Previous / future meetings: PCT/TCO/IV >> PCT/TCO/V >> PCT/TCO/VI

PCT Interim Committee for Technical Cooperation

September 29 to October 3, 1975 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/TCO/V/1/REV. 2Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/2Progress Report on Implementation of the Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature under PCT Rule 34.l(b) (iii) by the Prospective International Searching AuthoritiesProgress Report on Implementation of the Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature under PCT Rule 34.l(b) (iii) by the Prospective International Searching Authorities, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/3Progress Report on the INSPEC ProjectProgress Report on the INSPEC Project, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/4Results of the Questionnaire on the Sorted Collections of Patent Documents of Australia, Austria, and CanadaResults of the Questionnaire on the Sorted Collections of Patent Documents of Australia, Austria, and Canada, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/5Progress Report on the State of Completeness of the Search Files of the Prospective PCT Authorities in Respect of Minimum Documentation under PCT Rule 34.1(c)(i) to (v)Progress Report on the State of Completeness of the Search Files of the Prospective PCT Authorities in Respect of Minimum Documentation under PCT Rule 34.1(c)(i) to (v), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/6Survey of the Availability of English Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet UnionSurvey of the Availability of English Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet Union, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/7Survey on the Current Search Practices of the Prospective International Searching AuthoritiesSurvey on the Current Search Practices of the Prospective International Searching Authorities, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/8Results of the Test Conducted by the International Patent Institute (IIB) on the International Search ReportResults of the Test Conducted by the International Patent Institute (IIB) on the International Search Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/9Study of the Questions Concerning the Members of a Patent FamilyStudy of the Questions Concerning the Members of a Patent Family, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/10Guidelines for the Preparation of AbstractsGuidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/11Compatibility and Consistency of the Solutions Envisaged in the Framework of the PCT and the European Patent OrganisationCompatibility and Consistency of the Solutions Envisaged in the Framework of the PCT and the European Patent Organisation, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/12Guidelines for Searches under the PCTGuidelines for Searches under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/13Progress Report on Implementation of the Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature under PCT Rule 34.1(b) (iii) by the Prospective International Searching AuthoritiesProgress Report on Implementation of the Minimum List of Non-Patent Literature under PCT Rule 34.1(b) (iii) by the Prospective International Searching Authorities, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/14Observations on the Draft Guidelines for Searches under the PCTObservations on the Draft Guidelines for Searches under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/15Observations on the Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts as Contained in Document PCT/TCO/V/10Observations on the Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts as Contained in Document PCT/TCO/V/10, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/16Addendum to Working Document PCT/TCO/V/3Addendum to Working Document PCT/TCO/V/3, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/17Provisional List of Participants - PCT/TCO/V/17 superseded by PCT/TCO/V/20
PCT/TCO/V/18Observations on the Draft Guidelines for Searches under the PCTObservations on the  Draft Guidelines for Searches under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/V/19Draft Report - PCT/TCO/V/19 superseded by PCT/TCO/V/20
PCT/TCO/V/20ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents