以前/今后会议: P/A/XX >> P/A/XXI >> P/A/XXII

Paris Union - Assembly

1993年9月20日 至 9月29日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

P/A/XXI/1EnglishContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are ConcernedContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are Concerned, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisSuite de la Conférence diplomatique pour la conclusion d'un traité complétant la Convention de Paris en ce qui concerne les brevetsSuite de la Conférence diplomatique pour la conclusion d'un traité complétant la Convention de Paris en ce qui concerne les brevets, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are ConcernedContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are Concerned, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربيContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are ConcernedContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are Concerned, 完整文件 (pdf)
РусскийContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are ConcernedContinuation of the Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as Far as Patents are Concerned, 完整文件 (pdf)
P/A/XXI/2EnglishReportReport, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolInformeInforme, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربيReportReport, 完整文件 (pdf)
РусскийReportReport, 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents