Previous / future meetings: PCT/AAQ/IV >> PCT/AAQ/V >> PCT/AAQ/VI

Interim Advisory Committee for Administrative Questions

November 12 to November 19, 1974 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/AAQ/V/1Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/V/2Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Second Revised Draft)Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Second Revised Draft), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/V/3Progress Report of the First Session of the Working Group on FormsProgress Report of the First Session of the Working Group on Forms, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/V/4Provisional List of Participants - PCT/AAQ/V/4 superseded by PCT/AAQ/V/6
PCT/AAQ/V/5Draft Report - PCT/AAQ/V/5 superseded by PCT/AAQ/V/6
PCT/AAQ/V/6ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents