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Madrid Union - Assembly: Forty-Ninth (21st ordinary) Session

October 5 to October 14, 2015 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

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MM/A/49/1Final Report on the Information Technology Modernization Program (Madrid International Registration System)Final Report on the Information Technology Modernization Program (Madrid International Registration System), Complete document (doc) Final Report on the Information Technology Modernization Program (Madrid International Registration System), Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/49/2Progress Report on the Madrid System Goods and Services DatabaseProgress Report on the Madrid System Goods and Services Database, Complete document (doc) Progress Report on the Madrid System Goods and Services Database, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/49/3Proposed Amendments to the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that AgreementProposed Amendments to the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement, Complete document (doc) Proposed Amendments to the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/49/4Matters Concerning the Madrid and Lisbon Unions: Proposal of the United States of America to the Madrid Assembly Matters Concerning the Madrid and Lisbon Unions:  Proposal of the United States of America to the Madrid Assembly

, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the Madrid and Lisbon Unions:  Proposal of the United States of America to the Madrid Assembly

, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/49/5ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents