以前/今后会议: PCT/A/XI >> PCT/A/XII >> PCT/A/XIII

PCT Union - Assembly

1984年9月24日 至 9月28日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

PCT/A/XII/1EnglishAmendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT RegulationsAmendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT Regulations, 完整文件 1 (doc) Amendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT Regulations, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XII/2EnglishAmendment of the agreement concluded between the International Bureau and the European Patent OrganisationAmendment of the agreement concluded between the International Bureau and the European Patent Organisation, 完整文件 1 (doc) Amendment of the agreement concluded between the International Bureau and the European Patent Organisation, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XII/3EnglishFiling of international applications by telecopierFiling of international applications by telecopier, 完整文件 1 (doc) Filing of international applications by telecopier, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XII/4EnglishReportReport, 完整文件 (doc) Report, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, 完整文件 (doc) Rapport, 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents