WIPO Assemblies Side-Event: Maximizing the Power of Diversity – Workshop on Inclusive Leadership, Cultural Intelligence and Unconscious Bias
October 5, 2019
A one-day-workshop on 'Inclusive Leadership, Cultural Intelligence and Unconscious Bias' was held on October 5, 2019, for delegates to the 2019 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO. The workshop aimed to provide an understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion and its impact on innovation; to support leaders in leading inclusively; and to develop greater sensitivity to diversity and inclusion by exploring adaptive strategies around culture and bias mitigation.
The highly interactive day started with an analysis of research on the connection between diversity and creativity, innovation, personnel morale, productivity and global values to support a business case for Diversity and Inclusion.
It continued with practical simulations, group work and individual self-assessment exercises focusing on personal leadership strategies, inclusive behaviors, cultural communication styles, awareness of unconscious bias as well as diversity insights and skills.
"I recommend the workshop because it provides with a better understanding about conflict resolutions strategies as well as tools to better adapt and understand diversity and inclusion."
— Martin Correa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Chile to the WTO and WIPO (Photos: WIPO/Berrod)
"The leadership workshops provides a safe space to share, review and examine your leadership style, and offer tools to facilitate improvements and growth, both personally and professionally."
— Lilyclaire Bellamy, Executive Director, Jamaica Intellectual Property Office
"The workshop is a wonderful way of learning about cultural differences and how we can best understand each other and communicate in a diverse environment."
— Carolina Paranhos Coelho, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the WTO and other international organizations in Geneva
"An opportunity to see the world with one heart through different and multiple lenses. I left this workshop with a heightened self-awareness, improved knowledge and skills that area adaptable to every situation and workspace. It gave me a light-bulb-moment realization of the huge potential in diversity and teamwork. It revealed to me how equal we are in all circumstances despite our strength and differences."
— Dr. Amina Smaila Amira, Minister, Permanent Mission of Nigeria
"I feel satisfied and encourage WIPO to continue to organize this type of workshop every year for delegates."
— Théophile Olivier Bosse, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Cameroon
"Felicito a la OMPI resta excelente iniciativa. Estoy muy agradecida por la experiencia, la calidad del taller, la hospitalidad de la OMPI, y los conocimientos adquiridos. De forma dinámica y amena, he adquirido herramientas útiles no solo para mi desempeño profesional, sino también para todas las áreas de mi vida. Lo recomiendo ampliamente y quisiera poder participar en futuras actividades de este tipo."
— Violeta Fonseca, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Venezuela
"I found the workshop to be very interesting : it provided me with a better understanding of the importance of diversity and helped me further explore adaptive strategies around different cultures."
— Véronique Brutus, Trade Attaché, Permanent Mission of Seychelles
The facilitator, Dr. Alan Richter, used several assessment and analytical tools during the day, such as the Global Diversity Survey (GDS) assessment – that was offered free of charge to participants – and the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory.
At the end of the day, participants developed a personal action plan based on the personalized results in the GDS and received tailored feedback from Dr. Richter.