Previous / future meetings: PCT/TCO/III >> PCT/TCO/IV >> PCT/TCO/V

PCT Interim Committee for Technical Cooperation

November 14 to November 19, 1974 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/TCO/IV/1 REV.2Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/2PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature): Establishment of a Minimum List Of Non-Patent Literature Under PCT Rule 34.1(b)(iii) PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature): Establishment of a Minimum List Of Non-Patent Literature Under PCT Rule 34.1(b)(iii) , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/3PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature): Frequency of Citation of Non-Patent LiteraturePCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature):  Frequency of Citation of Non-Patent Literature, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/4Minimum Documentation: Non-Patent Literature Progress Report on the Inspect ProjectMinimum Documentation: Non-Patent Literature Progress Report on the Inspect Project, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/5PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents): Treatment of Patent Families PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents):  Treatment of Patent Families , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/6PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents): Patent Documents Referred to in PCT Rule 34.1(c)(vi)PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents):  Patent Documents Referred to in PCT Rule 34.1(c)(vi), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/7PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents): Acquisition by the Prospective PCT Authorities of the National Patent Documents Referred to in PCT Rule 34PCT Minimum Documentation (Patent Documents): Acquisition by the Prospective PCT Authorities of the National Patent Documents Referred to in PCT Rule 34, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/8Review of the Compatibility of the “General Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts” with the Provisions of the PCTReview of the Compatibility of the “General Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts” with the Provisions of the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/9Searching Under the PCT: Isolated SearchesSearching Under the PCT:  Isolated Searches, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/10Searching Under the PCT: Searching Techniques Searching Under the PCT: Searching Techniques , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/11Searching Under the PCT: Test Searches Searching Under the PCT:  Test Searches , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/12Searching Under the PCT: Preparation of a Model Search ReportSearching Under the PCT:  Preparation of a Model Search Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/13Admission of Observers Application by Two International Non-Governmental Organizations Admission of Observers Application by Two International Non-Governmental Organizations , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/14PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature): Frequency of Citation of Non-Patent LiteraturePCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature):  Frequency of Citation of Non-Patent Literature, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/15PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature): Establishment of a Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature Under PCT Rule 34.1(b)(iii)PCT Minimum Documentation (Non-Patent Literature):  Establishment of a Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature Under PCT Rule 34.1(b)(iii), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/IV/16Provisional List of Participants - PCT/TCO/IV/16 superseded by PCT/TCO/IV/18
PCT/TCO/IV/17Draft Report- PCT/TCO/IV/17 superseded by PCT/TCO/IV/18
PCT/TCO/IV/18ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents