October 11, 2021
WIPO member states have decided to discontinue WIPO’s digital timestamping service, WIPO PROOF, considering the rapid evolution of the market in the field and a re-evaluation of the business case for the service.
The service will be formally discontinued on February 1, 2022. While the creation of tokens will not be possible as of that date, WIPO will assure continuity to existing customers for the next 5 years.
The decision was taken at the WIPO General Assembly meeting in October, following review of the pilot project that was launched in May 2020.
The WIPO Secretariat informed member states that since the initial feasibility studies, the market has evolved quickly, driven by the accelerated digitalization. This resulted in a re-evaluation of the business needs and a decision to discontinue the service.
For more information, please refer to the WIPO PROOF website and FAQs.