الاجتماع السابق و/أو التالي: PCT/A/VI >> PCT/A/VII >> PCT/A/VIII

PCT Union - Assembly

29 يونيو 1981 (جنيف, سويسرا) في الموقع

PCT/A/VII/1.REV.EnglishDraft AgendaDraft Agenda, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Draft Agenda, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/2EnglishProposed revision of the request formProposed revision of the request form, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposed revision of the request form, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/3EnglishAmendment of Rule 91 of the PCT Regulations; Interpretation of Article 9 of the PCTAmendment of Rule 91 of the PCT Regulations; Interpretation of Article 9 of the PCT, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Amendment of Rule 91 of the PCT Regulations; Interpretation of Article 9 of the PCT, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/4EnglishReview of the PCTReview of the PCT, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Review of the PCT, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/5EnglishProposed recommendation on the application, in the case of international applications, of national remedies preserving the rights of applicantsProposed recommendation on the application, in the case of international applications, of national remedies preserving the rights of applicants, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposed recommendation on the application, in the case of international applications, of national remedies preserving the rights of applicants, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/6EnglishAmendment of Rule 34 of the PCT RegulationsAmendment of Rule 34 of the PCT Regulations, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Amendment of Rule 34 of the PCT Regulations, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/7EnglishComposition of the Committee for Technical Cooperation (PCT/CTC) and the Committee for Technical Assistance (PCT/CTA)Composition of the Committee for Technical Cooperation (PCT/CTC) and the Committee for Technical Assistance (PCT/CTA), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Composition of the Committee for Technical Cooperation (PCT/CTC) and the Committee for Technical Assistance (PCT/CTA), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/8EnglishAmendment of the schedule of feesAmendment of the schedule of fees, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Amendment of the schedule of fees, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/9EnglishInformation on the "PCT International Meeting" held in Tokyo from May 25 to 29, 1981Information on the Information on the
PCT/A/VII/10EnglishDevelopment o the PCT UnionDevelopment o the PCT Union, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Development o the PCT Union, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/11EnglishProposals concerning amendments of the PCT RegulationsProposals concerning amendments of the PCT Regulations, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposals concerning amendments of the PCT Regulations, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/11.ADD.EnglishProposals concerning amendments to the PCT Regulations (Addendum)Proposals concerning amendments to the PCT Regulations (Addendum), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposals concerning amendments to the PCT Regulations (Addendum), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/12EnglishProposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT systemProposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT system, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT system, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/12.ADD.EnglishProposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT system (Addendum)Proposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT system (Addendum), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Proposals from organizations representing PCT users for further improvements in the PCT system (Addendum), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/13EnglishCorrection of the Authentic French text of Rule 92.4(b)Correction of the Authentic French text of Rule 92.4(b), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Correction of the Authentic French text of Rule 92.4(b), الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/14EnglishDraft ReportDraft Report, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (doc) Draft Report, الوثيقة الكاملة 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/VII/15EnglishReportReport, الوثيقة الكاملة (doc) Report, الوثيقة الكاملة (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, الوثيقة الكاملة (doc) Rapport, الوثيقة الكاملة (pdf)
Meeting documents