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Madrid Union – Assembly: Fifty-Eighth (33rd Extraordinary) Session

July 9 to July 17, 2024 (Geneva, Switzerland) Hybrid

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  • English ZIP
MM/A/58/1Report on the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of MarksReport on the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, Complete document (doc) Report on the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/58/2ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)

Other related documents

MM/A/58/INF/1Madrid Union Surpluses for the 2022/23 BienniumMadrid Union Surpluses for the 2022/23 Biennium, Complete document (doc) Madrid Union Surpluses for the 2022/23 Biennium, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents