以前/今后会议: PCT/A/X >> PCT/A/XI >> PCT/A/XII

PCT Union - Assembly

1984年1月30日 至 2月3日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

PCT/A/XI/1.REV.EnglishDraft AgendaDraft Agenda, 完整文件 1 (doc) Draft Agenda, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/2EnglishAmendment of the Rules of procedure of the Assembly of the PCT Committee for Technical Cooperation, of the PCT Committee for Administrative and Legal Matters and of the PCT Committee for Technical AssistanceAmendment of the Rules of procedure of the Assembly of the PCT Committee for Technical Cooperation, of the PCT Committee for Administrative and Legal Matters and of the PCT Committee for Technical Assistance, 完整文件 1 (doc) Amendment of the Rules of procedure of the Assembly of the PCT Committee for Technical Cooperation, of the PCT Committee for Administrative and Legal Matters and of the PCT Committee for Technical Assistance, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/3EnglishProposals for amendment to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCTProposals for amendment to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (doc) Proposals for amendment to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/4EnglishProposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCTProposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (doc) Proposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/5EnglishProposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCTProposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (doc) Proposals for amendments to certain time limits in the PCT and to the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/6EnglishProposed amendment to Rule 26 of the Regulations under the PCTProposed amendment to Rule 26 of the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (doc) Proposed amendment to Rule 26 of the Regulations under the PCT, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/7EnglishAmendment of the Agreements concluded between certain International Searching Authorities and the International BureauAmendment of the Agreements concluded between certain International Searching Authorities and the International Bureau, 完整文件 1 (doc) Amendment of the Agreements concluded between certain International Searching Authorities and the International Bureau, 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/8EnglishProposed amendment to Rules 70.16 and 74 of the Regulations under the PCT (Chapter 18 of document PCT/A/XI/4 and Chapter 37 of document PCT/A/XI/5)Proposed amendment to Rules 70.16 and 74 of the Regulations under the PCT (Chapter 18 of document PCT/A/XI/4 and Chapter 37 of document PCT/A/XI/5), 完整文件 1 (doc) Proposed amendment to Rules 70.16 and 74 of the Regulations under the PCT (Chapter 18 of document PCT/A/XI/4 and Chapter 37 of document PCT/A/XI/5), 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XI/9EnglishReportReport, 完整文件 (doc) Report, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents