Previous / future meetings: PCT/AAQ/III >> PCT/AAQ/IV >> PCT/AAQ/V

Interim Advisory Committee for Administrative Questions

September 22 to September 27, 1973 (Tokyo, Japan) Onsite

PCT/AAQ/IV/1 REV.REVPreliminary Draft AgendaPreliminary Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/2Draft Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation TreatyDraft Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/3Draft Forms under the PCT Adminsitrative InstructionsDraft Forms under the PCT Adminsitrative Instructions, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/4Addendum to PCT/AAQ/IV/3 Printed Drafts of the Request Form and the International Search Report FormAddendum to PCT/AAQ/IV/3 Printed Drafts of the Request Form and the International Search Report Form, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/5Proposals Of Germany (Federal Republic of) Regarding the Draft Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Document PCT/AAQ/IV/2)Proposals Of Germany (Federal Republic of) Regarding the Draft Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Document PCT/AAQ/IV/2), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/6Report on the Results of the Munich Diplomatic Conference for the Setting up of a European System for the Grant of PatentsReport on the Results of the Munich Diplomatic Conference for the Setting up of a European System for the Grant of Patents, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/IV/7Provisional List of Participants - PCT/AAQ/IV/7 superseded by PCT/AAQ/IV/9
PCT/AAQ/IV/8Draft Report - PCT/AAQ/IV/8 superseded by PCT/AAQ/IV/9
PCT/AAQ/IV/9ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents