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PCT Union - Assembly: Thirty-First (18th Extraordinary) Session

September 23 to October 1, 2002 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/A/31/1Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft AgreementMatters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/1 ADD.1Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary InformationMatters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/2Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresonding Draft AgreementMatters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresonding Draft Agreement, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresonding Draft Agreement, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/3Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Amendment of the Agreement Between the Japan Patent Office and the International Bureau of WIPO in Relation to the Functioning of the Japan Patent Offie as an International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCTMatters Concerning the PCT Union: Amendment of the Agreement Between the Japan Patent Office and the International Bureau of WIPO in Relation to the Functioning of the Japan Patent Offie as an International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Amendment of the Agreement Between the Japan Patent Office and the International Bureau of WIPO in Relation to the Functioning of the Japan Patent Offie as an International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/4PCT-SAFE Projects Status Report
PCT/A/31/4 REV.PCT-SAFE Project Status ReportPCT-SAFE Project Status Report, Complete document (doc) PCT-SAFE Project Status Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/5Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Report of the Committee on Reform of the PCT)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Report of the Committee on Reform of the PCT), Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Report of the Committee on Reform of the PCT), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/6Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT), Main body of document 1 (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT), Main body of document 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/31/6 ADD.1Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Entry into Force and Transitional Arrangements)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Entry into Force and Transitional Arrangements), Complete document (pdf) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Entry into Force and Transitional Arrangements), Main body of document 1 (doc)
PCT/A/31/6 ADD.2Matters Concerning the PCT Union ("Clean" Copy of Proposed Amendments to the Regulations under the PCT Set Out in the Annexes to Documents PCT/A/31/6Matters Concerning the PCT Union ("Clean" Copy of Proposed Amendments to the Regulations under the PCT Set Out in the Annexes to Documents PCT/A/31/6, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union ("Clean" Copy of Proposed Amendments to the Regulations under the PCT Set Out in the Annexes to Documents PCT/A/31/6, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/6 ADD.3Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Changes and Clarifications of Documents PCT/A/31/6, 6 Add.1, 6 Add.2)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Changes and Clarifications of Documents PCT/A/31/6, 6 Add.1, 6 Add.2), Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT: Changes and Clarifications of Documents PCT/A/31/6, 6 Add.1, 6 Add.2), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/7IMPACT Project Status ReportIMPACT Project Status Report, Complete document (doc) IMPACT Project Status Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/8Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Reform of the PCT: Proposal by the United Kingdom)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Reform of the PCT: Proposal by the United Kingdom), Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Reform of the PCT: Proposal by the United Kingdom), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/9Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT)Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT), Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the PCT Union (Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/31/10ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents