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Hague Union - Assembly: Thirty-Fourth (15th Extraordinary) Session

September 22 to September 30, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

Download all documents:
  • English ZIP
H/A/34/1Information Technology Modernization Program (Hague International Registration System): Progress ReportInformation Technology Modernization Program (Hague International Registration System): Progress Report, Complete document (doc) Information Technology Modernization Program (Hague International Registration System): Progress Report, Complete document (pdf)
H/A/34/2Matters Concerning the Legal Development of the Hague SystemMatters Concerning the Legal Development of the Hague System, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the Legal Development of the Hague System, Complete document (pdf)
H/A/34/3ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents