World IP Day 2003 - Activity Reports

The following is a selection of events planned by various countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in observance of World Intellectual Property Day:



A series of activities will be organized for the staff of the Intellectual Property Office of Australia (IP Australia) on April 30, 2003, as part of the celebration of World IP Day.

These activities are:

  • A recreate-a-thon to encourage staff to create and invent will be organized that morning. A �creative pack', with a range of materials, will be distributed to the staff of each section in IP Australia who will be asked to construct a well-known invention, design or trade mark with these materials. These will be brought along to the "Ippy Hour" (an afternoon networking session or happy hour) to be judged with prizes awarded to the three best �constructions'.
  • An Intellectual Property Quiz, to test staff on their knowledge on the subject of intellectual property, will be e-mailed every hour, to all IP Australia staff, with prizes awarded for correct responses.
  • A staff seminar "Beer, Bytes and IP Rights" on how intellectual property has aided the success of Australian businesses, featuring a local Canberra software company, The Distillery, and global premium-branded beverage company, Fosters.
  • 4. The IP Australia website homepage will be updated to incorporate a message on World Intellectual Property Day to reinforce the benefits of good intellectual property management to business.


The Minister of Information marked the Day by making a statement which was publicized by the media. He notably spoke of the country's success in fighting piracy: an example is that film piracy in Bahrain dropped from 95 per cent in 1998 to 15 per cent in 2002.

The Minister in general highlighted the country's commitment to intellectual property rights in order to preserve achievement, secure a healthy economic climate, and provide new opportunities for investors; he referred to Bahrains's membership of WTO in 1994 and of WIPO in 1995 in this connection.

This year's Intellectual Property Day message, by the Director General of WIPO, was printed in the Bahrain Tribune.


The activities undertaken on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day included a poster campaign, a press release of the message of the Director General of WIPO, the publication of an article on intellectual property in the most popular newspaper in Belize, and the posting of a banner for the Day on the website of the Intellectual Property Office of Belize.


Bermuda is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom and although as such not a Member State of WIPO , will nevertheless celebrate World Intellectual Property Day.

The Bermuda Intellectual Property Office will be publishing articles on intellectual property in the weekly newspapers and the internal Government magazine, as well as giving it coverage on the radio.


The works of local artists and craftsmen will be put on display to celebrate IP Day, followed by a musical talent competition, which will be held in the evening.

Throughout the day, useful information material on intellectual property will be distributed. For these purposes, translation of some selected WIPO publications into the local language has already begun.

Bhutan - Addendum

The works of local artists and craftsmen displayed on April 25 and 26 will also be put on sale. The works will be literary, artistic and creative such as textile designs, photographic work, paintings, books, audio-visual and musical recordings.

The musical talent competition is being held for singers and performers of Bhutanese songs, music and dance. In the evening there will be a Reception hosted by the Minister or Head of Secretariat of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.


A one-day seminar with presentations on areas of intellectual property, patents and utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, traditional knowledge and copyright, was organized for the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day.


The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria celebrated World Intellectual Property Day for the second time.

A round table was organized on April 25 at the Varna Intellectual Property Center to discuss the "Problems of the Law-Enforcing Bodies in Connection with the Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights".

An exhibition "A Century of the History of Industrial Property Titles of Protection" was organized at the Patent Office.

On the occasion of the Day, staff of the Patent Office and institutions and experts working in the field of intellectual property were congratulated, and the staff of the Office were offered drinks.

News of the celebration of the Day appeared in the intellectual property magazine, on the Patent Office's website, on other specialized websites and in the local press.


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) promoted the Day on various government Websites and through e-mails to other business-related organizations, encouraging everyone to learn about intellectual property and the advantages associated with "making it their business".

Posters were sent out for use at several Canadian Business Service Centres. An essay-writing contest was held inviting users to describe how they "made IP their business". Winners had their entries published on the CIPO Website and received a participation prize.

A display was set up near the CIPO's Client Service Centre during the week of April 21. The celebration for the Day was held on April 25 for the CIPO staff, in which employees were thanked for their achievements.


The celebration of World Intellectual Property Day will take place on April 26, 2003 with a talk by the Minister of Industrial Development, of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and of Handicrafts, which will be broadcast on radio and television.

C�te d'Ivoire

On April 25, 2003, there will be an open day at the Copyright Office, with exhibitions of cultural industries at the Palais de la Culture. In the evening, a message from the Minister for Culture and Francophony will be broadcast on the radio. A WIPO documentary "Creating the Future Today" will be televised, followed by a debate on the theme of "literary and artistic rights; what are the stakes for development in the Ivory Coast?"

On April 26, 2003 there will be an exhibition throughout the day, starting with the welcoming of guests followed by talks and seminars. A conference will be held followed by the showing of the WIPO film. There will be a roundtable for discussion before the closing ceremony and an artistic evening event.


The Cuban Industrial Property Office and provincial industrial property authorities celebrated the Day by organizing, in various provinces of the country, workshops for the training of those involved in the "Sistema Nacional de Propiedad Industrial". These activities were reported on in the national media.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Industrial Property Office used material provided by WIPO at a scientific matin�e organized by the Office on April 26 for intellectual property agents, industrialists, entrepreneurs, businessmen, small and medium-sized enterprises, researchers and others involved in the field of intellectual property.

El Salvador

This year's IP Day events, to be held from April 21 to 25, will be in the form of a celebration by the Intellectual Property Office of El Salvador on the theme of "Copyright and Folklore Week". The use of speakers and illustrative materials is envisaged.

El Salvador - Addendum

From April 22 to April 25, a bookfair will be held at the Universidad Politecnica de El Salvador. A forum will be televised on April 23, on the Televisi�n Cultural Educativa channel. On April 25, a ceremony will take place for the recognition of outstanding national artists, and at the Universidad Politecnica de El Salvador there will be discussions on intellectual property rights, a presentation of a folkloric dance group and a poetry recital.

An activity to design an advertisement for the World Intellectual Property Day, with the slogan "Only let your originality show", will also be organized.


On April 26 Estonia will celebrate World Intellectual Property Day for the third time. The Estonian Patent Office will organise a free two-day seminar along this year's theme to celebrate the event. The seminar, "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Intellectual Property", will take place on April 29 and 30.

Estonia - Tallinn Technical University

An International Innovation and Licensing Conference with the theme "Intellectual Property as an Investment - Make a Profit or Suffer Losses" will be held at the Tallinn Technical University, on April 22, with the collaboration of the Estonian Technology Agency, the ESTIRC programme and the Innovation and Patent Bureau. There will be speakers from Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands.

The topics of the Conference will be innovation policy in Estonia, intellectual property and technology development, licensing of research results, knowledge of the market, intellectual property rights (IPRs) policy in Tallinn Technical University, systematic creativity for innovation and evolutionary potential, and financial possibilities (resources) for protecting IPRs.

Estonia - Estonian Patent Library

The Estonian Patent Library is organizing an exhibition on industrial property and the role of the Library, from April 16 to April 30.


The World Intellectual Property Day will be celebrated on April 26, 2003 with the broadcasting of the WIPO film "Creative Planet" on local television.

Ethiopia - Addendum

On April 26, a half-day discussion forum, with the theme of "Intellectual Property Protection in Ethiopia - Challenges and Prospects", will be organized for intellectual property right-owners, potential creators, entrepreneurs, professionals from research and development institutions, representatives from government bodies and from the chamber of commerce, patent agents and journalists.

The forum will begin with an opening speech, followed by a reading of the message from the Director General of WIPO, then a presentation and discussion on intellectual property issues in Ethiopia.

Information material will be put on display on IP Day and there will be a press release on the celebration of the Day.

Ethiopia - Addendum 2

During the week of April 21, the offices of the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission were open to visitors, and brochures explaining its activities as well as other relevant intellectual property materials were distributed.


On April 26, a month-long celebration began, organized jointly by the Fiji Copyright Committee and the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for trademarks and patents. The Day opened with an address by the Solicitor-General, followed by presentations on intellectual property laws given by the Chairman of the Fiji Law Reform Commission, the Chairperson of FPRA (Fiji Performing Right Association), representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the University of the South Pacific. The Chairperson of FPRA announced the organization of an essay competition on copyright, the two winners of which will receive cash prizes.

The first week, beginning on April 28, was devoted to discussions on cultural affairs, organized by the Ministry of Fijian Affairs. This was followed by another week in which the Solicitor-General's Office and the Fiji Law Reform Commission organized events to raise awareness of copyright, with the participation of members of the legal profession, customs, and the police. The third week was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade and the Ministry of Trade, Commerce, Business Development and Investment, in which articles were published in the press, and awareness events were held. In the final week, beginning on May 19, the Ministry of Justice hosted meetings and discussions most particularly on patents, trademarks and designs.


Activities for the Day were held from April 24 to 29.

The objective was to raise public awareness of intellectual property issues and their relevance to socio-economic development. Persons closely involved in this campaign were Mrs. Elizabeth Owiredu-Gyampoh, Registrar-General, Mr. Bosumprah, a Copyright Administrator in the Copyright Office, Ms. Vera Bampo-Addo of the Registrar-General's Department, and Mr. Yeboah Asuamah of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. The means used were a launch of the program in the Registrar-General's Department, and live discussions and evaluations which were given publicity by the media.

The message of the Director General of WIPO was printed in several local newspapers and broadcast on local radio stations.


Activities with the theme of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises will be organized to celebrate Intellectual Property Day.

Hong Kong

The local newspaper "The Standard" contained a special supplement for this year's Day. It featured the message of the Director General of WIPO, and a policy address by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr. Henry Tang. Several articles, carrying statements made by Mr. Stephen Selby, Director of Intellectual Property, Mr. Cheung King-fung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Inventors' Association, and Mr. Freeman Lau, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Federation of Design Association, were also printed in the issue of Saturday April 26: they all emphasized the potential of Hong Kong in terms of creativity and productivity, and the need for stakeholders to make full use of intellectual property rights.


This year's celebrations focused on the art of film. The celebrations took place in the newly refurbished national film theatre "Ur�nia".

On April 25, a cultural festival was opened by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Science, a film director and the President of the Hungarian Patent Office. Millenium prizes were awarded to well-known public and private institutions: a museum, a research center, a computer society and a video-cassette publisher.

Three films were shown: a documentary on patents and copyright, another documentary film "Hungarian Workshop" on inventions from the 1930s to the 1970s, and a third film entitled "From Europe to Europe", about the cultural implications of Hungary's entry into the European Union.

A concert of Hungarian historical folklore and world music was performed by the Ghymes Band.

India - Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

A session on "Global Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Protection and Partnership", with the topic, "Valuation of IPRs in Electronic and Information Technology" will take place on April 29 at the India Habitat Centre.

India - National Research Development Corporation

A session on "Patent Protection, Valuation and Commercialization", with the topic, "Safeguarding of Patents and Infringement of Patent Rights" will be held at the India International Centre on April 28.

India - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

A conference on "Rural Marketing and Communications", with the topic "Spurious Products and its Implications on Corporates" will take place at the Federation House in New Delhi on April 24.

India - National Intellectual Property Organization of India

The National Intellectual Property Organization (NIPO) is organizing an Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) week. A seminar on "IPRs and their Implications for Indian Economy and Business" will be held at the India Habitat Center in New Delhi on April 17, and a souvenir will be offered on April 26. The seminar will be inaugurated by the Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, in which the speakers will be Mr. Shahid Alikhan, former Deputy Director General of WIPO, and Mr. Parvin Anand, a well-known intellectual property attorney.

India - National Intellectual Property Organization of India - Addendum

The seminar on "IPRs and their Implications for Indian Economy and Business" will be discussing the topic "Piracy and its Impact on Film/Music/Software and Related Industries."

India - National Intellectual Property Organization of India - Addendum 2

The seminar was attended by trade and economic specialists from the US Embassy, Embassy of Switzerland, South African High Commission, United Nations Organization, senior State and Central Governmental officers, legal experts, representatives of trade and industry, of non-governmental organizations, and by academicians and representatives of prominent universities.

Speakers took up themes such as the implications of the TRIPS Agreement for public health and society in the WTO Trade Ministers' Conference to be held in Mexico in September 2003, the links between protection of intellectual property, enhancement of competitiveness in international trade and socio-economic growth, the effect of piracy on industry and legal measures to combat it, and intellectual property rights for the visual arts.


A series of activities, with the theme of "Capacity Building of Small and Medium Scale Industries in the Implementation of the National Intellectual Property System", will be organized by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights.

A national seminar will be held on April 29, 2003, and a national exhibition from April 29 to May 1, 2003. Both these activities will be opened by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights.

Indonesia - Addendum

The World Intellectual Property Organization sent a speaker, Mr. Marzano de Marinis, Associate Legal Expert, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Division, to give a presentation at the national seminar which was held on April 29, 2003.


WIPO posters relating to the Day were displayed in the public offices of the Irish Patents Office.

The message from the Director General of WIPO as well as a general note on intellectual property were posted on the websites of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the Irish Patents Office. ( and

Any letters sent from April 15 to April 30, 2003 by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and by the Patents Office have the following message printed on them: "World Intellectual Property Day 26 April. See ".


The Jamaican Intellectual Property Organization (JIPO) will continue its tradition of celebrating a week of activities around the theme of intellectual property, falling this year from April 22 to 27.

A special newspaper feature will include the Director General's message and messages from the Minister of Commerce, Science and Technology, Phillip Paulwell. There will be a press launch of the Songwriters' Guild and a discussion on "Right to Copy" on April 23. An open house and exhibition on intellectual property rights will be held at the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office on April 24 and 25. A seminar on "Facilitating Copyright Compliance" will be hosted by the Jamaica Copyright Licensing Agency at the Terra Nova Hotel on April 25. There will also be a Songwriters' Guild Launch Party and Boot Camp Jam on April 25.

On the Day, the Intellectual Property Service Centre (IPC) will make a presentation on "Come Mek Wi Reason Rights" at the Altamount Court Hotel. The Intellectual Property week will conclude with a service of thanksgiving at the Bethel Apostolic Church on April 27. All these activities will be open to the public.


April 26, 2003 has been declared the National Intellectual Property Day in Kyrgyzstan, which will also be celebrated simultaneously with the World Intellectual Property Day.

In 2002, a competition was held in the framework of the celebration of the 10 th anniversary of the Kyrgyzstan Patent Office. The award ceremony will be held on April 18, 2003, during the Conference devoted to World Intellectual Property Day.

Medals will be awarded for the most distinguished inventor, for the best woman inventor, for the best young inventor, and a WIPO Creativity Award will be presented as a reward for artistic activities and activities related to copyright in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan - Addendum

Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 as it is also the National Intellectual Property Day.

On April 10, a seminar on "Legal Protection of Results of Scientific Technical Activity" and "Commercialization and Valuation of the Intellectual Property" took place for the celebration of World Intellectual Property Day and National Intellectual Property Day . Over 180 leading scientists from 20 sectoral research establishments, 16 higher education schools and 13 research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as representatives from the International scientific-technical center of Russia, took part in this seminar.

On April 15, an exhibition-competition for young Kyrgyz artists was organized in cooperation with the National Academy of Arts, with prizes awarded by Kyrgyzpatent.

A seminar concerning the protection of industrial property was organized on April 15 and 16 with the participation of an industrial property EU consultant, and of representatives of legal fields, customs organizations and the public prosecutor's office.

On April 25, a conference on "The Role of Kyrgyzpatent in the Formation and Development of the Intellectual Property System in Kyrgyzstan during 10 Years" took place on the occasion of the Day.

Educational films "Legal Protection of Trade marks", "Copyright" and "Inventions and Innovation" were broadcast on local television.

A permanent exhibition of special literature and documentation dedicated to the World and the National Intellectual Property Day has been organized.

On April 25, following last year's competition for the best inventions and creative activities, a WIPO awards ceremony took place to reward the winners. Medals were awarded to the best inventor, the best woman inventor, and the best young inventor. A WIPO award will also be presented, early in the month of May, to the famous Kyrgyz writer Aitmatov Chingyz Toreculovich for his outstanding creative achievements.


Calendar of activities organized in the area of copyright and related rights for World IP Day:

  • On April 24 Lithuanian Related Rights Association (AGATA) will honor the most popular performers and phonogram producers of the year.
  • On April 25 a WIPO Creativity Award will be granted and the national seminar/debate on "New Aspects of Legal Regulation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property in Lithuania" will be held by the Ministry of Culture.
  • On April 25 under the coordination of the Agency of Lithuanian Copyright and Protection Association the nomination of "Author of 2002" will be presented.
  • The website of the Ministry of Culture will be updated to incorporate the World IP Day message to highlight the benefits of intellectual property.


World Intellectual Property Day was celebrated jointly by the Malagasy Industrial Property Office and the Malagasy Copyright Office.

A press conference was held around the Day's theme "Make Intellectual Property Your Business". The mass media were also used to increase public awareness of the importance of intellectual property for the development of the country.

The message of the Director General of WIPO was printed in the main daily newspapers (Midi Madagasikara, Madagascar Tribune, L'Expresse de Madagascar, and La Gazette de la Grande Ile).


Interviews were broadcast on local radio stations to raise the awareness of intellectual property rights and especially the importance of respecting copyright.

A full page article, "Catching Them Young", was published in a leading local newspaper. The purpose of the article was to create awareness within schools, by explaining the concept of intellectual property and the importance of creating a culture where intellectual property is treated like any other physical property.

A press conference was televised on main local channels and given coverage in popular newspapers, and a number of original artistic objects created by local artists were displayed at the conference venue. A Parliamentary Secretary responsible for the Commerce Division, the Director General of the Commerce Division and the local Association Against Copyright Theft all highlighted the importance of respect for intellectual property. The press conference ended with a rock concert given by local bands.

An evening of rock music, entitled "Inconnu", was organized by four local rock bands who played their own original music. Posters on the theme of the activity were posted around the venue. The comp�re was a well-known personality in the music scene who delivered a message on the value of intellectual property, emphasizing the benefits of buying original recordings instead of counterfeit copies.


The Industrial Property Office proposed a range of activities to celebrate the Day. These were, the dissemination of the message of the Director General of WIPO on television and in the press, the organization by the Small and Medium Industries Development Organization (SMIDO) of a seminar on the theme of "Make Intellectual Property Your Business", and the organization by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of a quizz or essay competition in schools, and also of the distribution of printed versions of comic strips on intellectual property in schools.


On the occasion of the Day, the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office launched a multilingual version (in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish) of its website:

In addition, a seminar on the theme of "Industrial Property at the Service of Enterprises" was organized at the Institut Sup�rieur du Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises (ISCAE).

New Zealand

To celebrate the day within the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is running a World IP Day quiz on Thursday 24 April, the results of which are to be announced at an afternoon tea that day.

They also intend to promote World IP Day and IP in general through newspaper articles and magazine stories on and around 26 April. There will be a teaching display and open day at the IPO's information center on 24 April, which the public will be encouraged to visit to learn more about IP.

World IP Day posters will be displayed at libraries and at the public area at the Ministry of Economic Development, where elements of the Office's teaching display will also be present.

Oxford University, St. Peter's College

Launch of the Electronic Database of Intellectual Property (EDIP), Oxford, United Kingdom (

This electronic database will be launched on April 25, 2003 in Oxford with a reception as part of World IP Day celebrations.

EDIP is an initiative of a group of Oxford graduate intellectual property students and David Vaver, Reuters Professor of Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law at Oxford University and Director of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre at St Peter's College.

This project was initiated in recognition of the need to collect, organize and make available to academia and the wider public intellectual property research that may not otherwise be available.

For more information contact: EDIP Committee (

Pakistan - Pakistan Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights Association (PIPRA)

To celebrate the Day, PIPRA planned a gathering of intellectal property practitioners, advocates and judges of the High Court in Sindh. Mr. Justice S. Ahmad Sarwana, the former Chairman of PIPRA who is now a judge of the High Court, presided over this meeting.

Pakistan - Khursheed Khan Center for Advancement of Research in Intellectual Property (CARE-IP)

A round table on "Problems in Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in Pakistan - Border Measures" was held in Karachi on April 26, 2003, World Intellectual Property Day. The round table, organized by the Khursheed Khan Center for Advancement of Research in Intellectual Property (CARE-IP), aimed to bring together policy-makers and stakeholders to discuss and analyze the obstacles, problems and possible solutions for an effective enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Information material was put on display on the Day and there was a press release on the celebration of the Day. CARE-IP printed articles in national dailies on the importance of intellectual property rights in the growth of economic activity in the country.


For the celebration of the Day, a round table discussion with information on intellectual property is being prepared and will be broadcast. There will be a seminar on the importance of the registry and owners' rights in Panama.


The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) organized the celebration of an Intellectual Property Week from April 21 to 27, 2003, with the objectives of promoting the importance of intellectual property, and creating consumer awareness of the harm done by piracy to individuals, businesses and to the country as a whole.

On April 21 an anti-piracy song was released, with the aim of inducing the authorities to take concrete action against piracy. A group of over 40 Peruvian authors, songwriters and performers came together for a recording, which was featured in the media.

April 22 saw a massive destruction of some 50,000 pirated products, seized in an "Anti-piracy Crusade" of 2002, in front of the Indecopi building. This was in the presence of officials of Indecopi and of anti-piracy institutions, as well as of individuals, such as Peruvian artists, affected by piracy.

April 24 was the main day of the campaign, a day of recognition of personalities engaged in creativity within the fields of intellectual property, such as authors, artists, musicians, performers, trademark-holders and creators of software. In the Central Hall of Indecopi there was also an exhibition on the production of pisco, on successful inventors, and on the first recorded works.

April 26 closed the Week, with a free musical concert given by distinguished Peruvian performers, who not only gave autographs to the public but also spoke to them on the damage done to them and to the country by piracy. They ended the event with the slogan "DILE NO A LA PIRATER�A" - "SAY NO TO PIRACY".


Calendar of activities for World IP Day:

  • April 22 - JICA-IPO Seminar : " Catapult Your Business Growth Through IP". A seminar designed to help small and medium enterprises to effectively use their intellectual properties and make their businesses even more profitable. Speakers include experts and successful IP entrepreneurs from Japan and the Philippines.
  • April 23 - Opening of a mini-exhibit featuring selected paintings of young Filipino artists.
  • April 23 - Seminar on IPR for the Naval Command and General Staff Course No. 9 from the Naval Education and Training Command, Zambales.
  • April 23 - Forum on Copyright Protection organized by the National Book Development Board for the 2003 World Book and Copyright Day. IPO will deliver a lecture on "Copyright Protection"
  • April 24-27 - " Manila F.A.M.E. International April 2003 Trade Exhibition" The IPO will set up an information booth.
  • April 24 - Seminar on " Importance of Copyright in Technology Innovation". Co-organized with the Business Software Alliance, the Seminar will be attended by IT educators, IT Managers, IT professionals, businessmen, CIOs.
  • April 25 - " IP Seminar for Officials of the Bureau of Food and Drugs".

Co-organized with the Intellectual Property Foundation of the Philippines

  • April 26 - "CEO Learning Sessions" organized by the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. The Seminar coincides with the General Membership Meeting of the Organization and will be attended by around 150 CEOs and executives from foreign and local semiconductor and electronics companies based in the Philippines. IPO will speak on the IP System.
  • April 29-30 - IPO Employees Association's 2-day Bowling Tournament whose participants include IP-NGOs.


An exhibition of original and counterfeit products was opened by the Minister of Economy on the occasion of the IP Day in Doha.

The exhibition received coverage from the local media.

Republic of Korea

The message of the Director General of WIPO was published on April 26, in the Korea Herald, the most widely subscribed English newspaper in the country.

Parallel to World Intellectual Property Day, Korea has held, since 1957, on May 19, an "Invention Day Ceremony" commemorating the world's first invention of a "Rain Gauge" in 1442. Nationwide events are also be held throughout the month of May to encourage creativity and to cultivate a spirit of inventiveness among the people.

Saint Lucia

During the month of April the following activities will be organized. There will be a session on intellectual property for teachers of a secondary school. The week before April 26 an in-house exhibition will be held for members of the public who may visit the intellectual property offices of Saint Lucia. On the Day, the publishing of a newspaper series in a local newspaper will commence. The message of the Director General of WIPO, and a discussion on the detrimental impact of piracy on national creativity will be broadcast on the Government Information Service.


A celebration of World Intellectual Property Day was held at the Hotel Sofitel in Dakar on April 26. Speakers included the Minister for Industry and Handicrafts, a representative of WIPO, a university professor, the Head of the national office of OAPI (Organisation africaine de la propri�t� intellectuelle), and a representative of the legal profession, before a gathering of creators. The Minister, in particular, spoke on the need for artists and inventors to protect their creations.

Articles on the subject of intellectual property were published for the occasion in several national newspapers.


Throughout the month of April, several talks, seminars and workshops will take place. The topics covered will be: Intellectual Property - Creation, Exploitation and Protection (Singapore Confederation of Industries (SCI)), The Biomedical Landscape (Singapore Academy of Law), and Common Forms of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Issues (Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)). Also, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and the National Library Board (NLB) will organize such events on: Copyright and the Arts, Intellectual Property for Business, Understanding Designs and Copyright, Intellectual Property and Marketing Strategies, Understanding Patents and Trade marks, and Patent Search in a Nutshell.

The HIP (Human Intellectual Property Alliance) Alliance is organizing a Fair which will be held on April 26, 2003 in celebration of World IP Day. A festival village will be set up at Orchard Road, with roadshows by local celebrities performing their works. There will also be a carnival village with booths displaying original products and ideas to carry the message across to the public. Artists and performers will give a short show ending in a ceremony in which they receive a HIP Friend card from a VIP supporting intellectual property. An invitation will be sent out to a person at ministerial level to attend the HIP Fair.

During April, a famous local TV artiste will appear in a series of TV commercials on the subject of intellectual property.

Singapore - Addendum

The HIP (Human Intellectual Property Alliance) Fair, seminars, workshops and talks that were to take place during the Intellectual Property Month have been postponed due to the recent developments and uncertainty regarding SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

During the month of April, a local TV artiste is acting as HIP Ambassador and is helping to produce posters to be given to the schools. The first issue of the HIP newsletter, with coverage of "Inside the world of interactive digital gaming", has been produced. A short video has also been produced by an HIP Alliance member, RIAS, giving �insights' on the hard work put into producing a music CD.

Approaching the week of April 26, 2003 the posters, newsletters and video CD will be distributed to schools.

In addition, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore is supporting a campaign run by a radio station and RIAS, to make consumers aware of the injustice of downloading music, and to encourage them to purchase original music products. They have scheduled a press launch for April 15, 2003.

Sri Lanka

The National Intellectual Property Office and the Performing Rights Society are organizing a one-day seminar for artists, writers and performers. For this occasion, a booklet including the message by the Director General of WIPO will be printed. Newspaper articles on the importance of intellectual property for development will be published, as well as a small leaflet which will be distributed on Intellectual Property Day.


For the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day several activities were organized. Messages on the importance of the protection of intellectual property by Presidents of the Republic of Suriname, the Minister of Justice and Police, and the message by the Director General of WIPO were printed in the national newspaper.

The reason for the celebration of the Day was explained, by the Head of Intellectual Property Office, in a press conference which was broadcast during the local news on national television. The WIPO promotion film was also broadcast on two television stations.

A mini exhibition on cultural activities took place and a banner was displayed highlighting the Day.

Syrian Arab Republic

The Copyright and Related Rights office has arranged seminars on intellectual property in Homs on January 22, in Damascus on March 16 and in Allepo on April 23. A leaflet and poster will be distributed providing information on the Copyright and Related Rights office, and an information kit prepared by that office will be used in the celebration of the Day.


The Minister responsible for intellectual property held a press conference on the importance of intellectual property and especially on this year's theme "Make Intellectual Property Your Business".

The conference was broadcast on national television on Friday, April 25 and on Saturday, Arpil 26.

For the celebration on the Day, information material on intellectual property was distributed and banners were put on display.

Trinidad and Tobago

WIPO information material will be distributed to the public for the celebration of the Day.

Several activities will be organized to celebrate the Day. A seminar for journalists will be held on April 15, as well as a workshop for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). There will be a presentation on health and occupational medicine for the staff of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), and a competition to design a new logo will also be organized for the staff. On April 23, there will be a workshop on Geographical Indications, and on April 24, national consultations on the Madrid Protocol will take place. Staff of the IPO will participate in radio programs, and articles on intellectual property will be disseminated.

Trinidad and Tobago - Addendum

There was a full week of intellectual property activities, culminating in an Intellectual Property Exhibition on April 25. The celebration of the Day was also reported on in the press, in which appeared messages from the Minister of Legal Affairs and the Director General of WIPO.


On April 22, 2003, several activities will celebrate World Intellectual Property Day.

A conference on "Status and Perspectives of Development of the State System of Intellectual Property Protection in Ukraine" is being organized jointly by the State Department of Intellectual Property, the Ministry of Education and Science, and by the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information. During this conference, prizes will be awarded to the winners of the competition "Invention 2002".


The eighth edition of the Industrial Property Review will be launched for the promotion of intellectual property in Uruguay.


A nation-wide contest on "Intellectual Property Knowledge" was launched on April 23 by the National Office of Industrial Property (NOIP) in collaboration with the Vietnam Standards and Consumers Association and the media. The contest was sponsored by the Honda Motor Corporation of Japan and the Vietnam Honda company. The contest will end on May 5, 2003, and numerous valuable prizes will be awarded.

NOIP and the Vietnam Standards and Consumers Association are organizing the "First International Fair and Exhibition on Goods of Registered Trademarks" from April 30 to May 4, 2003. More than 150 domestic and foreign companies and enterprises will participate.

The Copyright Office of Vietnam held a press conference on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day and the message from the Director General of WIPO was released. The Office has also launched a writing contest on intellectual property with the theme "Vietnam's Intellect and Copyright" for schoolchildren and university students, which will close on December 31, 2003.

The events of this year's World Intellectual Property Day were reflected in television programmes and several main newspapers on April 26, 2003.

Vietnam - Addendum (Copyright Office of Vietnam)

In addition to the activities described above, the Copyright Office organized the publication and distribution of 60,000 pamphlets containing the Vietnamese copyright regulations and the message of the Director General of WIPO to individuals and organizations in the country. It also arranged for the destruction of pirated products.

WIPO Coordination Office, New York

On April 25, The New York Coordination Office of WIPO celebrated World Intellectual Property Day by organizing an exhibition where works of creative photography were displayed. These works ranged from portraits to abstract pictures. Diplomats, UN Secretariat staff and civil society representatives attended the exhibition, and compact discs on intellectual property were played throughout the day.

Materials and a press release on intellectual property sent from Headquarters were also distributed.

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