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Law of the State Emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan

 Law of the State Emblem



19 SAUR 1353

ARTICLE 1: The State emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan constitutes two ears of wheat, mebrab and member, an eagle and a rising sun.


The ears of wheat which form a circle from two sides of the emblem and encircles other parts of the emblem symbolizes the fact that Afghanistan is an agricultural country, and agriculture is the occupation of most of the Afghan people, who are furriers.

These two ears of wheat, at the bottom of the circle, are connected together with a band on the face of which, on the right and left parts stands the words Da Afghanistan Jamhouriat (Republic of Afghanistan), and in the middle part is the year 1352, which is the year of the founding of the republican regims in Afghanistan. Above the year stands 28 Changash, which is the day of the revolution.


Mehrab and monbar stand in the middle of the emblem. These are symbols of the place of XXXX of Moalsms, and the pulpit from which believers are invited to seek the way of salvation.


Ancient and modern Afghanistan is a mountainous country. Ancient Afghanistan was referred to as the land beyond the flight of the eagle, and its lofty mountains are the abodes of eagles. The eagle is the protector and the defender of its nest. Likewise, the people of this country throughout their long history have defended their home and their mountainous land against alien conquerors and intruders, and like eagles, they have not let others acquire a position of dominance and sovereignty on the land of these people.


The rising sun symbolizes the new republican Afghanistan which came into being on Saratan 26, 1352, and this revolution was supported and welcomed by the absolute majority of the people of Afghanistan.

ARTICLE 2: The State emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan may be used in the following instances:

a. On national flags of Afghanistan in accordance with the provisions of the flag law of Afghanistan, and in military banners in accordance with the army regulations.

b. On letters and XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX establishments. c. On State decrees. d. On official publications such as laws, pamphlets, manuals, etc. e. On medals, in has relief, of metal, XXXX, and other materials and on the doors of

major State organizations, and in the walls of halls and buildings, and as small metal medallions which are placed on garments.

f. On official stamps of State organizations. g. On industrial products of Afghanistan. h. On the top of cases and encasements of industrial productions made in

Afghanistan. i. On security documents, XXXX and paper money. j. On military and police garments in accordance with special respective

regulations. k. On the furniture, and utensils of official halls. l. In other instances approved by the Government.

ARTICLE 3: The State emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan, which stands on the national flag of Afghanistan, has a light yellow and coffee color. The ground of the emblem is yellow and outstanding parts are in coffee color.

The dimension of the emblem is relative to the proportions of the flag, which is ascertained in the flag law.

ARTICLE 4: Installation of the emblem of Afghanistan on unfinished and deserted buildings, stables, and kitchens is not permissible.

ARTICLE 5: The State emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan, household effects and other things that bear the emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan shall not be left under feet.

ARTICLE 6: The State emblem of the Republic of Afghanistan, when old and worn out, shall be buried.

ARTICLE 7: XXXX or has relief forms of the State emblems of the Republic of Afghanistan, all dimensions and proportions of the ears of wheat, mehrab and monbar, eagle and rising sun should be preserved. No change or tampering is permissible with these proportions.