WIPO-JPO-DGIP Virtual National Workshop on Building Respect for Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment for Public Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officials in Indonesia
December 7, 2021
On December 1 and 2, 2021, WIPO organized an online workshop on building respect for intellectual property in the digital environment for public prosecutors and law enforcement officials in Indonesia, with the support of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia and the Japan Patent Office and with financing from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.
The objectives of the Webinar, in line with the framework of WIPO Strategic Goal VI, were to discuss topical issues, including infringement of IPRs in the digital environment and their economic impact; to work towards effective interagency cooperation at the national level; and to ensure that IP crime investigators and prosecutors are equipped to deal with IP and IP-related crimes in a manner conducive to the implementation of Recommendation 45 of the WIPO Development Agenda.
The virtual workshop welcomed approximately 60 participants, ranging from public prosecutors, customs officials, police officers and market surveillance authorities from Indonesia.
What did the workshop cover?
A range of topics aimed at public prosecutors and law enforcement officials in Indonesia were covered during the event, including:
- Building Respect for IP as a global approach of IP enforcement;
- The legal framework on IP enforcement in Indonesia;
- Trademark counterfeiting, copyright piracy and commercial scale;
- The disposal of IP infringing goods;
- The role of the right holders in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy;
- Border measures in Indonesia; and
- IP crime in the digital environment, including evidencing and remedies.
Relating information
The program of this workshop: