati:
- 3. točka prvega odstavka 1. člena, četrti odstavek 38. člena, 39. člen, VI. poglavje, 1., 2. in 3. točka prvega odstavka 185. člena ter tretji in četrti odstavek 189. člena Zakona o
avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo,
68/08, 110/13 in 56/15);
- Uredba o arbitraži v sporih v zvezi z avtorsko ali sorodnimi pravicami (Uradni list RS, št.
(2) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona se v drugem odstavku 72. člena Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (Uradni list RS, št. 16/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 68/08,
110/13 in 56/15) črta besedilo »iz tega zakona«.
(3) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona preneha veljati Uredba o zneskih nadomestil za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje (Uradni list RS, št. 103/06), uporablja pa se do uveljavitve začasne tarife iz 85. člena tega zakona.

88. člen

(začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike
Št. 120-01/16-4/75
Ljubljana, dne 22. septembra 2016
EPA 1174-VII
Državni zbor Republike Slovenije dr. Milan Brglez l.r. Predsednik

Законодательство Заменено следующим актом (1 текст(ов)) Заменено следующим актом (1 текст(ов)) Справочный индекс документа ВТО
Данные недоступны.

№ в WIPO Lex SI004