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PCT Union - Patent Cooperation Treaty Working Group: Third Session

June 14 to June 18, 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/WG/3/1 REV.Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/2The Need for Improving the Functioning of the PCT SystemThe Need for Improving the Functioning of the PCT System, Complete document (doc) The Need for Improving the Functioning of the PCT System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/3Meeting of International Authorities under the PCT: Report on the Seventeenth SessionMeeting of International Authorities under the PCT: Report on the Seventeenth Session, Complete document (doc) Meeting of International Authorities under the PCT: Report on the Seventeenth Session, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/4 REV.Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain Fees: Revised proposalsEligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain Fees:  Revised proposals, Complete document (doc) Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in Certain Fees:  Revised proposals, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/5Improving the PCT System - Views of UK UsersImproving the PCT System - Views of UK Users, Complete document (doc) Improving the PCT System - Views of UK Users, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/6Third Party Observations SystemThird Party Observations System, Complete document (doc) Third Party Observations System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/7Quality Feedback SystemQuality Feedback System, Complete document (doc) Quality Feedback System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/8Rectification of Obvious Mistakes: Amendments under Articles 19 and 34 and Accompanying Letters: Annexes to the International Preliminary Examination Report18Rectification of Obvious Mistakes: Amendments under Articles 19 and 34 and Accompanying Letters: Annexes to the International Preliminary Examination Report18, Complete document (doc) Rectification of Obvious Mistakes: Amendments under Articles 19 and 34 and Accompanying Letters: Annexes to the International Preliminary Examination Report18, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/9Photographs and Color Drawings in International ApplicationsPhotographs and Color Drawings in International Applications, Complete document (doc) Photographs and Color Drawings in International Applications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/10Improved Procedure for Correction of Errors made by the Receiving Office or the International BureauImproved Procedure for Correction of Errors made by the Receiving Office or the International Bureau, Complete document (doc) Improved Procedure for Correction of Errors made by the Receiving Office or the International Bureau, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/11Third Party Observations System: Comments on Document PCT/WG/3/6Third Party Observations System: Comments on Document PCT/WG/3/6, Complete document (doc) Third Party Observations System: Comments on Document PCT/WG/3/6, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/12Proposal on Numbering FiguresProposal on Numbering Figures, Complete document (doc) Proposal on Numbering Figures, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/13View on the Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) SystemView on the Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System, Complete document (doc) View on the Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/3/14 REV.ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents