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PCT Union - Patent Cooperation Treaty Working Group: Second Session

May 4 to May 8, 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/WG/2/1 REV.2Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/2Establishment of Equivalent Amounts of Certain FeesEstablishment of Equivalent Amounts of Certain Fees, Complete document (doc) Establishment of Equivalent Amounts of Certain Fees, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/3The Future of the PCTThe Future of the PCT, Complete document (doc) The Future of the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/4Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain FeesEligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain Fees, Complete document (doc) Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain Fees, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/5International Form for National Phase EntryInternational Form for National Phase Entry, Complete document (doc) International Form for National Phase Entry, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/6Enhancing the Value of International Search and Preliminary Examination under the PCT: Making International Preliminary Examination More UsefulEnhancing the Value of International Search and Preliminary Examination under the PCT: Making International Preliminary Examination More Useful, Complete document (doc) Enhancing the Value of International Search and Preliminary Examination under the PCT: Making International Preliminary Examination More Useful, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/7Presentation of Revisions to International ApplicationsPresentation of Revisions to International Applications, Complete document (doc) Presentation of Revisions to International Applications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/8Proposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT RouteProposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT Route, Complete document (doc) Proposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT Route, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/9Form of AmendmentsForm of Amendments, Complete document (doc) Form of Amendments, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/10Supplementary International SearchSupplementary International Search, Complete document (doc) Supplementary International Search, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/11Three Track PCT SystemThree Track PCT System, Complete document (doc) Three Track PCT System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/12Comprehensive Proposal for PCT ReformComprehensive Proposal for PCT Reform, Complete document (doc) Comprehensive Proposal for PCT Reform, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/13Summary by the ChairSummary by the Chair, Complete document (doc) Summary by the Chair, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/14ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/2/14 PROV.Draft ReportDraft Report, Complete document (doc) Draft Report, Complete document (pdf)

Other related documents

PCT/WG/2/JP-PRESENTATIONJP Presentation: Proposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT RouteJP Presentation: Proposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT Route, Complete document (pdf) JP Presentation: Proposals to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of the PCT Route, Complete document (ppt)
Meeting documents