Previous / future meetings: PCT/AAQ/V >> PCT/AAQ/VI >> PCT/AAQ/VII

Interim Advisory Committee for Administrative Questions

September 27 to October 3, 1975 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/AAQ/VI/1/REV. 2Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/2Administrative Instructions Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Third Revised Draft)Administrative Instructions Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Third Revised Draft), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/3Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part I)Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part I), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/4Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part II)Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part II), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/5Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part III)Draft Forms Under the PCT Administrative Instructions (Part III), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/6Guideline for Applicants Filing Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) (Phase I)Guideline for Applicants Filing Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) (Phase I), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/7Receiving Office Guidelines for the Processing of International Applications Under the PCT (First Draft)Receiving Office Guidelines for the Processing of International Applications Under the PCT (First Draft), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/8Model Agreement Between an International Searching Authority and the International Bureau (Draft)Model Agreement Between an International Searching Authority and the International Bureau (Draft), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/9Proposal of the Soviet Union Office for the Test of Certain Aspects of PCT Procedure Through Simulated PCT ProceduresProposal of the Soviet Union Office for the Test of Certain Aspects of PCT Procedure Through Simulated PCT Procedures, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/10Compatibility and Consistency of the Solutions Envisaged in the Framework of the PCT and the European Patent OrganisationCompatibility and Consistency of the Solutions Envisaged in the Framework of the PCT and the European Patent Organisation, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/11Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/9Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/9, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/12Report on a Test Which the United States Patent and Trademark Office Recently Conducted on PCT Procedures, Forms and Administrative InstructionsReport on a Test Which the United States Patent and Trademark Office Recently Conducted on PCT Procedures, Forms and Administrative Instructions, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/13This Document Contains the Observations of the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR Council of Ministers on the Administrative Instructions of the PCT (PCT/AAQ/VI/2)This Document Contains the Observations of the State
Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR
Council of Ministers on the Administrative Instructions
of the PCT (PCT/AAQ/VI/2), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/14This document Contains the Observations of the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR Council of Ministers on PCT Forms (PCT/AAQ/VI/3 to 5)This document Contains the Observations of the State
Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR
Council of Ministers on PCT Forms (PCT/AAQ/VI/3 to 5), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/15Provisional List of Participants - PCT/AAQ/VI/15 superseded by PCT/AAQ/VI/21
PCT/AAQ/VI/16Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/2Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/2, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/17Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/3Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/3, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/18Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/5Addendum to Working Document PCT/AAQ/VI/5, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/19Administrative Instructions Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Third Revised Draft)Administrative Instructions Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (Third Revised Draft), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/AAQ/VI/^20Draft Report - PCT/AAQ/VI/20 superseded by PCT/AAQ/VI/21
PCT/AAQ/VI/20Draft Report - PCT/AAQ/VI/20 superseded by PCT/AAQ/VI/21
PCT/AAQ/VI/21ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents