Country / Territory Code |
.HT |
Country / Territory Name |
Haiti |
Whois Search |
Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedural Rules |
Variation of UDRPRèglement sur la Procédure Alternative de Résolution de Litiges du domaine .HT Relevant differences between the UDRP and the .HT PolicyWhereas in the UDRP a complainant is required to demonstrate that the disputed domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights, under the .HT policy, a complainant must either demonstrate that the disputed domain name is identical or confusingly similar, to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights, or to a name in which the complainant has personality rights It is sufficient for the complainant to prove that either registration or use of the domain name is in bad faith, whereas the UDRP requires the complainant to prove both The Port-au-Prince Court of First Instance in Haiti French The Registry will implement a panel decision to transfer or cancel a domain name after 20 days (as opposed to 10 business days under the UDRP), if the Registry does not receive documentation from one the parties regarding a court proceeding |
WIPO Model Pleadings |
Fees |
WIPO Experts |
Domain Registry |
Registration Agreement |
Text of Agreement |
Eligibility Criteria |
Registration of .HT domain names is unrestricted. Restrictions apply to some third level domain names |
Supported characters |
Registration of .HT domain names is mostly unrestricted, open to any applicant, whether Haitian or not, whether or not they have a legal presence in Haiti. However, restrictions apply to certain third level domain names which must meet prerequisites and are subject to verifications before registration such as:
Supported characters |
.HT domain names support ASCII characters .HT domain names do not support IDN characters |
Decisions |
Decisions |
While every effort is made to provide up-to-date information, part of the content of this page comes from third-party sources and may not be accurate at all times. For any queries about this page or about WIPO’s domain name dispute resolution services more generally, please contact