The Development Agenda Project on Collective Marks in Brazil is working in Tefé and Alvarães, in the Amazon region, with an association of producers of cassava flour and derived products, honey, oils, and other products. The name of the association is APAFE - Associação dos Produtores Agroextrativistas da Floresta Nacional de Tefé e Entorno. It’s comprised of more than 420 producers of local communities in Tefé National Forest (Floresta Nacional de Tefé), who believe that the future collective mark will add value to their products and help them to better position them in the market.
WIPO has teamed up with a National Team, composed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), to work together for the success of the project. Other local institutions are providing their support, which can contribute to the sustainability of the project.