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WIPO General Assembly: Twenty-Fourth (14th Ordinary) Session

September 20 to September 29, 1999 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

WO/GA/24/1WIPO Internet Domain Name ProcessWIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Main body of document 1 (doc) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Main body of document 1 (pdf) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 1 (doc) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 1 (pdf) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 2 (doc) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 2 (pdf) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 3 (doc) WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 3 (pdf)
WO/GA/24/2Intellectual Property and Electronic CommerceIntellectual Property and Electronic Commerce, Complete document (doc) Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce, Complete document (htm) Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/3Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection UnitResolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit, Complete document (doc) Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/3 ADD.Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit
WO/GA/24/4Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO
WO/GA/24/4 REV.Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPOUse of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO, Complete document (doc) Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO, Complete document (htm) Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/5Cooperation with the World Trade OrganizationCooperation with the World Trade Organization, Complete document (htm) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Complete document (pdf) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 1 (doc) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 2 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 3 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 4 (doc) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 4 (pdf) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 5 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 6 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Annex 1 (doc)
WO/GA/24/5 REV.Cooperation with the World Trade OrganizationCooperation with the World Trade Organization, Complete document (htm) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Complete document (pdf) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 1 (doc) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 2 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 3 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 4 (doc) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 5 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Part 6 (xls) Cooperation with the World Trade Organization, Annex 1 (doc)
WO/GA/24/6Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC)Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Complete document (pdf) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Main body of document 1 (doc) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Main body of document 1 (htm) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Annex 1 (doc) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Annex 1 (htm) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Annex 2 (doc) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Annex 2 (htm) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Related 1 (doc) Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC), Related 1 (htm)
WO/GA/24/7Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria)Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria), Complete document (doc) Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria), Complete document (htm) Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria), Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/8Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day (Proposal by the People's Republic of China)Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day (Proposal by the People's Republic of China), Complete document (doc) Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day (Proposal by the People's Republic of China), Complete document (htm) Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day (Proposal by the People's Republic of China), Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/9Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language)Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language), Complete document (doc) Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language), Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/24/10Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name ProcessFurther Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Main body of document 1 (doc) Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Main body of document 1 (pdf) Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 1 (doc) Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, Annex 1 (pdf)
WO/GA/24/11WIPO Digital Agenda
WO/GA/24/11 REV.WIPO Digital AgendaWIPO Digital Agenda, Main body of document 1 (doc) WIPO Digital Agenda, Main body of document 1 (pdf) WIPO Digital Agenda, Annex 1 (doc) WIPO Digital Agenda, Annex 1 (pdf)
WO/GA/24/12WO/GA/24/12WO/GA/24/12, Complete document (htm) WO/GA/24/12, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents